Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

You would think, with Trump being such a germaphobe, he would be on top of this
More than anything it's emblematic of his incompetence, his lack of interest in filling essential positions in the government with competent people, a dearth of qualified people who want to be associated with this horrific admin, and the juvenile desire.....borne of undo things Obama has done.
Sucks to be you.

Sucks to be you.
In your Trumpian fantasy do you think outdated data really takes in to account how the Moron-in-Chief had dismantled the government's infrastructure for dealing with a pandemic? Oh..........wait............I're a brainwashed I guess you do.
Sucks to be you.
In your Trumpian fantasy do you think outdated data really takes in to account how the Moron-in-Chief had dismantled the government's infrastructure for dealing with a pandemic? Oh..........wait............I're a brainwashed I guess you do.

Is it outdated?

Please review the date of this report and the dates cited in your OP.

We'll wait.
Sucks to be you.
In your Trumpian fantasy do you think outdated data really takes in to account how the Moron-in-Chief had dismantled the government's infrastructure for dealing with a pandemic? Oh..........wait............I're a brainwashed I guess you do.

Is it outdated?

Please review the date of this report and the dates cited in your OP.

We'll wait.
Are you too much of a Trumper to understand that as a country with excellent medical facilities the US would score highly on that kind of rating.............without taking in to account Trump's dismantling of the government's organizational structure set up to deal with a pandemic? We both already know the answer so I don't need to wait.
There is no reason to believe he is not on top of it.
Right, except all the evidence I just showed you that the response team that would normally handle a crisis has been gutted.

The CDC and USAMIIRD are still there and they are the groups that would actually respond to the pandemic, the post you are talking about was basically a working group.

Legum stated in a follow-up tweet, “Trump also cut funding for the CDC, forcing the CDC to cancel its efforts to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics in 39 of 49 countries in 2018. Among the countries abandoned? China.” That was confirmed in 2018 reports saying that funding for the CDC’s global disease outbreak prevention efforts were cut by 80%, which included the agency’s efforts in China.

Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

China is the second largest economy in the world, they can pay for their own shit. Give me a fucking break.

Pence, excellent choice.

Mike Pence Is Still to Blame for an HIV Outbreak in Indiana—but for New Reasons
Mike Pence Is Still to Blame for an HIV Outbreak in Indiana—but for New Reasons
A growing amount of people in our nation believe they are owed. Owed! No thank yous for anything. Just give it to me because you owe it to me. Did you see the stock market react to the corona virus threat? That is how fragile it is. If the stock market tanks and the amount of money is reduced for all, we will see a return to the stronger survive way of living with violence added. Our government is going to do what it can on. The reason I would demand it is because of the massive tax extortion over the years and decades of my life. But nothing is owed. What you paid into is. You are complaining for the sake of complaining. Government is god. We know how to stop HIV. For more then 30 years we have and longer. Coronavirus is a bit different.
The Chinese government doesn't have to worry about what it's citizens think. If Trump locked down millions of people you loons would gave a stroke.

Seems you've already had one. You can't write, you can't spell, and you don't even link us to anything supporting your lurid claims.
Its a fact that the Communist Chinese Government has complete control over its citizens, are you claiming otherwise ? You must be one of the loons I was talking about because you are calling me out on a typo not spelling.
Sucks to be you.
In your Trumpian fantasy do you think outdated data really takes in to account how the Moron-in-Chief had dismantled the government's infrastructure for dealing with a pandemic? Oh..........wait............I're a brainwashed I guess you do.

Is it outdated?

Please review the date of this report and the dates cited in your OP.

We'll wait.
Are you too much of a Trumper to understand that as a country with excellent medical facilities the US would score highly on that kind of rating.............without taking in to account Trump's dismantling of the government's organizational structure set up to deal with a pandemic? We both already know the answer so I don't need to wait.

Is it outdated or not.

Nope, it would appear not.
Are you too much of a Trumper to understand that as a country with excellent medical facilities the US would score highly on that kind of rating.............without taking in to account Trump's dismantling of the government's organizational structure set up to deal with a pandemic? We both already know the answer so I don't need to wait.

Yeah. More importantly, had the doofus read the report - which he clearly did not - he'd be aware that research for the index was done in 2018. That means, the last reporting data to be incorporated would be from 2017. That was before Trump decapitated the pandemic preparedness infrastructure and defunded the CDC's international preparedness unit into virtual non-existence.
Are you too much of a Trumper to understand that as a country with excellent medical facilities the US would score highly on that kind of rating.............without taking in to account Trump's dismantling of the government's organizational structure set up to deal with a pandemic? We both already know the answer so I don't need to wait.

Yeah. More importantly, had the doofus read the report - which he clearly did not - he'd be aware that research for the index was done in 2018. That means, the last reporting data to be incorporated would be from 2017. That was before Trump decapitated the pandemic preparedness infrastructure and defunded the CDC's international preparedness unit into virtual non-existence.

Actually I did drill down to that level Assumer-in-Chief, although of course I did not read the entire 320+ pages. I'm sure you did before accusing others of not doing so. ::eyeroll::

You sling baseless assumptions and ad hominems in a weak attempt at argument, then claim others are stupid. Lol. It's rather pathetic.

Op states this was done by Trump in Spring 2018.

Report published October 2019.

So, we are assuming that a report based entirely on open source data didn't incorporate this rather large development, despite having over a year to rework the results for the United States by running their ~140 question model again with the new information; and instead went right ahead and published their report showing the US at the top of the list in terms of preparedness, such preparedness being the very subject of the report. I call bullshit. Foul, rank, piled-a-mile-high bullshit.

If you can provide facts to back up your apparent supposition that the publishers of this report didn't incorporate this development, despite having nearly a year to do so and their clearly stating that their index is derived complety from open source information. ("The GHS Index relies entirely on open-source information: data that a country has published on its own or has reported to or been reported by an international entity") provide those facts, else take your imperious, baseless garbage elsewhere.

BTW, you may want to dispense with the ad hominems you seem to love so much. They are the refuge of people without facts on their side and think a bit too much of themselves, or go right ahead and bluster on if you like. I see it for what it is so that shit won't have the intended effect on me.

My point stands and ya know why? You offered nothing in the way of facts to refute it. A link to the report and ad hominems won't cut it.

Lame attempt.

Go fish.
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Pence is responsible for a bunch of queers getting HIV???
Not what the article says. BTW, it isn't behind a paywall. It says the spread of HIV could have been less severe if the moralistic prick had allowed for a clean needle exchange program.

"In late 2014, health officials belatedly became aware of an HIV outbreak in Scott County, Indiana. With fewer than 24,000 people, this rural county rarely saw a single new case in a year, according to The New York Times. But by the time government agencies tried to stop the transmission of the virus a few months later, some 215 people had tested positive.

One man seemed responsible for needlessly letting the situation get out of control: Indiana’s then-Governor Mike Pence. In 2015, when the virus was seeming to rapidly move through networks of people who use intravenous drugs, even the reluctant local sheriff encouraged the governor to authorize a clean-needle exchange, a proven tool to reduce such an outbreak.

But, as the Times reported when he became Donald Trump’s running mate, “Mr. Pence, a steadfast conservative, was morally opposed to needle exchanges on the grounds that they supported drug abuse.” His opposition was based on an incorrect belief; while research has long shown that needle exchanges do reduce HIV and hepatitis, it has also shown that they do not encourage drug use."
Earlier in the thread I wrote this may be Crooked Donald's Katrina moment. But I forgot he already had one of those. He got in to a Twitter fight (naturally) with the mayor of San Juan over the admin's negligence in its response to Hurricane Maria.

Federal report criticizes FEMA's response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
Federal report criticizes FEMA's response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

If a Dem prez had completely blown the government's response like Trump did there would have been a dozen congressional investigations. But Repubs controlled Congress back then so it got swept under the rug.


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