Trump: I’m being indicted for you

It's not enough that he paints himself a victim, despite all his troubles being of his own making. He has to claim he's doing it all for you. He's the martyr and your savior. Classic cult leader propaganda. The grift goes on and Trump is a regular Warren Jeffs

He has a point.
Are you one of Joey Capone's capos or something?
Trump’s martyr complex – the lie that Trump is a ‘hapless victim’ set upon by partisan attackers.

Indeed, the victim lie is consistent among the right; the wrongheaded notion that conservatives are subject to some sort of ‘persecution,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Your Reichbabble is really stupid Mrs Jones.

Trump: I’m being indicted for you​

….or something….

"I'm the only thing standing between the American dream and total anarchy, madness and chaos".

“In the end, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way,"

“I am being indicted for you”

“I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution,”

The Jesus Cheeto

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Waaay better than Joey Capone and bagman Hunter ripping off citizens left and right while breaking all our laws.
You Dimbulbs aren't too bright.
Oh yeah, and Joe Biden never discussed Hunter's business with the Chinese commies, huh.
I don't care if Biden and his son talked about his business dealings with Chinese companies all day everyday -- until you can show me the crime committed by doing so -- it is just you whining...

Especially since you folks didn't complain when Ivanka got Chinese trademarks EXACTLY RIGHT AFTER her Daddy became president......also, she LITERALLY WORKED IN THE WHITE HOUSE......she wasn't a private citizen, like Hunter....she literally used her own GOVERNMENT OFFICE to benefit her business...

"The Chinese government granted 18 trademarks to companies linked to President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump over the last two months, Chinese public records show, raising concerns about conflicts of interest in the White House."

And all of this "Communist Chinese" talk doesn't mean shit to me if yall didn't mind all of this.....

“I’ll show you the Industrial Bank of China,” he told three Forbesjournalists touring Trump Tower in 2015. “I have the best tenants in the world in this building.” Suddenly, a routine real estate deal became a conduit for a foreign superpower to pay the president of the United States."


"During a presidential debate in 2020, Trump said the Chinese account “was closed in 2015, I believe” and insisted: “I closed it before I even ran for president, let alone became president.”

Obviously, he lied...but that doesn't bother you as long as he hates the same people you go gaslight someone else with that bullshit...
I don't care if Biden and his son talked about his business dealings with Chinese companies all day everyday -- until you can show me the crime committed by doing so -- it is just you whining...

Especially since you folks didn't complain when Ivanka got Chinese trademarks EXACTLY RIGHT AFTER her Daddy became president......

"The Chinese government granted 18 trademarks to companies linked to President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump over the last two months, Chinese public records show, raising concerns about conflicts of interest in the White House."

And all of this "Communist Chinese" talk doesn't mean shit to me if yall didn't mind all of this.....

“I’ll show you the Industrial Bank of China,” he told three Forbesjournalists touring Trump Tower in 2015. “I have the best tenants in the world in this building.” Suddenly, a routine real estate deal became a conduit for a foreign superpower to pay the president of the United States."


"During a presidential debate in 2020, Trump said the Chinese account “was closed in 2015, I believe” and insisted: “I closed it before I even ran for president, let alone became president.”

Obviously, he lied...but that doesn't bother you as long as he hates the same people you go gaslight someone else with that bullshit...
You obviously didn't watch the hearings with the two IRS investigators. Carry on.
You obviously didn't watch the hearings with the two IRS investigators. Carry on.
I am watching for why indictments weren't handed down during Trump's 4 years in office -- since all of this bullshit you talking about didn't just magically get discovered this year -- Biden hadn't been VP for 10 years now....

So why was Trump so much of a weak bitch that he nor the GOP could garner a single indictment for either Joe or Obama for that matter

I bet you get tired of having to deflect from that question huh...."why is Trump so weak?" is something you have to twist yourself into pretzels to explain away....which is funny because, yall think he is a "Strong man" -- which makes yall look even more pathetic...

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