Trump has created the Deep State

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You avoided the question.....

Do YOU approve of the New Black Panther Party....YES or NO ?

Renounce stormfront, the daily stormer and every white nationalist/supremacist/identity group by name, then come ask me about the motherfucking NBPP.
I do not approve of ANY white OR black supremacist organizations.

Now answer the question with a YES or a No

Do YOU approve of the New Black Panther Party....YES or NO ?
I do not approve of ANY white OR black supremacist organizations.

Now answer the question with a YES or a No

Do YOU approve of the New Black Panther Party....YES or NO ?
There are no black supremacist organizations.

Renounce stormfront, the daily stormer and denounce every white nationalist/supremacist/identity group by name, then come ask me about the motherfucking NBPP.

That's what you've been asked to do. You and the other maggots have tried hijacking this thread. So what you will do is start a thread in the race section to denounce stormfront, the daily stormer and denounce every white nationalist/supremacist/identity group by name.
You avoided the question.....

Do YOU approve of the New Black Panther Party....YES or NO ?

Renounce stormfront, the daily stormer and every white nationalist/supremacist/identity group by name, then come ask me about the motherfucking NBPP.
Trump did not create the "deep state" ..... though he may well work for it by playing the role of "Christian Nationalist".

Trump has become a "judas goat" leading the Nationalist and Trumpsters to their doom.

Vatican is kingpin of the "deep state" Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal that will soon bring down ALL the "sovereign" nations.

You can't have all these hate whitey threads and not be a racist so you're lying.

Post a thread by me where I have stated that I hate whites.

If you can't do that, I am going to start reporting every off topic post you do in this thread. I am not going to stop. So you can not enter my threads or you can try to justify the white racism described in them.

You resent whites and blame them for everything wrong with your life. Just like the Nazis did Jews.

I said show me a thread where I said I hate whites. You're outta your fucking mind to compare my disdain for continuing white racism to the shit Hitler made up about jews.
You're too chickenshit to come out directly and say it. But you play with words to hide your hate for anything white.

So you can't find a thread. I don't play with words. If I hated white people, I would say so. You're just a pussy. A white pink frilly thong wearing incel piece of shit. Seems like I get along very well with a good number of whites who frequent this forum. You racists seem to have a problem. And you will continue to have that problem because I don't give a damn what you think.

I don't need to find a fucking thread it's a known borad wide fact you're a racist
The majority of hate whitey threads are started by you.
There you go showing your racism.

Nothing said there was racist by either side.
Blacks aren't denied anything and whites don't get to move ahead of anyone unless you're a rich democrat.

That's a lie.
No, it's not a lie and if you weren't so racist you could see it.
I am black. I think I know much better than you do what blacks are being denied today and why. So I'm not debating this with you son.


It is a lie and because you're a racist, you want to deny it's a lie.
I'm white and I've personally witness preferential treatment given to blacks.
Trump did not create the "deep state" ..... though he may well work for it by playing the role of "Christian Nationalist".

Trump has become a "judas goat" leading the Nationalist and Trumpsters to their doom.

Vatican is kingpin of the "deep state" Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal that will soon bring down ALL the "sovereign" nations.


I do think the pope will be a large part of it. I just don't believe in this concept of globalism. For when god returns, he creates a global government.
Nothing said there was racist by either side.
Blacks aren't denied anything and whites don't get to move ahead of anyone unless you're a rich democrat.

That's a lie.
No, it's not a lie and if you weren't so racist you could see it.
I am black. I think I know much better than you do what blacks are being denied today and why. So I'm not debating this with you son.


It is a lie and because you're a racist, you want to deny it's a lie.
I'm white and I've personally witness preferential treatment given to blacks.

And I'm black and can show you 243 years of whites getting preferential treatment. So stay on topic son, because it's not a board wide fact that I am a racist, nor have I started any hate whitey threads. If you don't like what I say, stop being a racist.
IM2 has not only failed to answer the question of whether or not he approves of the New Black Panther Party, he obviously skirts and dances around an answer and deflects....going so far as to state that "there are no black supremacists organizations".

“I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate it. We didn’t come out here to play today. There’s too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore bitches on our arms, and we call ourselves black men. … What the hell is wrong with you black man? You at a doomsday with a white girl on your damn arm. We keep begging white people for freedom! No wonder we not free! Your enemy cannot make you free, fool! You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers! You going to have to kill some of their babies!”

— King Samir Shabazz, former head of the New Black Panther party’s Philadelphia chapter, in a National Geographic documentary, January 2009.

You draw your own conclusion. It seems very obvious to me. He apparently does approve of the New Black Panther Party and may have affiliations with it. Would it surprise anyone?
Yet he will never see that Party as a racist entity since as he says, there are no black supremacist organizations.

THIS is the only reason for his continuous posting of anti-Trump threads such as this one.
No evidence, no logical discussion, no valid points. Just a message of hate.

PS, he mentions Globalism as God's choice. So he has swallowed the Globalism message as well.
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Blacks aren't denied anything and whites don't get to move ahead of anyone unless you're a rich democrat.

That's a lie.
No, it's not a lie and if you weren't so racist you could see it.
I am black. I think I know much better than you do what blacks are being denied today and why. So I'm not debating this with you son.


It is a lie and because you're a racist, you want to deny it's a lie.
I'm white and I've personally witness preferential treatment given to blacks.

And I'm black and can show you 243 years of whites getting preferential treatment. So stay on topic son, because it's not a board wide fact that I am a racist, nor have I started any hate whitey threads. If you don't like what I say, stop being a racist.
Sure but you also ignore Blacks who owned slaves
Modern-day blacks are ignorant though, all that 243 years of whites getting preferential treatment was done by democrats and you still support them
IM2 has not only failed to answer the question of whether or not he approves of the New Black Panther Party, he obviously skirts and dances around an answer and deflects....going so far as to state that "there are no black supremacists organizations".

You draw your own conclusion. It seems very obvious to me.
I don't believe he even has a job.
Me I am leaving for work now
IM2 has been online when I went to sleep and was online when I got up getting ready to go to work.
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