Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

And a firmly entrenched weaponized deep state!!

Whatever happened to those 51 intelligence experts that signed on to Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation??

Oh! Nothing! Them and others are still out there ready and willing to interfere with America's elections!!!
But but Hunter. That all you got, red hat? Hahahahahahahahhaahahaha!
Got him now---right now!
Biden has extorted a sea of cash from countries like the Ukraine which was shown unbeknownst to him that someone with a cellphone tracked his entire braggish chestthump about how he extorted a billion dollars from the then-third world country, the Ukraine. And for that money he took from an American Congress sent bail out package when Obama was King, he first used his office of Vice President to scare them about not getting their Congressional Package of three billion dollar package, more or less, which means all those trips Biden took to foreign countries in his 48 years made him wealthy enough to buy 5 multimilliondollar pads to live in, hide in, and carry on Democrat business in. I don'teven care toknow, I just know the one secret video that was made of Joe Biden his last year as VP shows his mastery of extortion of taxpayer funded bonanzas was a multiply practiced skill, and who knows when it began of him banging heads to get a 30% cut of all foreign gift packages with threats and extortion. He's the creep that needs to be investigated, not Trump the honest businessman who hasbeen proved innocent of all the indecent things the Democrat criminal omerta pact has thrown at him when election times roll around. They want people believe what they project. A lot of hardened criminals in court put the onus on another person and get out of jail scott free while an innocent person serves out their 30-year terms. Biden takes a 30 percent cut of the Ukrainian rescue package from the USA. It's illegal and violates the 2404.Hobbs Act. 2404. Hobbs Act -- Under Color Of Official Right

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