Trump is a bold faced LIAR wake the fuck up people

The wives & girlfriends of the 9/11 terrorists did not leave the country to go home and watch it happen on tv. THEY WERE NEVER HERE TO BEGIN WITH

Trump is not lying. If he was lying, the entire Republican party - including every one of his primary opponents - would be able to end his political career immediately. Nobody has challenged Trump's assertions. Not one candidate on that stage took issue with it, including Jeb Bush.


Because it is well documented that Bush flew prominent Saudis - including members of the Bin Laden family - out of the USA directly after 9/11.

Bush did this knowing that Osama Bin Laden was the culprit.

This is treason.

If Obama did this, he would be in prison.

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released new documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") related to the "expeditious departure" of Saudi nationals, including members of the bin Laden family, from the United States following the 9/11 attacks. According to one of the formerly confidential documents, dated 9/21/2001, terrorist Osama bin Laden may have chartered one of the Saudi flights.

(And you people want to put this party back in the White House. Are you insane?)
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The wives & girlfriends of the 9/11 terrorists did not leave the country to go home and watch it happen on tv. THEY WERE NEVER HERE TO BEGIN WITH

Trump is not lying. If he was lying, the entire Republican party - including every one of his primary opponents - would be able to end his political career immediately. Nobody has challenged Trump's assertions. Not one candidate on that stage took issue with it, including Jeb Bush.


Because it is well documented that Bush flew prominent Saudis - including members of the Bin Laden family - out of the USA directly after 9/11.

Bush did this knowing that Osama Bin Laden was the culprit.

This is treason.

If Obama did this, he would be in prison.

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released new documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") related to the "expeditious departure" of Saudi nationals, including members of the bin Laden family, from the United States following the 9/11 attacks. According to one of the formerly confidential documents, dated 9/21/2001, terrorist Osama bin Laden may have chartered one of the Saudi flights.

(And you people want to put this party back in the White House. Are you insane?)
Again ..... here's what Trump said .....

"When you had the World Trade Center go, people were put into planes that were friends, family, girlfriends, and they were put into planes and they were sent back, for the most part, to Saudi Arabia. They knew what was going on. They went home and they wanted to watch their boyfriends on television. I would be very, very firm with families. Frankly, that will make people think because they may not care much about their lives, but they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

How did the go home "after" 9.11 to see their "boyfriends" (the hijackers) on TV?

So what?

Hillary's a bold faced liar and the lefty pukes think nothing of it. What's good for the Cankles is good for the gander, no?

I expect more from a candidate I'm going to support.
Thank you Gramps - this cannot be repeated enough.

When the best you have is to point out the other side does the same thing then there really is no reason to support that candidate. No one cares though.
That is not the claim Trump made. Not even close.

Now your exaggerating ( video of what he said ) unless if Trump talked about this on a earlier date I don't see the big deal during the debate he talked about families, which to me is a huge deal...

Why was anyone able to leave...? Why were the families protected?

Trump Exposed How Bush Family Helped Bin Ladens Escape After 9/11

"When you had the World Trade Center go, people were put into planes that were friends, family, girlfriends, and they were put into planes and they were sent back, for the most part, to Saudi Arabia. They knew what was going on. They went home and they wanted to watch their boyfriends on television. I would be very, very firm with families. Frankly, that will make people think because they may not care much about their lives, but they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

I want to point out that this thread, in general, is entirely missing what should scare the shit out of anyone and focusing on the WRONG THING.

The fact that Trump lied is immaterial in that statement - who gives a fuck. What truly bothers me is that Trump is not only completely okay with getting on national television and threatening the LIVES OF INNOCENT PEOPLE but that he is applauded of stating as such.

He essentially states don't be a terrorist because we will kill your family. Holy fucking shit - nothing he has stated up until this point even comes close to the insanity of that single sentiment.
"Trump is a bold faced LIAR wake the fuck up people"

Trump isn't a serious candidate.
Reality would say differently. I agreed with that sentiment months ago. Trump is still leading though. He IS a serious candidate - that is a hard fact at this point.

I still do not think he is going to win but to state he is not a serious candidate is grossly ignoring reality.
The wives & girlfriends of the 9/11 terrorists did not leave the country to go home and watch it happen on tv. THEY WERE NEVER HERE TO BEGIN WITH

Trump is not lying. If he was lying, the entire Republican party - including every one of his primary opponents - would be able to end his political career immediately. Nobody has challenged Trump's assertions. Not one candidate on that stage took issue with it, including Jeb Bush.


Because it is well documented that Bush flew prominent Saudis - including members of the Bin Laden family - out of the USA directly after 9/11.

Bush did this knowing that Osama Bin Laden was the culprit.

This is treason.

If Obama did this, he would be in prison.

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released new documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") related to the "expeditious departure" of Saudi nationals, including members of the bin Laden family, from the United States following the 9/11 attacks. According to one of the formerly confidential documents, dated 9/21/2001, terrorist Osama bin Laden may have chartered one of the Saudi flights.

(And you people want to put this party back in the White House. Are you insane?)
Explain why this is treason.
Donald Trump is such a great liar because he sincerely believes it is reality, not a lie.

Trump is what happens when you limit your news intake to sources like Alex Jones and the Gateway Pundit, who just make shit up and peddle it while their followers swallow it whole.
There's no effort required. All that's needed with dingbats is the truth

I see all your non effort right now.

Of course you do, as none was needed.

And yet divert from the very thing that got you're panties in a twist in the first place.

You trying to make integrity an important part of political figures EXCEPT when it comes to you're saviour Obama refusing to release his University records.

Get ready for another round of Closed Captions crying......

In 3.....2.....1......

I told you that integrity is important. You saying what I believe only matters to you. And throwing Obama into the mix is desperate and not even a defense because you have none.

Yeah, I hear you demanding to see Obama prove his by releasing his university records all over this site!


Name the last president to voluntarily release their college transcripts (without them first being leaked to the press)......

Nice deflection. The discussion was on integrity.

Obama has the ability to prove he has it and refuses to do so
The wives & girlfriends of the 9/11 terrorists did not leave the country to go home and watch it happen on tv. THEY WERE NEVER HERE TO BEGIN WITH

And don't give me that Obama lied bullshit excuse. Pointing to one jackass does not make it ok for your jackass to also lie to the American people. For once don't be a hypocrite and let's hold our own accountable for their bullshit.

There is only one reason Trump continues to lie & exaggerate the way he does. He has NO RESPECT FOR HIS SUPPORTERS. NONE
He has seen that despite the lies you continue to support him.
It reminds me of a spouse that is cheated on but chooses to pretend it's not happening.
Donald Trump is such a great liar because he sincerely believes it is reality, not a lie.

Trump is what happens when you limit your news intake to sources like Alex Jones and the Gateway Pundit, who just make shit up and peddle it while their followers swallow it whole.

Okay. Let's assume you are right.

What can we make of the fact that he is so popular on the Right?

His support is massive and seemingly unwavering.

Why do so many people on the Right believe an idiot?

One of our two national political parties has a majority of voters who lack the intellectual resources to see through Trump's very obvious bullshit?

With the help of FOX News and Talk Radio and decades of targeted think tank propaganda, the right has cultivated a know-nothing voting block who is dangerously vulnerable to the Trumps and Palins of the world. This is dangerous because these people vote.

The majority of these people can't explain the complex tribal conflicts inside the Syrian civil war. They see the Middle East as a large, vague source of evil rather than a complex tapestry of groups fighting for power. Their inability to understand the region means they will never be able to advocate for the kind of political solution that will create the stability needed to hold military gains - and this solution must involve moderate Muslims because that is who lives in the region. However, the people Trump is appealing to know nothing about Muslims, which means they can be manipulated to fear them because said fear creates the needed consensus for continued intervention in the region (which allows us to protect the vital oil assets upon which our economy depends).

Worse: if we listen to the Trump morons, we won't be able to create a political solution with the help of the moderate Muslims in the region. As a result, the region will never be stable and we will be feeding American troops and our children's money into a black hole - a black hole of fear made possible by intellectually handicapped people who can't see through Trump's very transparent bullshit (empty tough talk).

The problem isn't Trump. The problem is what Trump's popularity says about the average rightwing voter. Out country has been taken over by know-nothing morons.

God help us.
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I see all your non effort right now.

Of course you do, as none was needed.

And yet divert from the very thing that got you're panties in a twist in the first place.

You trying to make integrity an important part of political figures EXCEPT when it comes to you're saviour Obama refusing to release his University records.

Get ready for another round of Closed Captions crying......

In 3.....2.....1......

I told you that integrity is important. You saying what I believe only matters to you. And throwing Obama into the mix is desperate and not even a defense because you have none.

Yeah, I hear you demanding to see Obama prove his by releasing his university records all over this site!


Name the last president to voluntarily release their college transcripts (without them first being leaked to the press)......

Nice deflection. The discussion was on integrity.

Obama has the ability to prove he has it and refuses to do so
No worries, I couldn't name one either.
Try harder captain Zing

There's no effort required. All that's needed with dingbats is the truth

I see all your non effort right now.

Of course you do, as none was needed.

And yet divert from the very thing that got you're panties in a twist in the first place.

You trying to make integrity an important part of political figures EXCEPT when it comes to you're saviour Obama refusing to release his University records.

Get ready for another round of Closed Captions crying......

In 3.....2.....1......

I told you that integrity is important. You saying what I believe only matters to you. And throwing Obama into the mix is desperate and not even a defense because you have none.

Yeah, I hear you demanding to see Obama prove his by releasing his university records all over this site!



Just because I'm not doing something you think I should means nothing dumbass. I think you should take a long walk on a short pier.

What was that? You're not doing it? Welp, there goes your integrity! Womp Womp!
There's no effort required. All that's needed with dingbats is the truth

I see all your non effort right now.

Of course you do, as none was needed.

And yet divert from the very thing that got you're panties in a twist in the first place.

You trying to make integrity an important part of political figures EXCEPT when it comes to you're saviour Obama refusing to release his University records.

Get ready for another round of Closed Captions crying......

In 3.....2.....1......

I told you that integrity is important. You saying what I believe only matters to you. And throwing Obama into the mix is desperate and not even a defense because you have none.

Yeah, I hear you demanding to see Obama prove his by releasing his university records all over this site!



Just because I'm not doing something you think I should means nothing dumbass. I think you should take a long walk on a short pier.

What was that? You're not doing it? Welp, there goes your integrity! Womp Womp!

Did I claim I walk on piers? No, no I don't think I did. Had I, I would gladly prove it, especially if I was applying for a position as a pier walker!

Now that's integrity.
Of course you do, as none was needed.

And yet divert from the very thing that got you're panties in a twist in the first place.

You trying to make integrity an important part of political figures EXCEPT when it comes to you're saviour Obama refusing to release his University records.

Get ready for another round of Closed Captions crying......

In 3.....2.....1......

I told you that integrity is important. You saying what I believe only matters to you. And throwing Obama into the mix is desperate and not even a defense because you have none.

Yeah, I hear you demanding to see Obama prove his by releasing his university records all over this site!


Name the last president to voluntarily release their college transcripts (without them first being leaked to the press)......

Nice deflection. The discussion was on integrity.

Obama has the ability to prove he has it and refuses to do so
No worries, I couldn't name one either.

How cute, defending you're deflection.
I told you that integrity is important. You saying what I believe only matters to you. And throwing Obama into the mix is desperate and not even a defense because you have none.

Yeah, I hear you demanding to see Obama prove his by releasing his university records all over this site!


Name the last president to voluntarily release their college transcripts (without them first being leaked to the press)......

Nice deflection. The discussion was on integrity.

Obama has the ability to prove he has it and refuses to do so
No worries, I couldn't name one either.

How cute, defending you're deflection.
Moans the forum pervert who's actually whining about Obama and his college transcripts in a thread about Trump. :eusa_doh:
The wives & girlfriends of the 9/11 terrorists did not leave the country to go home and watch it happen on tv. THEY WERE NEVER HERE TO BEGIN WITH

And don't give me that Obama lied bullshit excuse. Pointing to one jackass does not make it ok for your jackass to also lie to the American people. For once don't be a hypocrite and let's hold our own accountable for their bullshit.

There is only one reason Trump continues to lie & exaggerate the way he does. He has NO RESPECT FOR HIS SUPPORTERS. NONE
He has seen that despite the lies you continue to support him.
It reminds me of a spouse that is cheated on but chooses to pretend it's not happening.
But his supporters just might take the GOP nomination. What does that say about your party?
Yeah, I hear you demanding to see Obama prove his by releasing his university records all over this site!


Name the last president to voluntarily release their college transcripts (without them first being leaked to the press)......

Nice deflection. The discussion was on integrity.

Obama has the ability to prove he has it and refuses to do so
No worries, I couldn't name one either.

How cute, defending you're deflection.
Moans the forum pervert who's actually whining about Obama and his college transcripts in a thread about Trump. :eusa_doh:

No, I was commenting on integrity, something the board hater of everything heterosexual likely knows nothing about.

And again, you're hatred of heterosexuals is noted along with you're deflection.
Name the last president to voluntarily release their college transcripts (without them first being leaked to the press)......

Nice deflection. The discussion was on integrity.

Obama has the ability to prove he has it and refuses to do so
No worries, I couldn't name one either.

How cute, defending you're deflection.
Moans the forum pervert who's actually whining about Obama and his college transcripts in a thread about Trump. :eusa_doh:

No, I was commenting on integrity, something the board hater of everything heterosexual likely knows nothing about.

And again, you're hatred of heterosexuals is noted along with you're deflection.
I too was commenting on integrity. So if I was deflecting, so were you. :ack-1:

Poor forum pervert, thinks a president not releasing their college transcripts shows a lack of integrity but can't name a single president who released them without their college record being leaked to the media.

Nice deflection. The discussion was on integrity.

Obama has the ability to prove he has it and refuses to do so
No worries, I couldn't name one either.

How cute, defending you're deflection.
Moans the forum pervert who's actually whining about Obama and his college transcripts in a thread about Trump. :eusa_doh:

No, I was commenting on integrity, something the board hater of everything heterosexual likely knows nothing about.

And again, you're hatred of heterosexuals is noted along with you're deflection.
I too was commenting on integrity. So if I was deflecting, so were you. :ack-1:

Poor forum pervert, thinks a president not releasing their college transcripts shows a lack of integrity but can't name a single president who released them without their college record being leaked to the media.


Poor hetro hating faun and its constant deflection.

If integrity is oh so important to you dingbats, you wouldn't be worried about what others did, you'd lead by example.

Oh dear, that screws up you're whole argument again.

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