Trump has been blathering on now for an hour in AL

He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.
He isn't blathering. He has you over the fence and is buttfugging you till your poop leaks out your nose...and you don't even know it. That's how dumb you are.

No sweetie, it's you that he's doing it too. He were dumb enough to believe he wasn't lying to you, and yet there he is on his victory tour telling you he only said he was going to lock Hillary up, he was never going to do it.
Your reply was forwarded to the kremlin for editing Plus...who gives a fuck about hillary..her useless as it over..
Alabama is the poster child of failed GOP policies. I was raised there and every time I go back I wonder why anyone stays. It's second to last on every list of qualities that make a state worth living in.

Maybe it is because they EARN a living, instead of DEMANDING something.

Look at it this way--------------> see all that green paper known as money in New York! Well, what if I said no more food from the heartland-) How much would those stacked upon LEFTISTS in New York be willing to pay for food, when in 36 hours they are dry! Oh, maybe you could trade with RUSSIA! But I bet they would want some coal, or maybe oil, lol. Funny how when you are in deep-doo, your whole attitude on what is really important would change.

I am not an evil person, but to shut the coasts up, I would starve them out, which would take around 15 minutes-)
If his speech bugs you so much change the channel not a law that makes you have to listen to him.
Dude's been delivering some kick ass speeches on his Thank You Tour. Possibly the only US politician delivering speeches worth tuning into. But obviously if you're a rabid Trump-hater, you wouldn't be interested.
We've heard everything he has worth hearing, now it's time for him to attempt to live up to the hype of his campaign, not that any of you care if he ever does a damned thing to Make America Great Again, whatever that means.

Uh huh, like you were ever gonna give him a chance. Come on, who do you think you're bullshitting? You're gonna work very hard to sabotage the dude.
I'm just one person, what the hell could I do to sabotage him? I am issue oriented, if he does things I like I will certainly give him credit but looking at the cabinet he picked to sabotage the country I do not think there is much chance of that.

You're still spinning bullshit. You never intended to give the man a chance. You're already in full sabotage-mode. At least be honest. I can respect honest people. But i can't respect people trying to bullshit me.
I'm glad you think I am powerful enough to sabotage the president's agenda but I'm no different than anyone else except that I do say exactly why I disagree with any given policy. I can't get you Trumpbots to even have a decent policy discussion. You people just want to gloat and blame any criticism on being a sore loser. The victory lap is just about over, you ready to try to convince people that a billionaire giving away money to billionaires is somehow a populist agenda?
He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.

Hey, trump is deadly serious, even today he has gone to twitter & defended against the War on Christmas. That alone qualifies him to be CinC.
Dude's been delivering some kick ass speeches on his Thank You Tour. Possibly the only US politician delivering speeches worth tuning into. But obviously if you're a rabid Trump-hater, you wouldn't be interested.
We've heard everything he has worth hearing, now it's time for him to attempt to live up to the hype of his campaign, not that any of you care if he ever does a damned thing to Make America Great Again, whatever that means.

Uh huh, like you were ever gonna give him a chance. Come on, who do you think you're bullshitting? You're gonna work very hard to sabotage the dude.
I'm just one person, what the hell could I do to sabotage him? I am issue oriented, if he does things I like I will certainly give him credit but looking at the cabinet he picked to sabotage the country I do not think there is much chance of that.

You're still spinning bullshit. You never intended to give the man a chance. You're already in full sabotage-mode. At least be honest. I can respect honest people. But i can't respect people trying to bullshit me.
I'm glad you think I am powerful enough to sabotage the president's agenda but I'm no different than anyone else except that I do say exactly why I disagree with any given policy. I can't get you Trumpbots to even have a decent policy discussion. You people just want to gloat and blame any criticism on being a sore loser. The victory lap is just about over, you ready to try to convince people that a billionaire giving away money to billionaires is somehow a populist agenda?

You'll do your part for the sabotage effort. You're not gonna give the man a chance. You're petty and partisan. So you can stop bullshitting.
Dude's been delivering some kick ass speeches on his Thank You Tour. Possibly the only US politician delivering speeches worth tuning into. But obviously if you're a rabid Trump-hater, you wouldn't be interested.
We've heard everything he has worth hearing, now it's time for him to attempt to live up to the hype of his campaign, not that any of you care if he ever does a damned thing to Make America Great Again, whatever that means.

Uh huh, like you were ever gonna give him a chance. Come on, who do you think you're bullshitting? You're gonna work very hard to sabotage the dude.
I'm just one person, what the hell could I do to sabotage him? I am issue oriented, if he does things I like I will certainly give him credit but looking at the cabinet he picked to sabotage the country I do not think there is much chance of that.

You're still spinning bullshit. You never intended to give the man a chance. You're already in full sabotage-mode. At least be honest. I can respect honest people. But i can't respect people trying to bullshit me.
I'm glad you think I am powerful enough to sabotage the president's agenda but I'm no different than anyone else except that I do say exactly why I disagree with any given policy. I can't get you Trumpbots to even have a decent policy discussion. You people just want to gloat and blame any criticism on being a sore loser. The victory lap is just about over, you ready to try to convince people that a billionaire giving away money to billionaires is somehow a populist agenda?
We don't give a fuck about you.....poor snowflake....

We are busy making America great after you fucked it up....
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Alabama is the poster child of failed GOP policies. I was raised there and every time I go back I wonder why anyone stays. It's second to last on every list of qualities that make a state worth living in.

Maybe it is because they EARN a living, instead of DEMANDING something.

Look at it this way--------------> see all that green paper known as money in New York! Well, what if I said no more food from the heartland-) How much would those stacked upon LEFTISTS in New York be willing to pay for food, when in 36 hours they are dry! Oh, maybe you could trade with RUSSIA! But I bet they would want some coal, or maybe oil, lol. Funny how when you are in deep-doo, your whole attitude on what is really important would change.

I am not an evil person, but to shut the coasts up, I would starve them out, which would take around 15 minutes-)
Don't try to tell me what Alabama is like. I know. The people who own everything worth owning there do quite well, the people who work for them are some of most under-compensated workers in the nation. They have been subjected to almost constant GOP economic policy for thirty years and look at them.
Dude's been delivering some kick ass speeches on his Thank You Tour. Possibly the only US politician delivering speeches worth tuning into. But obviously if you're a rabid Trump-hater, you wouldn't be interested.

What did he say at these rallies that he hasn't said fifty times before? Put up or shut up.

Thank your electing me...which is kind of the point of thank you tours
The self-aggrandizement and savoring of November 8 was the main topic of his speech at this rally. Who the fuck does this? He eschews Presidential Daily Briefs but can't wait to get on a jet and waste taxpayer's money to tell us how wonderful he is. What a cocksocket.
I (and I bet HE) am really enjoying watching you guys become unglued. I didn't vote for him in the3 primary, but I can see he WILL accomplish more in 100 days than most presidents in a 4 year term.

This is gonna be so much fun to watch!
It's funny that at these rallies Trump tells the people that voted for him that he lied about what he said in other rallies... and that he made shit up just to get their attention, and his supporters cheer about it.

It's also funny because instead of working with his appointees on the policies he is going to work on, he's traveling the country patting himself on the back...
We've heard everything he has worth hearing, now it's time for him to attempt to live up to the hype of his campaign, not that any of you care if he ever does a damned thing to Make America Great Again, whatever that means.

Uh huh, like you were ever gonna give him a chance. Come on, who do you think you're bullshitting? You're gonna work very hard to sabotage the dude.
I'm just one person, what the hell could I do to sabotage him? I am issue oriented, if he does things I like I will certainly give him credit but looking at the cabinet he picked to sabotage the country I do not think there is much chance of that.

You're still spinning bullshit. You never intended to give the man a chance. You're already in full sabotage-mode. At least be honest. I can respect honest people. But i can't respect people trying to bullshit me.
I'm glad you think I am powerful enough to sabotage the president's agenda but I'm no different than anyone else except that I do say exactly why I disagree with any given policy. I can't get you Trumpbots to even have a decent policy discussion. You people just want to gloat and blame any criticism on being a sore loser. The victory lap is just about over, you ready to try to convince people that a billionaire giving away money to billionaires is somehow a populist agenda?
We don't give a fuck about you.....poor snowflake....

Has anyone else noticed, the echo chamber no longer uses the pejorative "libtard"? Typical of members of the echo chamber, who can't think for themselves, thus they post the same meme no matter how childish it may be.

BTW, a snowflake is always unique, and members of the echo chamber are biddable fools.
We've heard everything he has worth hearing, now it's time for him to attempt to live up to the hype of his campaign, not that any of you care if he ever does a damned thing to Make America Great Again, whatever that means.

Uh huh, like you were ever gonna give him a chance. Come on, who do you think you're bullshitting? You're gonna work very hard to sabotage the dude.
I'm just one person, what the hell could I do to sabotage him? I am issue oriented, if he does things I like I will certainly give him credit but looking at the cabinet he picked to sabotage the country I do not think there is much chance of that.

You're still spinning bullshit. You never intended to give the man a chance. You're already in full sabotage-mode. At least be honest. I can respect honest people. But i can't respect people trying to bullshit me.
I'm glad you think I am powerful enough to sabotage the president's agenda but I'm no different than anyone else except that I do say exactly why I disagree with any given policy. I can't get you Trumpbots to even have a decent policy discussion. You people just want to gloat and blame any criticism on being a sore loser. The victory lap is just about over, you ready to try to convince people that a billionaire giving away money to billionaires is somehow a populist agenda?

You'll do your part for the sabotage effort. You're not gonna give the man a chance. You're petty and partisan. So you can stop bullshitting.

I say exactly why I like or do not like a particular issue based on it's merits, if that is sabotage then prepare for sabotage. Quit talking about politicians and start talking about what they are doing and the ideas that drive their actions, if you do that before long you will find yourself "sabotaging" Trump as well.
Dude's been delivering some kick ass speeches on his Thank You Tour. Possibly the only US politician delivering speeches worth tuning into. But obviously if you're a rabid Trump-hater, you wouldn't be interested.

What did he say at these rallies that he hasn't said fifty times before? Put up or shut up.

Thank your electing me...which is kind of the point of thank you tours

Yeah, Trump-haters think everything's about them. They still think they're calling the shots. I think this is a great thing Trump's doing. As a supporter, i truly appreciate it.
Uh huh, like you were ever gonna give him a chance. Come on, who do you think you're bullshitting? You're gonna work very hard to sabotage the dude.
I'm just one person, what the hell could I do to sabotage him? I am issue oriented, if he does things I like I will certainly give him credit but looking at the cabinet he picked to sabotage the country I do not think there is much chance of that.

You're still spinning bullshit. You never intended to give the man a chance. You're already in full sabotage-mode. At least be honest. I can respect honest people. But i can't respect people trying to bullshit me.
I'm glad you think I am powerful enough to sabotage the president's agenda but I'm no different than anyone else except that I do say exactly why I disagree with any given policy. I can't get you Trumpbots to even have a decent policy discussion. You people just want to gloat and blame any criticism on being a sore loser. The victory lap is just about over, you ready to try to convince people that a billionaire giving away money to billionaires is somehow a populist agenda?

You'll do your part for the sabotage effort. You're not gonna give the man a chance. You're petty and partisan. So you can stop bullshitting.

I say exactly why I like or do not like a particular issue based on it's merits, if that is sabotage then prepare for sabotage. Quit talking about politicians and start talking about what they are doing and the ideas that drive their actions, if you do that before long you will find yourself "sabotaging" Trump as well.

Still bullshitting. You never intended on giving the man a chance. I can no longer converse with you. You're too disingenuous.
His supporters greatly appreciate his Thank You Tour. He isn't trying to please you Trump-hater nutters. The tour isn't about you folks.

His supporters really appreciate his "Thank you" tour. Trump is throwing red meat to the masses, telling them he's still going to build that wall, and impose tariffs, and get your jobs back. Oh and don't trust the mainstream media.

That's a tell. Like when Trump says "Believe me", he's lying. In poker we call that a "tell". When Trump told you the election was rigged, he meant that it was rigged in his favour. When he asked Putin to hack Hillary, he already knew they'd hacked the DNC, or were going to.

Trump has lied his ass off about what he was going to do for the country, but he's been very honest about what he was going to do to the country.
His supporters greatly appreciate his Thank You Tour. He isn't trying to please you Trump-hater nutters. The tour isn't about you folks.

His supporters really appreciate his "Thank you" tour. Trump is throwing red meat to the masses, telling them he's still going to build that wall, and impose tariffs, and get your jobs back. Oh and don't trust the mainstream media.

That's a tell. Like when Trump says "Believe me", he's lying. In poker we call that a "tell". When Trump told you the election was rigged, he meant that it was rigged in his favour. When he asked Putin to hack Hillary, he already knew they'd hacked the DNC, or were going to.

Trump has lied his ass off about what he was going to do for the country, but he's been very honest about what he was going to do to the country.

Still pushing stale Democrat fake news, ay? Really pathetic.
He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.

Did your head explode when Obama took the exact same victory tour after winning in 2008? OH SNAP!!! :laugh:
He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to speak at rallies. He just wants to relive November 8. Anyone else listening to this?

He's scared to death of walking into the Oval Office.

he's doing what loony demagogues do..... oh wait... they haven't done this since....

adolph. but why worry, right?

Anybody faint yet?

Any Songs yet?:dunno:


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