Trump is a bold faced LIAR wake the fuck up people

The wives & girlfriends of the 9/11 terrorists did not leave the country to go home and watch it happen on tv. THEY WERE NEVER HERE TO BEGIN WITH

And don't give me that Obama lied bullshit excuse. Pointing to one jackass does not make it ok for your jackass to also lie to the American people. For once don't be a hypocrite and let's hold our own accountable for their bullshit.

There is only one reason Trump continues to lie & exaggerate the way he does. He has NO RESPECT FOR HIS SUPPORTERS. NONE
He has seen that despite the lies you continue to support him.
It reminds me of a spouse that is cheated on but chooses to pretend it's not happening.

Trump supporters won't 'wake up.' They enjoy living in their delusions. It's their version of a literal dream coming proverbially true.

I came across this article yesterday, with an interesting (i.e.sickening) video attached. Listen to the one guy talk about the San Bernardino shooting as the first terrorist attack on us soil since 9/11. Apparently he missed the terrorist shooting that took place just 24 hours prior.

Trump supporters are so wrapped up in their own fantasy land, there's simply no reasoning with them.

Fact Checking all Candidates show Lies and Stretching of the truths...Why are you singling out just Trump for perhaps a 1/2 truth?

AP FACT CHECK: Republican debaters go astray

Fact Checking all of the Candidates shows lies and stretching the truth.
JEB BUSH: "We need to embed our forces, our troops, inside the Iraqi military."

THE FACTS: The U.S. is already doing that.

CRUZ on people in the U.S. illegally: "I have never supported legalization, and I do not intend to support legalization."

THE FACTS: That flies in the face of the Texas senator's record and past rhetoric. Cruz has indeed been against an explicit path to citizenship for people in the country illegally, but he introduced legislation in 2013 that proposed eventual legal status for millions of them.

I could spend the whole day fact checking all of them
Legal status (ie green card) is not the same as citizenship.
And on top of that his amendment was nothing more than an attempt to poison the water & killing the original bill imo.
Is Trump the sign of the future in American politics? Should we now expect more outlandish statements, more pouting expressions, more promises that cannot be kept, and will this lead to even greater Santa Claus candidates? Trump is funny and a change from the usual but apparently he appeals to some, do they believe him or do they want to believe him?
Anyway he's funny, but does this also tell us something about Americans?

Haaaa Haaaa have you been watching the debate? Every single one of the canditates failed the Fact Checking .

Every single one of the canditates failed the Fact Checking

standard from both sides of the aisle
Trump used the Hyperbolic "thousands" do denote "many"------he should
be hanged
Wrong topic, wrong thread.

Wanna go for 3 strikes?

Wanna go for 3 strikes?

3 strikes?
The wives & girlfriends of the 9/11 terrorists did not leave the country to go home and watch it happen on tv. THEY WERE NEVER HERE TO BEGIN WITH

And don't give me that Obama lied bullshit excuse. Pointing to one jackass does not make it ok for your jackass to also lie to the American people. For once don't be a hypocrite and let's hold our own accountable for their bullshit.

There is only one reason Trump continues to lie & exaggerate the way he does. He has NO RESPECT FOR HIS SUPPORTERS. NONE
He has seen that despite the lies you continue to support him.
It reminds me of a spouse that is cheated on but chooses to pretend it's not happening.

Trump supporters won't 'wake up.' They enjoy living in their delusions. It's their version of a literal dream coming proverbially true.

I came across this article yesterday, with an interesting (i.e.sickening) video attached. Listen to the one guy talk about the San Bernardino shooting as the first terrorist attack on us soil since 9/11. Apparently he missed the terrorist shooting that took place just 24 hours prior.

Trump supporters are so wrapped up in their own fantasy land, there's simply no reasoning with them.

Fact Checking all Candidates show Lies and Stretching of the truths...Why are you singling out just Trump for perhaps a 1/2 truth?

AP FACT CHECK: Republican debaters go astray

Fact Checking all of the Candidates shows lies and stretching the truth.
JEB BUSH: "We need to embed our forces, our troops, inside the Iraqi military."

THE FACTS: The U.S. is already doing that.

CRUZ on people in the U.S. illegally: "I have never supported legalization, and I do not intend to support legalization."

THE FACTS: That flies in the face of the Texas senator's record and past rhetoric. Cruz has indeed been against an explicit path to citizenship for people in the country illegally, but he introduced legislation in 2013 that proposed eventual legal status for millions of them.

I could spend the whole day fact checking all of them

Do you have a point here? That is, beyond the obvious implication that Trump fanbois are justified in believing outright fairy tales because Bush is ignorant and Cruz made a misleading assertion?
Do you have a link about the family disowning Laden?

Your ignorance is troubling. That his family disowned him and condemned his behaviors was well known even back in 2001.

Let me google that for you

I am sure they liked his money.


You mean, he liked their money. That's how he became wealthy in the first place. Something about his father giving him a $1 million loan to start an oil business, except Osama never paid him back. :lol:

You don't need to get nasty to find a link that you quoted~

"Of course, for the purveyors of the official conspiracy theory of Al-Qaeda, none of this has any relevance because the Saudi Binladin Group, the family business conglomerate, issued a terse, two-sentence statement in April of 1994 publicly disowning Osama. The facts, however, indicate that this public disowning was in fact a ruse."

In 2004, Osama’s half-brother Yeslam Binladin admitted that the family shared a joint Swiss bank account with Osama. The account was not closed until 1997, the year after the Khobar Towers bombing.

Yeslam’s ex-wife, Carmen, has also stated that she “cannot believe” that the family “have cut off Osama completely,” as have Vincent Cannistraro, the former head of the CIA Counter Terrorism Center, Michael Scheuer, the former head of the CIA Bin Laden unit, and the French intelligence service, which released a report two days after 9/11 indicating they believed the Bin Laden family to be covertly aiding Osama.

The Last Word on Osama Bin Laden : The Corbett Report
lets not confuse the issue here.

Integrity is meaningless.

:dunno: questions ?
Dude, you are voting for HRC :anj_stfu:

yup, and I just gave you the reasons why.

you idiot

you actually voted yes on my poll. Do you know how goddamn stupid you are?
At first I thought it was just a troll being a dick. But no, it was just an insufferable MORON.

sure did ... because nobody else had the balls to. The Trumpsters don't like it when someone has the balls to go against the grain ?

fucking hypocrite
lets not confuse the issue here.

Integrity is meaningless.

:dunno: questions ?
Dude, you are voting for HRC :anj_stfu:

yup, and I just gave you the reasons why.

you idiot

you actually voted yes on my poll. Do you know how goddamn stupid you are?
At first I thought it was just a troll being a dick. But no, it was just an insufferable MORON.

sure did ... because nobody else had the balls to. The Trumpsters don't like it when someone has the balls to go against the grain ?

fucking hypocrite
Im not voting for Trump. I was just saying how can you bring up integrity and you are going to vote for Hillary? How can someone be that dumb?
Siete | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You don't need to get nasty to find a link that you quoted~

Stupidity is a nasty ordeal, especially when it's intentional employed through dishonesty. If you're going to play stupid, don't get mad when you end up dirty.
You're wasting your breath...they are committed to Trump come lie after lie after lie.

It is the principle of people focusing on one candidate while every single debater exaggerates. I find it to be morally hypocritical .
Not so much supporting him .
I am focusing on him because he is leading & I think he would make a terrible president. Nothing hypocritical about it.
The wives & girlfriends of the 9/11 terrorists did not leave the country to go home and watch it happen on tv. THEY WERE NEVER HERE TO BEGIN WITH

And don't give me that Obama lied bullshit excuse. Pointing to one jackass does not make it ok for your jackass to also lie to the American people. For once don't be a hypocrite and let's hold our own accountable for their bullshit.

There is only one reason Trump continues to lie & exaggerate the way he does. He has NO RESPECT FOR HIS SUPPORTERS. NONE
He has seen that despite the lies you continue to support him.
It reminds me of a spouse that is cheated on but chooses to pretend it's not happening.
did you say something?
lets not confuse the issue here.

Integrity is meaningless.

:dunno: questions ?
Dude, you are voting for HRC :anj_stfu:

And that means not caring about integrity is a-ok!

Like you actually care

I do, and that renders your entire response invalid

Apparently you don't or you would have included my entire post.

I dont have to include anything to prove youre full of shit. I care. Your response is therefore invalid. Thats what happens when your only power is personal attacks.

I deleted your question too. What you gonna do? Call names like you did out the gate?

No loss
Dude, you are voting for HRC :anj_stfu:

And that means not caring about integrity is a-ok!

Like you actually care

I do, and that renders your entire response invalid

Apparently you don't or you would have included my entire post.

I dont have to include anything to prove youre full of shit. I care. Your response is therefore invalid. Thats what happens when your only power is personal attacks.

I deleted your question too. What you gonna do? Call names like you did out the gate?

No loss

What a laugh!

Questions trumps integrity, gets his ass kicked by pointing out he doesn't really give a crap about integrity

And runs off crying!


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