TRUMP IS BAD!!: The Moral Test of Our Time

I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

If you thought Obama was not born in the US, you wear a tin foil hat, but if you don't believe in Russian collusion, you are devoid of reality.


But If you do not believe that the Russians influenced our election in 2016; you are devoid of reality. Every intel service we have says they did by taking part in a coordinated social media blitz and by electronically hacking parts of our political apparatus...


If you do not think that...

Trump's top adviser Roger Stone met with the hackers...
Trump's congressional supporter met with the Russian ambassador and lied about it.
Trump's son met with Russian agents and lied about it's nature
Trump's son in law was at the same meeting
Trump's campaign manager was at the same meeting
Trump's national security adviser met with the Russians and lied about the nature of the meeting

warrants investigation; you are truly devoid of reality.

If all of the above were absolutely true, there would be no violation of any federal laws. It is not illegal to meet with, and or talk with any Russians, including the Russian Ambassador. If you have any evidence that the talks or meetings resulted in a conspiracy to commit an illegal act, the special prosecutor would like you to provide it to him.

if meeting with a member of a hostile adversarial foreign government WITH THE INTENT to get 'something of value' that may/can/will influence a US election violates the law bigley. traitor tot's own email chain shows it with no question... no reasonable doubt.

I'm not much concerned with that myself. It's probably not illegal but definitely improper.
Hacking computers is a crime. Facilitating the hacking of computers by paying the hackers, supporting the hackers, or working with the hackers is a crime.

Given Trump and Cohen's partnership and what we know about how they went about paying hush money to whores he clipped...I don't think anyone would be surprised if they did the same thing with hackers or their confederates.
I so remember Clinton...

Slick Willie forced himself on interns and assorted federal, state and local government employees. The Donald hooked up with porn stars and playboy bunnies in private. Do you not see the difference Penelope? It makes one wonder about your sexual history to be honest!

lol... the pussy grabbing man whore claimed that 'aids was his vietnam'.... i wonder how many kooties he brought home to melania?

The American Left: From Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll to

Shame on you, you Trumpkins!11!! Shame, shame, shame!!! Prob'ly your president had sex with lots of women!! Also, get off my lawn!!!

Oh man, this is great laughs.

uh-huh... i couldn't care less about the man whore's countless escapades. i care that he is putin's bitch & has committed treason.
As long as you support a whore monger; you should expect to be called someone who is morally bankrupt. Sorry.

As long as you're comfortable being the party of Church Ladies in 2018. You're familiar with the Saturday Night Live Church Lady skit right? The moralizing puritanical finger waggers?

Because that's liberals these days. And it makes me go

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha wait




all hung up on everyone's sex lives and shaming everyone for it!!! LOL LOL LOL

So in your shit-for-brains head; the only two choices are being a whore monger (or whore monger supporter like yourself) or a "church lady"?

You're a fucking idiot.

No sweetheart, you might note that I am an actual church lady but not playing one. I am a real Sunday School teacher but not crying about Donald Trump visiting porn stars, see. It's horrible, it's a sin and it's wrong, but I'm not calling OTHER people out for HIS sins. I'm also not ready to ban him from public life forever.


Oh, because I'm not a Moralizing Puritan, that's why. But so many these days are. It's like Plymouth Rock around here. But it's not the Christians, ironically, who are the Church Ladies.

The irony is dark chocolate delicious, i'm here to tell you.

Whatever all of that means...

Right, of course. Because it's TRUMP voters who have no understanding of history, or culture....

oh yeah. Right.

I really have zero idea what you're taking about.
I so remember Clinton...

Slick Willie forced himself on interns and assorted federal, state and local government employees. The Donald hooked up with porn stars and playboy bunnies in private. Do you not see the difference Penelope? It makes one wonder about your sexual history to be honest!

lol... the pussy grabbing man whore claimed that 'aids was his vietnam'.... i wonder how many kooties he brought home to melania?

The American Left: From Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll to

Shame on you, you Trumpkins!11!! Shame, shame, shame!!! Prob'ly your president had sex with lots of women!! Also, get off my lawn!!!

Oh man, this is great laughs.

uh-huh... i couldn't care less about the man whore's countless escapades. i care that he is putin's bitch & has committed treason.

Oh no, no way. No backing out now, Puritan. You were just here finger-wagging about whores and whore-mongers and what diseases he was bringing home to Melania and wondering out loud who was supporting the whore-monger. There will be no shrugging out of that Puritan black now that you have been called on your double- and triple-standards just because you realize how ridiculous you look........

By the way, have you ordered a chastity belt for the moral panic yet?
As long as you're comfortable being the party of Church Ladies in 2018. You're familiar with the Saturday Night Live Church Lady skit right? The moralizing puritanical finger waggers?

Because that's liberals these days. And it makes me go

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha wait




all hung up on everyone's sex lives and shaming everyone for it!!! LOL LOL LOL

So in your shit-for-brains head; the only two choices are being a whore monger (or whore monger supporter like yourself) or a "church lady"?

You're a fucking idiot.

No sweetheart, you might note that I am an actual church lady but not playing one. I am a real Sunday School teacher but not crying about Donald Trump visiting porn stars, see. It's horrible, it's a sin and it's wrong, but I'm not calling OTHER people out for HIS sins. I'm also not ready to ban him from public life forever.


Oh, because I'm not a Moralizing Puritan, that's why. But so many these days are. It's like Plymouth Rock around here. But it's not the Christians, ironically, who are the Church Ladies.

The irony is dark chocolate delicious, i'm here to tell you.

Whatever all of that means...

Right, of course. Because it's TRUMP voters who have no understanding of history, or culture....

oh yeah. Right.

I really have zero idea what you're taking about.

Do you know who the Puritans were? Let's start there.
I so remember Clinton...

Slick Willie forced himself on interns and assorted federal, state and local government employees. The Donald hooked up with porn stars and playboy bunnies in private. Do you not see the difference Penelope? It makes one wonder about your sexual history to be honest!

lol... the pussy grabbing man whore claimed that 'aids was his vietnam'.... i wonder how many kooties he brought home to melania?

The American Left: From Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll to

Shame on you, you Trumpkins!11!! Shame, shame, shame!!! Prob'ly your president had sex with lots of women!! Also, get off my lawn!!!

Oh man, this is great laughs.

uh-huh... i couldn't care less about the man whore's countless escapades. i care that he is putin's bitch & has committed treason.

Oh no, no way. No backing out now, Puritan. You were just here finger-wagging about whores and whore-mongers and what diseases he was bringing home to Melania and wondering out loud who was supporting the whore-monger. There will be no shrugging out of that Puritan black now that you have been called on your double- and triple-standards just because you realize how ridiculous you look........

By the way, have you ordered a chastity belt for the moral panic yet?

oh my, that's how you understood that? lol... it couldn't POSSIBLY be the hypocrisy shown to the 'sluts' who slept with the man whore... but excusing the man whore's OWN behavior? ya, i think you did. i soooooooooooooo enjoy the same loons & like minded loons who went all bat shit crazy over a BJ in the whitehouse---- to the point of impeachment...... & turning a planked blind eye & selling out their beliefs to what they voted in... because of $$$$.

you do know how snowflaky you sound? lol.....
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

If you thought Obama was not born in the US, you wear a tin foil hat, but if you don't believe in Russian collusion, you are devoid of reality.

False equivalence. Your specialty.
Slick Willie forced himself on interns and assorted federal, state and local government employees. The Donald hooked up with porn stars and playboy bunnies in private. Do you not see the difference Penelope? It makes one wonder about your sexual history to be honest!

lol... the pussy grabbing man whore claimed that 'aids was his vietnam'.... i wonder how many kooties he brought home to melania?

The American Left: From Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll to

Shame on you, you Trumpkins!11!! Shame, shame, shame!!! Prob'ly your president had sex with lots of women!! Also, get off my lawn!!!

Oh man, this is great laughs.

uh-huh... i couldn't care less about the man whore's countless escapades. i care that he is putin's bitch & has committed treason.

Oh no, no way. No backing out now, Puritan. You were just here finger-wagging about whores and whore-mongers and what diseases he was bringing home to Melania and wondering out loud who was supporting the whore-monger. There will be no shrugging out of that Puritan black now that you have been called on your double- and triple-standards just because you realize how ridiculous you look........

By the way, have you ordered a chastity belt for the moral panic yet?

oh my, that's how you understood that? lol... it couldn't POSSIBLY be the hypocrisy shown to the 'sluts' who slept with the man whore... but excusing the man whore's OWN behavior? ya, i think you did. i soooooooooooooo enjoy the same loons & like minded loons who went all bat shit crazy over a BJ in the whitehouse---- to the point of impeachment...... & turning a planked blind eye & selling out their beliefs to what they voted in... because of $$$$.

you do know how snowflaky you sound? lol.....

Really you know where I stood with the Clinton debacle 20 years ago? huh. Well for your information, the only problem I had with it is that he was messing around WITH AN INTERN in the Oval Office. I would have a problem if Trump did that too with an intern on work property. Now morally, I do not condone what Trump does. It's not right; it's a moral sin and it is bad all the way around. But strangely, it is the LEFT that cannot separate his job from anything else.

You all are in a hyperventilating moral panic the likes of which have not been seen since the fainting couch, smelling salt, chastity belt Victorian days. It's just ironically hilarious to watch.


That it comes from the party of sex, drugs and rock and roll? Honey, there's not enough popcorn in all the movie theaters in all the world. LOL
lol... the pussy grabbing man whore claimed that 'aids was his vietnam'.... i wonder how many kooties he brought home to melania?

The American Left: From Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll to

Shame on you, you Trumpkins!11!! Shame, shame, shame!!! Prob'ly your president had sex with lots of women!! Also, get off my lawn!!!

Oh man, this is great laughs.

uh-huh... i couldn't care less about the man whore's countless escapades. i care that he is putin's bitch & has committed treason.

Oh no, no way. No backing out now, Puritan. You were just here finger-wagging about whores and whore-mongers and what diseases he was bringing home to Melania and wondering out loud who was supporting the whore-monger. There will be no shrugging out of that Puritan black now that you have been called on your double- and triple-standards just because you realize how ridiculous you look........

By the way, have you ordered a chastity belt for the moral panic yet?

oh my, that's how you understood that? lol... it couldn't POSSIBLY be the hypocrisy shown to the 'sluts' who slept with the man whore... but excusing the man whore's OWN behavior? ya, i think you did. i soooooooooooooo enjoy the same loons & like minded loons who went all bat shit crazy over a BJ in the whitehouse---- to the point of impeachment...... & turning a planked blind eye & selling out their beliefs to what they voted in... because of $$$$.

you do know how snowflaky you sound? lol.....

Really you know where I stood with the Clinton debacle 20 years ago? huh. Well for your information, the only problem I had with it is that he was messing around WITH AN INTERN in the Oval Office. I would have a problem if Trump did that too with an intern on work property. Now morally, I do not condone what Trump does. It's not right; it's a moral sin and it is bad all the way around. But strangely, it is the LEFT that cannot separate his job from anything else.

You all are in a hyperventilating moral panic the likes of which have not been seen since the fainting couch, smelling salt, chastity belt Victorian days. It's just ironically hilarious to watch.


That it comes from the party of sex, drugs and rock and roll? Honey, there's not enough popcorn in all the movie theaters in all the world. LOL

oh dear... you also seem to think i am a (D).

another fail on your part.

btw... trump being a russian asset cannot be separated from his job. no matter how much you want it to all go away, & just for a few extra dollars in your pocket.

it's just simply not going to end well for president tinkles. :popcorn:

Trump has a long history of being not just a sexual whore, but a sleazy kind of lying whore. He actually is recorded bragging about it numerous times. He knows what a lowlife he is. This is why he paid off his "girlfriends".
Many Americans just do not like having a sleazy low-life lying cheating adulterous jerk for a President. They are allowed to feel that way because, well, this is America.
you never had sex??
Trump has a long history of being not just a sexual whore, but a sleazy kind of lying whore. He actually is recorded bragging about it numerous times. He knows what a lowlife he is. This is why he paid off his "girlfriends".
Many Americans just do not like having a sleazy low-life lying cheating adulterous jerk for a President. They are allowed to feel that way because, well, this is America.

Indeed they are, and allowed to celebrate because the trains are running once again.

As to the rest, no one cares. There are few in Washington who have not engaged their secondary passions.
I so remember Clinton...

Slick Willie forced himself on interns and assorted federal, state and local government employees. The Donald hooked up with porn stars and playboy bunnies in private. Do you not see the difference Penelope? It makes one wonder about your sexual history to be honest!

Um, no he didn't. She loved every minute of it, and I suspect she was put in the WH just to seduce him. No I do not see any difference. He is probably still hiring hookers and watching kiddy porn. Remember he likes them young.

Wonder why Billy didn't have a NDA or a lot of NDAs.
actually--legally--most states specify it is rape/etc if it is a person of power/etc....and the POTUS is definitely that--no matter what the age of the victim--even WITH consent
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

No one cared about Bill's BJ. He lied under oath. That's the no-no.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

If you thought Obama was not born in the US, you wear a tin foil hat, but if you don't believe in Russian collusion, you are devoid of reality.


But If you do not believe that the Russians influenced our election in 2016; you are devoid of reality. Every intel service we have says they did by taking part in a coordinated social media blitz and by electronically hacking parts of our political apparatus...

Did they influence your vote?

I thought not.
We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

This is hilarious on so many levels.

You guys believed every liar who came out of the woodwork and made claims about Clinton, most of which were quickly debunked.

In one part of your diatribe, you call her a liar, and in another you concede they had an affair... which is it?
The FBI have the tapes of Trump and Cohen conspiring to pay off and do pay off a "porn star and her smarmy lawyer , , ,"

Yeah, Trump really is a bad moral test of America's goodness.
The American Left: From Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll to

Shame on you, you Trumpkins!11!! Shame, shame, shame!!! Prob'ly your president had sex with lots of women!! Also, get off my lawn!!!

Oh man, this is great laughs.

uh-huh... i couldn't care less about the man whore's countless escapades. i care that he is putin's bitch & has committed treason.

Oh no, no way. No backing out now, Puritan. You were just here finger-wagging about whores and whore-mongers and what diseases he was bringing home to Melania and wondering out loud who was supporting the whore-monger. There will be no shrugging out of that Puritan black now that you have been called on your double- and triple-standards just because you realize how ridiculous you look........

By the way, have you ordered a chastity belt for the moral panic yet?

oh my, that's how you understood that? lol... it couldn't POSSIBLY be the hypocrisy shown to the 'sluts' who slept with the man whore... but excusing the man whore's OWN behavior? ya, i think you did. i soooooooooooooo enjoy the same loons & like minded loons who went all bat shit crazy over a BJ in the whitehouse---- to the point of impeachment...... & turning a planked blind eye & selling out their beliefs to what they voted in... because of $$$$.

you do know how snowflaky you sound? lol.....

Really you know where I stood with the Clinton debacle 20 years ago? huh. Well for your information, the only problem I had with it is that he was messing around WITH AN INTERN in the Oval Office. I would have a problem if Trump did that too with an intern on work property. Now morally, I do not condone what Trump does. It's not right; it's a moral sin and it is bad all the way around. But strangely, it is the LEFT that cannot separate his job from anything else.

You all are in a hyperventilating moral panic the likes of which have not been seen since the fainting couch, smelling salt, chastity belt Victorian days. It's just ironically hilarious to watch.


That it comes from the party of sex, drugs and rock and roll? Honey, there's not enough popcorn in all the movie theaters in all the world. LOL

oh dear... you also seem to think i am a (D).

another fail on your part.

btw... trump being a russian asset cannot be separated from his job. no matter how much you want it to all go away, & just for a few extra dollars in your pocket.

it's just simply not going to end well for president tinkles. :popcorn:


I don't care your political affiliation, and it is and always has been "the economy, stupid". That's for starters, for enders, the Russian thing is a non-starter.
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

No one cared about Bill's BJ. He lied under oath. That's the no-no.

Agree but also, messed with an intern on the job. In the Oval Office. I don't think he's a morally upright man in his sex life and neither is Donald Trump. But if that did not disqualify Clinton for office than it does not disqualify Trump either. The Left cannot have it both ways.

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