Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

There it is DEEP STATE! ROTFLMFAO!:bs1::itsok::woohoo:stop, I'm going to pee!
How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.

Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

You joking right--LOL We have your ASS Clown on audio tape admitting what he did to women--grabbing them by the "pussy" and forcefully kissing them which equates to sexual assault. A man who has left his children and wives for other women, and bragged about his sexcapades and marital affairs openly in magazines and on the Howard Stern radio program.

A man (if that's what you want to refer to him as) who lined up several alleged "affair victims" front and center in front of the real VICTIM-- the wife--Hillary Clinton--during a debate in order to shake the VICTIM--Hillary Clinton up. I think that is the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed a Presidential candidate do.

And now you want to bring up MORAL character---:badgrin: You're way to late for that, you elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself, Vladimir Putin, and now neo-Nazi's and White Supremacists.


If this represents your "moral character" then I want absolutely nothing to do with it. You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, Mike Huckabee being the biggest one of all.

What an oxymoron picture.

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How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.

Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

You joking right--LOL We have your ASS Clown on audio tape admitting what he did to women--grabbing them by the "pussy" and forcefully kissing them which equates to sexual assault. A man who has left his children and wives for other women, and bragged about his sexcapades and marital affairs openly in magazines and on the Howard Stern radio program.

A man (if that's what you want to refer to him as) who lined up several alleged "affair victims" front and center in front of the real VICTIM-- the wife--Hillary Clinton--during a debate in order to shake the VICTIM--Hillary Clinton up. I think that is the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed a Presidential candidate do.

And now you want to bring up MORAL character---:badgrin: You're way to late for that, you elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself, Vladimir Putin, and now neo-Nazi's and White Supremacists.


If this represents your "moral character" then I want absolutely nothing to do with it. You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, Mike Huckabee being the biggest one of all.

What an oxymoron picture.

I guess you can't tell the difference between bragging about getting pussy when you're single, and a married president that was molesting his interns and then lying under oath about it. One is not a crime. The other is.

Guess which is which. Hmm????
For someone that campaigned on American Nationalism--he sure has a lot of foreign interests.

I think Trump will go down as the greatest con man in the history of this nation

"Donald Trump and the emoluments clause, explained a new lawsuit argues Trump is already in violation of the Constitution. Here’s how. Since the moment President Donald Trump finished his oath of office on Friday, some ethics experts argue he’s been violating the Constitution. The breach stems from the massive conflicts of interest between his presidency and his business empire. Trump has a huge stake in a real estate holding underwritten with a loan from the Chinese government. He has tens of millions of dollars riding on building projects in Saudi Arabia. Foreign diplomats have already admitted to spending money at his hotels to curry favor with the president.

But the big barrier presented by Trump’s clinging to a sprawling business empire: that it will directly violate the Constitution, which says no elected official can take an “emolument” of “any kind whatever” from a king, prince, or foreign state. Instead, Trump’s campaign has said that he’s going to turn his company over to a “blind trust” managed by his kids. The problem is that this setup isn’t even in the same universe as a blind trust. The Trump children will certainly be in touch with Trump, if not serving informally or even formally in his administration. But even if we grant him that having his kids run the enterprise is a meaningful act of separation, there’ll be nothing “blind” about it — Trump’s name is emblazoned all over his buildings and hotels, and so it will be visible to everyone whether a foreign government can help his private business."
Donald Trump and the emoluments clause, explained

This Moscow Trump tower--clearly indicates why he wanted to POTUS and do it for free. As a private citizen, he needed the approval of the Russian government to build it, he signed a letter of intent, and he was working with Russian banks, who are owned by the Russian government in order to make it happen. Becoming POTUS he could lower the Sanctions on Russia and get their nod of approval on the Trump tower in Moscow.

However that didn't happen. Sanctions increased on Russia by an overwhelming majority of approval in both houses. IOW both houses steamed rolled Trump on the Russian sanctions, & Trump has been pissed off about it ever since--and is now attacking Republicans who did it.

And they've been lying about it ever since.
Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

He's always been a war hero. Bronze Star medal with a combat "V". That's who you are accusing of conducting a "witch hunt" and being a member of your imaginary "deep state"... Republican war hero, Robert Mueller.
A Bronze Star is one step up from an ARCOM. A Bronze star doesn't make you a war hero. Silver Star maybe. CMH definitely. You can get a Bronze Star simply by being involved in a firefight. And I've got news for you.....some really dishonest people got involved in firefights in Vietnam. Just getting awarded for shooting at someone doesn't make you a good person.

That's it...try to minimize the accomplishments of a decorated war hero. Good job Muddy. And why would you do that to a fellow Republican? Because he's doing a job he was assigned to do in the best manner he knows how to do it? Russia, an adversarial foreign government, interfered in our election. That doesn't bother you? You don't want to know how they did it and what help they may have gotten from American citizens?
The reason I minimize it is because I'm a retired Green Beret who has been in combat. The paper pushers put themselves in for Bronze Stars during Desert Storm and the guys on my team who were out risking their lives looking for Scuds got screwed. It seems that most of the time kiss-asses like Mueller got awarded. Not the guys that deserved it.

The reason you attempt to minimize his record is because you are a Trump cultists and Trump is scared shitless of what Mueller will find. Mueller who received a Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.
He was an aide to a general. He got shot in the leg and was put in for all of those awards because he was such a tremendous ass-kisser.

It is truly astonishing what the cult like worship of Trump does to his sycophants.
Maybe it goes down like that, maybe it is complete innocence for Trump or maybe it is worse. Aren't you interested in finding out all we can? Because there sure seems to be an awful lot of contact that no one remembers until the beans spill out, why is that?
I don't know. I only care about safeguarding future elections really. If the report is useful in that regard then great. Otherwise fodder for supremely boring arguments on boards like this.

Gotcha, but not important if, and I say big if a traitor in office?
Hypothetical. But any (well, most) conservative would answer the same way.
Of course it's hypothetical but the investigation is underway and it isn't because nothing was going on.
The public can see thru this ridiculous investigation and know it's nothing but an a coupe to reverse the election results.

They will reward the perpetrators in the next election.

Trust me.

Before the election the left claimed the election couldn't be rigged and that we must accept the results.

Now all they do is cry about the results, refuse to accept them and claim the election was rigged.

The results can not be reversed, that is the dumbest thing you said yet. And that took some doing.
Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

You joking right--LOL We have your ASS Clown on audio tape admitting what he did to women--grabbing them by the "pussy" and forcefully kissing them which equates to sexual assault. A man who has left his children and wives for other women, and bragged about his sexcapades and marital affairs openly in magazines and on the Howard Stern radio program.

A man (if that's what you want to refer to him as) who lined up several alleged "affair victims" front and center in front of the real VICTIM-- the wife--Hillary Clinton--during a debate in order to shake the VICTIM--Hillary Clinton up. I think that is the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed a Presidential candidate do.

And now you want to bring up MORAL character---:badgrin: You're way to late for that, you elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself, Vladimir Putin, and now neo-Nazi's and White Supremacists.


If this represents your "moral character" then I want absolutely nothing to do with it. You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, Mike Huckabee being the biggest one of all.

What an oxymoron picture.

I guess you can't tell the difference between bragging about getting pussy when you're single, and a married president that was molesting his interns and then lying under oath about it. One is not a crime. The other is.

Guess which is which. Hmm????

I have been around for along time--and I really don't know any 61 to 62 year old men that talk like that. At that point in their lives they're usually taking medication for erectile dysfunction anyway. This is talk from a teenager and it's of no surprise because Trump often reacts like a little boy. The point is even after hearing it, you still supported him.

Now if you don't have women in your family, meaning wife, mother, sisters, & daughters it probably didn't bother you. But any man that has women in their family, that tolerated this and voted for him anyway, is really no man. More of a woman hater than anything else.

And as we know Misogyny is very deeply rooted within the Republican party.
Men can deal with guy talk because most men are not homos nor cuckolds nor dainty snowflakes
Generalities are just that-General and to no one specifically Get more specific and address a woman specifically then that is a different matter but emotionally frothed semi men just cannot distinguish the difference
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

You joking right--LOL We have your ASS Clown on audio tape admitting what he did to women--grabbing them by the "pussy" and forcefully kissing them which equates to sexual assault. A man who has left his children and wives for other women, and bragged about his sexcapades and marital affairs openly in magazines and on the Howard Stern radio program.

A man (if that's what you want to refer to him as) who lined up several alleged "affair victims" front and center in front of the real VICTIM-- the wife--Hillary Clinton--during a debate in order to shake the VICTIM--Hillary Clinton up. I think that is the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed a Presidential candidate do.

And now you want to bring up MORAL character---:badgrin: You're way to late for that, you elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself, Vladimir Putin, and now neo-Nazi's and White Supremacists.


If this represents your "moral character" then I want absolutely nothing to do with it. You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, Mike Huckabee being the biggest one of all.

What an oxymoron picture.

I guess you can't tell the difference between bragging about getting pussy when you're single, and a married president that was molesting his interns and then lying under oath about it. One is not a crime. The other is.

Guess which is which. Hmm????

I have been around for along time--and I really don't know any 61 to 62 year old men that talk like that. At that point in their lives they're usually taking medication for erectile dysfunction anyway. This is talk from a teenager and it's of no surprise because Trump often reacts like a little boy. The point is even after hearing it, you still supported him.

Now if you don't have women in your family, meaning wife, mother, sisters, & daughters it probably didn't bother you. But any man that has women in their family, that tolerated this and voted for him anyway, is really no man. More of a woman hater than anything else.

And as we know Misogyny is very deeply rooted within the Republican party.
Utterly void of masculinity and quite laughable
Men can deal with guy talk because most men are not homos nor cuckolds nor dainty snowflakes
Generalities are just that-General and to no one specifically Get more specific and address a woman specifically then that is a different matter but emotionally frothed semi men just cannot distinguish the difference
I have a problem with the President's behavior but not most of his policies. I have a daughter who has been victimized by a man. I have no respect for President Trump on this score.
A Bronze Star is one step up from an ARCOM. A Bronze star doesn't make you a war hero. Silver Star maybe. CMH definitely. You can get a Bronze Star simply by being involved in a firefight. And I've got news for you.....some really dishonest people got involved in firefights in Vietnam. Just getting awarded for shooting at someone doesn't make you a good person.

That's it...try to minimize the accomplishments of a decorated war hero. Good job Muddy. And why would you do that to a fellow Republican? Because he's doing a job he was assigned to do in the best manner he knows how to do it? Russia, an adversarial foreign government, interfered in our election. That doesn't bother you? You don't want to know how they did it and what help they may have gotten from American citizens?
The reason I minimize it is because I'm a retired Green Beret who has been in combat. The paper pushers put themselves in for Bronze Stars during Desert Storm and the guys on my team who were out risking their lives looking for Scuds got screwed. It seems that most of the time kiss-asses like Mueller got awarded. Not the guys that deserved it.

The reason you attempt to minimize his record is because you are a Trump cultists and Trump is scared shitless of what Mueller will find. Mueller who received a Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.
He was an aide to a general. He got shot in the leg and was put in for all of those awards because he was such a tremendous ass-kisser.

It is truly astonishing what the cult like worship of Trump does to his sycophants.
What's more astonishing is the lefts predilection for generating insane hatred and demagoguery against their opponents, justified or otherwise, yet never being able to come up with solutions to problems, choosing instead to cause them on a regular basis.

Democrats are hopeless if not extremely dangerous to you and me so they feel their only option is trash the opposition....make up lies.....generally act like foul-mouthed spoiled brats.

As Moby once said years ago "If we can't find something to trash Republicans on we can always just make up a bunch of shit!!!"
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Men can deal with guy talk because most men are not homos nor cuckolds nor dainty snowflakes
Generalities are just that-General and to no one specifically Get more specific and address a woman specifically then that is a different matter but emotionally frothed semi men just cannot distinguish the difference
I have a problem with the President's behavior but not most of his policies. I have a daughter who has been victimized by a man. I have no respect for President Trump on this score.
I do not consider it a plus in his corner but it was said over a decade ago in an off the cuff manner and one has to be a dope to believe that he really endorses grabbing random women
Real men say stuff like that upon occasion, its not a virtue nor indicative of malice, and Im sorry but only fairies and cuckolds and emotionally addled semi men would take him at his word and turn this into the circus it has become

If you are a man and this is another grievance issue putting you into a state of offendedness then get both a spine and a pair
Last edited:
Men can deal with guy talk because most men are not homos nor cuckolds nor dainty snowflakes
Generalities are just that-General and to no one specifically Get more specific and address a woman specifically then that is a different matter but emotionally frothed semi men just cannot distinguish the difference
I have a problem with the President's behavior but not most of his policies. I have a daughter who has been victimized by a man. I have no respect for President Trump on this score.
I do not consider it a plus in his corner but it was said over a decade ago in an off the cuff manner and one has to be a dope to believe that he really endorses grabbing random women
Real men say stuff like that upon occasion, its not a virtue nor indicative of malice, and Im sorry but only fairies and cuckolds and emotionally addled semi men would take him at his word and turn this into the circus it has become

If you are a man and this is another grievance issue putting you into a state of offendedness then get both a spine and a pair
I know you. You're the guy sitting with his wife and two kids in a restaurant when I walk in with my family. I'm walking behind my daughter and son and wife and I watch you staring at my daughter as we walk past. I stop and stare at you but you're too busy watching my child to notice until she's well past you. Then you notice me standing five feet away staring at you. And what do you do? You can't make Eye contact with me, you're too much of a chicken, you just stare at your plate. That's what kind of a man you are. I know you.
Men can deal with guy talk because most men are not homos nor cuckolds nor dainty snowflakes
Generalities are just that-General and to no one specifically Get more specific and address a woman specifically then that is a different matter but emotionally frothed semi men just cannot distinguish the difference
I have a problem with the President's behavior but not most of his policies. I have a daughter who has been victimized by a man. I have no respect for President Trump on this score.
I do not consider it a plus in his corner but it was said over a decade ago in an off the cuff manner and one has to be a dope to believe that he really endorses grabbing random women
Real men say stuff like that upon occasion, its not a virtue nor indicative of malice, and Im sorry but only fairies and cuckolds and emotionally addled semi men would take him at his word and turn this into the circus it has become

If you are a man and this is another grievance issue putting you into a state of offendedness then get both a spine and a pair
I know you. You're the guy sitting with his wife and two kids in a restaurant when I walk in with my family. I'm walking behind my daughter and son and wife and I watch you staring at my daughter as we walk past. I stop and stare at you but you're too busy watching my child to notice until she's well past you. Then you notice me standing five feet away staring at you. And what do you do? You can't make Eye contact with me, you're too much of a chicken, you just stare at your plate. That's what kind of a man you are. I know you.
Yeah that's a lot of melodramatic malarkey and proved my point. You are up in arms about Trump speaking about no one in particular but use your daughter as an example. She is somebody specific which is vastly different than Trumps general comment but you frothers won't differentiate because it does not suite your agenda
We had one child, a daughter, who has participated in Caanes and Sundance film festivals. When she was a young teen I had to get after some older guys for some direct comments but that has no comparison to Trump.
In fact, the meticulous detail in which you described how "you know what kind of man I am " was creepy in its detail and extent and evidence that YOU do it yourself .
Men can deal with guy talk because most men are not homos nor cuckolds nor dainty snowflakes
Generalities are just that-General and to no one specifically Get more specific and address a woman specifically then that is a different matter but emotionally frothed semi men just cannot distinguish the difference
I have a problem with the President's behavior but not most of his policies. I have a daughter who has been victimized by a man. I have no respect for President Trump on this score.
I do not consider it a plus in his corner but it was said over a decade ago in an off the cuff manner and one has to be a dope to believe that he really endorses grabbing random women
Real men say stuff like that upon occasion, its not a virtue nor indicative of malice, and Im sorry but only fairies and cuckolds and emotionally addled semi men would take him at his word and turn this into the circus it has become

If you are a man and this is another grievance issue putting you into a state of offendedness then get both a spine and a pair
I know you. You're the guy sitting with his wife and two kids in a restaurant when I walk in with my family. I'm walking behind my daughter and son and wife and I watch you staring at my daughter as we walk past. I stop and stare at you but you're too busy watching my child to notice until she's well past you. Then you notice me standing five feet away staring at you. And what do you do? You can't make Eye contact with me, you're too much of a chicken, you just stare at your plate. That's what kind of a man you are. I know you.
Yeah that's a lot of melodramatic malarkey and proved my point. You are up in arms about Trump speaking about no one in particular but use your daughter as an example. She is somebody specific which is vastly different than Trumps general comment but you frothers won't differentiate because it does not suite your agenda
We had one child, a daughter, who has participated in Caanes and Sundance film festivals. When she was a young teen I had to get after some older guys for some direct comments but that has no comparison to Trump.
In fact, the meticulous detail in which you described how "you know what kind of man I am " was creepy in its detail and extent and evidence that YOU do it yourself .
It's "Cannes".
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

OMG a real estate company wants to build a hotel in a foreign country!

Wanted to build in spite of the law. No, don't impeach, convict for treason.

What law is that?

List of American companies operating in Russia:

  1. 3M
  2. Abbott Laboratories
  3. AbbVie
  4. AECOM
  5. Air Products
  6. Albermarle Chemicals Representative Office
  7. Alcoa SMZ (Alcoa Russia)
  8. American Express Russia & CIS
  9. AmeRussia St.Petersburg, Russia
  10. Amrustrans
  11. Amsted Rail Company
  12. Amway Russia
  13. Apple
  14. Armstrong World Industries
  15. Autodesk
  16. Avis Russia
  17. Avon Beauty Products Company
  18. Black & Decker, Moscow Representative Office
  19. Boeing Russia
  20. Bristol-Myers Squibb
  21. Brown-Forman Russia
  22. Burger King
  23. Cameron
  24. Cargill
  25. Caterpillar Eurasia
  26. Caterpillar Tosno
  27. Celgene Corporation
  28. Chevron
  29. Cisco Systems
  30. Citi Russia
  31. Citibank, Saint-Petersburg Branch
  32. Coca-Cola System in Russia
  33. Colgate-Palmolive
  34. Compressor Controls Corporation
  35. CononoPhillips Russia
  36. Corning SNG
  37. Crate & Barrel
  38. Cummins Incorporated
  39. Dell
  40. Delta Air Lines
  41. Dolby
  42. Dow Europe
  43. DuPont Science and Technologies
  44. Eaton
  45. Ecolab
  46. ExxonMobil
  47. Fluor Entrprises Group
  48. Ford Sollers Holding
  49. Forever 21
  50. General Electric
  51. General Motors Russia & cIS
  52. Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories
  53. Goldman Sachs
  54. Google
  55. Halliburton
  56. Herbalife International RS
  57. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  58. Hilton Russia
  59. Honeywell
  60. Huntsman CIS
  61. IBM East Europe/Asia (NW Region Branch)
  62. IBM East Europe/Asia
  63. Intel
  64. International Paper Russia, Moscow Branch
  65. John Deere Rus
  66. Johnson & Johnson
  67. Johnson Controls International
  68. JP Morgan
  69. KBR East
  70. Kellogg Rus
  71. KFC
  72. Kimberly-Clark
  73. Kinross Gold Corporation, Moscow Representative Office
  74. Krispy Kreme
  75. Levi Strauss Moscow
  76. Lexmark International
  77. Liberty Insurance
  78. Lilly Pharma
  79. Mars Inc.
  80. Mary Kay
  81. MasterCard International
  82. McDonald’s Russia
  83. Medtronic
  84. Metlife
  85. Microsoft RUS
  86. Mondelez International
  87. Morgan Stanley
  88. Motorola Solutions
  89. Motorola Solutions, St. Petersburg Software Design Center
  90. MSD Pharmaceuticals
  91. NBCUniversal
  92. Nike
  93. NVIDIA
  94. OCV Steklovolokno (Owens Corning)
  95. Oracle Development SPB
  96. OTIS Lift
  97. PepsiCo
  98. Pfizer
  99. Philip Morris Izhora
  100. Philip Morris Sales & Marketing
  101. Procter & Gamble
  102. Qualcomm Europe, Russia Branch Office
  103. RAND Corporation
  104. SC Johnson
  105. Sealed Air
  106. Sherwin-Williams
  107. Software Technologies
  108. Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Services Europe Limited
  109. Starbucks
  110. Subway Russia
  111. Tenneco Automotive Volga
  112. The Estee Lauder Companies
  113. The Walt Disney Company, CIS
  114. Thermo Fisher Scientific
  115. Timken-Rus Service Company
  116. United Technologies International Operations
  117. United Way of Russia
  118. Visa
  119. Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing
  120. Western Union
  121. Wrigley, A subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated-St. Petersburg Branch
  122. Xerox
  123. YRIR (YUM! Restaurants International Russia and CIS)
AMERICAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN RUSSIA | Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union

Operating in Russia isn't in and of itself a violation of the sanctions against Russia. Conducting business with certain individuals and/or conducting certain types of business activities is.

Until the batshit crazy left can even point out what law it violates, it's all nonsense.

Boy were you wrong about this. If you were so wrong about this, what the fuck else are you wrong about?

Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.

Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
That's exactly when and how that fake "Russian interference" fairly tale for idiots has started.


Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
No. I did not claim that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? Those are your words.

And stop doing that. You Republicans always do this. If the economy crashes you want to blame both sides or shift the argument to the Dems and Hillary. Sorry pal but this time it's your boy who got a blowjob in the oval office and lied about it. Doesn't matter that they all have mistresses.

If anything bad happens to the Republicans you guys always say, "both sides do it". Sorry but you don't get to do that every time your side breaks the law. You don't get to control the conversation. Sorry.

Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
That's exactly when and how that fake "Russian interference" fairly tale for idiots has started.

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I'm sorry but it was Manafort and Papadapoulos who were found guilty not any Democrats. When a Democrat is charged or found guilty of something let me know. Until then this is fake news coming from right wing sources.

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