Trump Has Reportedly Been Asking About Pardons for Himself, His Family, and More

Can't pardon yourself for crimes you haven't been charged with or may be charged with in the future.
There is no blanket pardon that covers forward time after 1/20/2021.

One of the networks had a good feature on this last night. The fraud and money laundering issues he may face with
the Manhattan DA will be the only charges where he could face jail time. The rest of the actions are concerning civil lawsuits
that will keep him busy financially and legally, but won't have any threat of prison time.
Yes he can pardon himself for every federal CRIME HE COMMITTED prior to the pardon, even if it is not found until after he leaves office.

Sad, but True.

Even though we claim no one is above the law, the founders never presumed we would have a LAWLESS president, that would pardon himself and family for all of their CRIMES COMMITTED, so they did not specifically ban a president from doing this...

Any new crimes, after pardon, would be prosecuted.

An impeachment would be in order for such an abuse, and to prevent Trump from ever holding a government position again.
What federal crimes do you speak of, Care? The ones concocted by the democrats?
Obstruction of justice and breaking the emoluments claus come to mind.

But a pardon also includes an admission of guilt. The innocent do not require pardoning.

No one asked you your fantasy of what the charges are.

The question is name the acts that Trump did. My God you people are dumb
He fired whistleblowers, and the director of the FBI because they were involved in investigations of himself and his cronies.

He directed federal agents to stay at his properties, thus profiting from federal spending.

And you know about it yet claim we are dumb. That makes you delusional.

"He fired whistleblowers." Name them

"and the director of the FBI because they were involved in investigations of himself and his crownies." Still just hand waiving

"He directed federal agents to stay at his properties, thus profiting from federal spending."

Again, name and dates you are saying is a crime. And demonstrate the emollients clause applies to the President.

You're still just handwaving. This is just a butt hurt fantasy. You pursecuted Trump for four years as President and you don't want to let it go now that he's leaving
I suppose the echo chamber of Dox, OAN and Newsmax keeps the incurious, ignorant and stupid firmly on the uninformed places they deserve.

Exactly, you still can't give a specific chargeable crime that Trump supposedly committed.

You just keep pissing in the wind. Hint, try pissing down wind next time instead of pissing directly into the wind

I gave you your answer. Not arguing in circles with you. Trump will be in court for the rest of his life on this earth. There will be no run in 2024.

Didn't ask your worthless opinion. So you have nothing, exactly
Can't pardon yourself for crimes you haven't been charged with or may be charged with in the future.
There is no blanket pardon that covers forward time after 1/20/2021.

One of the networks had a good feature on this last night. The fraud and money laundering issues he may face with
the Manhattan DA will be the only charges where he could face jail time. The rest of the actions are concerning civil lawsuits
that will keep him busy financially and legally, but won't have any threat of prison time.
Yes he can pardon himself for every federal CRIME HE COMMITTED prior to the pardon, even if it is not found until after he leaves office.

Sad, but True.

Even though we claim no one is above the law, the founders never presumed we would have a LAWLESS president, that would pardon himself and family for all of their CRIMES COMMITTED, so they did not specifically ban a president from doing this...

Any new crimes, after pardon, would be prosecuted.

An impeachment would be in order for such an abuse, and to prevent Trump from ever holding a government position again.
What federal crimes do you speak of, Care? The ones concocted by the democrats?
Obstruction of justice and breaking the emoluments claus come to mind.

But a pardon also includes an admission of guilt. The innocent do not require pardoning.

No one asked you your fantasy of what the charges are.

The question is name the acts that Trump did. My God you people are dumb
He fired whistleblowers, and the director of the FBI because they were involved in investigations of himself and his cronies.

He directed federal agents to stay at his properties, thus profiting from federal spending.

And you know about it yet claim we are dumb. That makes you delusional.

"He fired whistleblowers." Name them

"and the director of the FBI because they were involved in investigations of himself and his crownies." Still just hand waiving

"He directed federal agents to stay at his properties, thus profiting from federal spending."

Again, name and dates you are saying is a crime. And demonstrate the emollients clause applies to the President.

You're still just handwaving. This is just a butt hurt fantasy. You pursecuted Trump for four years as President and you don't want to let it go now that he's leaving
I suppose the echo chamber of Dox, OAN and Newsmax keeps the incurious, ignorant and stupid firmly on the uninformed places they deserve.

Exactly, you still can't give a specific chargeable crime that Trump supposedly committed.

You just keep pissing in the wind. Hint, try pissing down wind next time instead of pissing directly into the wind

I gave you your answer. Not arguing in circles with you. Trump will be in court for the rest of his life on this earth. There will be no run in 2024.
He may not run in 2024, but the rest of your post is pure unadulterated BS.
That you can take to the bank

I'll take that bet. :)

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.

Pardoned for what? Last I heard, making you liberals cry and gnaw your feet off for four years straight isn't really much of a crime. It's more of an accomplishment.
None of that cuts any ice with New York State. The whole Trump family might be better at Mar Lago--where De Santis can be counted on to resist an extradition request.
The state people are fleeing in droves? Maybe they should spend more $$ and resources on solving actual crimes like murder?

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.

Pardoned for what? Last I heard, making you liberals cry and gnaw your feet off for four years straight isn't really much of a crime. It's more of an accomplishment.
None of that cuts any ice with New York State. The whole Trump family might be better at Mar Lago--where De Santis can be counted on to resist an extradition request.
The state people are fleeing in droves? Maybe they should spend more $$ and resources on solving actual crimes like murder?
maybe...but Trump has spent the last 4 years pissing in their faces--pretty sure they're going to have the last laugh.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.

Pardoned for what? Last I heard, making you liberals cry and gnaw your feet off for four years straight isn't really much of a crime. It's more of an accomplishment.
None of that cuts any ice with New York State. The whole Trump family might be better at Mar Lago--where De Santis can be counted on to resist an extradition request.
The state people are fleeing in droves? Maybe they should spend more $$ and resources on solving actual crimes like murder?
maybe...but Trump has spent the last 4 years pissing in their faces--pretty sure they're going to have the last laugh.
Not sure I follow? People are leaving and their mayor is a moron. Even you just agree there.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.

Pardoned for what? Last I heard, making you liberals cry and gnaw your feet off for four years straight isn't really much of a crime. It's more of an accomplishment.
None of that cuts any ice with New York State. The whole Trump family might be better at Mar Lago--where De Santis can be counted on to resist an extradition request.
The state people are fleeing in droves? Maybe they should spend more $$ and resources on solving actual crimes like murder?
maybe...but Trump has spent the last 4 years pissing in their faces--pretty sure they're going to have the last laugh.
Not sure I follow? People are leaving and their mayor is a moron. Even you just agree there.
People are leaving....because cities don't seem to be a good idea right now...I get you?

The mayor? I really don't know--I don't follow his antics all that much--I'm more concerned that Idaho has gone back to Phase 2 because of the virus. Our Republican Gov. made that call.

to stay on topic...Trump is in serious trouble...too many enemies..and damn few friends.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.

Pardoned for what? Last I heard, making you liberals cry and gnaw your feet off for four years straight isn't really much of a crime. It's more of an accomplishment.
None of that cuts any ice with New York State. The whole Trump family might be better at Mar Lago--where De Santis can be counted on to resist an extradition request.
The state people are fleeing in droves? Maybe they should spend more $$ and resources on solving actual crimes like murder?
maybe...but Trump has spent the last 4 years pissing in their faces--pretty sure they're going to have the last laugh.
Not sure I follow? People are leaving and their mayor is a moron. Even you just agree there.
People are leaving....because cities don't seem to be a good idea right now...I get you?

The mayor? I really don't know--I don't follow his antics all that much--I'm more concerned that Idaho has gone back to Phase 2 because of the virus. Our Republican Gov. made that call.

to stay on topic...Trump is in serious trouble...too many enemies..and damn few friends.
Just in NY and Cali. Trump is Trump. We ll see what he does. Rich people are rarely in serious trouble.

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