Trump has been blathering on now for an hour in AL


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.
He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.

Nice spin! (NOT) But then again, you can apply for the job of being mouthpiece for the lefties. Should we call you Josh (dumbfuck) not so Earnest? We are going to throw them all in the hoosgow-) Wanna go with them? (Please say yes!)
well, there are definitely people that are scared about him walking into the Oval Office

so, you are partially right, I guess
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He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.

No he wants you and the media to relive it

The guy has gotten his transition done in a fast and succinct matter. He's only 2 cabinet picks from filling it, which is ahead of many others.

And you he's on the victory lap tour and I fucking love it.......
especially when he talks about election night.....breaking news, Trump has won the state of awesome...

Oh and the other thing it does, is it allows him to say he is going to build the wall rather than have the media say no way......He can reassert his policy and the media cant create doubt.......hahaahah so awesome!
Alabama is the poster child of failed GOP policies. I was raised there and every time I go back I wonder why anyone stays. It's second to last on every list of qualities that make a state worth living in.
He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.

Yeah I think that's obvious. He never expected (or really desired) to be in this position, and now he's trapped. Can't walk away because he'll look like a looozuh. Hoist by his own petard.
Alabama is the poster child of failed GOP policies. I was raised there and every time I go back I wonder why anyone stays. It's second to last on every list of qualities that make a state worth living in.

And full of stupid people who never figured it out like you did.
The self-aggrandizement and savoring of November 8 was the main topic of his speech at this rally. Who the fuck does this? He eschews Presidential Daily Briefs but can't wait to get on a jet and waste taxpayer's money to tell us how wonderful he is. What a cocksocket.
He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.

Yeah I think that's obvious. He never expected (or really desired) to be in this position, and now he's trapped. Can't walk away because he'll look like a looozuh. Hoist by his own petard.
You think your Hillary can return the WH drapes? :lol:
He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.

Yeah I think that's obvious. He never expected (or really desired) to be in this position, and now he's trapped. Can't walk away because he'll look like a looozuh. Hoist by his own petard.
You think your Hillary can return the WH drapes? :lol:

I don't have a "Hillary", Zippo.
Alabama is the poster child of failed GOP policies. I was raised there and every time I go back I wonder why anyone stays. It's second to last on every list of qualities that make a state worth living in.

And full of stupid people who never figured it out like you did.
Practically every famous Alabamian had to leave in order to get rich and/or famous. Every really good thing that has ever raised their standard of living came from the federal government. The place has been a black hole of opportunity for generations.
Dude's been delivering some kick ass speeches on his Thank You Tour. Possibly the only US politician delivering speeches worth tuning into. But obviously if you're a rabid Trump-hater, you wouldn't be interested.
Dude's been delivering some kick ass speeches on his Thank You Tour. Possibly the only US politician delivering speeches worth tuning into. But obviously if you're a rabid Trump-hater, you wouldn't be interested.
We've heard everything he has worth hearing, now it's time for him to attempt to live up to the hype of his campaign, not that any of you care if he ever does a damned thing to Make America Great Again, whatever that means.

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