Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the Wuhan coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday, he praised China for taking “unprecedented” steps to control the deadly virus.

Well, Bunghole, maybe you don't realize it, but China better have a great response, it is a Chinese problem, it started there, and it is kicking their ass.

Meantime, I bet we have a vaccine for it before anyone else. :21:
When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the Wuhan coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday, he praised China for taking “unprecedented” steps to control the deadly virus.

Well, Bunghole, maybe you don't realize it, but China better have a great response, it is a Chinese problem, it started there, and it is kicking their ass.

Meantime, I bet we have a vaccine for it before anyone else. :21:
When we have the vaccine it should be given to American citizens first, then legal immigrants

after that if any is left over sell it to illegal aliens at the retail price
There is no reason to believe he is not on top of it.
Right, except all the evidence I just showed you that the response team that would normally handle a crisis has been gutted.

The CDC and USAMIIRD are still there and they are the groups that would actually respond to the pandemic, the post you are talking about was basically a working group.

Legum stated in a follow-up tweet, “Trump also cut funding for the CDC, forcing the CDC to cancel its efforts to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics in 39 of 49 countries in 2018. Among the countries abandoned? China.” That was confirmed in 2018 reports saying that funding for the CDC’s global disease outbreak prevention efforts were cut by 80%, which included the agency’s efforts in China.

Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Why would China accept help from a US agency in the first place.

And Snopes is a left wing trash site.
Well, Bunghole, maybe you don't realize it, but China better have a great response, it is a Chinese problem, it started there, and it is kicking their ass.

Meantime, I bet we have a vaccine for it before anyone else.
No doubt China is responsible for the outbreak because of their policy towards open, wild animal markets without regulation. Plus, they covered up the outbreak and have been issuing dubiously accurate reports about the virus since it began. But, the WHO has praised the aggressive response by China which has helped control the spread inside that country. A response few countries can duplicate because of the dictatorship there.

The development of a vaccine, according to medical experts, is about a year away. There's no point in being nationalistic about it. It won't come soon enough to help with the spread of the virus in the short run.

Essentially, Trump has made two mistakes. 1. He gutted the government's response infrastructure set up by Obama in reaction to the Ebola outbreak. 2. He is downplaying the risk to the country because he wants so badly for it not to effect the economy and stock market...........the only thing he has going for him with respect to his re-election.
When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the Wuhan coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday, he praised China for taking “unprecedented” steps to control the deadly virus.

Well, Bunghole, maybe you don't realize it, but China better have a great response, it is a Chinese problem, it started there, and it is kicking their ass.

Meantime, I bet we have a vaccine for it before anyone else. :21:
When we have the vaccine it should be given to American citizens first, then legal immigrants

after that if any is left over sell it to illegal aliens at the retail price

Better yet, mail their doses to Guatemala and tell them to go there for their shots.
Are you too much of a Trumper to understand that as a country with excellent medical facilities the US would score highly on that kind of rating.............without taking in to account Trump's dismantling of the government's organizational structure set up to deal with a pandemic? We both already know the answer so I don't need to wait.

Yeah. More importantly, had the doofus read the report - which he clearly did not - he'd be aware that research for the index was done in 2018. That means, the last reporting data to be incorporated would be from 2017. That was before Trump decapitated the pandemic preparedness infrastructure and defunded the CDC's international preparedness unit into virtual non-existence.

Actually I did drill down to that level Assumer-in-Chief, although of course i did not read the entire 320+ pages. Naturally you did before accusing others of not doing so I am sure. ::eyeroll::

You sling baseless assumptions and ad hominems in a weak attempt at argument, then claim others are stupid. Lol. It's rather pathetic.

Op states this was done by Trump in Spring 2018.

Report published October 2019.

So, we are assuming that a report based entirely on open source data didn't incorporate this rather large development, despite having over a year to rework the results for the United States by running their ~140 question model again with the new information; and instead went right ahead and published their report showing the US at the top of the list in terms of preparedness, such preparedness being the very subject of the report. I call bullshit. Foul, rank, piled-a-mile-high bullshit.

If you can provide facts to back up your apparent supposition that the publishers of this report didn't incorporate this development, despite having nearly a year to do so and their clearly stating that their index is derived complety from open source information. ("The GHS Index relies entirely on open-source information: data that a country has published on its own or has reported to or been reported by an international entity") provide those facts, else take your imperious, baseless garbage elsewhere.

BTW, you may want to dispense with the ad hominems you seem to love so much. They are the refuge of people without facts on their side and think a bit too much of themselves, or go right ahead and bluster on if you like. I see it for what it is so that shit won't have the intended effect on me.

My point stands and ya know why? You offered nothing in the way of facts to refute it. A link to the report and ad hominems won't cut it.

Lame attempt.

Go fish.

Ah, you did "drill down to that level", that's nice to hear. But then, you ask me how I know Trump's decapitation of the U.S. Rapid Response Planning capabilities was not incorporated in the report?

Glad you asked: Says the report on "Emergency preparedness and response planning" score: 100. (P. 303)

But, it's sure good to know you did "drill down to that level", but, as I have said before, whatever you believe you understand about any matter more complex than binding shoe laces is at least hopelessly undercomplex, and most likely seriously wrong.

And now, dummy, you are joining the crowd of brain-dead, integrity-challenged Trump sycophants in my ignore dungeon. Have a good life!
When we have the vaccine it should be given to American citizens first, then legal immigrants

after that if any is left over sell it to illegal aliens at the retail price
Wow. Things like this really bring out the bigotry in some people and expose them for the cretins they are.
When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the Wuhan coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday, he praised China for taking “unprecedented” steps to control the deadly virus.

Well, Bunghole, maybe you don't realize it, but China better have a great response, it is a Chinese problem, it started there, and it is kicking their ass.

Meantime, I bet we have a vaccine for it before anyone else. :21:
When we have the vaccine it should be given to American citizens first, then legal immigrants

after that if any is left over sell it to illegal aliens at the retail price

Better yet, mail their doses to Guatemala and tell them to go there for their shots.
Great idea

but some of them dont even speak spanish much less English

they are indians from way back in the jungle with their own special language
When we have the vaccine it should be given to American citizens first, then legal immigrants

after that if any is left over sell it to illegal aliens at the retail price
Wow. Things like this really bring out the bigotry in some people and expose them for the cretins they are.
Do you disagree that American citizens should get the vaccine first?
When we have the vaccine it should be given to American citizens first, then legal immigrants

after that if any is left over sell it to illegal aliens at the retail price
Wow. Things like this really bring out the bigotry in some people and expose them for the cretins they are.
Do you disagree that American citizens should get the vaccine first?
I think people who are at high risk of dying from the virus should get it first. Xenophobic based prejudice has no place in matters of life and death.............or anywhere else for that matter.
There is no reason to believe he is not on top of it.
Right, except all the evidence I just showed you that the response team that would normally handle a crisis has been gutted.

The CDC and USAMIIRD are still there and they are the groups that would actually respond to the pandemic, the post you are talking about was basically a working group.

Legum stated in a follow-up tweet, “Trump also cut funding for the CDC, forcing the CDC to cancel its efforts to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics in 39 of 49 countries in 2018. Among the countries abandoned? China.” That was confirmed in 2018 reports saying that funding for the CDC’s global disease outbreak prevention efforts were cut by 80%, which included the agency’s efforts in China.

Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Why would China accept help from a US agency in the first place.

And Snopes is a left wing trash site.

Maybe the U.S. wants to protect our drug supply.

America too dependent on China for its medicine, experts warn
There is no reason to believe he is not on top of it.
Right, except all the evidence I just showed you that the response team that would normally handle a crisis has been gutted.

The CDC and USAMIIRD are still there and they are the groups that would actually respond to the pandemic, the post you are talking about was basically a working group.

Legum stated in a follow-up tweet, “Trump also cut funding for the CDC, forcing the CDC to cancel its efforts to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics in 39 of 49 countries in 2018. Among the countries abandoned? China.” That was confirmed in 2018 reports saying that funding for the CDC’s global disease outbreak prevention efforts were cut by 80%, which included the agency’s efforts in China.

Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Why would China accept help from a US agency in the first place.

And Snopes is a left wing trash site.

Maybe the U.S. wants to protect our drug supply.

America too dependent on China for its medicine, experts warn

Again, that doesn't answer my question. Why would China allow US government officials into their country to tell them how to handle something?
When we have the vaccine it should be given to American citizens first, then legal immigrants

after that if any is left over sell it to illegal aliens at the retail price
Wow. Things like this really bring out the bigotry in some people and expose them for the cretins they are.
Do you disagree that American citizens should get the vaccine first?
I think people who are at high risk of dying from the virus should get it first. Xenophobic based prejudice has no place in matters of life and death.............or anywhere else for that matter.
Everyone is at risk

the next person you bump into may be carrying the chinese plague

So we must protect American citizens first and illegal aliens last
This thread belongs in The Flame Zone or Conspiracy Theories, or Rubber Room.'s nothing but the common cold variant.

The end of the world is not here yet. In Fact, the scriptures will tell you at the "end of the age" God makes us a new Earth and a Perfect Earth.

Quit flipping out over this.

Well, Bunghole, maybe you don't realize it, but China better have a great response, it is a Chinese problem, it started there, and it is kicking their ass.

Meantime, I bet we have a vaccine for it before anyone else.
No doubt China is responsible for the outbreak because of their policy towards open, wild animal markets without regulation. Plus, they covered up the outbreak and have been issuing dubiously accurate reports about the virus since it began. But, the WHO has praised the aggressive response by China which has helped control the spread inside that country. A response few countries can duplicate because of the dictatorship there.

The development of a vaccine, according to medical experts, is about a year away. There's no point in being nationalistic about it. It won't come soon enough to help with the spread of the virus in the short run.

Essentially, Trump has made two mistakes. 1. He gutted the government's response infrastructure set up by Obama in reaction to the Ebola outbreak. 2. He is downplaying the risk to the country because he wants so badly for it not to effect the economy and stock market...........the only thing he has going for him with respect to his re-election.
But, the WHO has praised the aggressive response by China which has helped control the spread inside that country.

Take any praise from the WHO about china with a grain of salt because they are political hacks in white frocks

but you are entirely correct up to that point

anyway I think America will survive and I hope it teaches us that we need to stop relying on china so so much of our domestic products
Well, Bunghole, maybe you don't realize it, but China better have a great response, it is a Chinese problem, it started there, and it is kicking their ass.

Meantime, I bet we have a vaccine for it before anyone else.
No doubt China is responsible for the outbreak because of their policy towards open, wild animal markets without regulation. Plus, they covered up the outbreak and have been issuing dubiously accurate reports about the virus since it began. But, the WHO has praised the aggressive response by China which has helped control the spread inside that country. A response few countries can duplicate because of the dictatorship there.

The development of a vaccine, according to medical experts, is about a year away. There's no point in being nationalistic about it. It won't come soon enough to help with the spread of the virus in the short run.

Essentially, Trump has made two mistakes. 1. He gutted the government's response infrastructure set up by Obama in reaction to the Ebola outbreak. 2. He is downplaying the risk to the country because he wants so badly for it not to effect the economy and stock market...........the only thing he has going for him with respect to his re-election.
China has a lot of people. If it comes to regulations and starvation what the hell do you think they will do? To the Chinese government, the peasant eating those meats is a buffer.
Are you too much of a Trumper to understand that as a country with excellent medical facilities the US would score highly on that kind of rating.............without taking in to account Trump's dismantling of the government's organizational structure set up to deal with a pandemic? We both already know the answer so I don't need to wait.

Yeah. More importantly, had the doofus read the report - which he clearly did not - he'd be aware that research for the index was done in 2018. That means, the last reporting data to be incorporated would be from 2017. That was before Trump decapitated the pandemic preparedness infrastructure and defunded the CDC's international preparedness unit into virtual non-existence.

Actually I did drill down to that level Assumer-in-Chief, although of course i did not read the entire 320+ pages. Naturally you did before accusing others of not doing so I am sure. ::eyeroll::

You sling baseless assumptions and ad hominems in a weak attempt at argument, then claim others are stupid. Lol. It's rather pathetic.

Op states this was done by Trump in Spring 2018.

Report published October 2019.

So, we are assuming that a report based entirely on open source data didn't incorporate this rather large development, despite having over a year to rework the results for the United States by running their ~140 question model again with the new information; and instead went right ahead and published their report showing the US at the top of the list in terms of preparedness, such preparedness being the very subject of the report. I call bullshit. Foul, rank, piled-a-mile-high bullshit.

If you can provide facts to back up your apparent supposition that the publishers of this report didn't incorporate this development, despite having nearly a year to do so and their clearly stating that their index is derived complety from open source information. ("The GHS Index relies entirely on open-source information: data that a country has published on its own or has reported to or been reported by an international entity") provide those facts, else take your imperious, baseless garbage elsewhere.

BTW, you may want to dispense with the ad hominems you seem to love so much. They are the refuge of people without facts on their side and think a bit too much of themselves, or go right ahead and bluster on if you like. I see it for what it is so that shit won't have the intended effect on me.

My point stands and ya know why? You offered nothing in the way of facts to refute it. A link to the report and ad hominems won't cut it.

Lame attempt.

Go fish.

Ah, you did "drill down to that level", that's nice to hear. But then, you ask me how I know Trump's decapitation of the U.S. Rapid Response Planning capabilities was not incorporated in the report?

Glad you asked: Says the report on "Emergency preparedness and response planning" score: 100. (P. 303)

But, it's sure good to know you did "drill down to that level", but, as I have said before, whatever you believe you understand about any matter more complex than binding shoe laces is at least hopelessly undercomplex, and most likely seriously wrong.

And now, dummy, you are joining the crowd of brain-dead, integrity-challenged Trump sycophants in my ignore dungeon. Have a good life!

And nothing on your vaunted page 303 says anything about the age of the data, which YOU established as 2017, dumbfuck.

What it does do is show the scores of various categories and you now again in your role of Assumer-In-Chief, suppose that a high score means the data is not current. Maybe in your world of utter ignorance and stupidity that is actual proof, but I got some news for ya, dumbass, it isn't proof. Not even a little bit. You know what proof would be. "Data cited is from 2017" or some such thing. Without that, which you clearly do not have, or you would have posted it, you are a lying piece of shit.

Here's your own 'source', moron, which does not in any way, shape or form back up your claim that the data utilized is not current. I understand now that you are a bullheaded moron that simply cannot process data that contradicts your beliefs, but it is what it is.


Repeatedly you point at this or that to establish a point, but don't actually cite what supports what you say and that is the case here. I would find that odd if I didn't recognize it as a common tactic of BB charlatans such as yourself that are 99% puffery and 1% plain stupid.

You have established yourself as a thin-skinned buffoon that cannot process simple information and hides behind a veil of imperiousness through the use of ad hominems when called out.

YOU presented false suppositions without basis. YOU, when asked to back them up with facts provided noise but no proof. YOU continue to sling ad hominems instead of facts, as you have none. And then YOU accuse others, who have actually posted facts, of lacking integrity.

Go fuck yourself, dipshit. You can't handle rational discourse and now run to the ignore button, as you've been handed your ass on a plate. lol. You're not the first and likely won't be the last self-aggrandizing buffoon that doesn't like their facade being stripped away.
Acknowledging Congressional Demands, Trump Says WH Ready To Spend More On Coronavirus
Acknowledging Congressional Demands, Trump Says WH Ready To Spend More On Coronavirus

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he was ready to acquiesce to congressional demands and use billions more to fight coronavirus than he had originally requested for the effort.

The White House on Monday asked for $2.5 billion to fight the virus — half of which would have been re-directed from other, already-allocated sources like a fund to fight the Ebola virus.

After angry legislators said the White House wasn’t taking the coronavirus threat seriously enough, Trump, flanked at a press conference by members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, seemed to acknowledge that he’d lowballed the first ask.

“We’ll take it. If they want to give more, we’ll do more,” he said of Congress. “We’re going to spend whatever is appropriate. Hopefully we’re not going to have to spend so much because we really think we’ve done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum.”

He added: “Some Republicans would like us to get four [billion] and some Democrats would like us to get eight-and-a-half. We’ll be satisfied whatever it is.”

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