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Trump Is Eliminating VA Pensions - Whaaat ?

Are you 100% disabled? Is your disability related to service connected injuries? If so, you have nothing to worry about.
Upon what do you base the statement >> "If so, you have nothing to worry about" ? I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, Do you ?
So you think a disabled vet is entitled? That would explain why your nose is so far up Trumps ass.
If a disabled vet is not entitled, NOBODY is. Without the veterans (disabled or not), you probably would never have been born, to mouth off like you're doing here now. Or you'd be a slave in some Nazi, Japanese, or Jihadist slave camp.
I agree, there should be benefits for the soldiers who put themselves in jeopardy for our nation. That is not the point. It is about how much and should the exservicemen expect endowments for an ample financially structureds lifetime?

My brother was in the service, for a little over two years. He gets much of his medical paid for but I am not privy to what he expected. I have not heard anything negative about what he receives. But then again, he worked hard all his life and planned for his future.
He's going to streamline our benefits system. Veteran retirement benefits are meant to REPLACE social security benefits for career military men and women, for those who aren't eligible for ssb because they've never worked in the private sector.

People are so used to being paid for nothing that they forget the purpose of the program.
Where do get these ideas ? I've been a veteran for more than half a century, and I've never heard of what you're saying. VA disability and VA pensions are paid in addition to Social Security. I've never heard of anything else.

The concurrent payment is a new thing (occurred after 2003). But this is talking about different military benefits, not social security. I don't see anything about that in here.

"Until 2003, military retirees eligible for disability compensation could not receive both their full retirement annuity and their disability compensation. Instead, they had to choose between receiving their full retirement annuity from DoD or receiving their disability benefit from VA and forgoing an equal amount of their DoD retirement annuity; that reduction in the retirement annuity is typically referred to as the VA offset. Because the retirement annuity is generally taxable and disability compensation is not, most retirees chose the second alternative.

"As a result of several laws, starting with the National Defense Authorization Act for 2003, two classes of retired military personnel who receive VA disability compensation (including those who retired before the enactment of those laws) can now receive payments that make up for part or all of the VA offset, benefiting from what is often called concurrent receipt. Specifically, retirees whose disabilities arose from combat are eligible for combat-related special compensation (CRSC), and veterans who retire with at least 20 years of military service and who receive a VA disability rating of at least 50 percent are eligible for what is termed concurrent retirement and disability pay (CRDP). CRSC is exempt from federal taxes, but CRDP is not; some veterans would qualify for both payments but must choose between them."

Eliminate Concurrent Receipt of Retirement Pay and Disability Compensation for Disabled Veterans

Jesus Christ the thread is not about what you're posting. Go read his article.
I think the article is skimpy on facts. Because I can't find anything anywhere about reducing veteran's benefits if they receive social security.

And disability is not the same as life insurance. Typically, if you get it from one source, that's all you get. To get it from social security AND from the VA IS duplicate benefits.
This is the false equivalency of the year. The first SS recipients paid nothing for their benefits. The younger generations have to pay all of it, currently they are in debt to the tune of 120 trillion. That's how the system works.
HA HA. You really think you're going to get somewhere with that ?

EARTH TO NORMAN: Nobody's talking about the first SS recipients. We're talking about veterans who paid more than you'll ever have any comprehension of, if you never served in the military.

And again, the US debt is 20 Trillion, not 120 - you're a slow learner. :slap:
This sounds like something Obama would do. It is hard to comprehend. After all the talk about helping and protecting the veterans, we're going to get shafted like this ? Unreal. Hopefully, this is just another one of Trump's deal making MOs >> start high, work your way down to what you really want to do.

For now, I'm looking at it on its face value, and I don't like it one bit. I get $861/month for Social Security. I get another $267 from my VA pension. This is a total of a measly $1128/month. And I'm supposed to sit back and say OK to reducing that to $861/month, for my total income ?

For the first time, my support of Trump in is major jeopardy. I might even discard my Republican registration, and go back to being an Independent. Yikes. Trump better reconsider this, big time.

Trump's big VA budget request comes with proposed trims to vets benefits
that's crazy shooting the ones that supported him
This is the false equivalency of the year. The first SS recipients paid nothing for their benefits. The younger generations have to pay all of it, currently they are in debt to the tune of 120 trillion. That's how the system works.
HA HA. You really think you're going to get somewhere with that ?

EARTH TO NORMAN: Nobody's talking about the first SS recipients. We're talking about veterans who paid more than you'll ever have any comprehension of, if you never served in the military.

And again, the US debt is 20 Trillion, not 120 - you're a slow learner. :slap:

Slow learner? You haven't ever even learned. I am not talking about the national debt, but unfunded liabilities. Is this really so difficult to understand?

The rest of your message is complete nonsense bullshit as well.

Once again I have been in the military. We weren't taught entitlement over facts. You must have served in the feminist unit where everyone is allowed in.
This sounds like something Obama would do. It is hard to comprehend. After all the talk about helping and protecting the veterans, we're going to get shafted like this ? Unreal. Hopefully, this is just another one of Trump's deal making MOs >> start high, work your way down to what you really want to do.

For now, I'm looking at it on its face value, and I don't like it one bit. I get $861/month for Social Security. I get another $267 from my VA pension. This is a total of a measly $1128/month. And I'm supposed to sit back and say OK to reducing that to $861/month, for my total income ?

For the first time, my support of Trump in is major jeopardy. I might even discard my Republican registration, and go back to being an Independent. Yikes. Trump better reconsider this, big time.

Trump's big VA budget request comes with proposed trims to vets benefits
that's crazy shooting the ones that supported him

This is only one reason I didn't support him and could never. I knew just like everyone who campaigns most of the shit they run on are just lies.
"The United States spends more on defense than any other country in the world. However, a large and growing portion of that spending goes not toward training or equipment but instead towards retirement and health care costs. The Pentagon is slowly becoming a health care provider that also fights wars.

"That’s why the military retirement overhaul is an important achievement. It represents an innovative approach to a pressing challenge that the military has faced for decades. Such achievements have been lacking in the Washington in recent years, where both parties are too often wedded to the hidebound thinking of the past."

Reforms to military retirement will pay off for troops and taxpayers
If they're going to reduce VA benefits, they ought to take into account the incomes of those whose benefits they're reducing. It's one thing to reduce benefits of someone getting $100,000/yr and another to do it to someone of very low income.
This is only one reason I didn't support him and could never. I knew just like everyone who campaigns most of the shit they run on are just lies.
Whatever lie Trump might have told, it was a drop in the bucket compared to the lie machine >> Hillary Clinton.
I think the article is skimpy on facts. Because I can't find anything anywhere about reducing veteran's benefits if they receive social security.
I posted it TWICE.
You posted the article, which says that but doesn't really source it (meh).

You'll be okay. Just take a deep breath. These are the issues that come from being entirely dependent upon entitlement programs. He's going to fix the VA. Finally. Your life will undoubtedly continue to be shitty no matter what happens, because I suspect you're a grasping, whining loser.
This is only one reason I didn't support him and could never. I knew just like everyone who campaigns most of the shit they run on are just lies.
Whatever lie Trump might have told, it was a drop in the bucket compared to the lie machine >> Hillary Clinton.

Didn't vote for her either. I voted for the guy that I wished would have had a little more going for him.
This cut is just a proposal, I doubt it carries Senate support...

Indeed, the whole article is just hypothetical misleading bullshit, that has zero relevance. Not everything you read online is true... If Trump was actually cutting retirement from people on benefits, you wouldn't hear the end of it.

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