Trump Has Reportedly Been Telling People He'll Be ‘Reinstated’ By August

Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....

Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....

I'm not defining fascism for you, you stupid dolt. I'm using the dictionary to define it:

Fascism: noun
An extreme right-wing political system or attitude that is in favour of strong central government, aggressively promoting your own country or race above others, and that does not allow any opposition.

View attachment 496353


It had to be. There had to be somewhere something like that was posted. Fascism has but one historical example - the national socialist party. Others are comparable, but the original is "the data."

So, SEXISM is part of it.....

Surely you can clearly and quickly tell us precisely what about the third reich was sexist????

Problem - nazi Germany was actually less sexist, as hitler had women in high places in the party. Relative to other countries at the time, nazi Germany was actually "progressive" on sexism.

Nice try.

Go back to third grade and take a few history courses this time...
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

According to Hossfly he's supposed to be back in office by 8/31/21. I've made an appointment to laugh in his face.
Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....
is that list something you just made up in your head?

NONE of these left wing history invalids have a clue about hitler and the nazis, not a clue.

Did hitter confiscate guns?

Left wing ANTIFA supporter answers no....

It isn't on the list with sexism.... Lol

Fascism is what left wing history invalids want it to be. Whatever history records is irrelevant to the holy cause of

Calling republicans fascists....
Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....

Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....

I'm not defining fascism for you, you stupid dolt. I'm using the dictionary to define it:

Fascism: noun
An extreme right-wing political system or attitude that is in favour of strong central government, aggressively promoting your own country or race above others, and that does not allow any opposition.

View attachment 496353


It had to be. There had to be somewhere something like that was posted. Fascism has but one historical example - the national socialist party. Others are comparable, but the original is "the data."

So, SEXISM is part of it.....

Surely you can clearly and quickly tell us precisely what about the third reich was sexist????

Problem - nazi Germany was actually less sexist, as hitler had women in high places in the party. Relative to other countries at the time, nazi Germany was actually "progressive" on sexism.

Nice try.

Go back to third grade and take a few history courses this time...

Dumb and Dumber.

There were three fascist governments in Europe - Spain, Italy, and Germany. The German NAZI Party has "Socialist" in the name, but it was fascist, not socialist, and in fact, Hitler was violently opposed to socialism. You should try reading history FuckBoi.

You people are proof positive of for the need of history classes.
"Sexism" was the question.

History invalid dragon lady failed to come up with a single example after furiously searching for one for an hour....
NAZI = national socialist party

But but but that is not right claims the ANTIFA

Fascism is not socialism, because I spend all my time calling republicans fascists, and I support socialism.

Fascism is a type of socialism called national socialism, which requires socialism to give the fascists in power the ability to confiscate guns, outlaw free speech, do false flag hate hoaxes to start wars etc....

The only thing a sub human history invalid ANTIFA can do on the issue of the definition of fascism is parrot easily discredited left wing bullshit.....
Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....

Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....

I'm not defining fascism for you, you stupid dolt. I'm using the dictionary to define it:

Fascism: noun
An extreme right-wing political system or attitude that is in favour of strong central government, aggressively promoting your own country or race above others, and that does not allow any opposition.

View attachment 496353


It had to be. There had to be somewhere something like that was posted. Fascism has but one historical example - the national socialist party. Others are comparable, but the original is "the data."

So, SEXISM is part of it.....

Surely you can clearly and quickly tell us precisely what about the third reich was sexist????

Problem - nazi Germany was actually less sexist, as hitler had women in high places in the party. Relative to other countries at the time, nazi Germany was actually "progressive" on sexism.

Nice try.

Go back to third grade and take a few history courses this time...

Dumb and Dumber.

There were three fascist governments in Europe - Spain, Italy, and Germany. The German NAZI Party has "Socialist" in the name, but it was fascist, not socialist, and in fact, Hitler was violently opposed to socialism. You should try reading history FuckBoi.

You people are proof positive of for the need of history classes.
Nazism and Communism were two sides of the same coin. Hitler saw Stalin as a rival who was taking land. Hitler certainly wasn’t a conservative by any means, and Hitler never gained power through an election, he was installed into power and used thug tactics to make it happen.

Mussolini was a rabid leftwing socialist, who was arrested many times protesting and wanting to overthrow the monarchs like every other Marxist loving socialist. He just kept failing at politics because everyone hates socialist. He then invented “fascism” and basically used nationalism to mask his socialist desires.
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

I haven't heard that, where did you?

Although , suppose for a sec that the audits prove Biden's corruption and collusion and Trump legitimately won?

Shouldn't Sleepy Joe abdicate in favor of the Trumpster in such a situation? Theoretically, wouldn't that be the only way to really make the parties whole, if this collusion were proven?

I don't know if it actually will be proven, or what the libs' reaction will be if it comes down that way. I suspect that Biden will try and stay in power. But I could be wrong, he might decide to do the right thing.
That's not how it works in the real world. Hard to tell in orange cloudcuckooland, tho.
You told us in 2016 that there was no way Hillary could lose.
I did? You should show that post in which I said that. I always hold my predictions in and don't share. Oh wait. You're lying again, aren't you?
I'm still waiting for you to show us the Bible Scripture that says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of inhospitality, you lying queer clown. attention when I post these things, little boy.

Ezekiel 16:49-50​

New International Version​

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
Read full chapter

Looks like trump fluffers have more to worry about than any gay person.
What were the detestable things the Sodomites did?
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

I haven't heard that, where did you?

Although , suppose for a sec that the audits prove Biden's corruption and collusion and Trump legitimately won?

Shouldn't Sleepy Joe abdicate in favor of the Trumpster in such a situation? Theoretically, wouldn't that be the only way to really make the parties whole, if this collusion were proven?

I don't know if it actually will be proven, or what the libs' reaction will be if it comes down that way. I suspect that Biden will try and stay in power. But I could be wrong, he might decide to do the right thing.
That's not how it works in the real world. Hard to tell in orange cloudcuckooland, tho.
You told us in 2016 that there was no way Hillary could lose.
I did? You should show that post in which I said that. I always hold my predictions in and don't share. Oh wait. You're lying again, aren't you?
I'm still waiting for you to show us the Bible Scripture that says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of inhospitality, you lying queer clown. attention when I post these things, little boy.

Ezekiel 16:49-50​

New International Version​

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
Read full chapter

Looks like trump fluffers have more to worry about than any gay person.
What were the detestable things the Sodomites did?

The key to understanding that question is to understand how the city got its name.

The name "sodom" is derived from "Sodomy"- a term for men taking it in the keister.

The sodomites loved butt sex so much, they named their city after the act.
A recent news story related to your comment, it was reported Hannity wrote a Trump campaign ad that appeared on his own show..aired by 'unbiased' Fox News.
Hannity is not a journalist working on the News side of Fox

His show is opinion and commentary
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

I haven't heard that, where did you?

Although , suppose for a sec that the audits prove Biden's corruption and collusion and Trump legitimately won?

Shouldn't Sleepy Joe abdicate in favor of the Trumpster in such a situation? Theoretically, wouldn't that be the only way to really make the parties whole, if this collusion were proven?

I don't know if it actually will be proven, or what the libs' reaction will be if it comes down that way. I suspect that Biden will try and stay in power. But I could be wrong, he might decide to do the right thing.
That's not how it works in the real world. Hard to tell in orange cloudcuckooland, tho.
You told us in 2016 that there was no way Hillary could lose.
I did? You should show that post in which I said that. I always hold my predictions in and don't share. Oh wait. You're lying again, aren't you?
I'm still waiting for you to show us the Bible Scripture that says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of inhospitality, you lying queer clown. attention when I post these things, little boy.

Ezekiel 16:49-50​

New International Version​

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
Read full chapter

Looks like trump fluffers have more to worry about than any gay person.
What were the detestable things the Sodomites did?

The key to understanding that question is to understand how the city got its name.

The name "sodom" is derived from "Sodomy"- a term for men taking it in the keister.

The sodomites loved butt sex so much, they named their city after the act.
Bodecea went to a queer site and got the Scripture. The Scripture is true, but doesn't specifically mention queer sex. The Scriptures in Genesis are a fuller description of the events, but the queers don't want to use them because they give more light. Bodecea isn't after the truth here. Like all lying leftist queers, Bodecea is pushing an agenda and will lie and manipulate to accomplish that.
Looks like we’re in near total agreement that the idea that Trump has some avenue back into the White House is absurd
So yes, you lied when they said they and you want reform. Baldfaced lie. They want rules they think will get republicans more votes

More votes?


I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
You are a liar. You don't want fair elections. You want to suppress turnout based on lies. You want unfair gerrymandering and unfair voting laws so that your party -- a gross cult -- has a better chance of winning.
Gerrymandering: it was cool only when democrats benefited
Looks like we’re in near total agreement that the idea that Trump has some avenue back into the White House is absurd
Kraken, bitch!
My opinion of his emotional health has remained the same -- he clearly has profound emotional issues that push him to constantly seek, inflate and even fabricate the approval of others to support his damaged self esteem.

But if this story is true -- and right now it's just hearsay from what I can tell -- then I think it's reasonable to wonder if there is a mental illness at play here, as well. And sadly, those who have been enabling him continue to do so.
"Sexism" was the question.

History invalid dragon lady failed to come up with a single example after furiously searching for one for an hour....

Sexism was not the question. Fascism was the question.

Now that you've been completed discredited, and shown to have no knowledge of politics or history, you come back with this fractured English word salad. You English as second language types always blow your cool and your syntax goes to hell.

Certainly explains your abject ignorance about world history. Just another English as second language FuckBoi. There's a lot of them on this site.
Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....

Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

Once again the left defines fascist for us.

A fascist is a white supremacist who supports gun rights and opposes socialism and state sponsored racial preferences.

Thanks, dragon lady. You qualify to join ANTIFA, since you have no clue what fascism means....


Fascists support

Gun control and confiscation
State sponsored racial preferences
Harassing citizens for "papers"
False flag hate hoaxes
Election fraud
State sponsored abortions

If you want to see a real fascist, find a mirror....

I'm not defining fascism for you, you stupid dolt. I'm using the dictionary to define it:

Fascism: noun
An extreme right-wing political system or attitude that is in favour of strong central government, aggressively promoting your own country or race above others, and that does not allow any opposition.

View attachment 496353


It had to be. There had to be somewhere something like that was posted. Fascism has but one historical example - the national socialist party. Others are comparable, but the original is "the data."

So, SEXISM is part of it.....

Surely you can clearly and quickly tell us precisely what about the third reich was sexist????

Problem - nazi Germany was actually less sexist, as hitler had women in high places in the party. Relative to other countries at the time, nazi Germany was actually "progressive" on sexism.

Nice try.

Go back to third grade and take a few history courses this time...

Dumb and Dumber.

There were three fascist governments in Europe - Spain, Italy, and Germany. The German NAZI Party has "Socialist" in the name, but it was fascist, not socialist, and in fact, Hitler was violently opposed to socialism. You should try reading history FuckBoi.

You people are proof positive of for the need of history classes.
Nazism and Communism were two sides of the same coin. Hitler saw Stalin as a rival who was taking land. Hitler certainly wasn’t a conservative by any means, and Hitler never gained power through an election, he was installed into power and used thug tactics to make it happen.

Mussolini was a rabid leftwing socialist, who was arrested many times protesting and wanting to overthrow the monarchs like every other Marxist loving socialist. He just kept failing at politics because everyone hates socialist. He then invented “fascism” and basically used nationalism to mask his socialist desires.

Nazism and socialist were complete opposites. Hitler hated Stalin and the communists and wanted the word "Socialist" taken out of the name. Goebbels urged him to leave it in so as to gull the German people into believing he wasn't an authoritarian.

Please stop trying to rewrite history. Adolf Hitler was a white nationalist who promised to Make Germany Great Again. He was not a socialist, he was an ultra right wing authoritarian dictator. I know you keep trying to disavow Hitler, but extreme right and extreme left (Stalin), are two sides of authoritarianism, not socialism.

Both extremes of left and right have a murderous history, and both extreme requires absolute suppression of all opposition. Putin is a right wing authoritarian who is murdering his political opposition, as is Bolsonaro, who is busy wiping out opposition in the poor neighbourhoods with death squads, Duarte in the Phillipines, who is doing the same as Bolsinaro.

Right wing fascist authoritarianism is the world's problem right now. We thought we ended it with Hitler, but its back.
"Sexism" was the question.

History invalid dragon lady failed to come up with a single example after furiously searching for one for an hour....

Sexism was not the question. Fascism was the question.

Now that you've been completed discredited, and shown to have no knowledge of politics or history, you come back with this fractured English word salad. You English as second language types always blow your cool and your syntax goes to hell.

Certainly explains your abject ignorance about world history. Just another English as second language FuckBoi. There's a lot of them on this site.

There is no evidence that sexism was, in any way, a policy of the national socialists.

In fact, just the opposite was true, hitler PROMOTED women at a far greater pace than other countries at the time.


If you are going to debate an issue, you should have more on the subject than just parroting a list of LEFT WING LIES.

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