Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

Trump's negatives

1. not a politician-----------oops that's a positive
2. speaks his mind------------another positive
3. successful in business and life-------------still looking for a negative
4. believes in the constitution------------still looking
5. wants America to win in trade, finance, and wars-----------positive
6. has a hot wife-----------yep
7..sometimes misspeaks-------------ok, negative
8. places women in important jobs with high pay----------oops
9. places Hispanics in important jobs with high pay--------oops again
10. thinks Hillary is a liar and criminal--------positive again
11. thinks Bernie is a clown-------yep
12. said silly things about Cruz, Jebby, and little Marco---------negative, even if true.
13. wants secure borders and viable vetting system for immigrants-----------very positive
14. has the media and the establishment against him------------and still winning, positive.

Well said.
The only thing inaccurate about the title of this thread are the words "just about."
Well to be fair i dont know presidential history enough to know how hated prior candidates were. Trump is in the shitter to be sure tho

they've been pretty clear that no one has ever had his negatives since they've been measuring those things.

most of the so-called negatives are creations of the biased media
And spit in the face of the millions of voters who support him, and who drove record turnout?

Good plan.

I take it you're a democratic strategist?

Right, right, "We love Trump, and only our opinions and feelings matter. How DARE you think your preferences are more important, just because there are more of you? Don't you understand, we're ANGRY?! The world revolves around our pissy tantrum, damn it!" The GOP isn't choosing between genuflecting to Trumpettes or spitting on them, Chuckles. They're choosing between 35% of primary voters (many of whom are less than reliable supporters in a general election), and 65% of primary voters. Believe it or not, there are other people in the GOP world than just you, however much you think you and Trump are the whole frigging universe.

And proudly pointing to "look how many more people came out to cast an uninformed vote based on emotion" is not going to be an arguing point with someone who thinks there are already way more people voting than really should.

Not so much.

Just pointing out that in your calculations, you have to consider the price of NOT choosing Trump, as much as you are worried about losing those anti-trump people.

An alternative method would be to start fighting back against the libs on their slander of Trump and to strongly make the case that he is NOT another freaking "hitler" and is nothing to be scared of.

They're considering the price of not choosing Trump. I don't think YOU are considering the price of choosing him, but I know they are.

An alternative method would be to stop considering telling the truth "slander" and getting your panties in a wad because - HORRORS! - politics is a rough game. This is not news to anyone else. You and your candidate need to butch up and stop thinking it's everyone else's job to accommodate you.

He's A LOT to be scared of.

1. Save the rhetoric about "butching up". That is nothing but a popular way, these days, of dismissing arguments that you cannot rebut honestly.

2. He is a lot to be scared of? Quick, off the top of your head, what is the worst case scenario with Trump?

Be concise, be specific. NO rambling please. No filler about, no long lists of adjectives.

Simple and direct.

No, honey, that IS the rebuttal when your argument is "They're MEAN!!! Waaaaahhhh!"

Worst-case scenario off the top of my head? He hires people in his administration similar to the way he's hired them in his campaign, thinking he can just get his way by running his mouth, and ends up with Executive Branch corruption and incompetence on a scale to rival Ulysses S. Grant. Congress stonewalls his wackadoodle "policy" du jour and he builds and expands on Obama's executive-order monarchy plan, because his ego just assumes he's too smart and wonderful to need that Constitutional check-and-balance crap and he can just bullshit his way through it by running his gums in the media and firing up his Trump zombies to support him. Or even worse, he returns to collaborating with his old buddies, Bill and Hillary, maybe by bribing them with some sort of appointment, and between them, they manage to convince some of the more unscrupulous Congresscritters to cooperate with him, and he actually starts passing some of his "I thought about it for a whole five minutes" policy decisions. Either way, the economy tanks even more than it already has, federal government encroachment expands, and the nation's slide into a disorganized mishmash of societal chaos progresses.

That's just off the top of my head, though. I could think more specifically, but I really don't require those sorts of nightmares on a nice Sunday.

So, worst case scenario, that you are so afraid of is maybe Grid Lock, like we have had before,

or maybe, just maybe, "economy tanks, government expands, status quo on society".

Without any link between those policies and how that happens.

Deporting Illegals is not going to cause that.

Limiting work visas in not going to cause that.

Trying and failing to renegotiate bad trade deals might. But Trump is playing to his experience in negotiating there, and as President of the United States would have tremendous leverage.

As I said, if the GOP leadership starts seriously addressing the hysterical concerns the corrupt media and lying libs have raised, most people could be reassured that those extreme concerns were made up bullshit.

And thus, be open to voting for Trump or Against Hillary.
The only thing inaccurate about the title of this thread are the words "just about."
Well to be fair i dont know presidential history enough to know how hated prior candidates were. Trump is in the shitter to be sure tho

they've been pretty clear that no one has ever had his negatives since they've been measuring those things.

Would you like to share YOUR greatest single fear if Trump is elected? So we can examine it and see if it is a reasonable fear, or BS.?
I am not a liberal; you are a vile racist far right reactionary, Correll.

You are not a viable conservative Republicans; they don’t support your anti-American agenda.

You can’t win any debate on the merits.

Yes, you are a liberal. You might be the last liberal Republican, but you are a liberal.

And again you ignore the issue you raised to personally attack me.

You attacked me personally, Correll; I countered; you ad hom'd me; and you got knocked rhetorically on your ass.

The OP has held up because it's truth.

You are losing because you don't have the truth.

You have guys on the board trying to push JBS trash without acknowledging where it comes from.
The true GOP will not let the far right take over the party.

That's over.

you are correct. David Duke will never be a player in the GOP. Neither will Ron Paul.

the intelligent middle is taking over, and you libs cant stand it.

but on the dem side the far left is in complete control. Sanders, Hillary, Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi, Reid, Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, Wasserman Shultz. yep, the far left rules the dems.
I am not a liberal; you are a vile racist far right reactionary, Correll.

You are not a viable conservative Republicans; they don’t support your anti-American agenda.

You can’t win any debate on the merits.

Yes, you are a liberal. You might be the last liberal Republican, but you are a liberal.

And again you ignore the issue you raised to personally attack me.

You attacked me personally, Correll; I countered; you ad hom'd me; and you got knocked rhetorically on your ass.

The OP has held up because it's truth.

You are losing because you don't have the truth.

You have guys on the board trying to push JBS trash without acknowledging where it comes from.

YOur words jerk face.

"Are you saying you are not a racist and that you have not used the race card all the time?"

I responded appropriately to your slander.

As to the OP, as I have said, there is nothing like having your own Party Leadership join in the marginalization of their front runner and a significant portion of their own base.
That's because they are 'sheeple'. Only 'sheeple' vote for someone with zero experience based solely on the idea that "it was a black man's turn'. Now the DEM 'sheeple' are going to vote for someone who ought to have been in prison years ago because now it's 'someone with a vagina's turn".
Who fucking next? Someone with "one green eye and one brown eye"?
For LIBs it all boils down to "everyone deserves a fucking trophy". Everyone should get a turn being the President.
Just like everyone deserves a fucking 'participation trophy'.
Libs are mentally deficient.

That may be what you want to think is the reason people voted for Obama, but the bald fact is that there was no way that the people were going to sign on for 4 more years of Republican economics, what with the economy in a fucking freefall and all. I would think that the margin of victory would have been much much higher if the Dems had run a white guy, but with unending wars, increasing unemployment and poverty, anyone who voted Republican sure wasn't doing so on based on wanting 4 more years of the same.

Hillary is not and has never been charged with anything, yet the liars of the Republican Party constantly attempt to characterize her as a criminal, based on the multiple investigations made about her by Republicans over the Clintons' years in the public eye. Not a single Clinton staffer has broken ranks with indictable material, unlike say, Nixons' staffers, or Reagan's staff (the most corrupt in history).

Other than lying under oath about a blow job, exactly what do you have in the way of evidence or charges against Hillary. If none of the Republican witch-hunts over the years have uncovered a shred of evidence of wrong-doing by the Clintons, why do you persist in believing their lies. According to you, it's not "innocent until proven guilty", in Hillary's case, it's "guilty even though proven otherwise by 7 REPUBLICAN investigations of Benghazi", it's "guilty of every lie and smear made by the Republican Party", in spite of no evidence being produced, no charges being laid, and no finding of guilt.

In its job as a bi-partisan fact-checker, PolitiFact said that of all of the candidates, Hillary was the most truthful. Bernie is second, and Trump is dead last.

Hillary is by far the most accomplished and capable candidate for the office of President who has run in many years. She has been publically vetted like nobody else. She has lived in the White House for 8 years and has an intimate knowledge of how Washington works.

Everybody doesn't deserve a chance. For sure Trump and Cruz don't need to screw up the country. There's a lot more work to be done to overcome the corporatism, and the first step is to ensure that Citizen's United is overturned and the dark money is gone from politics. That sure as hell is not going to happen if the Republicans get elected and get to retain the conservative majority on the Supreme Court. This ruling and this alone is the real reason why Republicans don't want Obama making this appointment. The Koch Bros. are that desperate to keep their hold over US politics.
The only thing inaccurate about the title of this thread are the words "just about."
Well to be fair i dont know presidential history enough to know how hated prior candidates were. Trump is in the shitter to be sure tho

they've been pretty clear that no one has ever had his negatives since they've been measuring those things.

most of the so-called negatives are creations of the biased media

No, most of the negatives are creations of the media simply letting Trump talk and reporting the results.
The only thing inaccurate about the title of this thread are the words "just about."
Well to be fair i dont know presidential history enough to know how hated prior candidates were. Trump is in the shitter to be sure tho

they've been pretty clear that no one has ever had his negatives since they've been measuring those things.

most of the so-called negatives are creations of the biased media

No, most of the negatives are creations of the media simply letting Trump talk and reporting the results.

if anything media has gone too easy on him because they were afraid he'd take his ball and start a third party.
1. Save the rhetoric about "butching up". That is nothing but a popular way, these days, of dismissing arguments that you cannot rebut honestly.

2. He is a lot to be scared of? Quick, off the top of your head, what is the worst case scenario with Trump?

Be concise, be specific. NO rambling please. No filler about, no long lists of adjectives.

Simple and direct.

The worst case scenario with Trump is that he tears up the Iran Agreement, Iran proceeds to develop a nuclear weapon, further destabilizing the Middle East.

He tears up trade agreements with China, and China starts calling in their debt. And he starts one of his Twitter Feuds with Putin, who fails to see the joke.
1. Save the rhetoric about "butching up". That is nothing but a popular way, these days, of dismissing arguments that you cannot rebut honestly.

2. He is a lot to be scared of? Quick, off the top of your head, what is the worst case scenario with Trump?

Be concise, be specific. NO rambling please. No filler about, no long lists of adjectives.

Simple and direct.

The worst case scenario with Trump is that he tears up the Iran Agreement, Iran proceeds to develop a nuclear weapon, further destabilizing the Middle East.

He tears up trade agreements with China, and China starts calling in their debt. And he starts one of his Twitter Feuds with Putin, who fails to see the joke.
That's for clearing that up.
If Trump doesn't tear up the Iran agreement then Iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. That's a relief for everyone.
That's what BONOBO and Kerry promised so it has to be true.
YOur words jerk face. "Are you saying you are not a racist and that you have not used the race card all the time?" I responded appropriately to your slander. As to the OP, as I have said, there is nothing like having your own Party Leadership join in the marginalization of their front runner and a significant portion of their own base.
My words are accurate. You are a racist. You falsely accuse your enemies of racism, which is a far right fascistic tactic. Trump deserves to be marginalized with his supporters. You do not represent a majority of the Party, a majority of America, but you do represent unAmerican agendas.
The Dems won't even campaign against Trump.

They will let him talk so the Dems can win all 50 states.
1. Save the rhetoric about "butching up". That is nothing but a popular way, these days, of dismissing arguments that you cannot rebut honestly.

2. He is a lot to be scared of? Quick, off the top of your head, what is the worst case scenario with Trump?

Be concise, be specific. NO rambling please. No filler about, no long lists of adjectives.

Simple and direct.

The worst case scenario with Trump is that he tears up the Iran Agreement, Iran proceeds to develop a nuclear weapon, further destabilizing the Middle East.

He tears up trade agreements with China, and China starts calling in their debt. And he starts one of his Twitter Feuds with Putin, who fails to see the joke.

From that right wing rag Slate.

In September, Cruz and Trump appeared together at a rally against the Iran deal. Cruz told the crowd, “Any commander in chief worthy of defending this nation should be prepared to stand up on Jan. 20, 2017, and rip to shreds this catastrophic deal.” Trump made no such commitment. Two months later, in his book, Crippled America, Trump wrote: “Once the sanctions are removed there is no going back, no ‘snapback.’ Putting sanctions back in place unilaterally won’t do any good.”

SOunds like Trump is willing to accept the Iran Deal.

He is the candidate who is strongest on NOT wanting to screw around with Putin.

And our Trade with China needs renegotiated and Trump is a good person to do so.

These fears are not reasonable.

Thanks for a real answer.
the intelligent middle is taking over the GOP, and you libs cant stand it.
absolutely correct, which leaves out the far right and your kind.

you are one dumb asshole. You preach every day from the far left and then claim to be in the middle. you are no more in the middle than Fidel Castro (you know, the one who make obozo look like a bozo).
1. Save the rhetoric about "butching up". That is nothing but a popular way, these days, of dismissing arguments that you cannot rebut honestly.

2. He is a lot to be scared of? Quick, off the top of your head, what is the worst case scenario with Trump?

Be concise, be specific. NO rambling please. No filler about, no long lists of adjectives.

Simple and direct.

The worst case scenario with Trump is that he tears up the Iran Agreement, Iran proceeds to develop a nuclear weapon, further destabilizing the Middle East.

He tears up trade agreements with China, and China starts calling in their debt. And he starts one of his Twitter Feuds with Putin, who fails to see the joke.

From that right wing rag Slate.

In September, Cruz and Trump appeared together at a rally against the Iran deal. Cruz told the crowd, “Any commander in chief worthy of defending this nation should be prepared to stand up on Jan. 20, 2017, and rip to shreds this catastrophic deal.” Trump made no such commitment. Two months later, in his book, Crippled America, Trump wrote: “Once the sanctions are removed there is no going back, no ‘snapback.’ Putting sanctions back in place unilaterally won’t do any good.”

SOunds like Trump is willing to accept the Iran Deal.

He is the candidate who is strongest on NOT wanting to screw around with Putin.

And our Trade with China needs renegotiated and Trump is a good person to do so.

These fears are not reasonable.

Thanks for a real answer.

arguing with a liberal is like trying to train a slug to mow your yard. their minds are so full of liberal bullshit and talking points that there is no room left for logical thought.

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