Trump Is A Jackass And A Bully But Not A Racist....

Those of you who read my posts know I'm a Rubio supporter and have delighted in Marco finally going after Donny in Trump fashion....screw ideas and concepts...this race is about invective and insult. And Trump clearly hasn't liked being stood up to and called out by my candidate. But this KKK and David Duke stuff is nonsense. Trump is no white supremacist. Not a single person has ever said that about him before. And a man I have tremendous respect for, Rudy Giuliani confirmed as much today.

But beware of what nominating Trump will stir up...this crap and much worse. Make Trump your nominee and the Rats will come after any slight real or imaginary against any minority with knives out. And the old guard GOP won't lift a finger to help him. And then the litany of other smarmy deeds in his past will be brought out like chinese water-torture...drip drip drip until he's either fighting off the jackals 24/7 instead of promoting his platform, or walks away in disgust, giving his supporters and the country the finger.

There's better choices and those choices can be made starting today. Picking the wrong guy this time is paramount to kissing our asses goodbye. Clinton isn't going to be indicted; Loretta Lynch said as much in an interview yesterday. She can't be beaten with name-calling and insults. She wins unless a young, dynamic, articulate conservative can make a fool out of her by comparison.
Now you know he’s the trifecta


Nice job doing a Vorhees on the thread though.
Those of you who read my posts know I'm a Rubio supporter and have delighted in Marco finally going after Donny in Trump fashion....screw ideas and concepts...this race is about invective and insult. And Trump clearly hasn't liked being stood up to and called out by my candidate. But this KKK and David Duke stuff is nonsense. Trump is no white supremacist. Not a single person has ever said that about him before. And a man I have tremendous respect for, Rudy Giuliani confirmed as much today.

But beware of what nominating Trump will stir up...this crap and much worse. Make Trump your nominee and the Rats will come after any slight real or imaginary against any minority with knives out. And the old guard GOP won't lift a finger to help him. And then the litany of other smarmy deeds in his past will be brought out like chinese water-torture...drip drip drip until he's either fighting off the jackals 24/7 instead of promoting his platform, or walks away in disgust, giving his supporters and the country the finger.

There's better choices and those choices can be made starting today. Picking the wrong guy this time is paramount to kissing our asses goodbye. Clinton isn't going to be indicted; Loretta Lynch said as much in an interview yesterday. She can't be beaten with name-calling and insults. She wins unless a young, dynamic, articulate conservative can make a fool out of her by comparison.
Billions of people all over this country and the rest of the world were appalled at what the Trump said today. He confirmed to them all that he’s a virulent racist.
He gave ample examples of his racism during the campaign too.
Just one example: “Judge Curiel is not fit to be a judge because he’s a Mexican.”
Even Paul Ryan said,” That’s textbook racism.”
If that happens then expect Trump to run third party and hand Hillary the election with a smile on his face, well that shitty smirk he has...

I know this is going to read very pathetic, but I have the same smirk, so when I see him using it, well let just say he is lying at his worst...

And I've been in sales for almost 50 years and I know a "car guy" when I see one (Trump) and a TV evangelist (Cruz) that I can't stomach. That's mainly why I picked Rubio....he's a normal guy with big ambition and a proper sense of right and wrong.
You’re a car guy and you voted for a candidate with the ethics of a used car salesman?

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