Trump He's a Criminal..

Yeah.. preaching the choir there young Lady..
Myself and AJ would agree 100%
Even though AJ has been right about a lot of things, some of it is coincidental. He has said so much shit that SOME OF IT HAS TO BE TRUE.

For all of his bullshit though, he is not credible and I believe those of us opposed to the collectivist global elite that own the media and the DNC crime syndicate's whores shouldn't exalt him as some harbinger of truth or a reluctant seer of political intrigue. He's a fear mongering mineral oil salesman. That's his whole schtick. He terrifies people over things they should be aware of but not afraid of, on top of bullshit stories of impossible conspiracies using data that might actually be evidence of something else. No matter what, he has millions of fans who have listened to his every word for over 20 years and are convinced someone is coming to kill them any minute now. In 2000 it was the Army National Guard of all things. Then some fruit cakes who worship an owl. Then it was Bush and on and on.

So even though I might have sympathies aligned with his fans and share many beliefs, I do not share an affection for this bullshit merchant.
Even though AJ has been right about a lot of things, some of it is coincidental. He has said so much shit that SOME OF IT HAS TO BE TRUE.

For all of his bullshit though, he is not credible and I believe those of us opposed to the collectivist global elite that own the media and the DNC crime syndicate's whores shouldn't exalt him as some harbinger of truth or a reluctant seer of political intrigue. He's a fear mongering mineral oil salesman. That's his whole schtick. He terrifies people over things they should be aware of but not afraid of, on top of bullshit stories of impossible conspiracies using data that might actually be evidence of something else. No matter what, he has millions of fans who have listened to his every word for over 20 years and are convinced someone is coming to kill them any minute now. In 2000 it was the Army National Guard of all things. Then some fruit cakes who worship an owl. Then it was Bush and on and on.

So even though I might have sympathies aligned with his fans and share many beliefs, I do not share an affection for this bullshit merchant.
Well, OK then.. suit yourself :banana:
As I'm A-Political I'm not a fan of anyone.
Not Joe and not Don.
I'm aware of the political process and the factors surrounding influencing the elections

When it comes to prosecuting is only energizing his base and growing that base in size. Especially while the economy is tanking. Back pocket politics and the appearance of extreme pettiness by the Left is going to re-elect Trump by a landslide.

Trump may be a bully buffoon at times in the bandying about the pulpit with a feather....or in being so suave with how political rivalries are settled quietly....but in truth it doesn't matter.

Apparently the US wants a more brash chief who appears to answer bluntly and clearly. Not some sort of politically correct nonsense. And their crucifixion of Trump is not going to do anything except get him re-elected. The impeachment earlier and now criminal case only will make the left appear impotent. Especially with social problems and economic problems and the huge foreign influence in our elections.
Since you are not on the jury, who cares what the charges sound like to you? You're opinion won't make a difference
Well, Let's See..
I LIVE here in America for one thing..
I have a Background in Law Enforcement and consider our Justice system to be Important
Even If I Hated Trump I would be shocked at this type of THING
I Just can't Believe that people (Americans) have gotten so Numb and out of Touch
with Fucking REALITY. Equal Justice under the LAW?
Well, Let's See..
I LIVE here in America for one thing..
I have a Background in Law Enforcement and consider our Justice system to be Important
Even If I Hated Trump I would be shocked at this type of THING
I Just can't Believe that people (Americans) have gotten so Numb and out of Touch
with Fucking REALITY. Equal Justice under the LAW?
You better believe it cause it's happening.
Yup. A five year minimum for Trump. And they got him dead to rights.
Can't put a past president in jail. Secret service protection....and a past president knows the government secrets. Can't most a letter of censure or a fine.
Any number of higher courts will step in and do something to vacate any findings.

All the left is wanting is to try to embarrass Trump but instead they are embarrassing themselves. Impotence in foreign policy, Impotence in domestic policy, Impotence in the economy, Impotence in trying to shove every sexual perversion down children's throats.

Nope....not gonna work.
Let's Hear it for Law and Order!!!!
Can anyone please Explain to me
Exactly What in the Actual Fuck is he being Charged with?

Leftist Butthurt.

They should honestly just get Trump dolls and show us where Trump hurt their fee fees, then have like a week long struggle session and get it all out of their system.

But of course, we won't be so lucky. Instead they have to trash the entire nation.
Leftist Butthurt.

They should honestly just get Trump dolls and show us where Trump hurt their fee fees, then have like a week long struggle session and get it all out of their system.

But of course, we won't be so lucky. Instead they have to trash the entire nation.
it's Just what they do..
Well, Let's See..
I LIVE here in America for one thing..
I have a Background in Law Enforcement and consider our Justice system to be Important
Even If I Hated Trump I would be shocked at this type of THING
I Just can't Believe that people (Americans) have gotten so Numb and out of Touch
with Fucking REALITY. Equal Justice under the LAW?

Bed wetting leftist parasites love using the word "equal", but rest assured they're not content to be on "equal" ground with us. They aren't even happy enough just leaving us the fuck alone. They seek to RULE over us. Dominate our lives, dictate how we behave, what we are allowed to consume, even how we live.

These "people" are ruthless cut throating, back stabbing, thieving sexual deviants with serious mental illnesses. Most are simply complete blithering idiots, but many of them are acting deliberately to bring this country and culture down. They're traitors of the most egregious sort. It would be one thing if they believed their treason and regressive policies promoted something that would benefit others, but their only goal is self enrichment and the acquisition of power.

Bed wetting leftist parasites love using the word "equal", but rest assured they're not content to be on "equal" ground with us. They aren't even happy enough just leaving us the fuck alone. They seek to RULE over us. Dominate our lives, dictate how we behave, what we are allowed to consume, even how we live.

These "people" are ruthless cut throating, back stabbing, thieving sexual deviants with serious mental illnesses. Most are simply complete blithering idiots, but many of them are acting deliberately to bring this country and culture down. They're traitors of the most egregious sort. It would be one thing if they believed their treason and regressive policies promoted something that would benefit others, but their only goal is self enrichment and the acquisition of power.

Bed wetting leftist parasites love using the word "equal", but rest assured they're not content to be on "equal" ground with us. They aren't even happy enough just leaving us the fuck alone. They seek to RULE over us. Dominate our lives, dictate how we behave, what we are allowed to consume, even how we live.

These "people" are ruthless cut throating, back stabbing, thieving sexual deviants with serious mental illnesses. Most are simply complete blithering idiots, but many of them are acting deliberately to bring this country and culture down. They're traitors of the most egregious sort. It would be one thing if they believed their treason and regressive policies promoted something that would benefit others, but their only goal is self enrichment and the acquisition of power.
Why do your tears come in blue?

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