Trump hits bottom over tax issues. Devalues property in order to get out of paying tax

Crooked Hillary trades government favors and influence for a $150 million in kick backs to her slush fund foundation...NOTHING TO SEE MOVE ALONG
if the law was broken by her acceptance of anything ,how come all you repubs just bleat about it rather than charge her ?

The Attorney General is a Democrat, moron.
Yeah yeah yeah Dems are all crooks taking advantage of poor little dumb nitwit pubs
Crooked Hillary trades government favors and influence for a $150 million in kick backs to her slush fund foundation...NOTHING TO SEE MOVE ALONG
if the law was broken by her acceptance of anything ,how come all you repubs just bleat about it rather than charge her ?

The Attorney General is a Democrat, moron.
Yeah yeah yeah Dems are all crooks taking advantage of poor little dumb nitwit pubs

You are not part of the liberal elite club, they don't even know you are alive let alone care.
All you lame ass liberals yapping about Trump not releasing his tax returns pull your head out of your ass for a moment...TRUMP IS AUDITED EVERY YEAR BY THE IRS, the IRS gives him a colonoscopy each and every year so its safe to say he's paying his fucking taxes you dumb hacks.
Who said he isn't paying taxes? Link?

What we want to know is what is he hiding. He's clearly hiding something, and this crooked country club business sure does add to that suspicion.
You know that the county club is corrupt how? You have seen the books?
It's a hoot he gets people to say the stupidest shit.i know you must have one of those magical hair balls that tell you stuff right?
Trump is trying to appraise his club at a much lower value than it is worth in order to pay lower property taxes. Other taxpayers would have to make up the difference.

If you had read the topic, and the OP link, you would know this.

Do try to keep up.

If I owe $200 in property tax and you owe $100 in property tax and I go in and get mine lowered to $150, they aren't going to raise yours to $150 to make up for the $50. I mean that's just a stupid argument.
Hillary Clinton has not released hers either.

You're full of it..........she's released 8 years since 2007. Trump hasn't released any.

Hillary and Bill Clinton paid $43.9 million in federal taxes from 2007 through 2014, suggesting that the former secretary of state and former president made well over $100 million in that period, according to a summary of tax returns they released Friday.

The Clintons reported paying a federal tax rate of 35.7 percent in 2014 and donating 10.8 percent of their income to charity. They also paid $13.6 million in state and local taxes during that period.

Hillary and Bill Clinton Paid $43 Million in Federal Taxes

No, Hillary Clinton stated the other day that over the years, they have released 33 income tax returns to the public. It's make sense, Bill Clinton was President for 8 years so he would have released them. She was a 2 term senator so she would have released them, and prior to that Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, and they would have been released there too. So the Clinton's releasing 33 years of income tax returns sounds very plausible to me.

Donald Trump refuses to release ONE--and now we know why--LOL
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All you lame ass liberals yapping about Trump not releasing his tax returns pull your head out of your ass for a moment...TRUMP IS AUDITED EVERY YEAR BY THE IRS, the IRS gives him a colonoscopy each and every year so its safe to say he's paying his fucking taxes you dumb hacks.
Who said he isn't paying taxes? Link?

What we want to know is what is he hiding. He's clearly hiding something, and this crooked country club business sure does add to that suspicion.
You know that the county club is corrupt how? You have seen the books?
It's a hoot he gets people to say the stupidest shit.i know you must have one of those magical hair balls that tell you stuff right?
Trump is trying to appraise his club at a much lower value than it is worth in order to pay lower property taxes. Other taxpayers would have to make up the difference.

If you had read the topic, and the OP link, you would know this.

Do try to keep up.

If I owe $200 in property tax and you owe $100 in property tax and I go in and get mine lowered to $150, they aren't going to raise yours to $150 to make up for the $50. I mean that's just a stupid argument.
Actually, that's exactly what they will do. They will raise everyone's property tax rate to make up for the loss of revenue.

You really ought to attend your city council meetings.

Trump is trying to fuck over everyone else in that town.
Hillary Clinton has not released hers either.

You're full of it..........she's released 8 years since 2007. Trump hasn't released any.

Hillary and Bill Clinton paid $43.9 million in federal taxes from 2007 through 2014, suggesting that the former secretary of state and former president made well over $100 million in that period, according to a summary of tax returns they released Friday.

The Clintons reported paying a federal tax rate of 35.7 percent in 2014 and donating 10.8 percent of their income to charity. They also paid $13.6 million in state and local taxes during that period.

Hillary and Bill Clinton Paid $43 Million in Federal Taxes

No, Hillary Clinton stated the other days that over the years, they have released 36 income tax returns to the public. It's make sense, Bill Clinton was President for 8 years so he would have released them, she was a 2 term senator so it makes sense, and now she has released them again.

Donald Trump refuses to release any--and now we know why--LOL

Again for the slow and dim witted. You can go to the county this club is located in and find out right away how much property tax the club paid. That is public information, doesn't even require a FOIA request.
This was all over ABC news tonight so here it is. Donald Trump the first in 40 years to refuse to release his income tax returns as a Presidential nominee, really does have something to hide. He has been valuing his owned properties much lower than what they''re worth to get out of paying his fair share of taxes. Apparently he has done this on golf courses, casinos and even his yacht.

"The Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, with its lovingly manicured golf course, gently winding streams, stone bridges, 101-foot waterfall and an expansive clubhouse is, according to Donald Trump, reflective of “a true luxury lifestyle.”

Creating such a “memorable club” is not cheap: Trump wrote on a candidate disclosure form that the sprawling 147-acre private club bearing his name is worth “more than $50 million.”

But when it came time to value the property for tax purposes, his lawyers have argued that Trump National is really worth only $1.35 million. The proposed valuation has bewildered officials in the small town of Ossining, who said the new figure would cut Trump’s tax burden by 90 percent and dump that burden on everyone else."
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes

Bwahahaha....Trump is so scared that we're going to find out that he's not really worth as much as he brags that he is.......I'm not surprised that he would cheat on his taxes....and that's the kind of person the Republicans want as a leader......a role model. So much for Christian values......
Anyone but Hillary.
Dear liberal retards. The property owner is not the one who "places value" on his property.

If thats the only thing you found wrong then....? The article must be hitting the right notes

That discredits the central claim of the article, numskull.

The central claim in the article was this:

But when it came time to value the property for tax purposes, his lawyers have argued that Trump National is really worth only $1.35 million.

Tell me how this is wrong. You cant.

It's totally irrelevant because the taxing authority determines the value of the property, not Trump.

It doesnt say Trump did, read it again and tell me how what it says is wrong.

I've read all the libtard bullshit I care to for this week.
This was all over ABC news tonight so here it is. Donald Trump the first in 40 years to refuse to release his income tax returns as a Presidential nominee, really does have something to hide. He has been valuing his owned properties much lower than what they''re worth to get out of paying his fair share of taxes. Apparently he has done this on golf courses, casinos and even his yacht.

"The Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, with its lovingly manicured golf course, gently winding streams, stone bridges, 101-foot waterfall and an expansive clubhouse is, according to Donald Trump, reflective of “a true luxury lifestyle.”

Creating such a “memorable club” is not cheap: Trump wrote on a candidate disclosure form that the sprawling 147-acre private club bearing his name is worth “more than $50 million.”

But when it came time to value the property for tax purposes, his lawyers have argued that Trump National is really worth only $1.35 million. The proposed valuation has bewildered officials in the small town of Ossining, who said the new figure would cut Trump’s tax burden by 90 percent and dump that burden on everyone else."
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes
Everyone with a brain goes to the county tax office each year and tries to get them to reduce the assessed value of their house...a number they pull out of their ass...and reduce their annual property tax payment. No big deal here.
When we built our house,they way the valued it for tax was like buying a used car,it made little sense,at least income taxes aren't someone's opinion.
"The proposed valuation has bewildered officials in the small town of Ossining, who said the new figure would cut Trump’s tax burden by 90 percent and dump that burden on everyone else."
"The proposed valuation has bewildered officials in the small town of Ossining, who said the new figure would cut Trump’s tax burden by 90 percent and dump that burden on everyone else."

so much for self funding ..

Mr Trump?
Trump's trying to fuck over the little guy. Take this as yet another warning you've been had, rubes.
Hillary Clinton has not released hers either.

You're full of it..........she's released 8 years since 2007. Trump hasn't released any.

Hillary and Bill Clinton paid $43.9 million in federal taxes from 2007 through 2014, suggesting that the former secretary of state and former president made well over $100 million in that period, according to a summary of tax returns they released Friday.

The Clintons reported paying a federal tax rate of 35.7 percent in 2014 and donating 10.8 percent of their income to charity. They also paid $13.6 million in state and local taxes during that period.

Hillary and Bill Clinton Paid $43 Million in Federal Taxes

No, Hillary Clinton stated the other day that over the years, they have released 33 income tax returns to the public. It's make sense, Bill Clinton was President for 8 years so he would have released them. She was a 2 term senator so she would have released them, and prior to that Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, and they would have been released there too.

Donald Trump refuses to release ONE--and now we know why--LOL
Drump believes releasing fed taxes is far worse than taking criticism for not He is a first grade crook
Trump's trying to fuck over the little guy. Take this as yet another warning you've been had, rubes.
He NEVER does anything that won't gain financially for him Lie cheat ?? He has a law firm working for him
Libtards constantly do things that diminish their value to God, Country, and society in general. Strange that they take pride in that.
Libtards constantly do things that diminish their value to God, Country, and society in general. Strange that they take pride in that.
Pseudo-cons pay lip service to God, Country, and society in general, and then proceed to do deeds which harm God, Country, and society in general.

And they select a pro abortion, pro gun control, pro socialized medicine, cut and run personal friend of the Clintons as their nominee for President.

"We couldn't pick Hillary, so we picked the next best thing!"
The significance of the OP is that Trump admits he is corrupt. Just as corrupt as Hillary. But he says he will be crooked to help the little guy and that Hilary won't.

His attempts to fraudulently devalue his property and thus force a greater tax burden on everyone else in that town exposes the lie that he will help the little guy.

He's trying to fuck the little guy. Hard.

As President, he will be able to fuck the little guy over even more.

What are you talking about? Do you own property in a state that collects property tax? THEY decide what the property is valued at for tax purposes, not you. Do you understand that?

And second of all, this liberal notion that if you legally pay as little in taxes as possible you are ripping off another tax payer is ludicrous. If you want to go after someone who isn't paying their taxes, go after Al Sharpton.

we'll never know if his deductions are within the law until he makes his returns public ...

well Mr Trump?

He's under audit, numskull. His deductions have to be legal or the IRS will disallow them. He's been audited every year.
Trump isn't trying to hide fraud from the rubes. He's trying to hide the fact he is a total fake.
All you lame ass liberals yapping about Trump not releasing his tax returns pull your head out of your ass for a moment...TRUMP IS AUDITED EVERY YEAR BY THE IRS, the IRS gives him a colonoscopy each and every year so its safe to say he's paying his fucking taxes you dumb hacks.
Who said he isn't paying taxes? Link?

What we want to know is what is he hiding. He's clearly hiding something, and this crooked country club business sure does add to that suspicion.
You know that the county club is corrupt how? You have seen the books?
It's a hoot he gets people to say the stupidest shit.i know you must have one of those magical hair balls that tell you stuff right?
Trump is trying to appraise his club at a much lower value than it is worth in order to pay lower property taxes. Other taxpayers would have to make up the difference.

If you had read the topic, and the OP link, you would know this.

Do try to keep up.

If I owe $200 in property tax and you owe $100 in property tax and I go in and get mine lowered to $150, they aren't going to raise yours to $150 to make up for the $50. I mean that's just a stupid argument.
Actually, that's exactly what they will do. They will raise everyone's property tax rate to make up for the loss of revenue.

You really ought to attend your city council meetings.

Trump is trying to fuck over everyone else in that town.

ROFL! Paying the minimum required by law isn't "fucking over" anyone turd. Do you pay any more than you are legally required to pay?

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