Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

We already knew this investigation was no “hoax” and was anything but “fake” when Robert S. Mueller III assembled an all-star cast of 16 lawyers. That’s indicative of a major, serious investigation. It bears repeating that no one as yet has been indicted, let alone convicted, of anything, and everyone, including the president, enjoys a presumption of innocence. However, in some practical and political ways the grand jury is a key milestone.
For one thing, when the grand jury starts taking testimony under oath from witnesses, we’ll have a good sense of where this is going. If the witnesses are largely or entirely people involved in Trump team members’ representations about their meetings with Russians, the decision to fire James B. Comey and the actions taken thereafter, we’ll know the emphasis is on possible obstruction of justice, lying to the FBI, lying or giving incomplete information to Congress, witness intimidation, etc. (In this regard, using a grand jury in Washington might also be seen as a step a prosecutor would take to prepare for indictments in the jurisdiction in which the alleged crimes were committed.)

Second, while prosecutors and court personnel cannot discuss the grand jury testimony, witnesses are free to do so absent a gag order. Expect a flood of leaks from those “with knowledge of the testimony.” These will likely come from witnesses/potential defendants and/or their attorneys, who will immediately claim the leaks came from the prosecutor and hence are illegal. (This is Defense Lawyering 101.) The press will need to decide if and when this arises how to avoid being used in such fashion while providing the public with as much information as readily available. (“Sources close to the witnesses” or some such designation would seem to be the fairest approach.) However the leaks are spun, we’ll almost certainly hear a lot about what went on inside the grand jury room.

Third, for most witnesses, testifying before the grand jury is terrifying. Under normal rules (more about that in a moment) you cannot bring in your lawyer. A misstatement under oath may have dire consequences. This makes testifying in front of Congress look like a coffee klatch at Starbucks.

Fourth, if Mueller is investigating the president’s role, if any, in obstruction or other similar crimes, in all likelihood he would need to obtain Trump’s testimony. We have precedent from the Monica Lewinsky matter for a president to testify to a grand jury. In the case of President Bill Clinton, he was allowed to testify via closed-circuit TV. Trump would be obliged to appear although he might be able to work out the same arrangement that Clinton did whereby he was allowed to have his attorney present and take breaks to consult. (“Normally, grand jury witnesses, while not allowed to have attorneys in the grand jury room with them, can stop and consult with their attorneys. Under our arrangement today, your attorneys are here and present for consultation and you can break to consult with them as necessary,” the prosecutor conducting the questioning told Clinton in 1998.)

Trump would have the right to take the Fifth, but that would be an extraordinary event without historical precedent. And of course Trump’s previous declarations that people do not take the Fifth unless they have something to hide would come back to haunt him. (“The mob takes the Fifth Amendment,” Trump said during the campaign. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”) That would have substantial political ramifications, to put it mildly.

Trump’s testimony, if he chose not to invoke the Fifth, would be his attorneys’ worst nightmare. Imagine trying to keep him from inadvertently giving prosecutors all the ammunition they would need. (Think about the Lester Holt interview when he freely admitted he had Russia on his mind when he fired Comey.)

If you are banking on Mueller indicting a sitting president you’re probably going to be disappointed regardless of where the facts lead. Mueller would be bound by the existing Justice Department opinion that a president cannot be indicted. (That leaves open options including naming him as an “unindicted co-conspirator” — to obstruct justice , for example — if there are other conspirators who could be prosecuted.)

All of that is down the road and will be determined by the evidence the special prosecutor’s team uncovers. However, with the grand jury plugging away, multiple witnesses including those who have an incentive to make deals with the prosecutor for testimony, the possibility of exceptionally serious consequences for the president have increased. Moreover, with clear warnings from Republicans against firing Mueller, Trump’s fate to a very large degree rests with Mueller. No wonder he is trying to smear and discredit him.

Is Mueller’s grand jury a big deal?
Sounds like a Disney movie script..... Nothing but pure fantasy.
yeah because only a left winger deep stater is arrested so far. Now another, the IT pakistan dude. yep, so far you all are zero for zero. nice job after fifteen months. we got two in just six.

DEEP STATE,:woohoo:, you rubes deserve Trump. OMFG!
I love Donald Trump. I don't need your approval. GDP at 3%, first time since Bush. yep I'm ecstatic.

I'll bet you don't care, cause you don't like our country or americans.

Another fucking lie it is not 3%. 2.6 is a long way from 3% when you are getting into numbers that large!!
Dude 2.6% is really good. When the adjustments are made it might be better.
Not saying it is not good, pointing out lie of quoted 3%. 2.6% for a mature economy is good no question.
We agree.
My god who missed math class while snuggled in their safe space
In whole number rounding 2.6 is 3 and far far far from a "fucking lie"
No sir you have taken up permanent residency there, DEEP STATE! Just can't get enough!:ack-1:
facts are facts, you don't have to like it.

You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.

Then whh is he? Why is he contacting these Senators and trying to get them to stop the investigation. I have no idea if he is guilty and neither do you so let's let the investigation play out.
facts are facts, you don't have to like it.

You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.

Then whh is he? Why is he contacting these Senators and trying to get them to stop the investigation. I have no idea if he is guilty and neither do you so let's let the investigation play out.
like who exactly?
DEEP STATE,:woohoo:, you rubes deserve Trump. OMFG!
I love Donald Trump. I don't need your approval. GDP at 3%, first time since Bush. yep I'm ecstatic.

I'll bet you don't care, cause you don't like our country or americans.

Another fucking lie it is not 3%. 2.6 is a long way from 3% when you are getting into numbers that large!!
Dude 2.6% is really good. When the adjustments are made it might be better.
Not saying it is not good, pointing out lie of quoted 3%. 2.6% for a mature economy is good no question.
We agree.

Yes we do
No sir you have taken up permanent residency there, DEEP STATE! Just can't get enough!:ack-1:
facts are facts, you don't have to like it.

You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.
You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.

Then whh is he? Why is he contacting these Senators and trying to get them to stop the investigation. I have no idea if he is guilty and neither do you so let's let the investigation play out.
like who exactly?

McConnell and Grahamn have been reported.
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.

Then whh is he? Why is he contacting these Senators and trying to get them to stop the investigation. I have no idea if he is guilty and neither do you so let's let the investigation play out.
like who exactly?

McConnell and Grahamn have been reported.
have been reported to be what? That trump wants to push his agenda? There is a special counsel, time for the congress to be the congress and get america going. so you're against that? he never said stop investigating. put up a link or stfu.
facts are facts, you don't have to like it.

You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
facts are facts, you don't have to like it.

You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.
all legal activity that has nothing to do with the accusations. hmmmm and you don't like that they were being american citizens. how white of you.
You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
especially that IT guy from pakistan that had twenty DNC servers in his grasp. yep I agree.
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
especially that IT guy from pakistan that had twenty DNC servers in his grasp. yep I agree.

And that has what to do with Trumps interactions with the Russians?
You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
I don't know. I only care about safeguarding future elections really. If the report is useful in that regard then great. Otherwise fodder for supremely boring arguments on boards like this.
You have no facts, just bluster, conjecture and bullshit. Much like Bone Spur!
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.
all legal activity that has nothing to do with the accusations. hmmmm and you don't like that they were being american citizens. how white of you.
Your post might make a point but it eludes my dim mind. If there are no charges (there won't be) there was no illegality.
sure I do, did obummer loosen the law on handling of wiretaps? hmmmmmmm? tell me that isn't true.

fk dude that is a grand fking slam.. Nice pitch.

What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
I don't know. I only care about safeguarding future elections really. If the report is useful in that regard then great. Otherwise fodder for supremely boring arguments on boards like this.

Gotcha, but not important if, and I say big if a traitor in office?
What the fuck does Obama have to xo with possible Trump/Russia collusion you goofy fellow? Oh thats right DEEP STATE! Another angel gets it's wings. My god you people are delusional.

Why are you/he so afraid of this investigation? Innocent people do NOT act like this, it just doesn't seem right.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
I don't know. I only care about safeguarding future elections really. If the report is useful in that regard then great. Otherwise fodder for supremely boring arguments on boards like this.

Gotcha, but not important if, and I say big if a traitor in office?
Hypothetical. But any (well, most) conservative would answer the same way.
It's become clear that the investigation is going nowhere. Trump is doing his job while Mueller goes around trying to flip witnesses into providing false testimony against him.
Trump has no reason to be concerned.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
I don't know. I only care about safeguarding future elections really. If the report is useful in that regard then great. Otherwise fodder for supremely boring arguments on boards like this.

Gotcha, but not important if, and I say big if a traitor in office?
Hypothetical. But any (well, most) conservative would answer the same way.
Of course it's hypothetical but the investigation is underway and it isn't because nothing was going on.
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
I don't know. I only care about safeguarding future elections really. If the report is useful in that regard then great. Otherwise fodder for supremely boring arguments on boards like this.

Gotcha, but not important if, and I say big if a traitor in office?
Hypothetical. But any (well, most) conservative would answer the same way.
Of course it's hypothetical but the investigation is underway and it isn't because nothing was going on.
Yeah but I wouldn't really expect anything other than the "usual suspects."
At the end of the day a report will be issued and will say there were some suspicious contacts (Manafoet/Flynn) and some bad judgment (Trump Jr) but no crime. Democrats will scream "I told you so!" And Republicans will scream "I told you so!" And I won't care.

Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
I don't know. I only care about safeguarding future elections really. If the report is useful in that regard then great. Otherwise fodder for supremely boring arguments on boards like this.

Gotcha, but not important if, and I say big if a traitor in office?
Hypothetical. But any (well, most) conservative would answer the same way.
Of course it's hypothetical but the investigation is underway and it isn't because nothing was going on.
The public can see thru this ridiculous investigation and know it's nothing but an a coupe to reverse the election results.

They will reward the perpetrators in the next election.

Trust me.

Before the election the left claimed the election couldn't be rigged and that we must accept the results.

Now all they do is cry about the results, refuse to accept them and claim the election was rigged.

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