TRUMP IS BAD!!: The Moral Test of Our Time

Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

People knew who Trump was before they voted for him.He was a Billionaire playboy type. No supprise that he would have a mistress or three........And it was still better for America and the world than Hillary. She wasn't about to bring prosperity anytime soon to the people who need it.
got my first job when I was 15 years old, worked every summer between school years during high school, had a job lined up before graduation & went to work in one of the largest steel fabs in the US as a welder. Been in the work place for over forty years & recently paid off my mortgage. Free sh!t may be good but it aint my gig. Thanks

Yeah, pretty sure no one wanted a life story. Good to know you're in a position to pay for everyone else's free shit though.

in case you haven't noticed, the government is nothing more than a Mafia. They TAX you & me, and nearly everyone else.

It's just another from of 'protection' money; the government just likes to call it a TAX.

You, me, nearly everyone has been paying for, "everyone else's free shit" for a very long time.

in case you haven't noticed

I have noticed, for the last 50 years I've noticed. Although, fortunately they now TAX me less. And supporting Democrats that want to increase those taxes to pay for "everyone else's free shit" just doesn't do a damn thing for me.

unfortunately taxes are (I believe) a necessary evil & it won't be changing any time soon

I disagree with the Trump tax cuts to benefit only the rich/wealthy GOP donor class & the corporations

This is driving up the deficit & the debt, and this is occurring during a so called good economy.

This is pure madness; it cannot be described any other way.

We have seen this movie before & it always ends the same way: the economy eventually goes south with extreme consequences.

GOP presidents are really great at destroying the economy & they do it by cutting taxes, all while they increase spending. Great

Yikes, and what do individuals typically do when their debt is increasing? They usually cut their spending.

' i love debt, i am the king of debt' ~ donald j drumpf

reminds me of the time back in the 90's, when he was put on an allowance by american banks because the orange man child couldn't use self control when it came to money. that's when he went to the russians for it, & slowly became the turn coat he is now..
We have failed the moral test of our time.

For the 1st time in history a proven felon and a domestic enemy of the United States, who compromised our national security not only RAN for President as one of the 2 political parties' candidate but was GIVEN that nomination.

For the 1st time in this nation's history a President and his administration betrayed the nation for the sake of their political party by:

- Committing Obstruction of Justice to protect their hand-picked criminal candidate from indictment and prison

- Committing treason - NIA, CIA, and FBI, intentionally or not, collaborated with the Russians by falsely pushing an unverified Russian-authored document as legitimate Intel in order to con Congress into appointing a Special is. Counsel consisting of Trump-Hating partisans led by a political assassin tied to fellow conspirators involved in the case.

The entire 'investigation' was nothing more than a ploy to get the treasonous Special Counsel whose mission it was to overturn the 2016 Democratic election, to destroy Donald Trump, and to Impeach the President by any means possible.

Mueller was empowered with treasonous authority to investigate every aspect of Trump and his team's lives, as far back in time as they needed to. His Mission: SEEK AND DESTROY THE PRESIDENT IF THE UNITED STATES.

Many years ago a communist once said the U tied States would never be defeated from any external enemy. It would destroyed, he said, from within.

That is exactly what the Democrats have been doing for the last 2+ years....and what they continue to do.

Electing our President is one of the most sacred and one of THE biggest exercises of our Freedom of Speech in our country...and now Democrats want to destroy that freedom by reversing an outcome they do not like through crimes and treason.

Democrats embraced Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in their primaries...and the Democrat Leaders stripped them of their freedom of choice and imposed their so upon them.

The American people rejected Hillary Clinton and chose Donald Trump as their President. Now, once again, the Democratic Socialist Party would-be rulers of America ate attempting to strip citizens of that freedom and trying g to impose their rule again, this time by trying to execute a logical coup / trying to overthrow the democratically elected President.

Call it what you want, the Democrats are proving, as Hillary said about those who reject the results of election, they are threats to our Democracy.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

I can see you have TOTALLY missed the Left's point.

But the fact that you are clearly getting REALLY worked up about it all, proves that it is a charm.

I am an Indy, but I am with the Left 100% in trying to get rid of Trump. I imagine they will take your silly OP as encouragement that their efforts are working as Trumpbots (like their manchild Messiah) are clearly starting to lose their nerve.

Oh...BTW - I believe it's 'violently serious about it' - not 'violently seriously about it'. I realize most Trumpbots are not educated so...well, happy to help.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Have a WONDERFUL day.
You should ask all the Mexican Americans, women and blacks that question since they voted for him
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

And leftards circled the wagon around Bill "drop trou" even when he was in office and shoving cigars up Lewinsky's twat.

Never voted for Billy Boy, and she loved having cigars up her, he did not force himself on her.
It was all the other women. He was a whore . Read some books on it
Oh no, no way. No backing out now, Puritan. You were just here finger-wagging about whores and whore-mongers and what diseases he was bringing home to Melania and wondering out loud who was supporting the whore-monger. There will be no shrugging out of that Puritan black now that you have been called on your double- and triple-standards just because you realize how ridiculous you look........

By the way, have you ordered a chastity belt for the moral panic yet?

oh my, that's how you understood that? lol... it couldn't POSSIBLY be the hypocrisy shown to the 'sluts' who slept with the man whore... but excusing the man whore's OWN behavior? ya, i think you did. i soooooooooooooo enjoy the same loons & like minded loons who went all bat shit crazy over a BJ in the whitehouse---- to the point of impeachment...... & turning a planked blind eye & selling out their beliefs to what they voted in... because of $$$$.

you do know how snowflaky you sound? lol.....

Really you know where I stood with the Clinton debacle 20 years ago? huh. Well for your information, the only problem I had with it is that he was messing around WITH AN INTERN in the Oval Office. I would have a problem if Trump did that too with an intern on work property. Now morally, I do not condone what Trump does. It's not right; it's a moral sin and it is bad all the way around. But strangely, it is the LEFT that cannot separate his job from anything else.

You all are in a hyperventilating moral panic the likes of which have not been seen since the fainting couch, smelling salt, chastity belt Victorian days. It's just ironically hilarious to watch.


That it comes from the party of sex, drugs and rock and roll? Honey, there's not enough popcorn in all the movie theaters in all the world. LOL

oh dear... you also seem to think i am a (D).

another fail on your part.

btw... trump being a russian asset cannot be separated from his job. no matter how much you want it to all go away, & just for a few extra dollars in your pocket.

it's just simply not going to end well for president tinkles. :popcorn:


I don't care your political affiliation, and it is and always has been "the economy, stupid". That's for starters, for enders, the Russian thing is a non-starter.

' That it comes from the party of sex, drugs and rock and roll?'

so, you were talking about the republican party, then? ya, that's the ticket.

as for the economy... sure, employment is up... but wages? nyet. that huuuuuuuuuge tax cut your gropenführer got passed & given to all them thar big corp tycoons? most of that went right into stock buybacks. NOT for raising wages. & those bonus' given out to a few worker bees? that's great, a $1000 bonus here & there for PR purposes doesn't last too long when health insurance premiums are skyrocketing due to the lost mandate the health care industry counts on for stability & determination of pricing.

the russian thing is a non starter for traitors who look at cash as the real salvation of this country.

for the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows

Oh I hope the Democrats run on that in November....pffftt, it was only a thousand bucks you got!!!

That's a winner! DO IT
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

I can see you have TOTALLY missed the Left's point.

But the fact that you are clearly getting REALLY worked up about it all, proves that it is a charm.

I am an Indy, but I am with the Left 100% in trying to get rid of Trump. I imagine they will take your silly OP as encouragement that their efforts are working as Trumpbots (like their manchild Messiah) are clearly starting to lose their nerve.

Oh...BTW - I believe it's 'violently serious about it' - not 'violently seriously about it'. I realize most Trumpbots are not educated so...well, happy to help.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Have a WONDERFUL day.
You're about as "independent" as Pol Pot.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

I can see you have TOTALLY missed the Left's point.

But the fact that you are clearly getting REALLY worked up about it all, proves that it is a charm.

I am an Indy, but I am with the Left 100% in trying to get rid of Trump. I imagine they will take your silly OP as encouragement that their efforts are working as Trumpbots (like their manchild Messiah) are clearly starting to lose their nerve.

Oh...BTW - I believe it's 'violently serious about it' - not 'violently seriously about it'. I realize most Trumpbots are not educated so...well, happy to help.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Have a WONDERFUL day.

What a lying sack of shit."I am an independent but helping the left". You are just another butthurt fabian socialist that dreams of a commie utopia......only over your dead body. LOL!

We live in a socialist society, cops, state workers, federal workers , IRS, FBI, Military, CIA, Congress (mighty expensive) Firemen, teachers, and the big one, Corps. and their tax abatements. Even in most states, prisons.
Except for corporations, those are all the parts of our society that suck. At a minimum, they cost orders of magnitude more than they should cost. In the case of some, such as teachers, Congress, the IRS and the FBI, they are doing positive harm to the country.

Corps are not socialism. They are private property. What "abatements" are you referring to?
oh my, that's how you understood that? lol... it couldn't POSSIBLY be the hypocrisy shown to the 'sluts' who slept with the man whore... but excusing the man whore's OWN behavior? ya, i think you did. i soooooooooooooo enjoy the same loons & like minded loons who went all bat shit crazy over a BJ in the whitehouse---- to the point of impeachment...... & turning a planked blind eye & selling out their beliefs to what they voted in... because of $$$$.

you do know how snowflaky you sound? lol.....

Really you know where I stood with the Clinton debacle 20 years ago? huh. Well for your information, the only problem I had with it is that he was messing around WITH AN INTERN in the Oval Office. I would have a problem if Trump did that too with an intern on work property. Now morally, I do not condone what Trump does. It's not right; it's a moral sin and it is bad all the way around. But strangely, it is the LEFT that cannot separate his job from anything else.

You all are in a hyperventilating moral panic the likes of which have not been seen since the fainting couch, smelling salt, chastity belt Victorian days. It's just ironically hilarious to watch.


That it comes from the party of sex, drugs and rock and roll? Honey, there's not enough popcorn in all the movie theaters in all the world. LOL

oh dear... you also seem to think i am a (D).

another fail on your part.

btw... trump being a russian asset cannot be separated from his job. no matter how much you want it to all go away, & just for a few extra dollars in your pocket.

it's just simply not going to end well for president tinkles. :popcorn:


I don't care your political affiliation, and it is and always has been "the economy, stupid". That's for starters, for enders, the Russian thing is a non-starter.

' That it comes from the party of sex, drugs and rock and roll?'

so, you were talking about the republican party, then? ya, that's the ticket.

as for the economy... sure, employment is up... but wages? nyet. that huuuuuuuuuge tax cut your gropenführer got passed & given to all them thar big corp tycoons? most of that went right into stock buybacks. NOT for raising wages. & those bonus' given out to a few worker bees? that's great, a $1000 bonus here & there for PR purposes doesn't last too long when health insurance premiums are skyrocketing due to the lost mandate the health care industry counts on for stability & determination of pricing.

the russian thing is a non starter for traitors who look at cash as the real salvation of this country.

for the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows

Oh I hope the Democrats run on that in November....pffftt, it was only a thousand bucks you got!!!

That's a winner! DO IT

lol... wages aren't going up & the tax cut for workers isn't permanent. prices at the store are going up... that is courtesy of the tariffs starting to kick in... & people gotta eat & drive & wash their clothes... but you go on girl... you got it all sewn up, right?

pray hard.
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I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.
Trump is a bad peroson, yes. Case closed
Trump cheated on his wife and infant with a 2 porn stars, he should of kept it in his pants.

I so remember Clinton was held to such high godly purity standards, I'm talking Bill, that was when the GOP were ? moral, where are their morals now??

Look below how Godly he and Pence are. Makes me puke.

I see no difference in the left or the right when it comes to “their guy”, the extreme left saw nothing wrong with Clinton, the extreme right sees nothing wrong with Trump. Same with Bush, the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President. Nothing positive, just more focusing on the negative, more of the same stupidity, more of the mind numbing BS, more fake outrage and so it goes.

We are a negative country, we never see the good, just the bad.

you imply America was never really that great; we certainly are NOT great now

If that is what you get out of my post, then so be it.
Yeah, pretty sure no one wanted a life story. Good to know you're in a position to pay for everyone else's free shit though.

in case you haven't noticed, the government is nothing more than a Mafia. They TAX you & me, and nearly everyone else.

It's just another from of 'protection' money; the government just likes to call it a TAX.

You, me, nearly everyone has been paying for, "everyone else's free shit" for a very long time.

in case you haven't noticed

I have noticed, for the last 50 years I've noticed. Although, fortunately they now TAX me less. And supporting Democrats that want to increase those taxes to pay for "everyone else's free shit" just doesn't do a damn thing for me.

unfortunately taxes are (I believe) a necessary evil & it won't be changing any time soon

I disagree with the Trump tax cuts to benefit only the rich/wealthy GOP donor class & the corporations

This is driving up the deficit & the debt, and this is occurring during a so called good economy.

This is pure madness; it cannot be described any other way.

We have seen this movie before & it always ends the same way: the economy eventually goes south with extreme consequences.

GOP presidents are really great at destroying the economy & they do it by cutting taxes, all while they increase spending. Great

Yikes, and what do individuals typically do when their debt is increasing? They usually cut their spending.

' i love debt, i am the king of debt' ~ donald j drumpf

reminds me of the time back in the 90's, when he was put on an allowance by american banks because the orange man child couldn't use self control when it came to money. that's when he went to the russians for it, & slowly became the turn coat he is now..

Hmmm....not familiar with money are you? Hold out for your free stuff, I'm sure it's worth a couple of bucks.
in case you haven't noticed, the government is nothing more than a Mafia. They TAX you & me, and nearly everyone else.

It's just another from of 'protection' money; the government just likes to call it a TAX.

You, me, nearly everyone has been paying for, "everyone else's free shit" for a very long time.

in case you haven't noticed

I have noticed, for the last 50 years I've noticed. Although, fortunately they now TAX me less. And supporting Democrats that want to increase those taxes to pay for "everyone else's free shit" just doesn't do a damn thing for me.

unfortunately taxes are (I believe) a necessary evil & it won't be changing any time soon

I disagree with the Trump tax cuts to benefit only the rich/wealthy GOP donor class & the corporations

This is driving up the deficit & the debt, and this is occurring during a so called good economy.

This is pure madness; it cannot be described any other way.

We have seen this movie before & it always ends the same way: the economy eventually goes south with extreme consequences.

GOP presidents are really great at destroying the economy & they do it by cutting taxes, all while they increase spending. Great

Yikes, and what do individuals typically do when their debt is increasing? They usually cut their spending.

' i love debt, i am the king of debt' ~ donald j drumpf

reminds me of the time back in the 90's, when he was put on an allowance by american banks because the orange man child couldn't use self control when it came to money. that's when he went to the russians for it, & slowly became the turn coat he is now..

Hmmm....not familiar with money are you? Hold out for your free stuff, I'm sure it's worth a couple of bucks.

riiiiiiiight......i don't need 'free stuff', spidy. i'll be willing to bet i am more debt free than you.

mortgage - pd off
3 vehicles (albeit they are 2006's & a 2007) - pd off
credit cards pd off in full every single month... no interest ever.

<pssst> about that silly rw talking point ' free obama phone ' giveaway?

that's ronnie reagan's deal... yep, that started on his watch.
I have noticed, for the last 50 years I've noticed. Although, fortunately they now TAX me less. And supporting Democrats that want to increase those taxes to pay for "everyone else's free shit" just doesn't do a damn thing for me.

unfortunately taxes are (I believe) a necessary evil & it won't be changing any time soon

I disagree with the Trump tax cuts to benefit only the rich/wealthy GOP donor class & the corporations

This is driving up the deficit & the debt, and this is occurring during a so called good economy.

This is pure madness; it cannot be described any other way.

We have seen this movie before & it always ends the same way: the economy eventually goes south with extreme consequences.

GOP presidents are really great at destroying the economy & they do it by cutting taxes, all while they increase spending. Great

Yikes, and what do individuals typically do when their debt is increasing? They usually cut their spending.

' i love debt, i am the king of debt' ~ donald j drumpf

reminds me of the time back in the 90's, when he was put on an allowance by american banks because the orange man child couldn't use self control when it came to money. that's when he went to the russians for it, & slowly became the turn coat he is now..

Hmmm....not familiar with money are you? Hold out for your free stuff, I'm sure it's worth a couple of bucks.

riiiiiiiight......i don't need 'free stuff', spidy. i'll be willing to bet i am more debt free than you.

mortgage - pd off
3 vehicles (albeit they are 2006's & a 2007) - pd off
credit cards pd off in full every single month... no interest ever.

<pssst> about that silly rw talking point ' free obama phone ' giveaway?

that's ronnie reagan's deal... yep, that started on his watch.

Good for you, then you're in a great position to help pay for the free stuff all the "other" liberals are wanting. Free college, free healthcare and of course the free monthly spending money....dumbass.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

The tighter Donald's nuts are trapped in the vice of justice, the louder and more desperate his cultists will scream and attempt to distract. The next few weeks should be fun.
I'm sick of the stupid Moral Purity Test the Left keeps trying to foist on the rest of us. The level of vapidity is laughable if they weren't so violently seriously about it.

Trump BAD!!! You support Trump you BAD!!!

Resistance GOOD!! You resist you GOOD!!!

We've devolved to the point that a lying porn star and her smarmy lawyer are some kind of Resistance heroes and are going to Save the Republic because he paid her to be quiet about their prurient affair. And if you don't agree that this is the Scandal of the Century, you're a backwater meth-head hick who deserves to be stricken from society.

It's all so exhaustingly stupid.

I wish the Resistors would start to show a decent level of shame at what they're engaged in. It's reached Chastity Belt Level of Moral Panic now.

Really, get a grip on yourselves, people.

The tighter Donald's nuts are trapped in the vice of justice, the louder and more desperate his cultists will scream and attempt to distract. The next few weeks should be fun.
Now who is screaming in red writing ??? Hilarious.
unfortunately taxes are (I believe) a necessary evil & it won't be changing any time soon

I disagree with the Trump tax cuts to benefit only the rich/wealthy GOP donor class & the corporations

This is driving up the deficit & the debt, and this is occurring during a so called good economy.

This is pure madness; it cannot be described any other way.

We have seen this movie before & it always ends the same way: the economy eventually goes south with extreme consequences.

GOP presidents are really great at destroying the economy & they do it by cutting taxes, all while they increase spending. Great

Yikes, and what do individuals typically do when their debt is increasing? They usually cut their spending.

' i love debt, i am the king of debt' ~ donald j drumpf

reminds me of the time back in the 90's, when he was put on an allowance by american banks because the orange man child couldn't use self control when it came to money. that's when he went to the russians for it, & slowly became the turn coat he is now..

Hmmm....not familiar with money are you? Hold out for your free stuff, I'm sure it's worth a couple of bucks.

riiiiiiiight......i don't need 'free stuff', spidy. i'll be willing to bet i am more debt free than you.

mortgage - pd off
3 vehicles (albeit they are 2006's & a 2007) - pd off
credit cards pd off in full every single month... no interest ever.

<pssst> about that silly rw talking point ' free obama phone ' giveaway?

that's ronnie reagan's deal... yep, that started on his watch.

Good for you, then you're in a great position to help pay for the free stuff all the "other" liberals are wanting. Free college, free healthcare and of course the free monthly spending money....dumbass.

i am 100% for universal healthcare & i would gladly pay higher taxes to get a medicare for all program going.... free college? never gonna happen- but i like the idea of tution free community college in exchange for staying in the same state for a few years to 'give back' & 2 year college cuts down on university tuition by 1/3-1/2.

you seem to completely overlook the biggest welfare queens on the block- & that is all them thar big corp types getting that permanent tax cut & the free money they got helped their stock buy backs quite nicely as you happily bent over & gave it to them;, so save the pablum spewfest you got going on there, spidey.
Yikes, and what do individuals typically do when their debt is increasing? They usually cut their spending.

' i love debt, i am the king of debt' ~ donald j drumpf

reminds me of the time back in the 90's, when he was put on an allowance by american banks because the orange man child couldn't use self control when it came to money. that's when he went to the russians for it, & slowly became the turn coat he is now..

Hmmm....not familiar with money are you? Hold out for your free stuff, I'm sure it's worth a couple of bucks.

riiiiiiiight......i don't need 'free stuff', spidy. i'll be willing to bet i am more debt free than you.

mortgage - pd off
3 vehicles (albeit they are 2006's & a 2007) - pd off
credit cards pd off in full every single month... no interest ever.

<pssst> about that silly rw talking point ' free obama phone ' giveaway?

that's ronnie reagan's deal... yep, that started on his watch.

Good for you, then you're in a great position to help pay for the free stuff all the "other" liberals are wanting. Free college, free healthcare and of course the free monthly spending money....dumbass.

i am 100% for universal healthcare & i would gladly pay higher taxes to get a medicare for all program going.... free college? never gonna happen- but i like the idea of tution free community college in exchange for staying in the same state for a few years to 'give back' & 2 year college cuts down on university tuition by 1/3-1/2.

you seem to completely overlook the biggest welfare queens on the block- & that is all them thar big corp types getting that permanent tax cut & the free money they got helped their stock buy backs quite nicely as you happily bent over & gave it to them;, so save the pablum spewfest you got going on there, spidey.

So called 'conservatives' seem to always be for the GOP offering welfare to corporations, corporations that do not actually need more money, all while said so called conservatives complain about welfare & 'socialism.'
I guess they also like it when corporations get bailed out by government when the economy goes south, all while they get the shaft. More welfare & socialism for corporations.

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