Trump Has Reportedly Been Asking About Pardons for Himself, His Family, and More

When was he indicted for any of that?

You truly are a delusional piece of shit.
He can't be indicted while president which is why he's so desperate to remain in office.
ROFL! He's not "so desperate." Every incumbent wants to hold onto his office. Only Dims try to make this sound sinister when Republicans exhibit the same exact behavior that Dim incumbents exhibit.

You're a sleazy, slimy, lying douchebag.
Too funny!

If you look at the behavior of the last 8 Democratic presidents during their' lame-duck' cannot find 1..not 1..incident that rises to compare to what Trump does on a daily..and sometimes hourly basis, in his attempt to hold onto office!

He has shown zero class--which may explain why you like him.

In the coming years Trump is going to milk his followers for millions--I plan to watch and chuckle a lot.
Obama ordering his staff on his final day in the White House to destroy President Trump doesn't compare to the objectivity President Trump exercised to avoid a major world war, prevent Korea from the nuclear rearrangement of poop on the streets of San Francisco, stopping the 300 deaths per week of Americans from fentanyl from China by way of Mexico through supporting the finest Border Police in the world in building a wall that would stop illegal trafficking of young children being abused and relieving border states of bearing the burdens of the flood of border crossings based on greed and not false sanctuary claims prevented Nancy Pelosi from destroying the American economy with all that was a gift from God, and that's not all the promises Trump kept as a man who did his best under the pressure of being lied to death by competitive Hillary Clinton's creative writing project better known as the Steel dossier.

How could such a suave, cute guy like Mr Fleegle miss all that? *sigh* And how can a girl mend her own broken heart? :icon_cry:
Can't pardon yourself for crimes you haven't been charged with or may be charged with in the future.
There is no blanket pardon that covers forward time after 1/20/2021.

Actually, that's not exactly true.

Richard Nixon was pardoned for Watergate, where he wasn't charged with any crime, just named as an "unindicted co-conspirator". Ford's pardon was effectively the end of any criminal prosecution for Nixon.
Can't pardon yourself for crimes you haven't been charged with or may be charged with in the future.
There is no blanket pardon that covers forward time after 1/20/2021.

One of the networks had a good feature on this last night. The fraud and money laundering issues he may face with
the Manhattan DA will be the only charges where he could face jail time. The rest of the actions are concerning civil lawsuits
that will keep him busy financially and legally, but won't have any threat of prison time.

You can be pardoned for crimes in the past that have not been charged. You're wrong on that part.

It is true you can't be pardoned for future crimes.

This whole thing is a crock of shit though. Just a Democrat fantasy. Most guys fantasize about sex, BTW. You're pretty creepy

If the crime occurred while you were President. For crimes you committed before you were President...not so clear.
It'll be fun to watch though. :)

I'm looking for Republicans actually starting to pursue investigations after Democrats leave office now that you're opening that door. That will be fun

Why not? Dim or RethugiKKKon what's the difference? If you commit a crime you should be punished. Why is this so hard to grasp?

Yes, yet Hillary is free despite smashing phones and being behind presenting false information to a FISA court as well as lying to investigators. Let's do it

Sure, laws are broken get after it and prosecute. Why is this so hard to understand?

Hasn't happened. Hillary committed a bunch of overt crimes and got away with it because of the DC bog. Time to actually charge her and future Democrats

I am good with it. Question, why didn’t the RethugiKKKon controlled federal government go after her then?

Wait lemme guess " The Deep State ".
Thugakkkons? Project much?
I'm talking about real trials, not this phony horseshit. This is an argument to get a subpoena, not part of a trial, moron.

Real trials won't begin until after January 20th 2021. That's when DOJ policy of not indicting (or even investigating) a siting president would no longer apply to Trump.

Individual 1, would be added to Michael Cohens indictment for election fraud.
If right were done, the Democrats wouldn't have used all their arsenal of lies, shell games, chads and glitches against Republicans, and there wouldn't be a couple of million of very unhappy Republicans out on the mall of DC in protest of corrupt pollsters in the Democrats earning Soros big bucks for cheating America out of its best leader who ever graced the oval office.

And just to rub it in, they ran hiden Biden the international extortionist/thief to shame America with Alinski commie manifesto instructions on getting a commie regime to take out the most blessed country in the world, America.

May God help us.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.
''reportedly'' and Yahoo--hahhahahaha = bullshit
Correct! According to Jonathan Swift in Gulliver's Travels Yahoos were filthy beings who did untoward things to others.
Excellent and erudite call, harmonica.
When was he indicted for any of that?

You truly are a delusional piece of shit.
He can't be indicted while president which is why he's so desperate to remain in office.
ROFL! He's not "so desperate." Every incumbent wants to hold onto his office. Only Dims try to make this sound sinister when Republicans exhibit the same exact behavior that Dim incumbents exhibit.

You're a sleazy, slimy, lying douchebag.
Too funny!

If you look at the behavior of the last 8 Democratic presidents during their' lame-duck' cannot find 1..not 1..incident that rises to compare to what Trump does on a daily..and sometimes hourly basis, in his attempt to hold onto office!

He has shown zero class--which may explain why you like him.

In the coming years Trump is going to milk his followers for millions--I plan to watch and chuckle a lot.
Obama ordering his staff on his final day in the White House to destroy President Trump doesn't compare to the objectivity President Trump exercised to avoid a major world war, prevent Korea from the nuclear rearrangement of poop on the streets of San Francisco, stopping the 300 deaths per week of Americans from fentanyl from China by way of Mexico through supporting the finest Border Police in the world in building a wall that would stop illegal trafficking of young children being abused and relieving border states of bearing the burdens of the flood of border crossings based on greed and not false sanctuary claims prevented Nancy Pelosi from destroying the American economy with all that was a gift from God, and that's not all the promises Trump kept as a man who did his best under the pressure of being lied to death by competitive Hillary Clinton's creative writing project better known as the Steel dossier.

How could such a suave, cute guy like Mr Fleegle miss all that? *sigh* And how can a girl mend her own broken heart? :icon_cry:

Well..ya see..I think your 1st sentence is fantasy...thus all that follows loses some impact..although some of it is true. Trump isn't totally evil..or even really evil at all..and some of his actions, most noticeably restraining the Bannon faction from getting us into a shooting war, is one of those good things.
That said..The President is making a total ass out of himself with his petulant and self-serving whining.

Yes..there are many problems in the of them is Trump. We can't solve drugs..or immigration...or the angst of a generation about to go to its grave.

But we can solve Trump.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.
''reportedly'' and Yahoo--hahhahahaha = bullshit
Yahoo is a News Aggregator. Usually they pull stories from more mainstream sources, like the NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, etc.

This source? I have never, ever heard of it.

It would be like one of these browser sites pulling from a conspiracy site if the right had control of one. . . it looks to be a social justice conspiracy site or something. . . It is really off the wall. . .

Complex? WTF is Complex?! :dunno:

They have the least informative, most low brow propaganda "about" page I have ever seen. You can't even find it on their home page, you have to Google it.

ByTrace William Cowen
Trace William Cowen is a writer based in Los Angeles. He tweets with dramatic irregularity here.

Trump Has Reportedly Been Asking About Pardons for Himself, His Family, and More

According to their Better Business Bureau profile, they are thieves, not to be trusted.

I'm talking about real trials, not this phony horseshit. This is an argument to get a subpoena, not part of a trial, moron.

Real trials won't begin until after January 20th 2021. That's when DOJ policy of not indicting (or even investigating) a siting president would no longer apply to Trump.

Individual 1, would be added to Michael Cohens indictment for election fraud.
If right were done, the Democrats wouldn't have used all their arsenal of lies, shell games, chads and glitches against Republicans, and there wouldn't be a couple of million of very unhappy Republicans out on the mall of DC in protest of corrupt pollsters in the Democrats earning Soros big bucks for cheating America out of its best leader who ever graced the oval office.

And just to rub it in, they ran hiden Biden the international extortionist/thief to shame America with Alinski commie manifesto instructions on getting a commie regime to take out the most blessed country in the world, America.

May God help us.
errr...hate to break to ya..but there are about 17,000 in total--on the mall in DC. No hundreds of thousands!

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.
''reportedly'' and Yahoo--hahhahahaha = bullshit
Correct! According to Jonathan Swift in Gulliver's Travels Yahoos were filthy beings who did untoward things to others.
Excellent and erudite call, harmonica.
Yup..also 1920'a slang for dumb hillbilly/country boy. exclamation of glee..exuberance.

I'm talking about real trials, not this phony horseshit. This is an argument to get a subpoena, not part of a trial, moron.

Real trials won't begin until after January 20th 2021. That's when DOJ policy of not indicting (or even investigating) a siting president would no longer apply to Trump.

Individual 1, would be added to Michael Cohens indictment for election fraud.
If right were done, the Democrats wouldn't have used all their arsenal of lies, shell games, chads and glitches against Republicans, and there wouldn't be a couple of million of very unhappy Republicans out on the mall of DC in protest of corrupt pollsters in the Democrats earning Soros big bucks for cheating America out of its best leader who ever graced the oval office.

And just to rub it in, they ran hiden Biden the international extortionist/thief to shame America with Alinski commie manifesto instructions on getting a commie regime to take out the most blessed country in the world, America.

May God help us.
errr...hate to break to ya..but there are about 17,000 in total--on the mall in DC. No hundreds of thousands!
What I saw on tv this afternoon was well into a million. At first it may have been 17,000, but later on it was 60 times that, imho.

He knows he will have no protection from legal prosecution of his crimes.
''reportedly'' and Yahoo--hahhahahaha = bullshit
Correct! According to Jonathan Swift in Gulliver's Travels Yahoos were filthy beings who did untoward things to others.
Excellent and erudite call, harmonica.
Yup..also 1920'a slang for dumb hillbilly/country boy. exclamation of glee..exuberance.

(1) I used the term in the stated manner of Swift's authorship.
(2) exuberance often carries irresponsibility on its youthful shoulders.
(3) My father, in classic Marine style used the term frequently to discourage unsportsmanlike conduct in ball players he coached and truly filthy amoral knuckleheads displaying antisocial acts of their own ignorance.

It's been a pleasure. ;)
BTW: We have Trumps signatures on the checks.
You have his signature on checks to his lawyer?

This is why we want to see Trumps taxes, to see if he deducted the $450K as "legal expenses" or as "NDA" payments.

The dems and the media allies mak
Remeber when the dems promised you they'd prosecute GWB for war crimes when his term was over?

Here's the difference. Bush left with a lot of goodwill on both sides of the aisle..

Trump, not so much.
Bush left with good will the dems? You nuts hated him almost as much as you hate Trump.
Ofcourse, you just hate who you're told to hate.
Can't pardon yourself for crimes you haven't been charged with or may be charged with in the future.
There is no blanket pardon that covers forward time after 1/20/2021.

One of the networks had a good feature on this last night. The fraud and money laundering issues he may face with
the Manhattan DA will be the only charges where he could face jail time. The rest of the actions are concerning civil lawsuits
that will keep him busy financially and legally, but won't have any threat of prison time.
Fraud ?? Trump is a world class grifter
“If there's one type of person you don't want to trust, it's a grifter: someone who cheats others out of money. Grifters are also known as chiselers, defrauders, gougers, scammers, swindlers, and flim-flam men. Selling a bridge and starting a Ponzi scheme are things a grifter might do.” Def from Google. Very well described.

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