Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
He ain't going anywhere. Senate is who has to convict and there is 0% chance Democraps retake it in fact they will lose several seats.
Oh? Do expand in this...

So far, there’s been one Senate seat up for grabs... a Republican seat in a very Republican state — and Democrats flipped it blue.
Exclusive polls: Big warning signs for Senate Democrats

Nuff said? Oh and that race was won with FRAUD as was shown and an OUTRIGHT ATTACK of the most disgusting proportions I have ever seen against one man....It won't happen again. Manchin is going down as are McCaskill and Donnelly for sure.

4 of the 5 don’t even have Republicans yet.

And in the Democrats’ favor — most Americans aren’t aware yet of the FY2018 deficit; which is shaping up to be close to a new record high. And that news gets delivered in October.
They didn't care when Obama doubled it in 8 years doubt they will care now. They only care we are safer,economy is booming and they see more money in their pockets.

Honestly you seriously need to learn the meaning of the word deficit.

It's when revenues and expenses are added to be a negative number.

That's a deficit.

In the case of the budget that deficit is added to the national debt at the end of the fiscal year.

The budget deficit was 1.4 trillion when the bush boy left office. Which was a new historic high.

The budget deficit was 500 and something billion by the time Obama left office.

He slashed or decreased the deficit by nearly 1 trillion dollars.

That's not doubling the deficit.

Meanwhile trump is doing exactly what all republican presidents do. He's adding to that deficit again. As of the end of 2017 the budget deficit is 600 and something billion. He's added nearly 100 billion to the budget deficit in just one year.

Democratic presidents decrease deficits and in the case of Bill Clinton, eliminated the deficit all together.

republican presidents explode deficitis to new historic highs.

US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis
The way I see it is this: The GOP is tone deaf in 50-65% of the country. By that I mean, they have literally zero idea what the situation on the ground is; no idea how much money people make, what their daily struggles are, etc. This is evidenced by the tax cuts for corporations and the assault on the ACA. The DNC is tone “hard of hearing” in 80% of the country. By that I mean they have some idea what the situation on the ground is

We have no idea what people make or what their struggles are? Then how do you explain Commie Care and the mandate that said you must buy health insurance, because we (the government) figured out what you can afford. Then of course you have Piglosi who said the thousand or so bucks workers got form bonuses and raises were merely crumbs?

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. The mandate was created by the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation. It was created to stop freeloading. People would not buy insurance when they were healthy but if they got sick then they would buy insurance and have the insurance pay. Once the bills were paid they dropped the insurance. More people had insurance with Obamacare than before. It needed reform and the Republicans did everything they could to drive premiums up and kick low income people off of their insurance.
they won't impeach him.

they'll let him stay in office and accomplish nothing

some of his cabinet choices might be a different story

How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.
Since when we call people by their middle name? You proved to be a butthurt racist.
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.
He ain't going anywhere. Senate is who has to convict and there is 0% chance Democraps retake it in fact they will lose several seats.
Oh? Do expand in this...

So far, there’s been one Senate seat up for grabs... a Republican seat in a very Republican state — and Democrats flipped it blue.
Exclusive polls: Big warning signs for Senate Democrats

Nuff said? Oh and that race was won with FRAUD as was shown and an OUTRIGHT ATTACK of the most disgusting proportions I have ever seen against one man....It won't happen again. Manchin is going down as are McCaskill and Donnelly for sure.

SurveyMonkey is not a valid poll. Manchin is not going down. McCaskill is on a dead heat. Republicans are in trouble in Arizona, Tennessee and Nevada.
If they do and try it will be political suicide for them it didn't work out very well for the Republicans when they did it with Bill Clinton but you know what they about those who don't learn from history.
The way I see it is this: The GOP is tone deaf in 50-65% of the country. By that I mean, they have literally zero idea what the situation on the ground is; no idea how much money people make, what their daily struggles are, etc. This is evidenced by the tax cuts for corporations and the assault on the ACA. The DNC is tone “hard of hearing” in 80% of the country. By that I mean they have some idea what the situation on the ground is

We have no idea what people make or what their struggles are? Then how do you explain Commie Care and the mandate that said you must buy health insurance, because we (the government) figured out what you can afford. Then of course you have Piglosi who said the thousand or so bucks workers got form bonuses and raises were merely crumbs?

Except for most of the has been crumbs

A thousand bucks or so my not be life changing for many Americans, but certainly not crumbs unless you are a wealthy elitist like Piglosi. A thousand bucks is a good chunk of change for a down payment on a car, or perhaps an extra mortgage payment or two. A big help if your daughter needs books for college. Anything.

Democrats are not in touch with the people on the ground level. That's why Trump was elected.

You’re dreaming…

It hasn’t been a thousand bucks…

"Julia Ketchum, a secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week. She didn't think her pay would go up at all, let alone this soon. That adds up to $78 a year, which she said will more than cover her Costco membership for the year.”

Workers celebrate more money in paychecks after tax cuts

The Democrats haven’t the faintest idea how to craft legislation and programs that will positively affect those on the ground.
The way I see it is this: The GOP is tone deaf in 50-65% of the country. By that I mean, they have literally zero idea what the situation on the ground is; no idea how much money people make, what their daily struggles are, etc. This is evidenced by the tax cuts for corporations and the assault on the ACA. The DNC is tone “hard of hearing” in 80% of the country. By that I mean they have some idea what the situation on the ground is

We have no idea what people make or what their struggles are? Then how do you explain Commie Care and the mandate that said you must buy health insurance, because we (the government) figured out what you can afford. Then of course you have Piglosi who said the thousand or so bucks workers got form bonuses and raises were merely crumbs?

Except for most of the has been crumbs

A thousand bucks or so my not be life changing for many Americans, but certainly not crumbs unless you are a wealthy elitist like Piglosi. A thousand bucks is a good chunk of change for a down payment on a car, or perhaps an extra mortgage payment or two. A big help if your daughter needs books for college. Anything.

Democrats are not in touch with the people on the ground level. That's why Trump was elected.

You’re dreaming…

It hasn’t been a thousand bucks…

"Julia Ketchum, a secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week. She didn't think her pay would go up at all, let alone this soon. That adds up to $78 a year, which she said will more than cover her Costco membership for the year.”

Workers celebrate more money in paychecks after tax cuts

The Democrats haven’t the faintest idea how to craft legislation and programs that will positively affect those on the ground.

Actually she was speaking of the bonuses and raises that went out. But while on the subject, I notice a nice increase in my checks since the break went through. Any money is good money and money I can use to benefit my future.
The way I see it is this: The GOP is tone deaf in 50-65% of the country. By that I mean, they have literally zero idea what the situation on the ground is; no idea how much money people make, what their daily struggles are, etc. This is evidenced by the tax cuts for corporations and the assault on the ACA. The DNC is tone “hard of hearing” in 80% of the country. By that I mean they have some idea what the situation on the ground is

We have no idea what people make or what their struggles are? Then how do you explain Commie Care and the mandate that said you must buy health insurance, because we (the government) figured out what you can afford. Then of course you have Piglosi who said the thousand or so bucks workers got form bonuses and raises were merely crumbs?

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. The mandate was created by the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation. It was created to stop freeloading. People would not buy insurance when they were healthy but if they got sick then they would buy insurance and have the insurance pay. Once the bills were paid they dropped the insurance. More people had insurance with Obamacare than before. It needed reform and the Republicans did everything they could to drive premiums up and kick low income people off of their insurance.

The Heritage foundation just wrote about it many years ago. The HF does not have any political power, any vote in Congress, or any constitutional authority to impose their will, taxation, or laws against us.

The only reason the left brought up Heritage is after it was discovered that Commie Care was a complete disaster. If it was successful, you never would have heard about that article.
He ain't going anywhere. Senate is who has to convict and there is 0% chance Democraps retake it in fact they will lose several seats.
Oh? Do expand in this...

So far, there’s been one Senate seat up for grabs... a Republican seat in a very Republican state — and Democrats flipped it blue.
Exclusive polls: Big warning signs for Senate Democrats

Nuff said? Oh and that race was won with FRAUD as was shown and an OUTRIGHT ATTACK of the most disgusting proportions I have ever seen against one man....It won't happen again. Manchin is going down as are McCaskill and Donnelly for sure.

4 of the 5 don’t even have Republicans yet.

And in the Democrats’ favor — most Americans aren’t aware yet of the FY2018 deficit; which is shaping up to be close to a new record high. And that news gets delivered in October.
They didn't care when Obama doubled it in 8 years doubt they will care now. They only care we are safer,economy is booming and they see more money in their pockets.
No, America cared. It was just a given since the country went through a major recession. Now, in a good economy, there is no justification for it.
I never cared. No one I know cared. Its only a starting to become good economy because of President Trumps policies and since the democrats abandoned the military he had to fund it unfortunately.
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.
He ain't going anywhere. Senate is who has to convict and there is 0% chance Democraps retake it in fact they will lose several seats.
Oh? Do expand in this...

So far, there’s been one Senate seat up for grabs... a Republican seat in a very Republican state — and Democrats flipped it blue.
Exclusive polls: Big warning signs for Senate Democrats

Nuff said? Oh and that race was won with FRAUD as was shown and an OUTRIGHT ATTACK of the most disgusting proportions I have ever seen against one man....It won't happen again. Manchin is going down as are McCaskill and Donnelly for sure.

SurveyMonkey is not a valid poll. Manchin is not going down. McCaskill is on a dead heat. Republicans are in trouble in Arizona, Tennessee and Nevada.
We saw your "valid polls" in 2016...:laugh:
Oh? Do expand in this...

So far, there’s been one Senate seat up for grabs... a Republican seat in a very Republican state — and Democrats flipped it blue.
Exclusive polls: Big warning signs for Senate Democrats

Nuff said? Oh and that race was won with FRAUD as was shown and an OUTRIGHT ATTACK of the most disgusting proportions I have ever seen against one man....It won't happen again. Manchin is going down as are McCaskill and Donnelly for sure.

4 of the 5 don’t even have Republicans yet.

And in the Democrats’ favor — most Americans aren’t aware yet of the FY2018 deficit; which is shaping up to be close to a new record high. And that news gets delivered in October.
They didn't care when Obama doubled it in 8 years doubt they will care now. They only care we are safer,economy is booming and they see more money in their pockets.
No, America cared. It was just a given since the country went through a major recession. Now, in a good economy, there is no justification for it.
I never cared. No one I know cared. Its only a starting to become good economy because of President Trumps policies and since the democrats abandoned the military he had to fund it unfortunately.
Though it's better now, the economy was already good when Trump took over.

But to hear you say you don't care about the debt and how Trump needed to spend more on the military leaves you arguing with yourself where you said the way to reduce the debt is to cut military spending.

Very easy to cut the debt. Cut military budget,jack corporate tax rate up higher and actually make them pay what the rate is and now get out with the loopholes,close ALL foreign bases,kick out ALL illegals.

The main culprit was commie care. Been insured by entire adult life with preexisting conditions until that big-eared bozo came to town. Besides the fines that the government collected billions on every year, I fell to an illness that I had to pay cash for---lots of cash.

If not for him, my employer would have been forced to continue our coverage, but the devil gave him and other small businesses a way out.

So where's the personal responsibility? First, assuming you're being honest and your employer stopped insuring you, surely they provided some sort of partial reimbursement for you to self-insure. Second, if you worked for a company that was more than a ten employee Mom & Pop your employer would have been mandated to cover you.

Third, what was "forcing him" to insure you prior to the ACA? If anything it would have been the other way around. Fourth, ACA-complient policies covered your pre-existing condition.

Sorry, but your storyline doesn't add up. I'm self-employed and my unsubsidized ACA-complient policy that I got on my own was the same price for FAR better coverage than what I was paying for prior. I simply called a broker who specialized in ACA policies and she helped me pick a winner. Seems to me, you could have taken the initiative to do the same.
I would love to know the grounds on which the Dems plan to impeach.

What goes around comes around.

Every president whose party is in the minority in the House will be impeached from here on out. Watch this shit go down.

This will be the end of the Union. I am glad. Fuck this shit. Too many fucking commies. We need Texas Independence.

Only Mueller knows at this point, but we have a pretty good case without him for obstruction of justice - the same thing that brought Nixon down.

Now if Bob comes up with strong evidence that the Trumpies actively coordinated with Russia on their shenanigans, then Trump is finished.

Texas wants to secede? Stop talking about it for the bazillionth time and GO! :rolleyes:

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