trump hints the Arizona lame recount will lead to him getting back in the White House

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.

He's obsessed. What does that say about the quality of the man and fitness for any public office?

Why don't you tell us ?

After all, as a left'll know everything. Correct ?

Sorry. That's entering rightwing territory, I don't mess around with their politically correct worldview.

Backpeddling is the second thing you guys seem to be good at.

You were the one intonating something about the quality of the man.

But now you have humility.

Sorry to have to cower you.

Back peddle? No. In fact, I asked questions.

You dodged.

Why would I answer my own questions?

You didn't ask a question. You made a statement and put a question mark at the end of it.

It's like me asking saying.

Cyote is a moron. What does that tell you about here ability to moderate ?

If you don't see that I would be saying you are incompetent, you'd be a fool.
The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.
Just heard President Bush on a podcast. He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it was ever stolen. Did not enjoy his time in office, but nice to know there are rational republicans out there.
Trump is a loser chump.
Bush is a globalist. What did you expect him to say?
We do alright in the global economy and globally in general. The "globalist" thing really doesn't strike much fear in me.

Trump wasn't as global and we did fine under him.
We suffered worse under the pandemic than if he had led in a positive manner, many of his people still do not believe it was serious, even with 590,000 dead here and millions around the world. He repeatedly went against constitutional requirements of the office, alienated allies, sucked up to dictators, communists and totalitarians alike, and then upon losing tried to overthrow free elections. No getting around it. He sucked and was bad for the country of the people by the people and for the people under our constitution. He had to go and did, thanks to the votes of the American People to dump him for Joe Biden.

First of all......we were talking about the economy. You seemed to leave that behind in your little rant.

And I would agree with you that he should have done better on the pandemic.

It cost him the election and I blame him for not behaving better. I doubt many fewer would have died...but he would have been elected hands down if he had shown more leadership.

And there is no need to get around anything that isn't true. He didn't try to overthrow anything. To claim as such drops you to the same level as the other apes (my apologies to apes) on this board.

He wasn't the disaster people worried about until COVID hit and he just wasn't up to the task.

I blame him, not only for the losing the election but for giving us a career politician who also doubles as a moron to work with a couple of other career morons in making this country a bigger mess than it already is.
What part of we do alright in the global economy did you not read. Presently stock market is not only up but has set record since Biden took office, employment is up, production is up. I am satisfied. You should change your investment or change jobs, everybody around here is hiring if you are still into working for a living.
I heard him on the platform on Jan 6 and heard the others sent to fight for overthrowing the election and making their voice heard. It went for hours with leaders on both sides trying to call him to call it off, but he just sat back and enjoyed, even thanking his supporters for their support. Yes, I blame him, as do most people.
Joe is doing alright. That is why he consistently has approval rating, never seen by trump in anytime during his time as president. You just don't get out much.
We may someday in the distant future get a totalitarian,but after trump, it's not likely in my lifetime. Guess we will have to stick with constitutional and historic norms.

1. That's fine. We also did well under Trump. If you think Biden is responsible for the current economy, you are a fool.

2. You may want to really think through what a true insurrection looks like. It does not look like Jan 6th.

3. Joe isn't doing anything except trying to crash the country with debt. If people are hiring, why is he so keen to give away another 2 trillion ? His approval rating is bolstered by the 4 year hatefest the democrats ran against Trump. Mind you, I felt Trump failed on Covid in a huge way. Had he done better, Biden would be in an alzheimers ward where he belongs.

4. Trump was a blowhard, but hardly a totalitarian. You guys are so stuck in your crapp you believe your own press releases.
He sided with Erdigon and Putin to allow cross border attack on the Kurds that, wrote and recieved love letters with Lil Kim and supported the murderous Saudi prince. Too close to supporting totalitarians and totalitarian regimes for me.
Trumps economy was staked by the Fed running the presses. You were not worried about it then, so don't bother preaching that crap now.
Attack on The Capital to stop the receiving of the electoral vote was close enough to an insurrection as I need to see. Even if they didn't get a chance the hang Mike Pense.

Keep posting opinion as fact.

It defines you.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.
I think he just wants to make money off of this. Of course, maybe destabilize the U.S. as well.
Lame? What makes a recount "lame"? If it tends to benefit the republican candidate?
All of this could have been avoided if Maricopa county was transparent. In fact all the claims of fraud would be settled if Democrats and Rinos were transparent. Why weren't they? There is only one answer and that is fraud.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.

He's obsessed. What does that say about the quality of the man and fitness for any public office?

Why don't you tell us ?

After all, as a left'll know everything. Correct ?

Sorry. That's entering rightwing territory, I don't mess around with their politically correct worldview.

Backpeddling is the second thing you guys seem to be good at.

You were the one intonating something about the quality of the man.

But now you have humility.

Sorry to have to cower you.

Back peddle? No. In fact, I asked questions.

You dodged.

Why would I answer my own questions?

You didn't ask a question. You made a statement and put a question mark at the end of it.

It's like me asking saying.

Cyote is a moron. What does that tell you about here ability to moderate ?

If you don't see that I would be saying you are incompetent, you'd be a fool.

Can't provide an answer can you?

Seems your only contribution here is to lob insults and parse semantics.

Trump is an obsessive personality. That is pretty obvious based on his actions over the years. If you can't see that makes for a pretty dangerous national leader, then that is not my problem but yours.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.
I think he just wants to make money off of this. Of course, maybe destabilize the U.S. as well.
Trump lost half his worth in office. He is not in this for the money. Another term and he would have been broke. It shows what the country means to him. Everything.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.

He's obsessed. What does that say about the quality of the man and fitness for any public office?

Why don't you tell us ?

After all, as a left'll know everything. Correct ?

Sorry. That's entering rightwing territory, I don't mess around with their politically correct worldview.

Backpeddling is the second thing you guys seem to be good at.

You were the one intonating something about the quality of the man.

But now you have humility.

Sorry to have to cower you.

Back peddle? No. In fact, I asked questions.

You dodged.

Why would I answer my own questions?

You didn't ask a question. You made a statement and put a question mark at the end of it.

It's like me asking saying.

Cyote is a moron. What does that tell you about here ability to moderate ?

If you don't see that I would be saying you are incompetent, you'd be a fool.

Can't provide an answer can you?

Seems your only contribution here is to lob insults and parse semantics.

Trump is an obsessive personality. That is pretty obvious based on his actions over the years. If you can't see that makes for a pretty dangerous national leader, then that is not my problem but yours.

"that is pretty obvious"......left winger.

Oh, I suspect you've got lots of problems you don't know about.
The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.
Just heard President Bush on a podcast. He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it was ever stolen. Did not enjoy his time in office, but nice to know there are rational republicans out there.
Trump is a loser chump.
You know that I can't help but feel that Trump believed that even if he didn't get enough votes that the Supreme Court was going to come through for him and hand him the election like they did to Bush back in 2000, particularly sense one of his demands was to stop the counting of the votes in the venues where he was ahead.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.

He's obsessed. What does that say about the quality of the man and fitness for any public office?

Why don't you tell us ?

After all, as a left'll know everything. Correct ?

Sorry. That's entering rightwing territory, I don't mess around with their politically correct worldview.

Backpeddling is the second thing you guys seem to be good at.

You were the one intonating something about the quality of the man.

But now you have humility.

Sorry to have to cower you.

Back peddle? No. In fact, I asked questions.

You dodged.

Why would I answer my own questions?

You didn't ask a question. You made a statement and put a question mark at the end of it.

It's like me asking saying.

Cyote is a moron. What does that tell you about here ability to moderate ?

If you don't see that I would be saying you are incompetent, you'd be a fool.

Can't provide an answer can you?

Seems your only contribution here is to lob insults and parse semantics.

Trump is an obsessive personality. That is pretty obvious based on his actions over the years. If you can't see that makes for a pretty dangerous national leader, then that is not my problem but yours.
A dangerous leader who put more money in our pockets, made us energy independent, started no new wars is a wonderful leader. The danger he posed was to the criminals who defrauded him.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.

He's obsessed. What does that say about the quality of the man and fitness for any public office?

Why don't you tell us ?

After all, as a left'll know everything. Correct ?

Sorry. That's entering rightwing territory, I don't mess around with their politically correct worldview.

Backpeddling is the second thing you guys seem to be good at.

You were the one intonating something about the quality of the man.

But now you have humility.

Sorry to have to cower you.

Back peddle? No. In fact, I asked questions.

You dodged.

Why would I answer my own questions?

You didn't ask a question. You made a statement and put a question mark at the end of it.

It's like me asking saying.

Cyote is a moron. What does that tell you about here ability to moderate ?

If you don't see that I would be saying you are incompetent, you'd be a fool.

Can't provide an answer can you?

Seems your only contribution here is to lob insults and parse semantics.

Trump is an obsessive personality. That is pretty obvious based on his actions over the years. If you can't see that makes for a pretty dangerous national leader, then that is not my problem but yours.
A dangerous leader who put more money in our pockets, made us energy independent, started no new wars is a wonderful leader. The danger he posed was to the criminals who defrauded him.

Yes, but he has an ego.

So Peyote determines his is obsessed and intonates he isn't fit for office.
The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.
Just heard President Bush on a podcast. He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it was ever stolen. Did not enjoy his time in office, but nice to know there are rational republicans out there.
Trump is a loser chump.
You know that I can't help but feel that Trump believed that even if he didn't get enough votes that the Supreme Court was going to come through for him and hand him the election like they did to Bush back in 2000, particularly sense one of his demands was to stop the counting of the votes in the venues where he was ahead.
It's entirely possible that his thinking really was that simplistic.

Fortunately, the judges he put on the court had the temperament to grow into their position, unlike him. They knew history would be judging them, which is not a priority for Trump, who is entirely transactional and short term in his thinking.
The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.
Just heard President Bush on a podcast. He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it was ever stolen. Did not enjoy his time in office, but nice to know there are rational republicans out there.
Trump is a loser chump.
Bush is a globalist. What did you expect him to say?
We do alright in the global economy and globally in general. The "globalist" thing really doesn't strike much fear in me.

Trump wasn't as global and we did fine under him.
We suffered worse under the pandemic than if he had led in a positive manner, many of his people still do not believe it was serious, even with 590,000 dead here and millions around the world. He repeatedly went against constitutional requirements of the office, alienated allies, sucked up to dictators, communists and totalitarians alike, and then upon losing tried to overthrow free elections. No getting around it. He sucked and was bad for the country of the people by the people and for the people under our constitution. He had to go and did, thanks to the votes of the American People to dump him for Joe Biden.

First of all......we were talking about the economy. You seemed to leave that behind in your little rant.

And I would agree with you that he should have done better on the pandemic.

It cost him the election and I blame him for not behaving better. I doubt many fewer would have died...but he would have been elected hands down if he had shown more leadership.

And there is no need to get around anything that isn't true. He didn't try to overthrow anything. To claim as such drops you to the same level as the other apes (my apologies to apes) on this board.

He wasn't the disaster people worried about until COVID hit and he just wasn't up to the task.

I blame him, not only for the losing the election but for giving us a career politician who also doubles as a moron to work with a couple of other career morons in making this country a bigger mess than it already is.
What part of we do alright in the global economy did you not read. Presently stock market is not only up but has set record since Biden took office, employment is up, production is up. I am satisfied. You should change your investment or change jobs, everybody around here is hiring if you are still into working for a living.
I heard him on the platform on Jan 6 and heard the others sent to fight for overthrowing the election and making their voice heard. It went for hours with leaders on both sides trying to call him to call it off, but he just sat back and enjoyed, even thanking his supporters for their support. Yes, I blame him, as do most people.
Joe is doing alright. That is why he consistently has approval rating, never seen by trump in anytime during his time as president. You just don't get out much.
We may someday in the distant future get a totalitarian,but after trump, it's not likely in my lifetime. Guess we will have to stick with constitutional and historic norms.

1. That's fine. We also did well under Trump. If you think Biden is responsible for the current economy, you are a fool.

2. You may want to really think through what a true insurrection looks like. It does not look like Jan 6th.

3. Joe isn't doing anything except trying to crash the country with debt. If people are hiring, why is he so keen to give away another 2 trillion ? His approval rating is bolstered by the 4 year hatefest the democrats ran against Trump. Mind you, I felt Trump failed on Covid in a huge way. Had he done better, Biden would be in an alzheimers ward where he belongs.

4. Trump was a blowhard, but hardly a totalitarian. You guys are so stuck in your crapp you believe your own press releases.
He sided with Erdigon and Putin to allow cross border attack on the Kurds that, wrote and recieved love letters with Lil Kim and supported the murderous Saudi prince. Too close to supporting totalitarians and totalitarian regimes for me.
Trumps economy was staked by the Fed running the presses. You were not worried about it then, so don't bother preaching that crap now.
Attack on The Capital to stop the receiving of the electoral vote was close enough to an insurrection as I need to see. Even if they didn't get a chance the hang Mike Pense.

Keep posting opinion as fact.

It defines you.
Seems to work for you, but you don't hear me bitchin at you about it, do ya?
Do you deny trump sided with Erdigon and Putin to allow a cross border incursion into a part of Syria controlled by US and the Kurds? Of course, you don't. You denying he exchanged love letter (his words) with lil Kim? Not a chance, since he repeatedly held them up at rallies. He bragged that he saved the murderous prince's ass after that totalitarian asshole lured that reporter to a meeting and then had him killed, cut up and packed out? Everybody including you heard it. I guess you didn't see trump's crowd attacking defenders of The Capital, injuring some, trampling some of their own to death and they fought to get in the door and screaming "Hang Mike Pense, Hang Mike Pense", or did you? No. Don't lie. It was on every network right, left, foreign and domestic. Let me know when I get to the opinion crap you want to whine about, sport. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
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The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.
Just heard President Bush on a podcast. He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it was ever stolen. Did not enjoy his time in office, but nice to know there are rational republicans out there.
Trump is a loser chump.
Bush is a globalist. What did you expect him to say?
We do alright in the global economy and globally in general. The "globalist" thing really doesn't strike much fear in me.

Trump wasn't as global and we did fine under him.
We suffered worse under the pandemic than if he had led in a positive manner, many of his people still do not believe it was serious, even with 590,000 dead here and millions around the world. He repeatedly went against constitutional requirements of the office, alienated allies, sucked up to dictators, communists and totalitarians alike, and then upon losing tried to overthrow free elections. No getting around it. He sucked and was bad for the country of the people by the people and for the people under our constitution. He had to go and did, thanks to the votes of the American People to dump him for Joe Biden.

First of all......we were talking about the economy. You seemed to leave that behind in your little rant.

And I would agree with you that he should have done better on the pandemic.

It cost him the election and I blame him for not behaving better. I doubt many fewer would have died...but he would have been elected hands down if he had shown more leadership.

And there is no need to get around anything that isn't true. He didn't try to overthrow anything. To claim as such drops you to the same level as the other apes (my apologies to apes) on this board.

He wasn't the disaster people worried about until COVID hit and he just wasn't up to the task.

I blame him, not only for the losing the election but for giving us a career politician who also doubles as a moron to work with a couple of other career morons in making this country a bigger mess than it already is.
What part of we do alright in the global economy did you not read. Presently stock market is not only up but has set record since Biden took office, employment is up, production is up. I am satisfied. You should change your investment or change jobs, everybody around here is hiring if you are still into working for a living.
I heard him on the platform on Jan 6 and heard the others sent to fight for overthrowing the election and making their voice heard. It went for hours with leaders on both sides trying to call him to call it off, but he just sat back and enjoyed, even thanking his supporters for their support. Yes, I blame him, as do most people.
Joe is doing alright. That is why he consistently has approval rating, never seen by trump in anytime during his time as president. You just don't get out much.
We may someday in the distant future get a totalitarian,but after trump, it's not likely in my lifetime. Guess we will have to stick with constitutional and historic norms.

1. That's fine. We also did well under Trump. If you think Biden is responsible for the current economy, you are a fool.

2. You may want to really think through what a true insurrection looks like. It does not look like Jan 6th.

3. Joe isn't doing anything except trying to crash the country with debt. If people are hiring, why is he so keen to give away another 2 trillion ? His approval rating is bolstered by the 4 year hatefest the democrats ran against Trump. Mind you, I felt Trump failed on Covid in a huge way. Had he done better, Biden would be in an alzheimers ward where he belongs.

4. Trump was a blowhard, but hardly a totalitarian. You guys are so stuck in your crapp you believe your own press releases.
He sided with Erdigon and Putin to allow cross border attack on the Kurds that, wrote and recieved love letters with Lil Kim and supported the murderous Saudi prince. Too close to supporting totalitarians and totalitarian regimes for me.
Trumps economy was staked by the Fed running the presses. You were not worried about it then, so don't bother preaching that crap now.
Attack on The Capital to stop the receiving of the electoral vote was close enough to an insurrection as I need to see. Even if they didn't get a chance the hang Mike Pense.

Keep posting opinion as fact.

It defines you.
Seems to work for you, but you don't hear me bitchin at you about it, do ya?
Do you deny trump sided with Erdigon and Putin to allow a cross border incursion into a part of Syria controlled by US and the Kurds? Of course, you don't. You denying he exchanged love letter (his words) with lil Kim? Not a chance, since he repeatedly held them up at rallies. He bragged that he saved the murderous prince's ass after that totalitarian asshole lured that reporter to a meeting and then had him killed, cut up and packed out? Everybody including you heard it. I guess you didn't see trump's crowd attacking defenders of The Capital, injuring some, trampling some of their own to death and they fought to get in the door and screaming "Hang Mike Pense, Hang Mike Pense", or did you? No. Don't lie. It was on every network right, left, foreign and domestic. Let me know when I get to the opinion crap you want to whine about, sport. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You don't seem to understand that your POV is not established as fact. So we can just wrap it up from there. Trumps dealings with Erdigon and Putin are quite out in the open and subject to any interpretation you want to put on it. That you don't like it or see it wrong does not mean I am required to see it the same What Trump did and why has been discussed by people much smarter than you appear to be and if I chose to put my attention in that direction it won't be to find out what you have to say about it. Evaluating Trump or anyone in a vacuum is a great tactic. Fortunately, I don't play the baboon role that your left winger lovers play. So, I'll take a slightly different POV and not worry that might cause you to soil your britches.

And I enjoyed the back and forth with North Korea. It provided plenty of theatre from the poop slingers at PMSNBC.

I saw a group of morons who were in, no way, coordinated doing something really stupid. As for attacking defenders, it's a good thing it wasn't a real attack. The congress would have been wiped out. But you keep licking the ass of whatever pundit is feeding you this tripe. It seems to fit you. Of course, the concept that Anderson Cooper and other flakes needed something to get away from the election morass, not to mention we've put a bona fide cretin in the WH. You just seem to be lapping it up.

My guess is that you'd be all over the early American revolutionaries too. Your trust in big brother shines through. Only in that case you'd be taking about an actual insurrection. Not an uncoordinated mob.

So, no I don't lie and I don't need to lie. I really don't need to do anything as far as you are concerned because your opinion is worthless to
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Sorry bout that,

1. When AZ is put into the Trump win category, no less than 5 other states will follow, so yes if this state gets flipped, then many other will follow naturally.
2. It will be proven one day that every state was indeed touch by evilness.

When the fraud of the GOP's attempt to defraud the electoral system comes into the open shortly, our consequence culture will make the GOP the small minority party in 0222.
When the fraud of the GOP's attempt to defraud the electoral system comes into the open shortly, our consequence culture will make the GOP the small minority party in 0222.
0222 needs a decimal point in front of it and we will have your IQ.
The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.
Just heard President Bush on a podcast. He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it was ever stolen. Did not enjoy his time in office, but nice to know there are rational republicans out there.
Trump is a loser chump.

Bush brings no credibility.

You actually listen to him ?
Bush....a two term never Impeached President. Suddenly he has no credibility....IDIOT!

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