Trump insults a war hero

Interesting information from the OP link:

Trump managed to avoid serving in the Vietnam war because of a series of draft deferments. Asked why he didn't serve, Trump said, "I had student deferments and ultimately had a medical deferment because of my feet. I had a bone spur." But Trump said he did not recall which foot was injured and instructed reporters to look up his records.

Trump added, "I was not a big fan of the Vietnam War. I wasn’t a protester, but the Vietnam War was a disaster for our country. What did we get out of the Vietnam War other than death? We got nothing.”

Sounds like a page torn out of Dick Cheney's draft-dodging playbook.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Sounds like the same shit the Obama supporters say about McCain.

Show me one who said it. I have never, ever disparaged John McCain's service or his war record and even at his first address as President-elect on November 4, 2008, Obama spoke in glowing tones about McCain and especially about his service. It's probably the most gracious and honest treatment a loser ever got from the winner in US presidential politics.

So, try again, this time with talent.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.

This is why trump bashed McCain. McCain is hiding something about himself at the cost of POW's that were left behind.

The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides

"For example, all the Pentagon debriefings of the prisoners who returned from Vietnam are now classified and closed to the public under a statute enacted in the 1990s with McCain’s backing. He says this is to protect the privacy of former POWs and gives it as his reason for not making public his own debriefing."

"The prisoner return in 1973 saw 591 Americans repatriated by North Vietnam. The problem was that the U.S. intelligence list of men believed to be alive at that time in captivity — in Vietnam, Laos and possibly across the border in southern China and in the Soviet Union — was much larger."
you guys loved trashing the war hero Kerry

Kerry was no war hero, fool

Yes, he is, you stupid fool.

Military career of John Kerry - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He has done things that most people can only dream of.

So, go fuck yourself, troll.

Now, back to the OP, which is about Don Trump, an even bigger troll than you, SassyFuckSnoot.

Look, asshole.I have a purple heart that hangs in our den and will someday be given to the son of the man that earned it. It was paid for in blood and sacrifice, don't you EVER try to tell me what a hero is. Kerry is no fucking hero. No way, no how
You earned a Purple heart? Where did you serve and how did you earn that Purple Heart?
Hint...Irish LASS would hint at the lack of a penis...
Are you sure she doesn't have one stashed there somewhere?
so what. as if you on the left could care. none of you cared about that when he ran for President. or that Bush and Reagan served their country.

you people and Trump. you weren't any better with Palin. if anything you were downright vile and nasty to a woman running for office

it was some sick sick stuff

worry about your own party of old ALL WHITE corrupted fogies running. You all need a LOT OF HELP

Don't be silly. At this point the left LOVES trump..............GO DONALD!!!!!!
Interesting information from the OP link:

Trump managed to avoid serving in the Vietnam war because of a series of draft deferments. Asked why he didn't serve, Trump said, "I had student deferments and ultimately had a medical deferment because of my feet. I had a bone spur." But Trump said he did not recall which foot was injured and instructed reporters to look up his records.

Trump added, "I was not a big fan of the Vietnam War. I wasn’t a protester, but the Vietnam War was a disaster for our country. What did we get out of the Vietnam War other than death? We got nothing.”

Sounds like a page torn out of Dick Cheney's draft-dodging playbook.

Or Rush Limpball's anal warts thing....
and now all of sudden they on left all CARE about McCain.

two faced hypocrites is the standard for them. because when he was running for President. they dumped all over him because he was shot down and captured
Name names of posters that did that. And some examples of some of us dumping "all over him because he was shot down and captured" would go a long way towards making us believe you.
I like how libs are criticizing Trump for criticizing McCain when he isn't saying anything they weren't saying in 2008. Hypocrisy.

I don't recall anyone questioning McCains war record, not like the swift boaters lied about Kerry.
McCain is a horrid Senator and a milquetoast conservative. He should be called out for his rotten Senate record.

But his war record? That's crossing a line. Trump is way out of line.

There you go. You did it right.

It's ok to have an opinion about every pol, but to disparage American service? No way.

You are absolutely right. Trump is way out of line.

How much you wanna bet he goes up 5 more points in GOP polling now?

Maybe. McCain is not very popular with conservatives or libertarians.
no we did not.

that is a lie

dems did NOT trash MaCain
Well, I have no doubt that some classless people did.....but I'd like to see some examples from Stephanie from posters here. Think she'll give us some?
Look, asshole.I have a purple heart that hangs in our den and will someday be given to the son of the man that earned it. It was paid for in blood and sacrifice, don't you EVER try to tell me what a hero is. Kerry is no fucking hero. No way, no how
Who did you steal that from? The only thing you know about Kerry is that he is a democrat. That is the only fact that lets inbred fucks like you attack him.

Fuck you. Kerry is no fucking war hero. Nada, aint happening. You idiot left loons have low standards if you think Kerry is anything but what he is...a fucking coward and traitor
And where did your daddy/uncle get he Purple Heart? Splinters in his knees while blowing the Sarge?

The man that earned it would have spit in your ass, fag
You mean spit out the Sarge's cum?

Breaking the family rule are you?
so what. as if you on the left could care. none of you cared about that when he ran for President. or that Bush and Reagan served their country.

you people and Trump. you weren't any better with Palin. if anything you were downright vile and nasty to a woman running for office

it was some sick sick stuff

worry about your own party of old ALL WHITE corrupted fogies running. You all need a LOT OF HELP

Don't be silly. At this point the left LOVES trump..............GO DONALD!!!!!!

Of course you mean HW Bush. The one with a brain.
I've trashed McCains record as a slimeball lying pandering war hawk politician. The idea that the left banged on his military service....beyond noting his less than stellar record with aviation bull. He walked the walk, nutters.
You earned a Purple heart? Where did you serve and how did you earn that Purple Heart?

I never said I earned it you stupid dyke.
Tell us more about how having a Purple Heart hanging in your den makes you an expert on who properly earned military medals. We're listening.

I said it belongs to the son of the one that earned it, dyke. Now go shave your hairy back and stop bothering me

I wonder how many she has? and she could tell us about the combat she was in while she's at it. she thinks because she served that's gives her a RIGHT to be a witch to everyone

She's an annoyance, I just take her off ignore to btich slap her once in awhile

I never take her off. all she does is troll/stalk as you found out in this thread.

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