Trump Has Reportedly Been Asking About Pardons for Himself, His Family, and More

You're an idiot trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about
Amateurs Identify U.S. Spy Satellite Behind President Trump's Tweet

Hanham says she is amazed a satellite can provide such clear imagery. Spy satellites must peer down through Earth's atmosphere, which is a bit like trying to look at objects in the bottom of a swimming pool. They also must snap their pictures while whizzing across the sky. Both effects can blur the fine details in images.

"I'm now scratching my head and curious about how they account for the effects of the atmosphere and motion of the objects," she says.

And she says she thinks she's not alone. Others will be trying to use the image to learn more about how USA 224 works. "I imagine adversaries are going to take a look at this image and reverse-engineer it to figure out how the sensor itself works and what kind of post-production techniques they're using," she says.

Hanham questions whether Trump's tweet zinging the Iranians was worth the information this image provides to other nations, but she adds: "It's his decision as the president."

The resolution of that image is nowhere near our capabilities. Believe me, I know. Why don't you and your libtard friends just STFU, and stop exposing your hypocrisy and ignorance?
It's not just the resolution. From the images they were able to calculate the orbit of the spy satellite that took the pictures, and know what it will be capable of photographing and when.
You're an idiot trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about
Amateurs Identify U.S. Spy Satellite Behind President Trump's Tweet
What do you imagine that proves? You don't even have a link to the story.
You're an idiot trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about
Amateurs Identify U.S. Spy Satellite Behind President Trump's Tweet

Hanham says she is amazed a satellite can provide such clear imagery. Spy satellites must peer down through Earth's atmosphere, which is a bit like trying to look at objects in the bottom of a swimming pool. They also must snap their pictures while whizzing across the sky. Both effects can blur the fine details in images.

"I'm now scratching my head and curious about how they account for the effects of the atmosphere and motion of the objects," she says.

And she says she thinks she's not alone. Others will be trying to use the image to learn more about how USA 224 works. "I imagine adversaries are going to take a look at this image and reverse-engineer it to figure out how the sensor itself works and what kind of post-production techniques they're using," she says.

Hanham questions whether Trump's tweet zinging the Iranians was worth the information this image provides to other nations, but she adds: "It's his decision as the president."

She doesn't even know if the photo is from a spy satellite.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.
He's toast. Even if he can pardon himself from federal crimes(which I doubt is possible) he can't pardon himself for state crimes. He's done.

lol...You think he’s going to prison? I call that unhinged.
I'd be satisfied with fining him into abject poverty.

What a detestable slob you are.
I mean abject, eating ramen noodles three times a week, I gotta fight for a space at the homeless shelter, eating outta trash cans poverty.

Rot in hell asshole.
His whole rotten family. Living in dumpsters.

Poetic justice.
I'd be satisfied with fining him into abject poverty.
I'm afraid that a cash strapped Trump, would start selling classified information to the highest bidder.

And a quirk of the national security laws, the president and ex-president aren't subject to laws against releasing classified information.
That's something Biden would do, not Trump. Biden has already sold his office for cash.

You Dim douchebags amaze me.
Well that's a lie.
She doesn't even know if the photo is from a spy satellite.
Learn to read the link.

The image almost certainly came from a satellite known as USA 224, according to Marco Langbroek, a satellite-tracker based in the Netherlands. The satellite was launched by the National Reconnaissance Office in 2011. Almost everything about it remains highly classified, but Langbroek says that based on its size and orbit, most observers believe USA 224 is one of America's multibillion-dollar KH-11 reconnaissance satellites.
I'd be satisfied with fining him into abject poverty.
I'm afraid that a cash strapped Trump, would start selling classified information to the highest bidder.

And a quirk of the national security laws, the president and ex-president aren't subject to laws against releasing classified information.
That's something Biden would do, not Trump. Biden has already sold his office for cash.

You Dim douchebags amaze me.
Well that's a lie.
She doesn't even know if the photo is from a spy satellite.
Learn to read the link.

The image almost certainly came from a satellite known as USA 224, according to Marco Langbroek, a satellite-tracker based in the Netherlands. The satellite was launched by the National Reconnaissance Office in 2011. Almost everything about it remains highly classified, but Langbroek says that based on its size and orbit, most observers believe USA 224 is one of America's multibillion-dollar KH-11 reconnaissance satellites.
So he claims. Why should anyone believe him? The photo could just as easily have been taken by an airplane.
I'd be satisfied with fining him into abject poverty.
I'm afraid that a cash strapped Trump, would start selling classified information to the highest bidder.

And a quirk of the national security laws, the president and ex-president aren't subject to laws against releasing classified information.
That's something Biden would do, not Trump. Biden has already sold his office for cash.

You Dim douchebags amaze me.
Well that's a lie.
Yeah, I'm afraid it is.

Sorry for your luck.
I'd be satisfied with fining him into abject poverty.
I'm afraid that a cash strapped Trump, would start selling classified information to the highest bidder.

And a quirk of the national security laws, the president and ex-president aren't subject to laws against releasing classified information.
That's something Biden would do, not Trump. Biden has already sold his office for cash.

You Dim douchebags amaze me.
Well that's a lie.
Yeah, I'm afraid it is.

Sorry for your luck.
So he claims. Why should anyone believe him? The photo could just as easily have been taken by an airplane.

Langbroek went further still. He was able to reconstruct the picture taken by USA 224 by matching the obliqueness of the circular launch pad in the image tweeted by Trump. His calculation showed that the photo was taken from the vantage of USA 224. Langbroek and another online researcher, Christiaan Triebert, also used shadows cast by towers around the launch pad as sun dials—allowing them to verify the time at which the photo was taken.

Both techniques suggest the pictures were snapped by USA 224, which flew near the site at 2:14 p.m. local time. "The match was perfect, basically," Langbroek says.
So he claims. Why should anyone believe him? The photo could just as easily have been taken by an airplane.

Langbroek went further still. He was able to reconstruct the picture taken by USA 224 by matching the obliqueness of the circular launch pad in the image tweeted by Trump. His calculation showed that the photo was taken from the vantage of USA 224. Langbroek and another online researcher, Christiaan Triebert, also used shadows cast by towers around the launch pad as sun dials—allowing them to verify the time at which the photo was taken.

Both techniques suggest the pictures were snapped by USA 224, which flew near the site at 2:14 p.m. local time. "The match was perfect, basically," Langbroek says.
It could just as easily have been taken by an airplane at the same angle.
Can't pardon yourself for crimes you haven't been charged with or may be charged with in the future.
There is no blanket pardon that covers forward time after 1/20/2021.

One of the networks had a good feature on this last night. The fraud and money laundering issues he may face with
the Manhattan DA will be the only charges where he could face jail time. The rest of the actions are concerning civil lawsuits
that will keep him busy financially and legally, but won't have any threat of prison time.
Yes he can pardon himself for every federal CRIME HE COMMITTED prior to the pardon, even if it is not found until after he leaves office.

Sad, but True.

Even though we claim no one is above the law, the founders never presumed we would have a LAWLESS president, that would pardon himself and family for all of their CRIMES COMMITTED, so they did not specifically ban a president from doing this...

Any new crimes, after pardon, would be prosecuted.

An impeachment would be in order for such an abuse, and to prevent Trump from ever holding a government position again.
What federal crimes do you speak of, Care? The ones concocted by the democrats?
Obstruction of justice and breaking the emoluments claus come to mind.

But a pardon also includes an admission of guilt. The innocent do not require pardoning.

No one asked you your fantasy of what the charges are.

The question is name the acts that Trump did. My God you people are dumb
He fired whistleblowers, and the director of the FBI because they were involved in investigations of himself and his cronies.

He directed federal agents to stay at his properties, thus profiting from federal spending.

And you know about it yet claim we are dumb. That makes you delusional.

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