Trump " I have not conceded"

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:
Your problem is that your 10,000 people and thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony were not correctly included in any of the 60+ lawsuits. Apparently the lawyers Trump hired, where he spent $8 million, which at Rudy Giuliani's rate would have only paid for a couple of days prep for each case.

Add to that, many of the lawyers, especially Rudy told the judges they weren't alleging election fraud. So how would a witness or affidavit alleging fraud be admissible in those cases?

Don't blame the judges, blame the lawyers. You get what you pay for.
From your citation:

The whistleblower released a memo detailing the allegations of poll watcher Carter Jones, who saw riggers on the floor engaging in the double-counting of votes, violating the chain of custody repeatedly, handling ballots improperly, and bragging they were going to “f*ck sh*t up” in the aftermath of the vote.

You realize that Georgia under the secretary of state, carried out a full hand recount, in order to disprove the allegations of voter fraud.

So the SOS didn't ignore allegations, he acted on them, and proved they were false.
From your citation:

The whistleblower released a memo detailing the allegations of poll watcher Carter Jones, who saw riggers on the floor engaging in the double-counting of votes, violating the chain of custody repeatedly, handling ballots improperly, and bragging they were going to “f*ck sh*t up” in the aftermath of the vote.

You realize that Georgia under the secretary of state, carried out a full hand recount, in order to disprove the allegations of voter fraud.

So the SOS didn't ignore allegations, he acted on them, and proved they were false.
You just read the article and you expect people to believe anything he (SOS) had a hand in?
So the SOS didn't ignore allegations, he acted on them, and proved they were false.
You just read the article and you expect people to believe anything he (SOS) had a hand in?
Secretary Raffensperger selected the presidential race in Georgia for the audit. Meeting the confidence threshold required by law for the audit meant conducting a full manual tally of every ballot cast in Georgia.

You're starting to look stupid, saying the SOS didn't order the hand recount.


Secretary Raffensperger selected the presidential race in Georgia for the audit. Meeting the confidence threshold required by law for the audit meant conducting a full manual tally of every ballot cast in Georgia.
Dominion was present at the recounts and at the audits he did. They mean 0. And you can count illegal ballots as many times as you want to.
One would think that Senators would be interested in the ransacking of our capitol by far right extremists. But today's Republican Senators are more concerned about protecting their asses, and they ensured the Jan. 6 bipartisan commission did not happen.

This gives some insight into the intelligence level of most Republican Senators. By covering up the role of the Republican President and the roles of certain Republican lawmakers in the invasion of our capitol, the Senators are doing more harm than good. It would be better for their careers if they acknowledged what happened then move on to the elections. A cover-up will not be forgotten. The Democrats will make sure of that.

Those chickens are now coming home to roost. Senate Republicans made certain that a thorough investigation of the Jan. 6 insurrection will be controlled by Democrats. That is happening now.

The Times reports, "Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Thursday that she would create a select committee to further investigate the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, after Senate Republicans blocked a bipartisan effort to form an independent commission of experts to look into the riot."

“Jan. 6 was a day of darkness for our country,” Ms. Pelosi told reporters. “Our temple of democracy was attacked by insurrectionists.”

The Times continued, "On Tuesday, Ms. Pelosi told top House Democrats that she planned to announce her decision on a select committee this week. She has maintained that her preference was for the Senate to approve a bipartisan commission, modeled after the one that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But with Republicans opposed and many G.O.P. lawmakers working to whitewash and downplay the riot, she has conceded that no longer seemed possible."

Pelosi's select committee will have broad subpoena power, and, no doubt, they will make liberal use of the videos gathered by the DOJ and FBI to prove the invading extremists were not "tourists staying between the ropes."

The committee's report will come out in 2022, just in time for the election.


Secretary Raffensperger selected the presidential race in Georgia for the audit. Meeting the confidence threshold required by law for the audit meant conducting a full manual tally of every ballot cast in Georgia.
Trumpsters will say those people are in on the conspiracy.

The only people on the planet who are not in on the conspiracy are Trumpsters.

This is a true group pathology.
One would think that Senators would be interested in the ransacking of our capitol by far right extremists. But today's Republican Senators are more concerned about protecting their asses, and they ensured the Jan. 6 bipartisan commission did not happen.

This gives some insight into the intelligence level of most Republican Senators. By covering up the role of the Republican President and the roles of certain Republican lawmakers in the invasion of our capitol, the Senators are doing more harm than good. It would be better for their careers if they acknowledged what happened then move on to the elections. A cover-up will not be forgotten. The Democrats will make sure of that.

Those chickens are now coming home to roost. Senate Republicans made certain that a thorough investigation of the Jan. 6 insurrection will be controlled by Democrats. That is happening now.

The Times reports, "Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Thursday that she would create a select committee to further investigate the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, after Senate Republicans blocked a bipartisan effort to form an independent commission of experts to look into the riot."

“Jan. 6 was a day of darkness for our country,” Ms. Pelosi told reporters. “Our temple of democracy was attacked by insurrectionists.”

The Times continued, "On Tuesday, Ms. Pelosi told top House Democrats that she planned to announce her decision on a select committee this week. She has maintained that her preference was for the Senate to approve a bipartisan commission, modeled after the one that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But with Republicans opposed and many G.O.P. lawmakers working to whitewash and downplay the riot, she has conceded that no longer seemed possible."

Pelosi's select committee will have broad subpoena power, and, no doubt, they will make liberal use of the videos gathered by the DOJ and FBI to prove the invading extremists were not "tourists staying between the ropes."

The committee's report will come out in 2022, just in time for the election.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410
Nobody is trying to claim that there was absolutely no fraud. They are saying that there was no wide spread fraud that resulted in a stolen election. No big conspiracy. Trump had been setting up the rigged election narrative since 2016 and when full press in 2020 so security was beefed up. The whole stolen election campaign is a fund raising joke but y'all just sound like poor losers who can't be considered rational minded


Secretary Raffensperger selected the presidential race in Georgia for the audit. Meeting the confidence threshold required by law for the audit meant conducting a full manual tally of every ballot cast in Georgia.
Dominion was present at the recounts and at the audits he did. They mean 0. And you can count illegal ballots as many times as you want to.
We have 5 more days until 30JUN21, any inklings of this fraud you guaranteed would be exposed by then?
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410
Nobody is trying to claim that there was absolutely no fraud. They are saying that there was no wide spread fraud that resulted in a stolen election. No big conspiracy. Trump had been setting up the rigged election narrative since 2016 and when full press in 2020 so security was beefed up. The whole stolen election campaign is a fund raising joke but y'all just sound like poor losers who can't be considered rational minded
And every bit of fraud found so far has been someone trying to fraud the election system on behalf of the Republicans.
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410

Why do you persist? Put up. Or STFU.
I'm not interested in your pussying out posts.

TRANSLATION: Jack ain't got nuttin'. He's cut. He's bleeding. He wants off.

Meantime, idiots like him are asked 100 times to put up or shut up and they never can. They can't even answer the question: IF THE ELECTION FRAUD WAS DENOUNCED MERE DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION (and since in EVERY mention of it) AS BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, THEN WHO DEBUNKED IT? HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

Run away and declare a non-existent victory. That's what all you Trump supporters are hoping for.
I don't run anywhere, Jerk, and all I'm hoping for is to get at the REAL truth about the election, not this fiction you Bidenistas keep trying to sell.

I've put up Freaky. I've knocked down every one of your conspiracy theories without even breaking a sweat.
That's because you've knocked down absolutely NOTHING other than in your own imagination.

And here you are almost seven months later still pushing them forward.
Data is still flowing in every day.

I have to wonder at some point, does it become about your belief in the lie? Or is it devotion and adoration of the man himself?
How 'bout this Jack-- -- -- the indisputable truth, the REAL truth, the FACTS, not this evasive CRAP you keep peddling. I'm fine with doing a neat and thorough job, Jerk, you are the one sweating bullets trying to dissuade the truth from coming out.
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410

Why do you persist? Put up. Or STFU.
I'm not interested in your pussying out posts.

TRANSLATION: Jack ain't got nuttin'. He's cut. He's bleeding. He wants off.

Meantime, idiots like him are asked 100 times to put up or shut up and they never can. They can't even answer the question: IF THE ELECTION FRAUD WAS DENOUNCED MERE DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION (and since in EVERY mention of it) AS BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, THEN WHO DEBUNKED IT? HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

Run away and declare a non-existent victory. That's what all you Trump supporters are hoping for.
I don't run anywhere, Jerk, and all I'm hoping for is to get at the REAL truth about the election, not this fiction you Bidenistas keep trying to sell.

I've put up Freaky. I've knocked down every one of your conspiracy theories without even breaking a sweat.
That's because you've knocked down absolutely NOTHING other than in your own imagination.

And here you are almost seven months later still pushing them forward.
Data is still flowing in every day.

I have to wonder at some point, does it become about your belief in the lie? Or is it devotion and adoration of the man himself?
How 'bout this Jack-- -- -- the indisputable truth, the REAL truth, the FACTS, not this evasive CRAP you keep peddling. I'm fine with doing a neat and thorough job, Jerk, you are the one sweating bullets trying to dissuade the truth from coming out.
The job has been done all over the country in multiple states for months. People like you just don’t like the answers so you keep pushing conspiracy theories. It’s not sly
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410

Why do you persist? Put up. Or STFU.
I'm not interested in your pussying out posts.

TRANSLATION: Jack ain't got nuttin'. He's cut. He's bleeding. He wants off.

Meantime, idiots like him are asked 100 times to put up or shut up and they never can. They can't even answer the question: IF THE ELECTION FRAUD WAS DENOUNCED MERE DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION (and since in EVERY mention of it) AS BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, THEN WHO DEBUNKED IT? HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

Run away and declare a non-existent victory. That's what all you Trump supporters are hoping for.
I don't run anywhere, Jerk, and all I'm hoping for is to get at the REAL truth about the election, not this fiction you Bidenistas keep trying to sell.

I've put up Freaky. I've knocked down every one of your conspiracy theories without even breaking a sweat.
That's because you've knocked down absolutely NOTHING other than in your own imagination.

And here you are almost seven months later still pushing them forward.
Data is still flowing in every day.

I have to wonder at some point, does it become about your belief in the lie? Or is it devotion and adoration of the man himself?
How 'bout this Jack-- -- -- the indisputable truth, the REAL truth, the FACTS, not this evasive CRAP you keep peddling. I'm fine with doing a neat and thorough job, Jerk, you are the one sweating bullets trying to dissuade the truth from coming out.

The only thing "flowing" here is the smell of desperation that grows with every post you make.
He lost. He's done. End of Story.
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410

Why do you persist? Put up. Or STFU.
I'm not interested in your pussying out posts.

TRANSLATION: Jack ain't got nuttin'. He's cut. He's bleeding. He wants off.

Meantime, idiots like him are asked 100 times to put up or shut up and they never can. They can't even answer the question: IF THE ELECTION FRAUD WAS DENOUNCED MERE DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION (and since in EVERY mention of it) AS BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, THEN WHO DEBUNKED IT? HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

Run away and declare a non-existent victory. That's what all you Trump supporters are hoping for.
I don't run anywhere, Jerk, and all I'm hoping for is to get at the REAL truth about the election, not this fiction you Bidenistas keep trying to sell.

I've put up Freaky. I've knocked down every one of your conspiracy theories without even breaking a sweat.
That's because you've knocked down absolutely NOTHING other than in your own imagination.

And here you are almost seven months later still pushing them forward.
Data is still flowing in every day.

I have to wonder at some point, does it become about your belief in the lie? Or is it devotion and adoration of the man himself?
How 'bout this Jack-- -- -- the indisputable truth, the REAL truth, the FACTS, not this evasive CRAP you keep peddling. I'm fine with doing a neat and thorough job, Jerk, you are the one sweating bullets trying to dissuade the truth from coming out.

The only thing "flowing" here is the smell of desperation that grows with every post you make.
He lost. He's done. End of Story.
"Desperation," Jack? No desperation here on this end, I'm not the one trying to stop, speed up or put down any efforts to get at the whole truth, YOU ARE. Even your last post reeks of DESPERATION. You're desperate for me to say nothing found here and the election is settled.

Not within a light-year, Garage Guy.
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410

Why do you persist? Put up. Or STFU.
I'm not interested in your pussying out posts.

TRANSLATION: Jack ain't got nuttin'. He's cut. He's bleeding. He wants off.

Meantime, idiots like him are asked 100 times to put up or shut up and they never can. They can't even answer the question: IF THE ELECTION FRAUD WAS DENOUNCED MERE DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION (and since in EVERY mention of it) AS BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, THEN WHO DEBUNKED IT? HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

Run away and declare a non-existent victory. That's what all you Trump supporters are hoping for.
I don't run anywhere, Jerk, and all I'm hoping for is to get at the REAL truth about the election, not this fiction you Bidenistas keep trying to sell.

I've put up Freaky. I've knocked down every one of your conspiracy theories without even breaking a sweat.
That's because you've knocked down absolutely NOTHING other than in your own imagination.

And here you are almost seven months later still pushing them forward.
Data is still flowing in every day.

I have to wonder at some point, does it become about your belief in the lie? Or is it devotion and adoration of the man himself?
How 'bout this Jack-- -- -- the indisputable truth, the REAL truth, the FACTS, not this evasive CRAP you keep peddling. I'm fine with doing a neat and thorough job, Jerk, you are the one sweating bullets trying to dissuade the truth from coming out.

The only thing "flowing" here is the smell of desperation that grows with every post you make.
He lost. He's done. End of Story.
"Desperation," Jack? No desperation here on this end, I'm not the one trying to stop, speed up or put down any efforts to get at the whole truth, YOU ARE. Even your last post reeks of DESPERATION. You're desperate for me to say nothing found here and the election is settled.

Not within a light-year, Garage Guy.
At what point do you feel like the whole truth is revealed?
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410

Why do you persist? Put up. Or STFU.
I'm not interested in your pussying out posts.

TRANSLATION: Jack ain't got nuttin'. He's cut. He's bleeding. He wants off.

Meantime, idiots like him are asked 100 times to put up or shut up and they never can. They can't even answer the question: IF THE ELECTION FRAUD WAS DENOUNCED MERE DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION (and since in EVERY mention of it) AS BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, THEN WHO DEBUNKED IT? HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

Run away and declare a non-existent victory. That's what all you Trump supporters are hoping for.
I don't run anywhere, Jerk, and all I'm hoping for is to get at the REAL truth about the election, not this fiction you Bidenistas keep trying to sell.

I've put up Freaky. I've knocked down every one of your conspiracy theories without even breaking a sweat.
That's because you've knocked down absolutely NOTHING other than in your own imagination.

And here you are almost seven months later still pushing them forward.
Data is still flowing in every day.

I have to wonder at some point, does it become about your belief in the lie? Or is it devotion and adoration of the man himself?
How 'bout this Jack-- -- -- the indisputable truth, the REAL truth, the FACTS, not this evasive CRAP you keep peddling. I'm fine with doing a neat and thorough job, Jerk, you are the one sweating bullets trying to dissuade the truth from coming out.

The only thing "flowing" here is the smell of desperation that grows with every post you make.
He lost. He's done. End of Story.
"Desperation," Jack? No desperation here on this end, I'm not the one trying to stop, speed up or put down any efforts to get at the whole truth, YOU ARE. Even your last post reeks of DESPERATION. You're desperate for me to say nothing found here and the election is settled.

Not within a light-year, Garage Guy.

The election is settled. Trump lost. Game over. End of story.
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

View attachment 505410

Why do you persist? Put up. Or STFU.
I'm not interested in your pussying out posts.

TRANSLATION: Jack ain't got nuttin'. He's cut. He's bleeding. He wants off.

Meantime, idiots like him are asked 100 times to put up or shut up and they never can. They can't even answer the question: IF THE ELECTION FRAUD WAS DENOUNCED MERE DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION (and since in EVERY mention of it) AS BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, THEN WHO DEBUNKED IT? HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

Run away and declare a non-existent victory. That's what all you Trump supporters are hoping for.
I don't run anywhere, Jerk, and all I'm hoping for is to get at the REAL truth about the election, not this fiction you Bidenistas keep trying to sell.

I've put up Freaky. I've knocked down every one of your conspiracy theories without even breaking a sweat.
That's because you've knocked down absolutely NOTHING other than in your own imagination.

And here you are almost seven months later still pushing them forward.
Data is still flowing in every day.

I have to wonder at some point, does it become about your belief in the lie? Or is it devotion and adoration of the man himself?
How 'bout this Jack-- -- -- the indisputable truth, the REAL truth, the FACTS, not this evasive CRAP you keep peddling. I'm fine with doing a neat and thorough job, Jerk, you are the one sweating bullets trying to dissuade the truth from coming out.

The only thing "flowing" here is the smell of desperation that grows with every post you make.
He lost. He's done. End of Story.
"Desperation," Jack? No desperation here on this end, I'm not the one trying to stop, speed up or put down any efforts to get at the whole truth, YOU ARE. Even your last post reeks of DESPERATION. You're desperate for me to say nothing found here and the election is settled.

Not within a light-year, Garage Guy.

The election is settled. Trump lost. Game over. End of story.
Nothing is settled. Fraud will be proven.
Why? I'd call a fair ballgame. Always do. But speaking of the Audit team... Why haven't they shown any fraud. I'd think they would have unearthed it after a few days. Whats taking so long?
They're busy spinning a narrative for July/August to help enable Trump's triumphant return to the White House of course. It's all a big media driven exercise.
If they had found just the slightest bit of fraud, they'd be singing it from the rooftops.

Oh, JackOLantern! The slightest bit of fraud? Why, until this election, no one had ever tried to claim no election was totally FREE of fraud, just that it wasn't consequential. Now, this time, you jackals are actually trying to claim that in the largest election ever, the most emotion-charged election ever, in the most unorthodox election ever, in the most questioned, irregular election ever----- there was NO fraud?! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone daring to claim no fraud in an election this large and strange is in effect, ANNOUNCING IT.

Lessee, Jackal, we have 10,000 people with thousands of witnesses, documents and testimony saying there WAS fraud, a LOT of it, and then we have you and the "Reuters Fact Check Team" who simply called up an election board, asked them if they cheated, they said no, and now you and Reuters declared it a fact. :uhh:

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Why do you persist? Put up. Or STFU.
I'm not interested in your pussying out posts.

TRANSLATION: Jack ain't got nuttin'. He's cut. He's bleeding. He wants off.

Meantime, idiots like him are asked 100 times to put up or shut up and they never can. They can't even answer the question: IF THE ELECTION FRAUD WAS DENOUNCED MERE DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION (and since in EVERY mention of it) AS BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, THEN WHO DEBUNKED IT? HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

Run away and declare a non-existent victory. That's what all you Trump supporters are hoping for.
I don't run anywhere, Jerk, and all I'm hoping for is to get at the REAL truth about the election, not this fiction you Bidenistas keep trying to sell.

I've put up Freaky. I've knocked down every one of your conspiracy theories without even breaking a sweat.
That's because you've knocked down absolutely NOTHING other than in your own imagination.

And here you are almost seven months later still pushing them forward.
Data is still flowing in every day.

I have to wonder at some point, does it become about your belief in the lie? Or is it devotion and adoration of the man himself?
How 'bout this Jack-- -- -- the indisputable truth, the REAL truth, the FACTS, not this evasive CRAP you keep peddling. I'm fine with doing a neat and thorough job, Jerk, you are the one sweating bullets trying to dissuade the truth from coming out.

The only thing "flowing" here is the smell of desperation that grows with every post you make.
He lost. He's done. End of Story.
"Desperation," Jack? No desperation here on this end, I'm not the one trying to stop, speed up or put down any efforts to get at the whole truth, YOU ARE. Even your last post reeks of DESPERATION. You're desperate for me to say nothing found here and the election is settled.

Not within a light-year, Garage Guy.

The election is settled. Trump lost. Game over. End of story.
Nothing is settled. Fraud will be proven.
It's already proven. They didn't suspend the Ghouls license because he was telling you the truth.

Making false claims in order to change the results of an election or coercing election officials into illegally changing the vote totals is fraud.

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