TRUMP IS BAD!!: The Moral Test of Our Time

So in your shit-for-brains head; the only two choices are being a whore monger (or whore monger supporter like yourself) or a "church lady"?

You're a fucking idiot.

No sweetheart, you might note that I am an actual church lady but not playing one. I am a real Sunday School teacher but not crying about Donald Trump visiting porn stars, see. It's horrible, it's a sin and it's wrong, but I'm not calling OTHER people out for HIS sins. I'm also not ready to ban him from public life forever.


Oh, because I'm not a Moralizing Puritan, that's why. But so many these days are. It's like Plymouth Rock around here. But it's not the Christians, ironically, who are the Church Ladies.

The irony is dark chocolate delicious, i'm here to tell you.

Whatever all of that means...

Right, of course. Because it's TRUMP voters who have no understanding of history, or culture....

oh yeah. Right.

I really have zero idea what you're taking about.

Do you know who the Puritans were? Let's start there.
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

No one cared about Bill's BJ. He lied under oath. That's the no-no.

Agree but also, messed with an intern on the job. In the Oval Office. I don't think he's a morally upright man in his sex life and neither is Donald Trump. But if that did not disqualify Clinton for office than it does not disqualify Trump either. The Left cannot have it both ways.


So the special prosecutor who investigated Whitewater ended up with Monica and Paula Jones.

Much in the same way that the investigation into Russian meddling has netted Flynn, Manafort, and Cohen on unrelated charges?

Those conservatives calling for the investigation to end seem to be wanting it both ways as well....agreed?
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

I can see you have TOTALLY missed the Left's point.

But the fact that you are clearly getting REALLY worked up about it all, proves that it is a charm.

I am an Indy, but I am with the Left 100% in trying to get rid of Trump. I imagine they will take your silly OP as encouragement that their efforts are working as Trumpbots (like their manchild Messiah) are clearly starting to lose their nerve.

Oh...BTW - I believe it's 'violently serious about it' - not 'violently seriously about it'. I realize most Trumpbots are not educated so...well, happy to help.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Have a WONDERFUL day.

What a lying sack of shit."I am an independent but helping the left". You are just another butthurt fabian socialist that dreams of a commie utopia......only over your dead body. LOL!

We live in a socialist society, cops, state workers, federal workers , IRS, FBI, Military, CIA, Congress (mighty expensive) Firemen, teachers, and the big one, Corps. and their tax abatements. Even in most states, prisons.

Every city, every state, every county and nearly every town is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC. Composite "gubermint" has controlling interest in nearly every Fortune 500 corporation. The owners of USA.INC have the majority of the wealth and they sure as shit don't give a flying fuck about you or want your input as it pertains to the Orwellian gulag we are in.

I hate to be so blunt but you are the quintessential example of the term "clueless sheeple".....utterly stupid with a sense of entitlement....SMH.

The wealthy always ruled, WASPS, were WEALTY , white Anglo Saxon protestants.

White male voting didn't come till around 1856 when poor white men who didn't own land or pay tax were not allowed to vote, then they started with the literacy tests.

There is no need for the Electoral College today, and I hope when Dems get control they get rid of it.

Even today they are still , the GOP, are trying to suppress the vote. If not for extreme gerrymandering and suppression of voting , Democrats would win.

ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY jaw dropping stupidity at its finest, folks!
I can see you have TOTALLY missed the Left's point.

But the fact that you are clearly getting REALLY worked up about it all, proves that it is a charm.

I am an Indy, but I am with the Left 100% in trying to get rid of Trump. I imagine they will take your silly OP as encouragement that their efforts are working as Trumpbots (like their manchild Messiah) are clearly starting to lose their nerve.

Oh...BTW - I believe it's 'violently serious about it' - not 'violently seriously about it'. I realize most Trumpbots are not educated so...well, happy to help.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Have a WONDERFUL day.

What a lying sack of shit."I am an independent but helping the left". You are just another butthurt fabian socialist that dreams of a commie utopia......only over your dead body. LOL!

We live in a socialist society, cops, state workers, federal workers , IRS, FBI, Military, CIA, Congress (mighty expensive) Firemen, teachers, and the big one, Corps. and their tax abatements. Even in most states, prisons.

Every city, every state, every county and nearly every town is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC. Composite "gubermint" has controlling interest in nearly every Fortune 500 corporation. The owners of USA.INC have the majority of the wealth and they sure as shit don't give a flying fuck about you or want your input as it pertains to the Orwellian gulag we are in.

I hate to be so blunt but you are the quintessential example of the term "clueless sheeple".....utterly stupid with a sense of entitlement....SMH.

The wealthy always ruled, WASPS, were WEALTY , white Anglo Saxon protestants.

White male voting didn't come till around 1856 when poor white men who didn't own land or pay tax were not allowed to vote, then they started with the literacy tests.

There is no need for the Electoral College today, and I hope when Dems get control they get rid of it.

Even today they are still , the GOP, are trying to suppress the vote. If not for extreme gerrymandering and suppression of voting , Democrats would win.

ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY jaw dropping stupidity at its finest, folks!

You know when everyone gets to vote--even illegal aliens--those who are not producers just vote themselves more benefits off the producers' backs. We are seeing this now in spades, and we have seen in from history. Eventually the gig (jig?) is up, and the whole kit and caboodle comes tumbling down.

I'm not proposing we go back to "only landowners vote". But I'm not so thick-headed I don't see the beauty in it, to be honest.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

I can see you have TOTALLY missed the Left's point.

But the fact that you are clearly getting REALLY worked up about it all, proves that it is a charm.

I am an Indy, but I am with the Left 100% in trying to get rid of Trump. I imagine they will take your silly OP as encouragement that their efforts are working as Trumpbots (like their manchild Messiah) are clearly starting to lose their nerve.

Oh...BTW - I believe it's 'violently serious about it' - not 'violently seriously about it'. I realize most Trumpbots are not educated so...well, happy to help.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Have a WONDERFUL day.

What is your answer clown ,Free shit for everyone, liberals are fucking pathetic, you should move to North Korea.
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

I can see you have TOTALLY missed the Left's point.

But the fact that you are clearly getting REALLY worked up about it all, proves that it is a charm.

I am an Indy, but I am with the Left 100% in trying to get rid of Trump. I imagine they will take your silly OP as encouragement that their efforts are working as Trumpbots (like their manchild Messiah) are clearly starting to lose their nerve.

Oh...BTW - I believe it's 'violently serious about it' - not 'violently seriously about it'. I realize most Trumpbots are not educated so...well, happy to help.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Have a WONDERFUL day.

The left has a point? Dumbass.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.
Adults are fucking tired of idiots like you! So your misery has company this should make you very happy!
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

but didn't you see those wonderful Trump campaign hats everyone was wearing & that wonderful slogan?

Make Witches Great Again

Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now
Trump has a long history of being not just a sexual whore, but a sleazy kind of lying whore. He actually is recorded bragging about it numerous times. He knows what a lowlife he is. This is why he paid off his "girlfriends".
Many Americans just do not like having a sleazy low-life lying cheating adulterous jerk for a President. They are allowed to feel that way because, well, this is America.

Haha...oh the irony.
You describe Trump to be all that the Left usually
Don’t you people LOVE anything and everything that good, normal people would see as shameful, immoral, indecent and plain fucking weird? Don’t you people love lowlifes and bottom feeders?
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now

Get a fricken job, your opinion may improve.
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now

Get a fricken job, your opinion may improve.

caddo kid is like most Lefties....they measure America’s “greatness” by the amount of free shit that Father Government allows them to steal from good people.
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now

Get a fricken job, your opinion may improve.

caddo kid is like most Lefties....they measure America’s “greatness” by the amount of free shit that Father Government allows them to steal from good people.

LOL, I could be a lefty. Not totally against free shit, but where the hell is my free shit?
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now

Get a fricken job, your opinion may improve.

I was replying to this: "Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity"

That does seem to be what many Americans do; focus on the negative. That is what politicians typically do; focus on the negative. Trump based his campaign on focusing on the negative. It seems to have worked for him. Americans fell for it so, I assume Americans are negative.

I recently paid off my mortgage; biggest single expense I have ever paid in my entire life.

I don't need a job but thanks.
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now

Get a fricken job, your opinion may improve.

I was replying to this: "Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity"

That does seem to be what many Americans do; focus on the negative. That is what politicians typically do; focus on the negative. Trump based his campaign on focusing on the negative. It seems to have worked for him. Americans fell for it so, I assume Americans are negative.

I recently paid off my mortgage; biggest single expense I have ever paid in my entire life.

I don't need a job but thanks.

Good for you, now that you're rich you can start paying your fair share.
Agree but also, messed with an intern on the job. In the Oval Office. I don't think he's a morally upright man in his sex life and neither is Donald Trump. But if that did not disqualify Clinton for office than it does not disqualify Trump either. The Left cannot have it both ways.

Sure we can.

If Trump committed crimes paying off his mistresses, then he should be removed.

And here's the thing, we don't know half of what the prosecutors know at this point.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

I can see you have TOTALLY missed the Left's point.

But the fact that you are clearly getting REALLY worked up about it all, proves that it is a charm.

I am an Indy, but I am with the Left 100% in trying to get rid of Trump. I imagine they will take your silly OP as encouragement that their efforts are working as Trumpbots (like their manchild Messiah) are clearly starting to lose their nerve.

Oh...BTW - I believe it's 'violently serious about it' - not 'violently seriously about it'. I realize most Trumpbots are not educated so...well, happy to help.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Have a WONDERFUL day.

What a lying sack of shit."I am an independent but helping the left". You are just another butthurt fabian socialist that dreams of a commie utopia......only over your dead body. LOL!

We live in a socialist society, cops, state workers, federal workers , IRS, FBI, Military, CIA, Congress (mighty expensive) Firemen, teachers, and the big one, Corps. and their tax abatements. Even in most states, prisons.

Every city, every state, every county and nearly every town is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC. Composite "gubermint" has controlling interest in nearly every Fortune 500 corporation. The owners of USA.INC have the majority of the wealth and they sure as shit don't give a flying fuck about you or want your input as it pertains to the Orwellian gulag we are in.

I hate to be so blunt but you are the quintessential example of the term "clueless sheeple".....utterly stupid with a sense of entitlement....SMH.

The wealthy always ruled, WASPS, were WEALTY , white Anglo Saxon protestants.

White male voting didn't come till around 1856 when poor white men who didn't own land or pay tax were not allowed to vote, then they started with the literacy tests.

There is no need for the Electoral College today, and I hope when Dems get control they get rid of it.

Even today they are still , the GOP, are trying to suppress the vote. If not for extreme gerrymandering and suppression of voting , Democrats would win.

You clearly have no idea what a constitutional change requires.
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now

Get a fricken job, your opinion may improve.

caddo kid is like most Lefties....they measure America’s “greatness” by the amount of free shit that Father Government allows them to steal from good people.

got my first job when I was 15 years old, worked every summer between school years during high school, had a job lined up before graduation & went to work in one of the largest steel fabs in the US as a welder. Been in the work place for over forty years & recently paid off my mortgage. Free sh!t may be good but it aint my gig. Thanks
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now

Get a fricken job, your opinion may improve.

I was replying to this: "Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity"

That does seem to be what many Americans do; focus on the negative. That is what politicians typically do; focus on the negative. Trump based his campaign on focusing on the negative. It seems to have worked for him. Americans fell for it so, I assume Americans are negative.

I recently paid off my mortgage; biggest single expense I have ever paid in my entire life.

I don't need a job but thanks.

Good for you, now that you're rich you can start paying your fair share.

Rich? LOL, I wish.

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