Trump: "I Never Said Lock Her Up"

Trump understandably believes he can tell the biggest whopper lies and his rubes will swallow them whole. His followers have a proven track record of falling for every hoax that comes down the pike.

Now that's he's a convict facing possible jail time, Trump is taking a real flyer with, "I never said lock her up."

Trump claims he didn’t say ‘lock her up’ about Hillary Clinton

Will the credulous rubes cross that Rubicon and parrot this brazen lie? Time will tell.

In the limited sense of how that chant got started, he would be right. What he said was that she’d be in prison.

His supporters later began a chant “lock her up.” I believe that it is not deniable that Trump has also joined that chant, periodically.
Thank you, I'm a Brit and have Monty Python on DVD.

But back to the thread. There's a claim made that Trump said, "Lock her up". I'm in the UK and I don't know. But, the op hasn't provided a link/evidence.

So I'm simply asking to clarify the thread claim.
You know how to do a search on the internet though right? The question isn't did he say those exact words, the question is how many times is he recorded saying those exact words since 2015.
Trump understandably believes he can tell the biggest whopper lies and his rubes will swallow them whole. His followers have a proven track record of falling for every hoax that comes down the pike.

Now that's he's a convict facing possible jail time, Trump is taking a real flyer with, "I never said lock her up."

Trump claims he didn’t say ‘lock her up’ about Hillary Clinton

Will the credulous rubes cross that Rubicon and parrot this brazen lie? Time will tell.
OMG, seriously? What shall we do?
Those standards would be chant LOCK HER UP but do NOTHING. No show trials, no misdemeanor spun into felonies.

But that's not where we are.

Low hanging fruit here 24/7/365

So Trump lied when he said he never called for Hillary to be locked up?

Quite the standard you've got there.

And what we have due process. Which the Magites find abhorrent if it results in any accountability. MAGA is a corrupt movement, founded by felons, liars and rapists to promote the interests of the same.
Trump understandably believes he can tell the biggest whopper lies and his rubes will swallow them whole. His followers have a proven track record of falling for every hoax that comes down the pike.

Now that's he's a convict facing possible jail time, Trump is taking a real flyer with, "I never said lock her up."

Trump claims he didn’t say ‘lock her up’ about Hillary Clinton

Will the credulous rubes cross that Rubicon and parrot this brazen lie? Time will tell.

Trump is lying, as usual.
Trump directly told Hilary under his administration she would be locked up. He said it in one of the debates for crying out loud.

If you're bound by actual history, sure. But that's just fake news. To the Magites, Trump and only Trump is a reliable source of information. Everything else is corrupt.

You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
IT was a political ploy used to rile up his followers, We now use negatives to win.
Instead OF POSTIVES to show their competence to do the job.
poor us.

I mean, ask MAGA what Trump will actually do to improve the get crickets. Nor does Trump actually describe policy, beyond catastrophic cuts to the prime rate. Which he can't enact.

Remove the dates on the US economic trendline for the last 20 years. And then ask them when Trump took office. MAGA can't point it there's no discernible difference in the economic trend line under Trump. Its exactly the same trajectory that existed under the last 6 years under Obama.

Again, you can't use evidence to convince people who don't use evidence.
OMG, seriously? What shall we do?
Not vote for him.

When he has reached such a deranged point where he thinks he can literally tell ANY lie and expect you to believe him, then he is dangerously unbalanced.
Not vote for him.

When he has reached such a deranged point where he thinks he can literally tell ANY lie and expect you to believe him, then he is dangerously unbalanced.
not changing my vote. You vote Biden and I will vote Trump. My 2 votes will put Trump +1

Biden is no different than Trump.

I mean, ask MAGA what Trump will actually do to improve the get crickets. Nor does Trump actually describe policy, beyond catastrophic cuts to the prime rate. Which he can't enact.

Remove the dates on the US economic trendline for the last 20 years. And then ask them when Trump took office. MAGA can't point it there's no discernible difference in the economic trend line under Trump. Its exactly the same trajectory that existed under the last 6 years under Obama.

Again, you can't use evidence to convince people who don't use evidence.
That is Trump's whole schtick. Lots of bullshit with no actual substance.

And it never once occurs to the rubes to ask for substance. Like, say, a gander at his Obamacare replacement.

They never asked to see it. It never crossed their minds.

Who can blame Trump for exploiting that kind of gullibility and stupidity?

Like I keep saying. They deserve to be lied to.


You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning, that I can tell you. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
The best one I heard is “he said it to get free publicity because he is a marketing genius, y’all are suckers”

What is wrong with people?!
What is wrong with who, your President Biden is bought and paid for by the CHICOMS, and used by Obama as puppet. You prop up the LGBTQXYZ and call it tolerance, while bashing anyone who disagrees. Your President Biden is an incestual pedophile, who raised the same in his son hunter, you vote for the wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb, shame on you asking such a stupid question.

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