Trump has changed UK to conservative and soon all Western Europe .. Trump saving the world!!

Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Good, hopefully liberalism and leftism in America and Europe its current incarnations will be dead within a generation, and replaced by a cultured conservatism. I believe the information age has revolutionized the world, and that archaic, unadaptable ideologies founded on archaic axioms and false truths are destined for extinction.

I take pride in helping contribute to the demise of that archaic ideology and that which is affiliated with it. As Bob Dylan said, the times are-a-changing - the archaic left had better be prepared for it, or not.

Perhaps deconstructing Francis Bacon's scientific method should be our crowning achievement; the average media viewer is still going on "scientific" nonsense which hasn't been science since the 1800s, not even informed about it at more than a 6th grade level, not believing in it because it's "true" in any contemporary science within the ever-changing definitions of science and its affiliated ideologies, but merely because it's "stood" the test of time and "makes sense" to those not particularly informed in it to begin with to actually believe that, like an old-fangled Tory clinging to his Bible for the sake of security.

But how will the more or less archaic natural sciences stand the test of time against the Information Age, computing, and social media? I'm production they won't, and will kindly be remembered as the alchemy of future generations - archaic, outdated, but respected, akin to the Catholic Church perhaps? Mhmm.

Humans were pre wired to stop harm

Pain is harm and ones with logic can understand pain a lot more than the unwise

So the wise will keep the world changing to the better

And logic tests for voting is the answer

China has them and America’s founders had them
U.K. People do watch American news a good bit

Their election tonight is showing how they see America's. Liberals being totally crooked against trump

Now they will help trump to stop liberals world wide

They will make wisdom tests for voters so that liberalism harm will
Never come back

The investigations are about to begin
In the UK's complicity with the Russian Collusion Hoax.

Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Good, hopefully liberalism and leftism in America and Europe its current incarnations will be dead within a generation, and replaced by a cultured conservatism. I believe the information age has revolutionized the world, and that archaic, unadaptable ideologies founded on archaic axioms and false truths are destined for extinction.

I take pride in helping contribute to the demise of that archaic ideology and that which is affiliated with it. As Bob Dylan said, the times are-a-changing - the archaic left had better be prepared for it, or not.

Perhaps deconstructing Francis Bacon's scientific method should be our crowning achievement; the average media viewer is still going on "scientific" nonsense which hasn't been science since the 1800s, not even informed about it at more than a 6th grade level, not believing in it because it's "true" in any contemporary science within the ever-changing definitions of science and its affiliated ideologies, but merely because it's "stood" the test of time and "makes sense" to those not particularly informed in it to begin with to actually believe that, like an old-fangled Tory clinging to his Bible for the sake of security.

But how will the more or less archaic natural sciences stand the test of time against the Information Age, computing, and social media? I'm production they won't, and will kindly be remembered as the alchemy of future generations - archaic, outdated, but respected, akin to the Catholic Church perhaps? Mhmm.

Humans were pre wired to stop harm

Pain is harm and ones with logic can understand pain a lot more than the unwise

So the wise will keep the world changing to the better

And logic tests for voting is the answer

China has them and America’s founders had them

To understand just how crazy liberals are. They are floating letting 16 yr olds to vote

The founders was wise enough to see 18-21 yrs old too young and liberal to vote even tho they fought and died for our nation

Liberals are so foolish they think physical strength is the same as mental strength

Time to learn brings all people to learn conservatives as the best and that’s why China is conservative and advancing fast
This was easy to predict

The destruction of liberals and liberalism and the destruction of the unwise voting
The more liberal quality of Great Britain is changing now with more conservative and will keep moving to more conservative because of chinas GDP progress scores

All Europe will ditch their social liberalism too because that stops their gdp progress

Trump may bring a wisdom test for America voting to stop the liberalism harm once and for all. And that is exactly what China has found out that brings great gdp scores and great progress

So all western democracies will have to change

Like the founders said

There never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide

Europe’s very low gdp scores will make them change like America

The French seem to be fed up with Give ME Your Money Macron. Looks like the left overstepped all over the globe. Talk about the worst timed attacks on their part.
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Don't go too far.

Democrats still have Russia, China, and North Korea on their side.

The orange whore is a Russian puppet. This is obvious.

Wrong America’s founders were not Russian and trump either

Both understands how the unwise must be stopped from voting which leads to liberalism destruction

Horseshit. How are "America's founders" involved in this (they're all dead)? And how are they role models, anyway? Moreover, they had nothing to do with the Romanov Dynasty of autocratic rulers in Russia. The orange whore is a Russian puppet, who ignores and denigrates the U.S. intelligence, law-enforcement agencies, and military in favor of lapping up putin's pee.
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Don't go too far.

Democrats still have Russia, China, and North Korea on their side.

The orange whore is a Russian puppet. This is obvious.

Wrong America’s founders were not Russian and trump either

Both understands how the unwise must be stopped from voting which leads to liberalism destruction

Horseshit. How are "America's founders" involved in this (they're all dead)? And how are they role models, anyway? Moreover, they had nothing to do with the Romanov Dynasty of autocratic rulers in Russia. The orange whore is a Russian puppet, who ignores and denigrates the U.S. intelligence, law-enforcement agencies, and military in favor of lapping up putin's pee.
Vladimir Putin is a nationalist and not a globalist. His people and he had globalist experimentation done to them with communism. First hand experience and the deaths of 60 million Russians from the collectivism to WW 2 has set that nation back a generation or two. Russia today would be laid bare by the globalists if she had no nukes. Since you follow the daily bull by the Pravda derived lemmings you do not know this. It is not complicated. Trump believes like Putin that the United States is a free and sovereign nation. Make no mistake, we are competitors for power. But the people in control are our own as Russia is. We see the globalist influence in the misery of other nations today. The blame of course is on one race and one religion. The truth is many of these nations are lush and rich with minerals and resources. They should be doing better. The globalists get their crumbs first.
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Don't go too far.

Democrats still have Russia, China, and North Korea on their side.

The orange whore is a Russian puppet. This is obvious.

Wrong America’s founders were not Russian and trump either

Both understands how the unwise must be stopped from voting which leads to liberalism destruction

Horseshit. How are "America's founders" involved in this (they're all dead)? And how are they role models, anyway? Moreover, they had nothing to do with the Romanov Dynasty of autocratic rulers in Russia. The orange whore is a Russian puppet, who ignores and denigrates the U.S. intelligence, law-enforcement agencies, and military in favor of lapping up putin's pee.

Are you bonkers ??

You say how is America’s founders involved in this ???

What in the heck do you think China copied to find the system of govt that produces success??

They looked at America’s founders America and found the answer

Control of a nations unwise !!

Only allowing the wise to vote

Now what brings the highest gdp scores will be copied everywhere

What destroyed western democracies gdp scores is the unwise voting in crooks and the harm of liberalism

Liberals will lose so many freedoms now in the world

Any act that lowers productivity and gdp scores will be stopped

Gay marriage and gays will be stopped quickly because that brings the imbalance of young to old which lowers the gdp scores

Anything that lowers the gdp scores will be stopped
The wise are fleeing liberals in a stampede !!

U.K. Is now trying to stop that harm with changing to conservative

China's system that brings the best GDP scores will be copied world wide and the unwise freedoms will be stopped just like today's China and America's Founders
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!

The problem is that "conservatives" and their alleged values do nothing to "save the world." Quite the opposite. Their goal is to establish authoritarian regimes that repress and deny basic freedoms and civil rights to any group that the morons in charge don't like and choose to target. No country or culture that has been described as "conservative" has ever been free.
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Don't go too far.

Democrats still have Russia, China, and North Korea on their side.

The orange whore is a Russian puppet. This is obvious.

Wrong America’s founders were not Russian and trump either

Both understands how the unwise must be stopped from voting which leads to liberalism destruction

Horseshit. How are "America's founders" involved in this (they're all dead)? And how are they role models, anyway? Moreover, they had nothing to do with the Romanov Dynasty of autocratic rulers in Russia. The orange whore is a Russian puppet, who ignores and denigrates the U.S. intelligence, law-enforcement agencies, and military in favor of lapping up putin's pee.
Better Russian than democrat. US Intelligence agencies need to be dissolved and purged of democrats. Clean the military of gays and soy boys.
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!

The problem is that "conservatives" and their alleged values do nothing to "save the world." Quite the opposite. Their goal is to establish authoritarian regimes that repress and deny basic freedoms and civil rights to any group that the morons in charge don't like and choose to target. No country or culture that has been described as "conservative" has ever been free.


Conservatives saving the big imbalance of young to old that the liberals mass murder of babies brings
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!
Don't go too far.

Democrats still have Russia, China, and North Korea on their side.

The orange whore is a Russian puppet. This is obvious.

Wrong America’s founders were not Russian and trump either

Both understands how the unwise must be stopped from voting which leads to liberalism destruction

Horseshit. How are "America's founders" involved in this (they're all dead)? And how are they role models, anyway? Moreover, they had nothing to do with the Romanov Dynasty of autocratic rulers in Russia. The orange whore is a Russian puppet, who ignores and denigrates the U.S. intelligence, law-enforcement agencies, and military in favor of lapping up putin's pee.
Better Russian than democrat. US Intelligence agencies need to be dissolved and purged of democrats. Clean the military of gays and soy boys.

So you want to live in a nation run by those with no brains and small dicks that you will service? Not me, thank you very much. You go blow graham or trump or another of your fundie boyfriends.
Results of the 2019 General Election

Trump has turned uk to conservative and next will turn Europe conservative and save the world

It's over for liberals world wide !!!

The problem is that "conservatives" and their alleged values do nothing to "save the world." Quite the opposite. Their goal is to establish authoritarian regimes that repress and deny basic freedoms and civil rights to any group that the morons in charge don't like and choose to target. No country or culture that has been described as "conservative" has ever been free.
Denied Civil Rights?
Like Americans who are not admitted into college, or hired or promoted because they are the wrong color?

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