Trump Has Reportedly Been Asking About Pardons for Himself, His Family, and More

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.
He's toast. Even if he can pardon himself from federal crimes(which I doubt is possible) he can't pardon himself for state crimes. He's done.

lol...You think he’s going to prison? I call that unhinged.
I'd be satisfied with fining him into abject poverty.

What a detestable slob you are.
I mean abject, eating ramen noodles three times a week, I gotta fight for a space at the homeless shelter, eating outta trash cans poverty.

Rot in hell asshole.
His whole rotten family. Living in dumpsters.
That'll be everybody under Biden's economy.

And you'll praise him for it.
Your tRumpling fantasies are dismissed.

Did Biden name you Internet Message Board Czar?


Then it looks like you're impotent in a way no little blue pill can cure.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.

Pardoned for what? Last I heard, making you liberals cry and gnaw your feet off for four years straight isn't really much of a crime. It's more of an accomplishment.
None of that cuts any ice with New York State. The whole Trump family might be better at Mar Lago--where De Santis can be counted on to resist an extradition request.

De Santis will just cease New York assets. Trump would go bankrupt before to long... Very hard to get a loan on a asset under government control...


Do you speak English?

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.
Fake News. After all these years, you are still dumb enough to swallow crap fed to you by lying reporters claiming to have "secret" sources? You can't possibly be this stupid.

There are no restrictions in the pardon power that prevent Trump from pardoning himself or his family members from prosecution for federal crimes. But, as no one has been more investigated than the Trump's the only need would be to shut down future witch hunts by corrupt federal officials.
When was he indicted for any of that?

You truly are a delusional piece of shit.
He can't be indicted while president which is why he's so desperate to remain in office.
ROFL! He's not "so desperate." Every incumbent wants to hold onto his office. Only Dims try to make this sound sinister when Republicans exhibit the same exact behavior that Dim incumbents exhibit.

You're a sleazy, slimy, lying douchebag.
Too funny!

If you look at the behavior of the last 8 Democratic presidents during their' lame-duck' cannot find 1..not 1..incident that rises to compare to what Trump does on a daily..and sometimes hourly basis, in his attempt to hold onto office!

He has shown zero class--which may explain why you like him.

In the coming years Trump is going to milk his followers for millions--I plan to watch and chuckle a lot.
Obama ordering his staff on his final day in the White House to destroy President Trump doesn't compare to the objectivity President Trump exercised to avoid a major world war, prevent Korea from the nuclear rearrangement of poop on the streets of San Francisco, stopping the 300 deaths per week of Americans from fentanyl from China by way of Mexico through supporting the finest Border Police in the world in building a wall that would stop illegal trafficking of young children being abused and relieving border states of bearing the burdens of the flood of border crossings based on greed and not false sanctuary claims prevented Nancy Pelosi from destroying the American economy with all that was a gift from God, and that's not all the promises Trump kept as a man who did his best under the pressure of being lied to death by competitive Hillary Clinton's creative writing project better known as the Steel dossier.

How could such a suave, cute guy like Mr Fleegle miss all that? *sigh* And how can a girl mend her own broken heart? :icon_cry:

Well..ya see..I think your 1st sentence is fantasy...thus all that follows loses some impact..although some of it is true. Trump isn't totally evil..or even really evil at all..and some of his actions, most noticeably restraining the Bannon faction from getting us into a shooting war, is one of those good things.
That said..The President is making a total ass out of himself with his petulant and self-serving whining.

Yes..there are many problems in the of them is Trump. We can't solve drugs..or immigration...or the angst of a generation about to go to its grave.

But we can solve Trump.

We actually DID Solve Trump! ;)
I seriously doubt he can remember anything classified. He doesn't even attend the briefings.
They briefed Trump on things like the capabilities of our air craft carrier battle groups, ballistic subs, and every other piece of front line military hardware. Trump is constantly talking about how we have the best military, so i'm sure they told him what makes us the best.

I just heard that Trump was down at mar a lago showing top secret satellite photos to his guests.

And before that

Trump Accidentally Revealed The Amazing Resolution Of U.S. ... › jonathanocallaghan › 2019/09/01

Sep 1, 2019 — Indeed, high-resolution satellite imagery is controversial itself; private satellites are only allowed to release images with a resolution of
I seriously doubt he can remember anything classified. He doesn't even attend the briefings.
They briefed Trump on things like the capabilities of our air craft carrier battle groups, ballistic subs, and every other piece of front line military hardware. Trump is constantly talking about how we have the best military, so i'm sure they told him what makes us the best.

I just heard that Trump was down at mar a lago showing top secret satellite photos to his guests.

And before that

Trump Accidentally Revealed The Amazing Resolution Of U.S. ... › jonathanocallaghan › 2019/09/01

Sep 1, 2019 — Indeed, high-resolution satellite imagery is controversial itself; private satellites are only allowed to release images with a resolution of

I stand corrected.
Bullshit! Did Nixon's pardon list his crimes? Not a damn one.
Too many to list.
Bullshit. What did it actually say in the pardon?
As a result of certain acts or omissions occurring before his resignation from the Office of President, Richard Nixon has become liable to possible indictment and trial for offenses against the United States.

THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.
I'm talking about real trials, not this phony horseshit. This is an argument to get a subpoena, not part of a trial, moron.

Real trials won't begin until after January 20th 2021. That's when DOJ policy of not indicting (or even investigating) a siting president would no longer apply to Trump.

Individual 1, would be added to Michael Cohens indictment for election fraud.
Election fraud? WTF is that? Did you mean campaign finance laws?

How does it feel to be dumber than a fence post?
Bullshit! Did Nixon's pardon list his crimes? Not a damn one.
Too many to list.
Bullshit. What did it actually say in the pardon?
As a result of certain acts or omissions occurring before his resignation from the Office of President, Richard Nixon has become liable to possible indictment and trial for offenses against the United States.

THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.

So, in other words, you admit the inability to read for comprehension? The pardon does NOT list all the crimes he allegedly committed, you fucking imbecile!
It's like, incredible!

absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.
So, in other words, you admit the inability to read for comprehension? The pardon does NOT list all the crimes he allegedly committed, you fucking imbecile!
I already answered that point.

Bullshit! Did Nixon's pardon list his crimes? Not a damn one.
Too many to list.
Grifter??? Grifters do not keep their promises. In his corner, President Trump kept his campaign promises and dealt with China on their exportation of ships and planes full of victims of a novel virus with the lie saying the vector route was unknown when they well knew cv19 had personal contest as its main vector route. You'd faint if you knew who knew all about it over here but did not tell so they could use cv as a lynch pin against President Trump.
Trump kept his promises?
What about mexico paying for the wall?
Or Trump building the wall?
Or that healthcare covering millions more at a fraction of the cost.
Trumps biggest promises were his biggest failures.

Trump built the wall, shit for brains!
Wouldn't that be the responsibility of Obama's IRS? They were too busy persecuting conservative groups to do their jobs, or was it something else?
The 5th amendment made it a requirement that the IRS not prosecute people for such crimes.
It's what allows the IRS to compel filling out tax forms.

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