Trump Has Reportedly Been Asking About Pardons for Himself, His Family, and More

absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.
So, in other words, you admit the inability to read for comprehension? The pardon does NOT list all the crimes he allegedly committed, you fucking imbecile!
I already answered that point.

Bullshit! Did Nixon's pardon list his crimes? Not a damn one.
Too many to list.

Apparently English is a language beyond your capability. You claimed the pardon must list all crimes. I disagreed, and then, when challenged, you showed proof that it does NOT have to list all crimes. STFU until you learn the language!
Can't pardon yourself for crimes you haven't been charged with or may be charged with in the future.
There is no blanket pardon that covers forward time after 1/20/2021.

One of the networks had a good feature on this last night. The fraud and money laundering issues he may face with
the Manhattan DA will be the only charges where he could face jail time. The rest of the actions are concerning civil lawsuits
that will keep him busy financially and legally, but won't have any threat of prison time.

You can be pardoned for crimes in the past that have not been charged. You're wrong on that part.

It is true you can't be pardoned for future crimes.

This whole thing is a crock of shit though. Just a Democrat fantasy. Most guys fantasize about sex, BTW. You're pretty creepy

If the crime occurred while you were President. For crimes you committed before you were President...not so clear.
It'll be fun to watch though. :)

I'm looking for Republicans actually starting to pursue investigations after Democrats leave office now that you're opening that door. That will be fun

Why not? Dim or RethugiKKKon what's the difference? If you commit a crime you should be punished. Why is this so hard to grasp?

Yes, yet Hillary is free despite smashing phones and being behind presenting false information to a FISA court as well as lying to investigators. Let's do it

Sure, laws are broken get after it and prosecute. Why is this so hard to understand?

Hasn't happened. Hillary committed a bunch of overt crimes and got away with it because of the DC bog. Time to actually charge her and future Democrats

I am good with it. Question, why didn’t the RethugiKKKon controlled federal government go after her then?

Wait lemme guess " The Deep State ".
Thugakkkons? Project much?

No RethugiKKKons!
Wouldn't that be the responsibility of Obama's IRS? They were too busy persecuting conservative groups to do their jobs, or was it something else?
The 5th amendment made it a requirement that the IRS not prosecute people for such crimes.
It's what allows the IRS to compel filling out tax forms.

OMG, you are the dumbest MF I have conversed with on this message board. The 5th Amendment predates the IRS by how many years? Tell your Mommy, that the mean old man told you it was time to go nite-nite.
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Trump kept his promises?
What about mexico paying for the wall?
Or Trump building the wall?
Or that healthcare covering millions more at a fraction of the cost.
Trumps biggest promises were his biggest failures.
Trump built the wall, shit for brains!
Really, on what date did he finish building it?

It has been and is still currently being built you dumb MF! Google is your friend!
...He has two ways out of what? What crimes has he committed?
The US Attorney for the Southern District of New York should have more information for you on January 21, 2021 :laugh:
I think Biden should restore the SDNY to what it was before Trump sabotaged it.

The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY, or S.D.N.Y.)
"US Attorney Geoffrey Berman asserts independence from Justice Department".
You mean a den of sleaze and corruption?

Only since tRump and Bagman Barr interfered.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.
He's toast. Even if he can pardon himself from federal crimes(which I doubt is possible) he can't pardon himself for state crimes. He's done.

lol...You think he’s going to prison? I call that unhinged.
I'd be satisfied with fining him into abject poverty.

What a detestable slob you are.
I mean abject, eating ramen noodles three times a week, I gotta fight for a space at the homeless shelter, eating outta trash cans poverty.

Rot in hell asshole.
His whole rotten family. Living in dumpsters.

Apparently English is a language beyond your capability. You claimed the pardon must list all crimes. I disagreed, and then, when challenged, you showed proof that it does NOT have to list all crimes. STFU until you learn the language!
You're being stupid. Read my post again.

Pardons can be specific (a particular crime at a particular time) or they can be blanked (any and all crimes during a specific time period)
Caveat is that pardons can not extend into the future.

Wanna say your'e sorry?
I seriously doubt he can remember anything classified. He doesn't even attend the briefings.
They briefed Trump on things like the capabilities of our air craft carrier battle groups, ballistic subs, and every other piece of front line military hardware. Trump is constantly talking about how we have the best military, so i'm sure they told him what makes us the best.

I just heard that Trump was down at mar a lago showing top secret satellite photos to his guests.

And before that

Trump Accidentally Revealed The Amazing Resolution Of U.S. ... › jonathanocallaghan › 2019/09/01

Sep 1, 2019 — Indeed, high-resolution satellite imagery is controversial itself; private satellites are only allowed to release images with a resolution of

The resolution of that image is nowhere near our capabilities. Believe me, I know. Why don't you and your libtard friends just STFU, and stop exposing your hypocrisy and ignorance?
Apparently English is a language beyond your capability. You claimed the pardon must list all crimes. I disagreed, and then, when challenged, you showed proof that it does NOT have to list all crimes. STFU until you learn the language!
You're being stupid. Read my post again.

Pardons can be specific (a particular crime at a particular time) or they can be blanked (any and all crimes during a specific time period)
Caveat is that pardons can not extend into the future.

Wanna say your'e sorry?

Yes, you backpedaled when you proved yourself wrong. I see nothing where you admit that you fucked up!
The 5th amendment made it a requirement that the IRS not prosecute people for such crimes.
It's what allows the IRS to compel filling out tax forms.
OMG, you are the dumbest MF I have conversed with on this message board. The 5th Amendment predates the IRs by how many years? Tell your Mommy, that the mean old man told you it was time to go nite-nite.
The IRS tax code allowed under the 16th amendment, had to comply with the 5th amendment. Which means a tax form which contains self incriminating information either can not be compelled, or can not be prosecuted.
The IRS code makes it so such admissions can not be prosecuted, which is what allows them to compel filing a tax form.
I seriously doubt he can remember anything classified. He doesn't even attend the briefings.
They briefed Trump on things like the capabilities of our air craft carrier battle groups, ballistic subs, and every other piece of front line military hardware. Trump is constantly talking about how we have the best military, so i'm sure they told him what makes us the best.

I just heard that Trump was down at mar a lago showing top secret satellite photos to his guests.

And before that

Trump Accidentally Revealed The Amazing Resolution Of U.S. ... › jonathanocallaghan › 2019/09/01

Sep 1, 2019 — Indeed, high-resolution satellite imagery is controversial itself; private satellites are only allowed to release images with a resolution of

Oh really? You just heard that did you? From who, Rachel, or Brian?
The resolution of that image is nowhere near our capabilities. Believe me, I know. Why don't you and your libtard friends just STFU, and stop exposing your hypocrisy and ignorance?
It's not just the resolution. From the images they were able to calculate the orbit of the spy satellite that took the pictures, and know what it will be capable of photographing and when.
I'd be satisfied with fining him into abject poverty.
I'm afraid that a cash strapped Trump, would start selling classified information to the highest bidder.

And a quirk of the national security laws, the president and ex-president aren't subject to laws against releasing classified information.
That's something Biden would do, not Trump. Biden has already sold his office for cash.

You Dim douchebags amaze me.
POST 25925390
Pardons can be specific (a particular crime at a particular time) or they can be blanked (any and all crimes during a specific time period)
Caveat is that pardons can not extend into the future.

POST 25925915
Apparently English is a language beyond your capability. You claimed the pardon must list all crimes. I disagreed, and then, when challenged, you showed proof that it does NOT have to list all crimes. STFU until you learn the language!
You can see my post 390 was well before you claimed my post said different

Yes, you backpedaled when you proved yourself wrong. I see nothing where you admit that you fucked up!
post 390 came before your post 915, there was no backpedaling, you're just a moron who can't read.
The resolution of that image is nowhere near our capabilities. Believe me, I know. Why don't you and your libtard friends just STFU, and stop exposing your hypocrisy and ignorance?
It's not just the resolution. From the images they were able to calculate the orbit of the spy satellite that took the pictures, and know what it will be capable of photographing and when.
You're an idiot trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about
The resolution of that image is nowhere near our capabilities. Believe me, I know. Why don't you and your libtard friends just STFU, and stop exposing your hypocrisy and ignorance?
It's not just the resolution. From the images they were able to calculate the orbit of the spy satellite that took the pictures, and know what it will be capable of photographing and when.
You're an idiot trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about
Amateurs Identify U.S. Spy Satellite Behind President Trump's Tweet
The resolution of that image is nowhere near our capabilities. Believe me, I know. Why don't you and your libtard friends just STFU, and stop exposing your hypocrisy and ignorance?
It's not just the resolution. From the images they were able to calculate the orbit of the spy satellite that took the pictures, and know what it will be capable of photographing and when.
You're an idiot trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about
Amateurs Identify U.S. Spy Satellite Behind President Trump's Tweet
forgot the link?

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