Trump hits bottom over tax issues. Devalues property in order to get out of paying tax

Someone paying lower taxes than they did before is lost revenue, retard. And since the town still has expenses, everyone else is going to have to pay more to make up the difference, or they will have a deficit.

I see simple math is a serious failing of yours.

You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

big difference ..

you're in the private sector, nobody gives a shit what you do..

Trump gave that up when he tossed his hat in the Presidential ring.

No Trump didn't give up the right to have done what is best for his bottom line (legally) when he ran for POTUS. That is stupid. What makes it even dumber is every one of you stupid assholes who are screaming about this nonsense also believe it's no big deal at all that Hillary passed classified information through a non government non secure server.

Fucking idiots.

ok fine .. I hold Presidents to higher standards than you do ... no big surprise there.
A criminal? You do sound like 'the donald", pulling shit out of your ass.
Can you please state her criminal record. What she was convicted of that you have any evidence about?
You F*CKING liar.

Actually, that's exactly what they will do. They will raise everyone's property tax rate to make up for the loss of revenue.

You really ought to attend your city council meetings.

Trump is trying to fuck over everyone else in that town.

No they will not , property taxes are VOTED on, a municipality can not just arbitrarily raise property taxes. Jesus Christ there is absolutely no reason for you to either comment on things you are uneducated about or lie about things, we all have Google right at our fingertips.

And furthermore. If a town claims more tax is due then is really due then lowers it to the correct amount, that is NOT lost revenue.
Someone paying lower taxes than they did before is lost revenue, retard. And since the town still has expenses, everyone else is going to have to pay more to make up the difference, or they will have a deficit.

I see simple math is a serious failing of yours.

You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.
You love how the left/dems are all of sudden worried over people's taxes? We should list how many in that Democrat party are tax cheats, still owes back taxes, etc. but when we do they just yawn.

Lets start with this one:
Politics on
Sen. Kerry docks yacht in R.I., saves on taxes
Lawmaker saves $500k in taxes on $7 million yacht

Stew Milne / AP
"Isabel," the 76-foot yacht owned by Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, is undergoing repairs at the Hinckley shipyard in Portsmouth, R.I., Friday, July 23, 2010.

updated 7/23/2010 4:34:00 PM ET 2010-07-23T20:34:00
  • -

BOSTON — Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is docking his family's new $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island, allowing him to avoid paying roughly $500,000 in taxes to his cash-strapped home state.

all of it here:
Sen. Kerry docks yacht in R.I., saves on taxes

Wasn't that where the charter company was located he had it chartered through?
"The proposed valuation has bewildered officials in the small town of Ossining, who said the new figure would cut Trump’s tax burden by 90 percent and dump that burden on everyone else."

so much for self funding ..

Mr Trump?

What does self funding have to do with this faux scandal?
He wants other people to pay more taxes so he can lower his tax bill. He wants them to fund him.

pat's kinda slow .... idiots are like that.

You g5000 are the dim wits who don't understand that you don't get to set the value of your property for tax purposes, and everyone tries to pay as little as possible. You aren't screwing anyone by legally lowering your tax bill

What a couple of imbeciles.
Someone paying lower taxes than they did before is lost revenue, retard. And since the town still has expenses, everyone else is going to have to pay more to make up the difference, or they will have a deficit.

I see simple math is a serious failing of yours.

You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

big difference ..

you're in the private sector, nobody gives a shit what you do..

Trump gave that up when he tossed his hat in the Presidential ring.

No Trump didn't give up the right to have done what is best for his bottom line (legally) when he ran for POTUS. That is stupid. What makes it even dumber is every one of you stupid assholes who are screaming about this nonsense also believe it's no big deal at all that Hillary passed classified information through a non government non secure server.

Fucking idiots.

They also have no problem with the Clinton Foundation accepting massive donations from foreign government's for quid quo pro actions on Hillary's part while she was Secretary of State.
No they will not , property taxes are VOTED on, a municipality can not just arbitrarily raise property taxes. Jesus Christ there is absolutely no reason for you to either comment on things you are uneducated about or lie about things, we all have Google right at our fingertips.

And furthermore. If a town claims more tax is due then is really due then lowers it to the correct amount, that is NOT lost revenue.
Someone paying lower taxes than they did before is lost revenue, retard. And since the town still has expenses, everyone else is going to have to pay more to make up the difference, or they will have a deficit.

I see simple math is a serious failing of yours.

You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

big difference ..

you're in the private sector, nobody gives a shit what you do..

Trump gave that up when he tossed his hat in the Presidential ring.

He isn't President yet, you dumb fuck.
Actually, that's exactly what they will do. They will raise everyone's property tax rate to make up for the loss of revenue.

You really ought to attend your city council meetings.

Trump is trying to fuck over everyone else in that town.

No they will not , property taxes are VOTED on, a municipality can not just arbitrarily raise property taxes. Jesus Christ there is absolutely no reason for you to either comment on things you are uneducated about or lie about things, we all have Google right at our fingertips.

And furthermore. If a town claims more tax is due then is really due then lowers it to the correct amount, that is NOT lost revenue.
Someone paying lower taxes than they did before is lost revenue, retard. And since the town still has expenses, everyone else is going to have to pay more to make up the difference, or they will have a deficit.

I see simple math is a serious failing of yours.

You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

Hillary Clinton has released 33 years of income tax returns. Your Reich wing talking points about Hillary Clinton being a criminal is really falling on deaf ears, when you have a real one as your nominee.

There are only 2 candidates that have REFUSED to release their income tax returns in this race. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

I think the IRS may find it very interesting that Trump claims one of his golf courses is worth over 50 million, but when it goes on tax paper it's only worth 1.3 million dollars. I too was in business for over 30 years, and while we were allowed depreciation on equipment and tools, when it came to actual value, you had to be fairly close. This is out of the ball park fraud. He gets away with it because he has an army of tax attorneys.
You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

big difference ..

you're in the private sector, nobody gives a shit what you do..

Trump gave that up when he tossed his hat in the Presidential ring.

No Trump didn't give up the right to have done what is best for his bottom line (legally) when he ran for POTUS. That is stupid. What makes it even dumber is every one of you stupid assholes who are screaming about this nonsense also believe it's no big deal at all that Hillary passed classified information through a non government non secure server.

Fucking idiots.

They also have no problem with the Clinton Foundation accepting massive donations from foreign government's for quid quo pro actions on Hillary's part while she was Secretary of State.

Ive posted The Clinton foundation' tax returns that include donations going back to 98 .. and vetted by Price Waterhouse Cooper.

you dumbass
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

big difference ..

you're in the private sector, nobody gives a shit what you do..

Trump gave that up when he tossed his hat in the Presidential ring.

No Trump didn't give up the right to have done what is best for his bottom line (legally) when he ran for POTUS. That is stupid. What makes it even dumber is every one of you stupid assholes who are screaming about this nonsense also believe it's no big deal at all that Hillary passed classified information through a non government non secure server.

Fucking idiots.

They also have no problem with the Clinton Foundation accepting massive donations from foreign government's for quid quo pro actions on Hillary's part while she was Secretary of State.

Ive posted The Clinton foundation' tax returns that include donations going back to 98 .. and vetted by Price Waterhouse Cooper.

you dumbass

There is no other candidate that has been as vetted as Hillary Clinton, and these morons still refer to her as a criminal.

The FBI has stated they found no wrong doing with her emails. Furthermore if they did an investigation into her emails, they might as well do one on Colin Powell, and Condi Rice has they have the same emails problems.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Now that they have a real criminal that should be getting charged with a crime, (Donald Trump) they're in total denial. These are those rose colored partisan glasses that never come off the Reich wing of the Republican party.
A criminal? You do sound like 'the donald", pulling shit out of your ass.
Can you please state her criminal record. What she was convicted of that you have any evidence about?
You F*CKING liar.

No they will not , property taxes are VOTED on, a municipality can not just arbitrarily raise property taxes. Jesus Christ there is absolutely no reason for you to either comment on things you are uneducated about or lie about things, we all have Google right at our fingertips.

And furthermore. If a town claims more tax is due then is really due then lowers it to the correct amount, that is NOT lost revenue.
Someone paying lower taxes than they did before is lost revenue, retard. And since the town still has expenses, everyone else is going to have to pay more to make up the difference, or they will have a deficit.

I see simple math is a serious failing of yours.

You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

So that's your standard? If she hasn't been convicted of anything then she's qualified to be President?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

big difference ..

you're in the private sector, nobody gives a shit what you do..

Trump gave that up when he tossed his hat in the Presidential ring.

No Trump didn't give up the right to have done what is best for his bottom line (legally) when he ran for POTUS. That is stupid. What makes it even dumber is every one of you stupid assholes who are screaming about this nonsense also believe it's no big deal at all that Hillary passed classified information through a non government non secure server.

Fucking idiots.

They also have no problem with the Clinton Foundation accepting massive donations from foreign government's for quid quo pro actions on Hillary's part while she was Secretary of State.

Ive posted The Clinton foundation' tax returns that include donations going back to 98 .. and vetted by Price Waterhouse Cooper.

you dumbass

Yeah, and plenty of the donations were from companies or countries that had business before the State Department. Only a leftwing douche bag wouldn't see anything wrong with that.
But but but, we are suppose to be worrying over Trumps taxes. why, to take the heat off people like that snake Hillary and Bernie. You vote for Hillary you vote for a liar, a woman who WILL say and do ANYTHING to get elected and Keep her POWER over you and your lives. shame on you for all this stupid Trump crap they are throwing out at you for DISTRACTION. wake the hell up

And get a load of this.

Gracious Queen Hillary Offers $30 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars to Re-Educate Coal Miners She’s Going to Fire


she plans on putting them and their families out of a JOB and then offers to pay for their Re-education. WITH who's money will she be using? and who will get to decide what they are Re-educated in? and what if they don't want it and want to keep their OLD JOBS they had to begin with? the freaking NERVE of these people.

all of the article here:

Gracious Queen Hillary Offers $30 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars to Re-Educate Coal Miners She's Going to Fire
But but but, we are suppose to be worrying over Trumps taxes. why, to take the heat off people like that snake Hillary and Bernie. You vote for Hillary you vote for a liar, a woman who WILL say and do ANYTHING to get elected and Keep her POWER over you and your lives. shame on you for all this stupid Trump crap they are throwing out at you for DISTRACTION. wake the hell up

And get a load of this.

Gracious Queen Hillary Offers $30 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars to Re-Educate Coal Miners She’s Going to Fire


she plans on putting them and their families out of a JOB and then offers to pay for their Re-education. WITH who's money will she be using? and who will get to decide what they are Re-educated in? and what if they don't want it and want to keep their OLD JOBS they had to begin with? the freaking NERVE of these people.

all of the article here:

Gracious Queen Hillary Offers $30 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars to Re-Educate Coal Miners She's Going to Fire

Here we are observing the favorite liberal tactic of blowing up every little thing they can to make it sound like some monstrous scandal. Meanwhile Hillary is getting away with mass murder.
Last edited:
How f*cking stupid can you become.
Damn! Teabagging fools like you are so utterly dumb.
Let me help you a little, but it could be over your infantile brains ability, no conviction means...INNOCENT!

A criminal? You do sound like 'the donald", pulling shit out of your ass.
Can you please state her criminal record. What she was convicted of that you have any evidence about?
You F*CKING liar.

Someone paying lower taxes than they did before is lost revenue, retard. And since the town still has expenses, everyone else is going to have to pay more to make up the difference, or they will have a deficit.

I see simple math is a serious failing of yours.

You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

So that's your standard? If she hasn't been convicted of anything then she's qualified to be President?
But but but, we are suppose to be worrying over Trumps taxes. why, to take the heat off people like that snake Hillary and Bernie. You vote for Hillary you vote for a liar, a woman who WILL say and do ANYTHING to get elected and Keep her POWER over you and your lives. shame on you for all this stupid Trump crap they are throwing out at you for DISTRACTION. wake the hell up

And get a load of this.

Gracious Queen Hillary Offers $30 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars to Re-Educate Coal Miners She’s Going to Fire


she plans on putting them and their families out of a JOB and then offers to pay for their Re-education. WITH who's money will she be using? and who will get to decide what they are Re-educated in? and what if they don't want it and want to keep their OLD JOBS they had to begin with? the freaking NERVE of these people.

all of the article here:

Gracious Queen Hillary Offers $30 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars to Re-Educate Coal Miners She's Going to Fire

Here we are observing the favorite liberal tactic of blowing every little thing they can to make it sound like some monstrous scandal. Meanwhile Hillary is getting away with mass murder.

I know that. and the lamestream medias and their Tools spreading this Trump BS around is working overtime doing it. I hope the people have HAD enough of this Obama/Hillary party and votes accordingly. that's our last hope to save any Freedoms we have left and anything of our country before it's Transformed into a third world hellhole.
How f*cking stupid can you become.
Damn! Teabagging fools like you are so utterly dumb.
Let me help you a little, but it could be over your infantile brains ability, no conviction means...INNOCENT!

A criminal? You do sound like 'the donald", pulling shit out of your ass.
Can you please state her criminal record. What she was convicted of that you have any evidence about?
You F*CKING liar.

You're a dumb shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying as little in taxes as you are legally obligated to. If city officials plan their budgets hoping everyone will just pay whatever amount they are told to pay, they are likewise dumb shits.

Let me use myself as an example. One time I got my property tax bill and it was like 4 times higher than it was the previous year. I went to county office and asked why. Answer? Because we figure you must have THIS amount of inventory to support the sales you have. Hey dumb shits, there are FOUR parts houses in town and plus the internet, I don't have to carry shit in parts to restore cars. "Oh , well our mistake" and they lowered my property tax (it wasn't QUITE that easy, but you get the gist) So answer me this, did I cheat anyone? Was that lost revenue for the county?
That has absolutely nothing to do with a fraud who claimed on his disclosure his property was worth more than $50 million. Over his signature.

You can't get over the butt hurt your man is a lying cheat.

First Trump isn't my man. I just can't stand the fact that liberals who support an outright criminal like Hillary are going after Trump over stupid stuff.

Second, who cares what he claims something is worth? Are you stupid? I own a business, I have borrowed money against it, and yes I find an appraiser who will appraise it at its maximum value as opposed to wanting it to be appraised at its minimum value by the tax man. That's called business. Sorry you don't have 2 nickels to rub together and so have never had that type situation.

So that's your standard? If she hasn't been convicted of anything then she's qualified to be President?

You really are incredibly stupid. No conviction does not mean innocent.
"The proposed valuation has bewildered officials in the small town of Ossining, who said the new figure would cut Trump’s tax burden by 90 percent and dump that burden on everyone else."

so much for self funding ..

Mr Trump?

What does self funding have to do with this faux scandal?
He wants other people to pay more taxes so he can lower his tax bill. He wants them to fund him.

pat's kinda slow .... idiots are like that.

You g5000 are the dim wits who don't understand that you don't get to set the value of your property for tax purposes, and everyone tries to pay as little as possible. You aren't screwing anyone by legally lowering your tax bill

What a couple of imbeciles.

I've told you 3 times that TRUMP'S LAWYERS argued to lower the valuation.

Why you keep skipping pages just to come back and lie about it over and over shows you're just a boot licking asshole.

Paying little taxes is legal and so is not tipping. Both are wrong. Legal or not.
This may heat up a lot more in the coming weeks.

"Some Trump delegates and their alternates should write him an open letter demanding his unredacted tax returns. If he declines, they should declare they will abstain on the first ballot of the convention, driving him below the number needed to nominate. The delegates should not give Republicans a time bomb that could help take down GOP control of the House or the Senate, or both"
Trump’s Refusal to Release Tax Returns Is a Ticking Time Bomb for the GOP, by John Fund, National Review
The guys a cheater...A crook.

The guys a cheater...A crook.

Don't be too hard on Trump. What he did is done everyday by large companies, and Trump is a large company.

Ha.Ha.--do you think the American public is going to look at this through your glass ball?--LOL The average American pays every cent owed in taxes--they're not going to look at someone who continually brags about being worth 10 BILLION dollars, cheats on his taxes, gets away with cheating on his taxes, because he has an army of tax lawyers, and elect him to the Presidency.


Now we know why he won't honor a 40 year old tradition of nominee's releasing their returns. Romney was right it's because there is a bombshell in them.

Where has anyone produced the slightest bit of evidence that he cheats on his taxes?

Release the taxes and let's see.

A Presidential candidate doesn't release his taxes if he's not hiding something.

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