Trump has changed UK to conservative and soon all Western Europe .. Trump saving the world!!

Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!![/QUOTE
There is no doubt President Trump has fueled the rise of Populism in America and Europe. Populism is the enemy of Globalism and Socialism. Is it any wonder why the Liberals hate Trump so much?
Big win for the Brits. They want to rule their own country...not deal with the Frogs
and the Krauts. Who can blame them.

And, it will be another big win for the U. S. Just have to see what kind of deal they leave
the EU with. We'll have a sweet trade deal with them. China is going to sign a limited deal
with us. USMCA finally has passed. I'm wondering if the EU may start to buckle a bit.
China did. No doubt they watch our politics and with them knowing The Donald is well on
his way to another 4 years...they had to get a deal now. The EU is not going to want to
negotiate with Trump after he wins reelection because he will fuck them over, big time.
We'll see them come calling by Spring.

The American Train is rolling...."All Aboard!"
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Don't go too far.

Democrats still have Russia, China, and North Korea on their side.

China is conservative even tho they are trying to buy off America's congress to WEAKEN America

China even pushes liberalism in America to weaken our power

China knows liberalism is what weakens nations

China knows how corrupt America's liberal congress is because they have bought them off. But they also know liberals are the most dangerous because of being so crooked with them

So China being conservative and stopping their Muslims for than America and Europe can be a big ally to trump and uk and all stopping the unwise of their nations from voting

A logic test for voting is the only thing that can save America and western democracies

China seems to already being that by copying America's success blueprint of stopping the unwise from voting

China is a totalitarian dictatorship. In other words the opposite of conservative.


Conservative limited democracy what it is

They thru out their mao ways And copied America's founders blueprint of a democracy of only the wise

China is doing the same a democracy of the wise but more in private

Their high GDP scores is the result of having only the most wise to vote

That system will now be copied world wide

They will soon work well with trump America after seeing they can no longer weaken America by buying off crooked democrats

Ummmm, no. Chinas leader is permanent. You sound as dumb as Bloomberg.
U.K. People do watch American news a good bit

Their election tonight is showing how they see America's. Liberals being totally crooked against trump

Now they will help trump to stop liberals world wide

They will make wisdom tests for voters so that liberalism harm will
Never come back
You missed the target, they voted mainly to end the Brexit saga.
Both liberalism and.conservatism in the UK is a little different than what it is in the US in terms of parties.
The conservatives of the UK for example are for socialist programs that you guys hate (health, transportation, government programs...).

The ones that you gonna love the most they are liberal by american standards when it comes to same sex marriage, abortion, transgender and religion.
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North Korea and Venezuela will always welcome the leftists.

Let's keep it this way, they need a place for themselves too.
U.K. People do watch American news a good bit

Their election tonight is showing how they see America's. Liberals being totally crooked against trump

Now they will help trump to stop liberals world wide

They will make wisdom tests for voters so that liberalism harm will
Never come back
You missed the target, they voted mainly to end the Brexit saga.
Both liberalism and.conservatism in the UK is a little different than what it is in the US in terms of parties.
The conservatives of the UK for example are for socialist programs that you guys hate (health, transportation, government programs...).

The ones that you gonna love the most they are liberal by american standards when it comes to same sex marriage, abortion, transgender and religion.

Not to end Brexit saga - but to make Brexit HAPPEN. A position every leftist globalist whack-job like you is against. They voted to put the 3rd worlders and other people who are not English back to their countries.
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Don't go too far.

Democrats still have Russia, China, and North Korea on their side.

China is conservative even tho they are trying to buy off America's congress to WEAKEN America

China even pushes liberalism in America to weaken our power

China knows liberalism is what weakens nations

China knows how corrupt America's liberal congress is because they have bought them off. But they also know liberals are the most dangerous because of being so crooked with them

So China being conservative and stopping their Muslims for than America and Europe can be a big ally to trump and uk and all stopping the unwise of their nations from voting

A logic test for voting is the only thing that can save America and western democracies

China seems to already being that by copying America's success blueprint of stopping the unwise from voting

China is a totalitarian dictatorship. In other words the opposite of conservative.


Conservative limited democracy what it is

They thru out their mao ways And copied America's founders blueprint of a democracy of only the wise

China is doing the same a democracy of the wise but more in private

Their high GDP scores is the result of having only the most wise to vote

That system will now be copied world wide

They will soon work well with trump America after seeing they can no longer weaken America by buying off crooked democrats

Ummmm, no. Chinas leader is permanent. You sound as dumb as Bloomberg.

Let’s understand what is really going on in China now ...


Between 1982 and 2018, the constitution stipulated that the president could not serve more than two consecutive terms.[3] During the Mao era and also since 2018, there were no term limits attached to this office.[7]

Qualifications and electionEdit

According to the current Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the president must be a Chinese citizen with full electoral rights who has reached the age of 45.

The president is elected by the National People's Congress (NPC), China's highest state body, which also has the power to remove the president and other state officers from office. Elections and removals are decided by a simple majority vote.[8]


What one sees in today’s China is a big change ... they have seemed to copy America’s wise founders formula for success by having only the most wise voting in their leader and did even better with having the age at least 45 and not the less experience of 35 min age for president ....all polls show age makes a person more conservative and with better understanding of life.

After their change from chairman maos laws they started advancing suddenly and still having the Highest gdp scores of advancing

So no their leader is not permanent unless the party lets him

The party is the people that has the highest logic ability and they do the electing ..

Because they are advancing 5 or 6 times faster than western democracies ... that will make those nations learn and change to do the same thing

China is indeed conservative ... that’s why they will not vote for anyone as their leader under 45. America is more with liberals with its age of 35.

All western democracies will fall because their leaders are elected by the unwise

The falling of Rhodesia and South Africa should have taught the west that democracies of the unwise will destroy nations

China seems to know what religions harms a nation . They are strongest in the world against Muslims and really controls them

The catholic version of Christianity is next as. Their most hated religion and stops them

Then the Protestant religion is the best religion that they tolerate but they have seen even that religion has turned liberal

China is totally against Muslims and next is liberalism and the reason they are more against catholic Christianity than Protestant Christianity

Catholic Christianity votes more for liberals and liberal systems and is the reason China is more against Catholics than Protestants

This new change in China in the last 20 yrs to be more like America’s founders system is tge reason why they are progressing so fast

They promoted liberalism in America to weaken us and our military. But trump may show them America are no longer crooked after locking up the whole deep state

Both nations could help the world progress like never before

China is conservative for sure ...
The more liberal quality of Great Britain is changing now with more conservative and will keep moving to more conservative because of chinas GDP progress scores

All Europe will ditch their social liberalism too because that stops their gdp progress

Trump may bring a wisdom test for America voting to stop the liberalism harm once and for all. And that is exactly what China has found out that brings great gdp scores and great progress

So all western democracies will have to change

Like the founders said

There never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide

Europe’s very low gdp scores will make them change like America
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Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world
Only a Russian slaving in a troll factory would neither know nor care the UK government was conservative before Individual1 was chosen by the Electoral College.
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The more liberal quality of Great Britain is changing now with more conservative and will keep moving to more conservative because of chinas GDP progress scores

All Europe will ditch their social liberalism too because that stops their gdp progress

Trump may bring a wisdom test for America voting to stop the liberalism harm once and for all. And that is exactly what China has found out that brings great gdp scores and great progress

So all western democracies will have to change

Like the founders said

There never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide

Europe’s very low gdp scores will make them change like America

You you are talking Nonsense...

Europe has had one look at UK and thanked there lucky stars everyone has seen the bankruptcy of UK politics. Boris Johnson is considered a buffoon in European Politics and UK people are generally embarrassed by him. He won because he was facing probably the worst leader of Labour in a generation, he is truly awful.

The main come out of this is Scotland is gone if they leave EU which looks on the cards now... Britain will leave the EU for 10 to 15 years before coming back, Britain never figured why they joined the EU.

As soon as Johnson starts ripping up the NHS he will be gone... Brits love the NHS..
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Don't go too far.

Democrats still have Russia, China, and North Korea on their side.
You know that the conservatives in the UK are almost like the Democrats you hate?

The two major parties in the UK are a bit of a mix of our Republican and Democratic parties, but, they still align. If you are a staunch Democrat here, you would be part of the Labour Party there. Their Labour Party wants MORE government control and they don't really want Brexit.
The more liberal quality of Great Britain is changing now with more conservative and will keep moving to more conservative because of chinas GDP progress scores

All Europe will ditch their social liberalism too because that stops their gdp progress

Trump may bring a wisdom test for America voting to stop the liberalism harm once and for all. And that is exactly what China has found out that brings great gdp scores and great progress

So all western democracies will have to change

Like the founders said

There never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide

Europe’s very low gdp scores will make them change like America

You you are talking Nonsense...

Europe has had one look at UK and thanked there lucky stars everyone has seen the bankruptcy of UK politics. Boris Johnson is considered a buffoon in European Politics and UK people are generally embarrassed by him. He won because he was facing probably the worst leader of Labour in a generation, he is truly awful.

The main come out of this is Scotland is gone if they leave EU which looks on the cards now... Britain will leave the EU for 10 to 15 years before coming back, Britain never figured why they joined the EU.

As soon as Johnson starts ripping up the NHS he will be gone... Brits love the NHS..

You may be surprised how minds change once they leave the EU and are more economically succesful and independent. I am not familiar with their media, but if they actually report the news fairly(unlike here), the smart, successful folks with remain in the Conservative party.
I am not familiar with their media, but if they actually report the news fairly(unlike here), the smart, successful folks with remain in the Conservative party.
Nah, the media didn't point out the Leavers' lies.
Boris will make the UK great again.

Will the stupid Moon Bats in the UK try to impeach him for doing that? Our Moon Bats is trying to impeach Trump for making America great again.
Boris will make the UK great again.

Will the stupid Moon Bats in the UK try to impeach him for doing that? Our Moon Bats is trying to impeach Trump for making America great again.

I am sure they are already looking for potential false accusers. But will it work? We are in a culture war and screeching is not an effective weaponry last time I checked. With our side having the guns and theirs unable to determine which bathroom to attend... well...

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