Trump had nine month affair with model after he married Melania

Former Playboy model speaks out about 2006 affair with Trump

Melania, are you feeling stupid yet? You married a Pig...

The New Yorker is known for the toughest vetting, but have been duped in the past. This one is pretty, and I don't think they take a chance on having it go tits up.

Let's see how this plays out as other outlets start digging in.

How many mind-blowing scandals that would have ruined any other politician are we up to?

Although, if we forgave Bill Clinton for the bj in the WH, we have to let this one go. Just sayin'...

What gets me is you know the Huckabees NEVER forgave Bill Clinton. Let's see how calibrated their moral threshold meter is...
We didn't forgive Bill

He was impeached
Slick Willy had 30 years of affairs after marrying that Crooked Hillary asshole. Can you blame him?
Former Playboy model speaks out about 2006 affair with Trump

Melania, are you feeling stupid yet? You married a Pig...
True, but Melania was 25 years younger than him and a knock out...... I'm sure she thought otherwise, thought it would be different with her..... like all of the rest of his wives, I suppose..... ?
Dude, nobody cares. This is a losing strategy. For the Trump zealots this just means Trump is more of a man than before, they do not care about faithfulness in marriage. For those like you and I that do not like Trump, this still changes nothing. He was famous for his cheating, this is not something news.

This will not sway votes come Nov or in 2020

it shows you have more class than Jim and Jim is a piece of shit for attacking women that were wronged.

I agree it is wrong to go after Melania, she didn't make her husband cheat on her.
She knew what she married

He cheated on both his other wives and bragged about it
Apparently Stormy now has some competition - Karen McDougal. I bet Melania is really, really pissed now - because this also took place right after she gave birth to Barron Trump. Oh my, oh dear...



A former Playboy Playmate allegedly had an affair with Donald Trump after meeting him at a pool party in 2006 hosted by Playboy magazine’s former publisher Hugh Hefner.

Trump was at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles that June filming an episode ofThe Apprentice.

The New Yorker obtained an eight-page document written by former Playmate Karen McDougal in which she wrote that Trump “immediately took a liking to me, kept talking to me—telling me how beautiful I was, etc. It was so obvious that a Playmate Promotions exec said, ‘Wow, he was all over you—I think you could be his next wife.’”

A former Playboy Playmate allegedly had an affair with Donald Trump after meeting him at a pool party in 2006 hosted by Playboy magazine’s former publisher Hugh Hefner.

Trump was at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles that June filming an episode ofThe Apprentice.

The New Yorker obtained an eight-page document written by former Playmate Karen McDougal in which she wrote that Trump “immediately took a liking to me, kept talking to me—telling me how beautiful I was, etc. It was so obvious that a Playmate Promotions exec said, ‘Wow, he was all over you—I think you could be his next wife.’”

More: Who is Karen McDougal? Trump accused of new affair with Playboy Playmate
They failed to get any dirt on Trump after 100 million in taxpayer dollars spent on the bogus Russia scandal....

We all knew it wouldn't take them 24 hours to latch onto another bogus made up series of scandals.....

It's ALL they have......big nothing burgers

Betcha ALL these claims are just as fake as the Russia collusion claims.

Does the Left have ANY credibility remaining?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crickets <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ..........
If I had Trumpys’ kind of resources I’d be cranking them out by the truckload.
They failed to get any dirt on Trump after 100 million in taxpayer dollars spent on the bogus Russia scandal....

We all knew it wouldn't take them 24 hours to latch onto another bogus made up series of scandals.....

It's ALL they have......big nothing burgers

Betcha ALL these claims are just as fake as the Russia collusion claims.

Does the Left have ANY credibility remaining?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crickets <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ..........

Mueller cometh....:5_1_12024:
If it’s true (and it probably is)...President Trump is a dirt-bag. He’s also a major risk to the United States as someone could leverage his personal baggage to influence his decisions and power as President of the United States.
They failed to get any dirt on Trump after 100 million in taxpayer dollars spent on the bogus Russia scandal....

We all knew it wouldn't take them 24 hours to latch onto another bogus made up series of scandals.....

It's ALL they have......big nothing burgers

Betcha ALL these claims are just as fake as the Russia collusion claims.

Does the Left have ANY credibility remaining?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crickets <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ..........

Mueller cometh....:5_1_12024:

Amen! Mueller is running silent, running deep. Go Mueller!
Melania, are you feeling stupid yet?
Typical progressive - immediately attack the woman for the actions of the man. Clearly the left’s War on Women isn’t alive and well.

We have nothing but sorrow for her. She obviously does not want to be with him.
Oh yeah...I can tell by your post which immediately called her “stupid” without making a single comment about President Trump.
They failed to get any dirt on Trump after 100 million in taxpayer dollars spent on the bogus Russia scandal....

We all knew it wouldn't take them 24 hours to latch onto another bogus made up series of scandals.....

It's ALL they have......big nothing burgers

Betcha ALL these claims are just as fake as the Russia collusion claims.

Does the Left have ANY credibility remaining?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crickets <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ..........

The Russian collusion has been proven. Wether it involved criminal activities is still to be determined.
If I had Trumpys’ kind of resources I’d be cranking them out by the truckload.
Spoken like a true classless progressive and misogynist left-wing nut job.

If I had President Trump’s “resources” I would remain just as faithful to my wife as I a, now and I would treat women with respect and not as my sexual toys, as I do now. But that’s the difference between conservatives and piece of shit progressives like you.
Former Playboy model speaks out about 2006 affair with Trump

Melania, are you feeling stupid yet? You married a Pig...

Dude, nobody cares. This is a losing strategy. For the Trump zealots this just means Trump is more of a man than before, they do not care about faithfulness in marriage. For those like you and I that do not like Trump, this still changes nothing. He was famous for his cheating, this is not something news.

This will not sway votes come Nov or in 2020

i don't know

the alleged *values voters* might be thinking that it would be good to vote for someone with, you know, values

instead of the dumpster fire they voted for this time around.

Eh ... Trump supporters are motivated in huge part by fear of anyone who isn't white, and fear of Muslims (even white Muslims). The whole "values" thing is really just bullshit. At the end of the day, a human being's values tend to be very, VERY flexible, and their motives tend to be hidden, even, in part, to themselves.

Trump could be caught on film doing something hideously evil, like rape or murder, and the supposed white "Christian" evangelists will still vote for him as the last great hope of White America. Though they would try to make up some other excuse.

This is coming from someone who really, really hates identity politics, btw. The racist fear in these people (along with the more rational anxiety) is just so blatant that there's no avoiding its acknowledgement, if you have a shred of honesty.

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