Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be


So a leftwing douche bag comes out and admits when they have been trying to convince the public of ever since the election.

To bad no one's buying it, douche bag.

Sadly for you, MOST Americans do agree with me, fucktard.

Poor little Trumpkin piece of shit.

Not the ones who passed the 2nd grade commie Marxist pinko traitor


So why isn't Trump a "commie Marxist pinko traitor" for supporting Putin?

Can you explain that one, unsophisticated Repug goober boy? Didn't think so. You suck at this shit, unremarkable one.

Are you going to cry now? Or are you going to run out and take a poop on a American flag....To prove what a dumb fuck you are?

Still waiting for an explanation, dishonest unsophisticated Repug goober boy....

You got nothing, traitor piece of shit.

Remind us Boi who is the traitors again?

Occupy Oakland on July 4, 2012. Their“F**K the 4th” parade included vandalism, “Kill Cops” rhetoric and a flag burning. It was at least the third flag burning at Occupy Oakland.

Elsewhere, Occupy Charlotte and Occupy Maine held their own flag burnings. Meanwhile, college campuses were of course reliable flag-burning hotspots. Including at LSU, where in 2011 a communication studies graduate student (really) planned to burn a flag. Sadly for him, hundreds of patriotic counter protesters showed up. He never got to light the flag and had to be taken away in police custody for his own safety. Oh, and his reason for the protest? The arrest of another LSU student for stealing and then burning an American flag.

Ferguson to Baltimore

Reports on the rioting stemming from controversial deaths of black men at the hands of police over the last several months have shown looting, rock-throwing, chanting and sign waving. Only ABC News noted flag burnings. On the October 10 World News Tonight with David Muir showed video as correspondent Steve Osunami introduced a report from St. Louis, saying ,“The streets on fire in Missouri again. They were burning flags and throwing bricks at police.”
Sorry bri IF he lowers my taxes and takes away the death tax I'll make out like a bandit,,,,,But most of the country and you, probably won't
When three $trillion in overseas profits return to the USA, everyone will benefit. When illegal aliens are prevented from taking American jobs, every American who gets those jobs will benefit.

How would anyone but a bunch of tics on the ass of society and illegal aliens benefit from the election of Hillary?
Those illegals take jobs no republican would take Cleaning cesspools cutting up animals repairing bridges etc etc

Since when don't we hunt, fish and clean our own game city boy who thinks meat is made in the supermarket.

And you could do that 8 hours a day 5 days a week butchering animals???

Yea... What's the big deal?

I'll be damned if I could
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Sad sore fuckin loser.
Excuse me soldier. I'll have you know he is an Air Force Major, and I would insist you address the idiot in the proper manner.

Berkeley’s Swastika Problem: Are America’s Liberal Colleges Breeding Anti-Semitism?
03.19.15 5:25 AM ET
The grilling of student Rachel Beyda over whether she was unqualified to join the UCLA’s student judicial board, merely because she is Jewish, shocked people with its blatant display of anti-Semitism at one of the nation’s most liberal schools.

“Given that you're very active in the Jewish community, how do you see yourself being able to maintain an unbiased view?” Fabienne Roth, a member of UCLA’s Undergraduate Student Association Council, asked her. After Beyda left the room, another member of the council opined, “I don't know. For some reason I am not comfortable. I just don't know why. I can definitely see she's qualified.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Sad sore fuckin loser.
Excuse me soldier. I'll have you know he is an Air Force Major, and I would insist you address the idiot in the proper manner.

LOL lol I was a PFC E 3 I think it was and look at the abuse I get
Okay, so Trump will be a bastard president.....but he will still be president, like it or not.

Had the Hilda-Beast won the EC but not the popular vote, y'all would be praising the EC.
If we elected the president by popular vote you might have a point, but since we don't, you don't.

And, of course, you ignored everything else I wrote. No surprise from an intellectually dishonest lightweight such as yourself.

Most of your posts are meaningless partisan filler. NO offense.

Pointing out that Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes and that Trump is a lap dog for Putin is "partisan"?

Got it, lightweight.

The fist part is meaningless and the second is a complete moronic lie.

Sifting though crap like that to find a sort of point to respond to, is not "ignoring everything else", it's the result of everything else being crap.

Soon Trump will be President and you will have real issues to complain about.

I hope when that time comes, that you are able to clearly communicate something about what you feel other than vague resentment.

Ain't vague at all, lightweight. I explained clearly why Trump is an illegitimate President.

Sadly, you just ain't got the facts on your side so you cry like a little bitch about "partisanship".
You did? How you figure since nothing you posted was legitimate?
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Trump won by the rules......that you morons can't understand that is not surprising...considering the other stupid things you think......and if majority votes are important to you....then you were fine with gay marriage losing in every state they tried to pass it in...then you put it through the courts..since you lost the majority vote...right?
You're the one who will be eating the shit sandwich, moron. I will enjoy watching you cry for the next 8 years,
Sorry bri IF he lowers my taxes and takes away the death tax I'll make out like a bandit,,,,,But most of the country and you, probably won't
When three $trillion in overseas profits return to the USA, everyone will benefit. When illegal aliens are prevented from taking American jobs, every American who gets those jobs will benefit.

How would anyone but a bunch of tics on the ass of society and illegal aliens benefit from the election of Hillary?
Those illegals take jobs no republican would take Cleaning cesspools cutting up animals repairing bridges etc etc

Bullshit. You bring in workers who work for WAGES Americans won't do it for, then say Americans wouldn't do it so you need to bring in low wage workers.

And that's what your claiming is your reason for supporting illegal immigration? Seriously? You want to help corporations?

You want some time to work on your story?
where tf did I say I support illegal immigration??? send all illegals home I just said they take jobs republicans wouldn't take

Yes, Democrats do dominate low skill positions, I agree with you on that
Okay, so Trump will be a bastard president.....but he will still be president, like it or not.

Had the Hilda-Beast won the EC but not the popular vote, y'all would be praising the EC.
Not a chance joe didn't praise it in 2000 either Thats 2 pop votes you lost and still gained the presidency
Sorry bri IF he lowers my taxes and takes away the death tax I'll make out like a bandit,,,,,But most of the country and you, probably won't
When three $trillion in overseas profits return to the USA, everyone will benefit. When illegal aliens are prevented from taking American jobs, every American who gets those jobs will benefit.

How would anyone but a bunch of tics on the ass of society and illegal aliens benefit from the election of Hillary?
Those illegals take jobs no republican would take Cleaning cesspools cutting up animals repairing bridges etc etc

Bullshit. You bring in workers who work for WAGES Americans won't do it for, then say Americans wouldn't do it so you need to bring in low wage workers.

And that's what your claiming is your reason for supporting illegal immigration? Seriously? You want to help corporations?

You want some time to work on your story?
where tf did I say I support illegal immigration??? send all illegals home I just said they take jobs republicans wouldn't take

Yes, Democrats do dominate low skill positions, I agree with you on that
We're part of the swamp trump is taking to the WH The Goldmans???
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Sad sore fuckin loser.
Excuse me soldier. I'll have you know he is an Air Force Major, and I would insist you address the idiot in the proper manner.

Major Idiot?
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Sad sore fuckin loser.
Excuse me soldier. I'll have you know he is an Air Force Major, and I would insist you address the idiot in the proper manner.

LOL lol I was a PFC E 3 I think it was and look at the abuse I get
I'm giving him grief because he my be in the Air Force, but a Major he is not.
Thank you for you service.
We're not the one who kneels before the National Anthem commie pinko bastard traitor.



It's called freedom of expression, unremarkable one.

They are not praising a murderer like Putin who interferes in our elections. That would be you, Repug traitor mother fucker.

Now it's freedom of expression cock sucking commie liberal ?

So when trump praises Putin for bitch slapping the child Obama he is called a traitor? What happened to freedom of speech?


"So when trump praises Putin for bitch slapping the child Obama he is called a traitor?"

The answer is YES, you hopelessly stupid Repug mother fucker. God damn, you're dumb. Seriously.

Check only freedom of speech is fag liberals who takes a crap on the American flag like you pussy


You left out "communist pinko", unremarkable one. I guess since Trump supports a "communist pinko" like Putin, you realized that your previous comment was ill-advised.

LOL, I love your previous question about Trump being a traitor for praising Putin and his dislike for President Obama. You are so fucking stupid.

You suck at this shit, Repug lightweight. You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect. But you are a worthless Trumpkin traitor piece of shit, so I would expect nothing less.

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

We're not the one who kneels before the National Anthem commie pinko bastard traitor.



It's called freedom of expression, unremarkable one.

They are not praising a murderer like Putin who interferes in our elections. That would be you, Repug traitor mother fucker.

Now it's freedom of expression cock sucking commie liberal ?

So when trump praises Putin for bitch slapping the child Obama he is called a traitor? What happened to freedom of speech?


"So when trump praises Putin for bitch slapping the child Obama he is called a traitor?"

The answer is YES, you hopelessly stupid Repug mother fucker. God damn, you're dumb. Seriously.

Remind us again who is the traitors who are the moral scum of America?


Seriously, do you have to use profanity in every post? Does that make you feel important or something? How old are you. 15? Your mother would be proud of you, really, and remember, even if your mother isn't reading your profanity laced posts, there are younger people, and females on here.

I am ashamed to think you are an American, and I want to KNOW WHY THE MODS HAVN'T SAID SOMETHING TO YOU about your profanity laced tirades in basically every post!
On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.
Quote it then?
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Sad sore fuckin loser.
Excuse me soldier. I'll have you know he is an Air Force Major, and I would insist you address the idiot in the proper manner.

LOL lol I was a PFC E 3 I think it was and look at the abuse I get

Of course you were, all liberals were in the military. You're all rich and don't need the money, you just want to pay taxes to give charity. You all are responsible gun owners which is how you know gun owners are all wackos who want to kill people.

I'm forgetting one. Oh yeah, you were also Republicans until Gore failed to steal the election in 2000. There actually was no Democrat party before 2000 when you won and had the election stolen from you.

Another liberal who was in the military ...

Okay, so Trump will be a bastard president.....but he will still be president, like it or not.

Had the Hilda-Beast won the EC but not the popular vote, y'all would be praising the EC.
Not a chance joe didn't praise it in 2000 either Thats 2 pop votes you lost and still gained the presidency
Of course not, your guy didn't win either time. That's why you are whining!

Both HRC and DJT ran their campaigns to win the EC, not the pop vote. DJT won by the rules in place. If you don't like the EC, then I suggest you start a movement for a constitutional amendment to elect the president by popular vote. Stop being a cry baby!

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