Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

Trump attorney admitted he paid her of

yes, Trump ATTORNEY

He 'reimbursed' Cohen?

How does that cover Trump paying Stormy?
Trump paid for it... then didn’t report it.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.


You moron. Go learn campaign finance laws.
The central legal question is whether Cohen paid Daniels to help Trump’s campaign, or to help Trump. Considering all the scandals that have surrounded Trump for many years and how he's used them to promote his image, it's hard to believe he would be paying off mistresses to protect his reputation and not his bid for election.
There was no other reason to buy her silence.
no--it's NOT so clear
in a court of law you need proof beyond reasonable doubt
you are just guessing/theorizing

That would be for a jury to decide if it would ever go to court, which it won’t.
Meanwhile, anyone with a functioning brain can see his motive when he didn’t pay for Storm’s silence when she first spoke up in 2006... never paid her during the next 10 years to keep it hidden from Melanie — but did pay her when his election was just 11 days away.


Anyway, it’s not going to court. It’s being investigated by the FEC and they will decide trump’s motive.

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

Who cares what you call it? You’re a brain-dead con. What mattered was what the FEC called it and the FEC called it a civil offense.

I hate talking to people on the net that Never experience going before a judge, going to jail..

You can get that shit tossed out so easily

And we are dealing with the president of the United States..

Nixion didn't have talk radio or fox news protecting his ass back then

And that's why you will lose..


That would be for a jury to decide if it would ever go to court, which it won’t.
Meanwhile, anyone with a functioning brain can see his motive when he didn’t pay for Storm’s silence when she first spoke up in 2006... never paid her during the next 10 years to keep it hidden from Melanie — but did pay her when his election was just 11 days away.


Anyway, it’s not going to court. It’s being investigated by the FEC and they will decide trump’s motive.

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

Who cares what you call it? You’re a brain-dead con. What mattered was what the FEC called it and the FEC called it a civil offense.
As is this. Been there, done that.

As a woman, will you be voting for Melania?
You ask stupid questions. Get lost.
Trump paid for it... then didn’t report it.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.

An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
If it was to keep it hidden from Melanie, he would have paid off Stormy years earlier when she wanted to go public with her account of their affair.
And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

Who cares what you call it? You’re a brain-dead con. What mattered was what the FEC called it and the FEC called it a civil offense.
As is this. Been there, done that.

As a woman, will you be voting for Melania?
You ask stupid questions. Get lost.
You lost the argument since the 1990's.

That would be for a jury to decide if it would ever go to court, which it won’t.
Meanwhile, anyone with a functioning brain can see his motive when he didn’t pay for Storm’s silence when she first spoke up in 2006... never paid her during the next 10 years to keep it hidden from Melanie — but did pay her when his election was just 11 days away.


Anyway, it’s not going to court. It’s being investigated by the FEC and they will decide trump’s motive.

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

Who cares what you call it? You’re a brain-dead con. What mattered was what the FEC called it and the FEC called it a civil offense.

I hate talking to people on the net that Never experience going before a judge, going to jail..

You can get that shit tossed out so easily

And we are dealing with the president of the United States..

Nixion didn't have talk radio or fox news protecting his ass back then

And that's why you will lose..

In the meantime, Trumps legal liability at this point is making Nixon look like a choir boy.
No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?

Stop trying to play word games fool. Pleading to a lesser charge for a prosecutors agreement to drop a more serious one happens all the time. And yeah, it's entirely possible you could be totally innocent of the lesser crime, that doesn't make you completely innocent, does it.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.

An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.
”He didn't want his voters finding out either.”

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

Who cares what you call it? You’re a brain-dead con. What mattered was what the FEC called it and the FEC called it a civil offense.
As is this. Been there, done that.

As a woman, will you be voting for Melania?
You ask stupid questions. Get lost.

Grow a brain, remember when a judge said he couldn't over turn the dream act because of public opinion even though what Obama did was Illegal?

Once again Obama and bush jr got away with assassining Americans citizens with out due process..

Your crazy if you ever think you will bring this president down..
It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

Who cares what you call it? You’re a brain-dead con. What mattered was what the FEC called it and the FEC called it a civil offense.
As is this. Been there, done that.

As a woman, will you be voting for Melania?
You ask stupid questions. Get lost.

Grow a brain, remember when a judge said he couldn't over turn the dream act because of public opinion even though what Obama did was Illegal?

Once again Obama and bush jr got away with assassining Americans citizens with out due process..

Your crazy if you ever think you will bring this president down..
It is fun watching their hopes dashed time and again.
An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Oddly, I believe he was more worried about Melania.

and considering her reaction to the news, he had reason

Of course you do.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

Who cares what you call it? You’re a brain-dead con. What mattered was what the FEC called it and the FEC called it a civil offense.
As is this. Been there, done that.

As a woman, will you be voting for Melania?
You ask stupid questions. Get lost.

Grow a brain, remember when a judge said he couldn't over turn the dream act because of public opinion even though what Obama did was Illegal?

Once again Obama and bush jr got away with assassining Americans citizens with out due process..

Your crazy if you ever think you will bring this president down..
It is fun watching their hopes dashed time and again. this creepy?
It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
How do you know that? Did you talk to Trump?

And by the way, prosecutors will charge it as a campaign finance crime/felony/expense because of the obvious. He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol!

How do you know that?

Because it's not a campaign expense.
Why do you feel it is?
I asked you two questions. Can't you answer?

Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016.
I agree, a donation that size to the campaign would be an issue. This wasn't. It isn't.
Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from.
Lol! Because that tells us everything you idiot. :21: He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money. If you don't know the source, how can you claim it is or isn't a campaign expense? Answer, you can't, which is why you are so full of shit.

So for you to say it is not a campaign expense,
Was a check cut to the campaign? From the campaign?
You tell me? You are the one who said it wasn't an expense. Lol!

Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Cohen didn't write a $130,000 payment to the campaign.
Daniels didn't receive a $130,000 payment from the campaign.

He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money.

Oh no! A politician wasn't straight with the American people. How unique.

You tell me?

No, neither occurred.

You are the one who said it wasn't an expense.

Only because it wasn't.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
How do you know that? Did you talk to Trump?

And by the way, prosecutors will charge it as a campaign finance crime/felony/expense because of the obvious. He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol!
they don't charge people if something APPEARS to be obvious--but on evidence!!
The obvious is the evidence fool.
you just made a fatal/irrevocable error:
no the obvious is NOT evidence!!!!
you fked up
they didn't/could charge OJ without all the blood evidence/etc
LOl! You understand nothing of semantics sonny. Go back to school. You are way out of your league here.

I understand semantics is the last bastion of a loser. LMAO
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Oddly, I believe he was more worried about Melania.

and considering her reaction to the news, he had reason

Of course you do.


The most precious first lady in history compared to Jackie

( And I do like Michelle)
The De!monRAT HOUSE can Impesch a ham sandwich.As with Clinton it is THE REPUBLICAN Senate that would have to convict to remove. And after Trump helping all those Senators to get reelected, and elected, there is NO WAY to remove him! the Senate needs ,67 votes to impeach....just another exercise in WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY!....ROTFLMFAO!

When the evidence shows he broke the law by paying off a porn star, stole money from the government, colluded with the NRA & Russia, sent Kushner to avoid MBS on how to lie about his killing? His name will be shit outside of Trump world.

Lets start naming which Republicans will lead the charge: Romney, Grahm,
You just make it up as you go, and use DNC bullshit talking points....ROTFLMFAO!!!

WHen it was discovered that Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was guilty of violations involving nearly $2 million – an amount that dwarfs the $280,000 in Cohen’s case – the Obama Justice Department decided not to prosecute. Instead, the matter was quietly disposed of by a $375,000 fine by the Federal Election Commission.

A new head of the DOJ, will simply refuse to prosecute. As they did with the the ABNORMALS Heads explode then....full RETARD....LOLOLOL!
Dumbfuck, the DoJ can’t touch a sitting president. You really are dumber than shit.
Asshole. All it takes is a CHANGE in DOJ regulations AS THEY DID FOR CLINTON, to indict a sitting president, it is up to the AMMENDABLE DOJ REGS......STUPID ASS!

What a moron you are, eh? Clinton was never indicted with any crime by the DoJ while he was president.

You idiots never learn. What a pity.

No, he plead out in a State court.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.

An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?
Save money, some of you ABNORMALS seem to think he's with that!

Nutcase.... how did that save him money? He still paid her $130,000.00.

And she now owes him 340K for attorneys fees. A 210K profit.

You just make it up as you go, and use DNC bullshit talking points....ROTFLMFAO!!!

WHen it was discovered that Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was guilty of violations involving nearly $2 million – an amount that dwarfs the $280,000 in Cohen’s case – the Obama Justice Department decided not to prosecute. Instead, the matter was quietly disposed of by a $375,000 fine by the Federal Election Commission.

A new head of the DOJ, will simply refuse to prosecute. As they did with the the ABNORMALS Heads explode then....full RETARD....LOLOLOL!
Dumbfuck, the DoJ can’t touch a sitting president. You really are dumber than shit.
Asshole. All it takes is a CHANGE in DOJ regulations AS THEY DID FOR CLINTON, to indict a sitting president, it is up to the AMMENDABLE DOJ REGS......STUPID ASS!

What a moron you are, eh? Clinton was never indicted with any crime by the DoJ while he was president.

You idiots never learn. What a pity.
These folks are so unbelievably stupid.
I’m tellin’ ya, bro.

OH MY! Do we have a budding bormance here?

Trump in 15 sent Cohen to do the deal in Moscow. RUSSIA offered THEIR HELP with the election offering 'governmental campaign assistance'. Theirs. They wooed and "groomed" him, dangled the TOWER project in front of him, offered PUTIN'S personal approval of the same till the ELECTION. PUTIN won. Trump won the presidency. Trump got screwed on his TOWER. PUTIN played him and AMERICA LOST!,

In or around November 2015, Cohen received the contact information for, and spoke with, a Russian national who claimed to be a ‘trusted person’ in the Russian Federation who could offer the campaign ‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level,'” the memo says. “The defendant recalled that this person repeatedly proposed a meeting between Individual 1 and the President of Russia. The person told Cohen that such a meeting could have a ‘phenomenal’ impact ‘not only in political but in a business dimension as well,’ referring to the Moscow Project, because there is ‘no bigger warranty in any project than consent of [the President of Russia].’

Russian agents reached out to Trump to offer 'political synergy' in November 2015: Mueller memo

For the love of God, quit the Everclear before it kills you.

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Dumbfuck, the DoJ can’t touch a sitting president. You really are dumber than shit.
Asshole. All it takes is a CHANGE in DOJ regulations AS THEY DID FOR CLINTON, to indict a sitting president, it is up to the AMMENDABLE DOJ REGS......STUPID ASS!

What a moron you are, eh? Clinton was never indicted with any crime by the DoJ while he was president.

You idiots never learn. What a pity.
These folks are so unbelievably stupid.
I’m tellin’ ya, bro.

OH MY! Do we have a budding bormance here?

While she's often mistaken for a man IRL, let's just say she won't be winning any handball games.

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