TRUMP in trouble in Pennsylvania! Won't win it in 2020!

It's two years away, good gawd we just got subjected to weeks of this crap give it a rest

They're gearing up early, ain't they? The Dumbocrats haven't even begun to pick a candidate, nor do they have anything even remotely resembling a platform, except getting rid of Trump.

Even the midterms show that: The Republicans lost fewer seats than Obama did in 2010. He got a hell of a shellacking.

True, but Obama still was re-elected in 2012 despite what happened in 2010. Why? When it comes to Presidential Elections, its the states electoral votes that matter, and the history of the Democrats BLUE WALL since 1992 gives them an enormous starting advantage.

Plus Trumps approval ratings are in the tank in terms of having a chance of being re-elected.

How do you figure Trump's approval rating is "in the tank"? His rating is nearly the same as Reagan's was at the same point in time, and only slightly below Obama's, as per Gallup:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

And his Presidential approval rating is actually two points higher than Nobama's, at the same point in time, as per Rasmussen:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

You fail to take into account that Trump really doesn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. He is going to push ahead with what he has to do, no matter what. He is unstoppable.

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

The only reason's Reagans approval ratings at this time in his Presidency are comparable is because in November 1982, the United States was in its worst recession since the Great Depression and the unemployment for November 1982 was 10.8% the highest since World War II.

Right now Trump has a 3.7% unemployment level with 40% job approval in Gallup/ November 2018

In November 1982, Reagan had 10.8% unemployment level with a 43% job approval rating in Gallup/ November 1982

Then don't vote for him. Simple.
President Trump remains enormously popular in rural Pennsylvania. This can't not be understated. The key to flipping the Commonwealth rests in the suburbs and voter turnout in urban areas.

Most voters don't live in Rural PA. Look at the votes above. The Republicans were not able to get to 45% in ANY of the contest. Its over. It was a fluke that Trump won last time. The Democrats are not going to be wasting money in Florida or Arizona in 2020. They will move it into these Blue wall states to insure a strong victory.

Trump is not going to take Colorado which just elected a Gay governor. Colorado gets more Blue by the day. So does Virginia. Sorry Trump fans, but your man will be leaving the White House in 2 years.

I think you're getting way ahead of yourself. I agree that the Democrats must win the glorious and shining Commonwealth of Pennsylvania if they wish to retake the White House.

You would be wrong also. Have a nice day!

Yeah, PA isn't required for them to win, but certainly makes the path much easier. Perhaps I should’ve worded that better. lol

Its by far the easier path to victory for the Democrats. The Blue WALL, just 18 states, is worth 248 electoral votes. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are apart of that Blue wall and Just barely went for Trump by very slight margins in 2016 due to Democrat campaign neglect. That won't happen in 2020. So the Democrats essentially start 2020 with 248 votes in the can, they get to 270 with just two more states, ever more liberal Colorado and ever more liberal Virginia. Just those 20 states give the Democrats 270 votes and its GAME OVER for TRUMP.
President Trump remains enormously popular in rural Pennsylvania. This can't not be understated. The key to flipping the Commonwealth rests in the suburbs and voter turnout in urban areas.

Most voters don't live in Rural PA. Look at the votes above. The Republicans were not able to get to 45% in ANY of the contest. Its over. It was a fluke that Trump won last time. The Democrats are not going to be wasting money in Florida or Arizona in 2020. They will move it into these Blue wall states to insure a strong victory.

Trump is not going to take Colorado which just elected a Gay governor. Colorado gets more Blue by the day. So does Virginia. Sorry Trump fans, but your man will be leaving the White House in 2 years.

I think you're getting way ahead of yourself. I agree that the Democrats must win the glorious and shining Commonwealth of Pennsylvania if they wish to retake the White House.

You would be wrong also. Have a nice day!

Yeah, PA isn't required for them to win, but certainly makes the path much easier. Perhaps I should’ve worded that better. lol

Its by far the easier path to victory for the Democrats. The Blue WALL, just 18 states, is worth 248 electoral votes. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are apart of that Blue wall and Just barely went for Trump by very slight margins in 2016 due to Democrat campaign neglect. That won't happen in 2020. So the Democrats essentially start 2020 with 248 votes in the can, they get to 270 with just two more states, ever more liberal Colorado and ever more liberal Virginia. Just those 20 states give the Democrats 270 votes and its GAME OVER for TRUMP.

Two more years of the Trump economy you people will be lucky to win 12 states.
Here is the biggest reason for the Democrats winning in Pennsylvania.

Sexual harassment in this country today is:

A serious problem 85%
Not a serious problem 15%

The result.
Wolf 65%
Wagner 30%

That is a bigger margin than Clinton had against Trump.
Wolf 57%
Wagner 43%

Trump has woman problems and this is why Republicans did so poorly among women and Kavanaugh inflamed it. Trump will nor=t win Pennsylvania.
Most voters don't live in Rural PA. Look at the votes above. The Republicans were not able to get to 45% in ANY of the contest. Its over. It was a fluke that Trump won last time. The Democrats are not going to be wasting money in Florida or Arizona in 2020. They will move it into these Blue wall states to insure a strong victory.

Trump is not going to take Colorado which just elected a Gay governor. Colorado gets more Blue by the day. So does Virginia. Sorry Trump fans, but your man will be leaving the White House in 2 years.

I think you're getting way ahead of yourself. I agree that the Democrats must win the glorious and shining Commonwealth of Pennsylvania if they wish to retake the White House.

You would be wrong also. Have a nice day!

Yeah, PA isn't required for them to win, but certainly makes the path much easier. Perhaps I should’ve worded that better. lol

Its by far the easier path to victory for the Democrats. The Blue WALL, just 18 states, is worth 248 electoral votes. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are apart of that Blue wall and Just barely went for Trump by very slight margins in 2016 due to Democrat campaign neglect. That won't happen in 2020. So the Democrats essentially start 2020 with 248 votes in the can, they get to 270 with just two more states, ever more liberal Colorado and ever more liberal Virginia. Just those 20 states give the Democrats 270 votes and its GAME OVER for TRUMP.

Two more years of the Trump economy you people will be lucky to win 12 states.

People already think the economy is doing well and suburban and female voters turned on the GOP.
It's two years away, good gawd we just got subjected to weeks of this crap give it a rest

They're gearing up early, ain't they? The Dumbocrats haven't even begun to pick a candidate, nor do they have anything even remotely resembling a platform, except getting rid of Trump.

Even the midterms show that: The Republicans lost fewer seats than Obama did in 2010. He got a hell of a shellacking.

True, but Obama still was re-elected in 2012 despite what happened in 2010. Why? When it comes to Presidential Elections, its the states electoral votes that matter, and the history of the Democrats BLUE WALL since 1992 gives them an enormous starting advantage.

Plus Trumps approval ratings are in the tank in terms of having a chance of being re-elected.

How do you figure Trump's approval rating is "in the tank"? His rating is nearly the same as Reagan's was at the same point in time, and only slightly below Obama's, as per Gallup:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

And his Presidential approval rating is actually two points higher than Nobama's, at the same point in time, as per Rasmussen:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

You fail to take into account that Trump really doesn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. He is going to push ahead with what he has to do, no matter what. He is unstoppable.

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

The only reason's Reagans approval ratings at this time in his Presidency are comparable is because in November 1982, the United States was in its worst recession since the Great Depression and the unemployment for November 1982 was 10.8% the highest since World War II.

Right now Trump has a 3.7% unemployment level with 40% job approval in Gallup/ November 2018

In November 1982, Reagan had 10.8% unemployment level with a 43% job approval rating in Gallup/ November 1982

Then don't vote for him. Simple.

Reagan had a low approval rating in November 1982 because the economy was really bad at that point. Right now the economy is good, so the reason for Trumps low approval rating is his other policies and the fact that most Americans do not like him or want him to be re-elected President.

Trumps ability to win in 2020 is on very fragile ground:

1. He lost the popular vote in 2016 which does not bode well for future elections

2. He won the electoral college with tiny victories in 3 key states that Democrats neglected last time.

3. He has the lowest average approval rating of any modern President since Gallup began recording Presidential approval ratings in the late 1940s.

That's why getting re-elected in 2020 is a bridge too far for Trump.
Here is the biggest reason for the Democrats winning in Pennsylvania.

Sexual harassment in this country today is:

A serious problem 85%
Not a serious problem 15%

The result.
Wolf 65%
Wagner 30%

That is a bigger margin than Clinton had against Trump.
Wolf 57%
Wagner 43%

Trump has woman problems and this is why Republicans did so poorly among women and Kavanaugh inflamed it. Trump will nor=t win Pennsylvania.

Do you by chance have the Men totals for Wolf and Wagner?
I think you're getting way ahead of yourself. I agree that the Democrats must win the glorious and shining Commonwealth of Pennsylvania if they wish to retake the White House.

You would be wrong also. Have a nice day!

Yeah, PA isn't required for them to win, but certainly makes the path much easier. Perhaps I should’ve worded that better. lol

Its by far the easier path to victory for the Democrats. The Blue WALL, just 18 states, is worth 248 electoral votes. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are apart of that Blue wall and Just barely went for Trump by very slight margins in 2016 due to Democrat campaign neglect. That won't happen in 2020. So the Democrats essentially start 2020 with 248 votes in the can, they get to 270 with just two more states, ever more liberal Colorado and ever more liberal Virginia. Just those 20 states give the Democrats 270 votes and its GAME OVER for TRUMP.

Two more years of the Trump economy you people will be lucky to win 12 states.

People already think the economy is doing well and suburban and female voters turned on the GOP.

Is that why so many Dem candidates claimed to support Trump's policies to get elected? Many promising NOT to support Pelosi for speaker? Half your blue wave was a red wave suck it. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, that's right, the 2018 election spells trouble for Trump in Pennsylvania based on the voting results of votes for the Democrats VS. votes for the Republican.

Here is the break down of votes for Governor, Senator, and the Representatives Republican VS. Democrat.

Governor: Winner Tom Wolf (D)
Democrat votes: 2,852,539 - 57.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,022,348 - 40.8% of the vote

Senator: Winner Bob Casey (D)
Democrats votes: 2,747,345 - 55.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,116,110 - 42.8% of the vote

Representatives: 9 (D) - 9 (R)
Democrat votes: 2,677,130 - 55.1% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,183,180 - 44.9% of the vote

Despite the split in the wins for Representatives, 9 to 9, overall the Democrats got nearly a half a million more votes than Republicans.

Here is what the 2016 Presidential results were:
Trump: 2,970,733 - 48.17% of the vote
Clinton: 2,926,441 - 47.46%

Trump won Pennsylvania by a mere 44,292 votes.

Based on the results of the voting in 2018, Trump will lose Pennsylvania by between 5 and 10 percentage points. The Democrat challenger will get at least 50%, and Trump won't get above 45%.

With Pennsylvania going Blue in 2020, so will Wisconsin and Michigan since the results in those states were even tighter wins for Trump in 2016. That means the BLUE WALL of 18 democratic states has been restored after the tiny breach in 2016. Those 18 states have 248 ELECTORAL Votes. Democrats will then easily get to 270 with Virginia(13 EVs) and Colorado(9 EVs) which they both beat Trump in last time by 5 percentage points each.

Trump is done! A one term President. He will lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan and will not pick up any other states that he lost last time to make up for losing those three states in 2020.
We can only hope Trump loses Pennsylvania and other states in 2020.
They're gearing up early, ain't they? The Dumbocrats haven't even begun to pick a candidate, nor do they have anything even remotely resembling a platform, except getting rid of Trump.

Even the midterms show that: The Republicans lost fewer seats than Obama did in 2010. He got a hell of a shellacking.

True, but Obama still was re-elected in 2012 despite what happened in 2010. Why? When it comes to Presidential Elections, its the states electoral votes that matter, and the history of the Democrats BLUE WALL since 1992 gives them an enormous starting advantage.

Plus Trumps approval ratings are in the tank in terms of having a chance of being re-elected.

How do you figure Trump's approval rating is "in the tank"? His rating is nearly the same as Reagan's was at the same point in time, and only slightly below Obama's, as per Gallup:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

And his Presidential approval rating is actually two points higher than Nobama's, at the same point in time, as per Rasmussen:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

You fail to take into account that Trump really doesn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. He is going to push ahead with what he has to do, no matter what. He is unstoppable.

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

The only reason's Reagans approval ratings at this time in his Presidency are comparable is because in November 1982, the United States was in its worst recession since the Great Depression and the unemployment for November 1982 was 10.8% the highest since World War II.

Right now Trump has a 3.7% unemployment level with 40% job approval in Gallup/ November 2018

In November 1982, Reagan had 10.8% unemployment level with a 43% job approval rating in Gallup/ November 1982

Then don't vote for him. Simple.

Reagan had a low approval rating in November 1982 because the economy was really bad at that point. Right now the economy is good, so the reason for Trumps low approval rating is his other policies and the fact that most Americans do not like him or want him to be re-elected President.

Trumps ability to win in 2020 is on very fragile ground:

1. He lost the popular vote in 2016 which does not bode well for future elections

2. He won the electoral college with tiny victories in 3 key states that Democrats neglected last time.

3. He has the lowest average approval rating of any modern President since Gallup began recording Presidential approval ratings in the late 1940s.

That's why getting re-elected in 2020 is a bridge too far for Trump.

Why do people think that it takes a visit by a candidate to make people vote for them? I have never met any candidate for office, other than President Bush running for reelection and I'll bet the 50,000 other people that showed up had already decided to vote for him.
Yep, that's right, the 2018 election spells trouble for Trump in Pennsylvania based on the voting results of votes for the Democrats VS. votes for the Republican.

Here is the break down of votes for Governor, Senator, and the Representatives Republican VS. Democrat.

Governor: Winner Tom Wolf (D)
Democrat votes: 2,852,539 - 57.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,022,348 - 40.8% of the vote

Senator: Winner Bob Casey (D)
Democrats votes: 2,747,345 - 55.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,116,110 - 42.8% of the vote

Representatives: 9 (D) - 9 (R)
Democrat votes: 2,677,130 - 55.1% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,183,180 - 44.9% of the vote

Despite the split in the wins for Representatives, 9 to 9, overall the Democrats got nearly a half a million more votes than Republicans.

Here is what the 2016 Presidential results were:
Trump: 2,970,733 - 48.17% of the vote
Clinton: 2,926,441 - 47.46%

Trump won Pennsylvania by a mere 44,292 votes.

Based on the results of the voting in 2018, Trump will lose Pennsylvania by between 5 and 10 percentage points. The Democrat challenger will get at least 50%, and Trump won't get above 45%.

With Pennsylvania going Blue in 2020, so will Wisconsin and Michigan since the results in those states were even tighter wins for Trump in 2016. That means the BLUE WALL of 18 democratic states has been restored after the tiny breach in 2016. Those 18 states have 248 ELECTORAL Votes. Democrats will then easily get to 270 with Virginia(13 EVs) and Colorado(9 EVs) which they both beat Trump in last time by 5 percentage points each.

Trump is done! A one term President. He will lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan and will not pick up any other states that he lost last time to make up for losing those three states in 2020.

The Dems have two years to screw up. It won't take them nearly that long to prove that they are incompetent boobs!

Trump helped create these results in Pennsylvania after just two years. Imagine what two more years of Trump will mean for the voting margins in Pennsylvania.

Trump didn't create any of those votes in Pennsylvania. Does lying to yourself make it easier to look at yourself in the mirror?

It sure doesn't help anyone else!

We'll return to this and see what you say in 2020 when Trump loses Pennsylvania to the Democratic candidate. The stats here show how 2020 election is likely to play out in Pennsylvania.

So tell us, oh windbag of rock music fandom, which major Republican seat was lost in PA on Tuesday?

Republicans went from a 13-5 majority to a 9-9 tie in the House. Also I remember a lot of people on this board saying Republicans will pick up 10 Senate seats. Republicans didn't come close to winning. Pennsylvania is most likely back in the Democrat column.
You would be wrong also. Have a nice day!

Yeah, PA isn't required for them to win, but certainly makes the path much easier. Perhaps I should’ve worded that better. lol

Its by far the easier path to victory for the Democrats. The Blue WALL, just 18 states, is worth 248 electoral votes. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are apart of that Blue wall and Just barely went for Trump by very slight margins in 2016 due to Democrat campaign neglect. That won't happen in 2020. So the Democrats essentially start 2020 with 248 votes in the can, they get to 270 with just two more states, ever more liberal Colorado and ever more liberal Virginia. Just those 20 states give the Democrats 270 votes and its GAME OVER for TRUMP.

Two more years of the Trump economy you people will be lucky to win 12 states.

People already think the economy is doing well and suburban and female voters turned on the GOP.

Is that why so many Dem candidates claimed to support Trump's policies to get elected? Many promising NOT to support Pelosi for speaker? Half your blue wave was a red wave suck it. :auiqs.jpg:

Were talking about Pennsylvania here and to a lesser extent Wisconsin and Michigan. Those are the only states that matter for 2020 Presidential election given the partisan divide in the country, as well as voting history since 1992. The Democrats only have to win 20 states in 2020 to win the White House back. They have won most of these states every election since 1992 with the exception of Colorado and Virginia in more than one election, and PA, MI, and Wisc in just one election.
Yeah, PA isn't required for them to win, but certainly makes the path much easier. Perhaps I should’ve worded that better. lol

Its by far the easier path to victory for the Democrats. The Blue WALL, just 18 states, is worth 248 electoral votes. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are apart of that Blue wall and Just barely went for Trump by very slight margins in 2016 due to Democrat campaign neglect. That won't happen in 2020. So the Democrats essentially start 2020 with 248 votes in the can, they get to 270 with just two more states, ever more liberal Colorado and ever more liberal Virginia. Just those 20 states give the Democrats 270 votes and its GAME OVER for TRUMP.

Two more years of the Trump economy you people will be lucky to win 12 states.

People already think the economy is doing well and suburban and female voters turned on the GOP.

Is that why so many Dem candidates claimed to support Trump's policies to get elected? Many promising NOT to support Pelosi for speaker? Half your blue wave was a red wave suck it. :auiqs.jpg:

Were talking about Pennsylvania here and to a lesser extent Wisconsin and Michigan. Those are the only states that matter for 2020 Presidential election given the partisan divide in the country, as well as voting history since 1992. The Democrats only have to win 20 states in 2020 to win the White House back. They have won most of these states every election since 1992 with the exception of Colorado and Virginia in more than one election, and PA, MI, and Wisc in just one election.

Dems are stupid, their policy of tax increases and heaps of government regulations unpopular, you will lose in 2020 just deal with it.
True, but Obama still was re-elected in 2012 despite what happened in 2010. Why? When it comes to Presidential Elections, its the states electoral votes that matter, and the history of the Democrats BLUE WALL since 1992 gives them an enormous starting advantage.

Plus Trumps approval ratings are in the tank in terms of having a chance of being re-elected.

How do you figure Trump's approval rating is "in the tank"? His rating is nearly the same as Reagan's was at the same point in time, and only slightly below Obama's, as per Gallup:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

And his Presidential approval rating is actually two points higher than Nobama's, at the same point in time, as per Rasmussen:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

You fail to take into account that Trump really doesn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. He is going to push ahead with what he has to do, no matter what. He is unstoppable.

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

The only reason's Reagans approval ratings at this time in his Presidency are comparable is because in November 1982, the United States was in its worst recession since the Great Depression and the unemployment for November 1982 was 10.8% the highest since World War II.

Right now Trump has a 3.7% unemployment level with 40% job approval in Gallup/ November 2018

In November 1982, Reagan had 10.8% unemployment level with a 43% job approval rating in Gallup/ November 1982

Then don't vote for him. Simple.

Reagan had a low approval rating in November 1982 because the economy was really bad at that point. Right now the economy is good, so the reason for Trumps low approval rating is his other policies and the fact that most Americans do not like him or want him to be re-elected President.

Trumps ability to win in 2020 is on very fragile ground:

1. He lost the popular vote in 2016 which does not bode well for future elections

2. He won the electoral college with tiny victories in 3 key states that Democrats neglected last time.

3. He has the lowest average approval rating of any modern President since Gallup began recording Presidential approval ratings in the late 1940s.

That's why getting re-elected in 2020 is a bridge too far for Trump.

Why do people think that it takes a visit by a candidate to make people vote for them? I have never met any candidate for office, other than President Bush running for reelection and I'll bet the 50,000 other people that showed up had already decided to vote for him.

Its marketing 101. Its how you sell the product. Its how you get people to the polls. Voter turnout is what wins elections. Many average Americans forget to vote or fail to show up for some other reason. Putting adds on people's doors, commercials and TV and yes, having the candidate tour the state since it increases media coverage impacts voter turnout for the candidate.
The Dems have two years to screw up. It won't take them nearly that long to prove that they are incompetent boobs!

Trump helped create these results in Pennsylvania after just two years. Imagine what two more years of Trump will mean for the voting margins in Pennsylvania.

Trump didn't create any of those votes in Pennsylvania. Does lying to yourself make it easier to look at yourself in the mirror?

It sure doesn't help anyone else!

We'll return to this and see what you say in 2020 when Trump loses Pennsylvania to the Democratic candidate. The stats here show how 2020 election is likely to play out in Pennsylvania.

So tell us, oh windbag of rock music fandom, which major Republican seat was lost in PA on Tuesday?

Republicans went from a 13-5 majority to a 9-9 tie in the House. Also I remember a lot of people on this board saying Republicans will pick up 10 Senate seats. Republicans didn't come close to winning. Pennsylvania is most likely back in the Democrat column.

Republicans are lucky its not 12 to 6 in Pennsylvania now. 3 of the Republican house victories in PA were by small margins.
Trump won PA because of strong democrat support. Casey is well liked by both parties and Corbett was so bad Wolf got in easily plus Wagner made the gaffe about taxing retirements. I expect Trump to win here again easily....all the democrat Trump voters I know still support him 100%

Trump barley won Pennsylvania. He only won by 44,000 votes, a tiny margin with 6 million people voting. He won because too many Democrats stayed home and didn't vote, not because he won them over. The Clinton campaign neglected Pennsylvania with their money and time, allowing Trump to get a tiny victory. It won't happen again. Trumps approval number are BELOW 45% in the state, and the voting results in the recent election which was about TRUMP shows that its solid Blue again.

You can't be re-elected in Pennsylvania with an approval rating below 45% which is where Trump is.

The Clintons did not neglect the state. Bill was around here several times as was Hillary. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh got out massive vote but the overwhelming rural vote was too much.

The biggest difference was in the suburbs which made up 58% of the total vote. It went for Trump by 8 points. It went for Wolf by 14 points. Also 98% of voters who voted for Clinton voted for Wolf and 14% of Trump voters went for Wolf.
Its by far the easier path to victory for the Democrats. The Blue WALL, just 18 states, is worth 248 electoral votes. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are apart of that Blue wall and Just barely went for Trump by very slight margins in 2016 due to Democrat campaign neglect. That won't happen in 2020. So the Democrats essentially start 2020 with 248 votes in the can, they get to 270 with just two more states, ever more liberal Colorado and ever more liberal Virginia. Just those 20 states give the Democrats 270 votes and its GAME OVER for TRUMP.

Two more years of the Trump economy you people will be lucky to win 12 states.

People already think the economy is doing well and suburban and female voters turned on the GOP.

Is that why so many Dem candidates claimed to support Trump's policies to get elected? Many promising NOT to support Pelosi for speaker? Half your blue wave was a red wave suck it. :auiqs.jpg:

Were talking about Pennsylvania here and to a lesser extent Wisconsin and Michigan. Those are the only states that matter for 2020 Presidential election given the partisan divide in the country, as well as voting history since 1992. The Democrats only have to win 20 states in 2020 to win the White House back. They have won most of these states every election since 1992 with the exception of Colorado and Virginia in more than one election, and PA, MI, and Wisc in just one election.

Dems are stupid, their policy of tax increases and heaps of government regulations unpopular, you will lose in 2020 just deal with it.

Tax cuts for Warren Buffet does not boost the economy, tax cuts for the middle class do. Regulations prevent wild swings in the market and prevent recessions from turning into Depressions. You want steady growth, not wild swings from boom to busts.

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