Trump is Denying Sidney Powell

He did nothing to hurt the country.
Benedict Donald tried to tear down more that one of the founding principles of the Republic. Democratic elections by the people and the Justice system. He should have been removed from office and arrested on Jan 6th.
I never said, that Trump said, Powell was part of a team.

The claim in the OP is that Powell was Trump's lawyer.

Even you are stating that Powell was part of a team and not Trump's attorney.

Thank you for the help.

this is what is known as a distinction without a difference.

If those words are too big for you, find a 5th grader to explain it to you.
this is what is known as a distinction without a difference.

If those words are too big for you, find a 5th grader to explain it to you.
I will leave this here.

I am sure Trump has never even heard of her.... ;)
Here is another person Trump can deny ever even have heard of....

Here's Donnies new theme song.

SO where's the part about ratting out Trump?
She’s turned state’s evidence, dupe.

turn state's evidence​'s%20evidence%20(also%20known,the%20dismissal%20of%20some%20charges.

“Turn state’s evidence (also known as “turn King’s evidence”) or to "flip” means the defendant chose to reveal valuable evidence to the prosecutor, in exchange for a reduction of the charge or the dismissal of some charges. When the defendant “flips” they are said to have "turned state's evidence.””

Obviously you are ignorant of the term
Let the Flipping Continue: Trump Election Lawyer Turns Against Him

Another of Donald Trump’s former allies has flipped against him.

"The tides have started to turn in the Georgia election interference case—and it appears there will soon be a tsunami of evidence against Team Trump.

On Tuesday, former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis struck a plea deal with Fulton County prosecutors. Ellis has pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.

Ellis agreed to be sentenced to five years probation along with a $5,000 restitution. She will also be required to complete 100 hours of community service and is expected to cooperate and testify against Trump and his 15 remaining co-conspirators as part of her plea deal."

Another one flips like Simone.
It is so easy for you when you can lump people into groups to attack, isn't it. All Trump voters are part of a "cult", an monolithic group. Simple minds need simple concepts to grasp.

Okay loser.


Princess AOC is Forgetful When it Comes to Paying Her Bills

...Of course, I feel like most of the fake shit is generated on the left. I admit to be biased against the thumb-sucking, gender-fetish perv commies who call themselves "Democrats", so that may account for my conclusion that most bullshit comes from the left. I am convinced I am correct on...

U.S. Leans Toward Providing Abrams Tanks to Ukraine

Well, I'll certainly say this about a possible nuclear Armageddon: at least it will finally kill off the commies. I mean, let's face it, if Pooty launches his ICBMs at us, it will be his suicide. Even if he goes first and has a ton of warheads on his ridiculously hyped, Flash Gordon-eque...

Country Star Brad Paisley Grows a Pussy, Kills Country Music With Stupid Pro-Ukraine Song

...twerp in Ukraine?!? Most county music fans probably saluted this move initially when they learned that Zelensky is fighting Russia (Russia = Commies). But when they learn that Ukraine was once part of the Soviet Union (and, therefore, just as communistic as Russia) they look around with a...

My Meeting With Vladimir Putin

...I spotted Putin’s security detail. They were on the other side of the hotel parking lot. I yelled in their direction, “Hey! You cocksucking commies!” I then dropped trou and mooned the bastards. I chuckled as they rushed over to me. Then I pulled out my .44 magnum. Well sir, I got home a...

Is Sasquatch a Communist? (a Parable)

...I needed to get back to the house to fuck that China chick again. Then I heard it. The voice came from my left, out of the darkness: “Fucking commies, am I right?” I turned, and shined my light in that direction. There he was. It was the sasquatch from THAT night. The talking bigfoot who was...

The Nephilim

...‘Shit, man, that would be treason! I bleed the good old red, white and blue. There is no way in hell I could align myself with the Soviet commies!’, I sed.”“Boris sed ‘You would not be fighting for us. You would an independent contractor assisting us in the capacity of a consultant...

Democrats are Horrible People - And I Can PROVE It!

...keeping them out of the hands of the slimy cartels. DEMS ARE HORRIBLE PEOPLE.Democrats are anti-democratic. If you listen to the early commies like Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, much of what they spout off about sounds very much like democracy; i.e., the people shall control the means of...
She’s turned state’s evidence, dupe.

turn state's evidence​'s%20evidence%20(also%20known,the%20dismissal%20of%20some%20charges.

“Turn state’s evidence (also known as “turn King’s evidence”) or to "flip” means the defendant chose to reveal valuable evidence to the prosecutor, in exchange for a reduction of the charge or the dismissal of some charges. When the defendant “flips” they are said to have "turned state's evidence.””
I'll offer you the same bet as Boo. $10,000 that your goddess Fanny never calls her as a witness
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Let the Flipping Continue: Trump Election Lawyer Turns Against Him

Another of Donald Trump’s former allies has flipped against him.

"The tides have started to turn in the Georgia election interference case—and it appears there will soon be a tsunami of evidence against Team Trump.

On Tuesday, former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis struck a plea deal with Fulton County prosecutors. Ellis has pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.

Ellis agreed to be sentenced to five years probation along with a $5,000 restitution. She will also be required to complete 100 hours of community service and is expected to cooperate and testify against Trump and his 15 remaining co-conspirators as part of her plea deal."

Another one flips like Simone.
I'm really not sure she was "near the top" in terms of meetings and what she heard others say about the "false facts" she was told. But she seems to have been close to Ghouliani's orbit. And Trump stopped paying off that guy's legal bills.

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