Trump Hatred

It's easy to say he is just dumb, but his dumbness goes far beyond just. That's some Olympic quality dumb right there.
He's also very devious , in that sense he is smart. He knows how to work and use people. Look at his followers , they aren't even aware of what he's doing.
Bidens already won the stupidest most idiotic president of all time Olympics. God would have buffoon. You have to be a buffoon to apologize for him
Biden is just a man like trump. No one needs to defend him. Why do trump followers always feel the need to try to defend trump. Why carry around a hardship like that. Just admit he was the worst president ever and he is dangerous. Irresponsibility is always foolish. .
Bidens already won the stupidest most idiotic president of all time Olympics. God would have buffoon. You have to be a buffoon to apologize for him
That is the MAGA cult talking point. It's bullshit like all their other claims, but they're nuts. What else did you expect?
He's also very devious , in that sense he is smart. He knows how to work and use people. Look at his followers , they aren't even aware of what he's doing.
You can attribute that more to their stupidity than to any minimal smartness he might claim to have.
You can attribute that more to their stupidity than to any minimal smartness he might claim to have.
Yes and No , I was referring to the Jan.6th. plot he and his buddy Stone conceived. When he finally goes to trial I hope all the truth comes out. Maybe it was mostly Stone's evil genius behind it all.
Biden is just a man like trump. No one needs to defend him. Why do trump followers always feel the need to try to defend trump. Why carry around a hardship like that. Just admit he was the worst president ever and he is dangerous. Irresponsibility is always foolish. .
Biden is the worst ever

Biden is just a man like trump. No one needs to defend him. Why do trump followers always feel the need to try to defend trump. Why carry around a hardship like that. Just admit he was the worst president ever and he is dangerous. Irresponsibility is always foolish. .
The Afghanistan debacle. Russia invades Ukraine. Cocaine in the White House . Terrorist attacks in the Mideast when we had Peace during Trump. The crappy economy that we're enduring right now. It doesn't take much thought to see that you are totally wrong and that Biden is the worst.

Which is counterbalanced by all the good things. With trump there was no good things for anyone but him and his buddies. Most expensive administration in history.
Remember the Afghanistan debacle. That kicked off the Russian invasion of Ukraine which we are paying dearly for. Trump limited illegal immigration also, Biden opened the borders wide open. You have to be a fool to be a Democrat

It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

It is if you are a Democrat. They are a special kind of stupid.
No one need do a damn thing to turn Cheeto-Boy into the ass he is.

Was it the media who forced Trump to take a full page ad condemning several black tees for a murder they did not commit?
Was it the media ho forced Trump to play Redline games in his properties?
Was it the media who forced Trump to insult war heroes, war dad, and serving military?

He's an ass without the first iota of humanity and his followers are nothing but asslets.
Trump didn't do any of that.

You're a jackass..
Which is counterbalanced by all the good things. With trump there was no good things for anyone but him and his buddies. Most expensive administration in history.
Biden has the most expensive administration in history, you fucking moron.

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