Trump is getting very bad information about COVID

View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
Only the truly ignorant believe that number of confirmed cases of Covid 19 represents the actual number, Ted! Mexico has tested 65 people per million citizens! The US has tested 2,250 people per million! Now who do you think is apt to have more "confirmed" cases? Since Mexico HASN'T locked down it's economy like the US did then kindly explain why the virus hasn't spread like it did in the US?

They have a less mobile population.
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
Only the truly ignorant believe that number of confirmed cases of Covid 19 represents the actual number, Ted! Mexico has tested 65 people per million citizens! The US has tested 2,250 people per million! Now who do you think is apt to have more "confirmed" cases? Since Mexico HASN'T locked down it's economy like the US did then kindly explain why the virus hasn't spread like it did in the US?

Got links to back up those claims? Everywhere I've seen they have been saying that the US is far behind a lot of countries in testing.
That's not possible.

trump clearly stated that anyone who wants a test for the trump virus can get one.

You aren't telling me he's a liar, are you?
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
What's the bad information?
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
What's the bad information?

Mexico has far less cases than US per captia...

Trump is making an allegation which is going against all reported data...

The information he is saying is not factual... Even if you want to say Mexico is not testing enough then just look at the deaths. Mexico is way down on COVID deaths when compared to US.

So Trump is either:
  • Lying
  • Fed the wrong information
I have don't know if he is lying but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. So he must be fed bad information by his staffers...

Do you agree Trump can't be effective leader if he is basing decisions on bad information?
So "having big corona virus problems" means the have more cases per capital than the United States? Where is that written? Trump didn't use the words "when compared to the United States."

Trump stated an opinion. You're claiming your opinions are facts. That's the sure sign of a dumbass.
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
Only the truly ignorant believe that number of confirmed cases of Covid 19 represents the actual number, Ted! Mexico has tested 65 people per million citizens! The US has tested 2,250 people per million! Now who do you think is apt to have more "confirmed" cases? Since Mexico HASN'T locked down it's economy like the US did then kindly explain why the virus hasn't spread like it did in the US?

Got links to back up those claims? Everywhere I've seen they have been saying that the US is far behind a lot of countries in testing.
That's not possible.

trump clearly stated that anyone who wants a test for the trump virus can get one.

You aren't telling me he's a liar, are you?

When have you known Trump to NOT lie?
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
Only the truly ignorant believe that number of confirmed cases of Covid 19 represents the actual number, Ted! Mexico has tested 65 people per million citizens! The US has tested 2,250 people per million! Now who do you think is apt to have more "confirmed" cases? Since Mexico HASN'T locked down it's economy like the US did then kindly explain why the virus hasn't spread like it did in the US?

Got links to back up those claims? Everywhere I've seen they have been saying that the US is far behind a lot of countries in testing.
I'm quoting the article from the link that Ted posted, Sailor! Didn't you read it?
What Trump is referring to is that Mexico is still trending UP.

Trending UP, even though their testing is barely getting started---around 700 people per million. The USA, for example, has tested 22,000 people per million.
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
What's the bad information?
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
What's the bad information?

Mexico has far less cases than US per captia...

Trump is making an allegation which is going against all reported data...

The information he is saying is not factual... Even if you want to say Mexico is not testing enough then just look at the deaths. Mexico is way down on COVID deaths when compared to US.

So Trump is either:
  • Lying
  • Fed the wrong information
I have don't know if he is lying but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. So he must be fed bad information by his staffers...

Do you agree Trump can't be effective leader if he is basing decisions on bad information?
Here's the amazing thing about Mexico, Ted! They DIDN'T lock their economy down...yet they supposedly have far fewer Covid 19 deaths than we do? Explain that to me! Either their numbers are way off...or we totally screwed up locking things down...which is it?
Hey, he's gotta feed red meat to his base, and since his rallies are out, he's going via twitter.

But, the smart people know he's full of crap.
That eliminates Trumpanzees. They are too dumb to see the crap he spews like a volcano.

Yeah, we are idiots. I mean, as salaries increase, so does the Republican base. Been that way for years. Amazing how all the "dumb" folks seem to be making it and all you "smart" ones are bottom feeding.
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
Only the truly ignorant believe that number of confirmed cases of Covid 19 represents the actual number, Ted! Mexico has tested 65 people per million citizens! The US has tested 2,250 people per million! Now who do you think is apt to have more "confirmed" cases? Since Mexico HASN'T locked down it's economy like the US did then kindly explain why the virus hasn't spread like it did in the US?

Got links to back up those claims? Everywhere I've seen they have been saying that the US is far behind a lot of countries in testing.
I'm quoting the article from the link that Ted posted, Sailor! Didn't you read it?

I hit the "click to expand" and clicked on the attachments. There is no article, just a Trump tweet and another that isn't attributed to anyone.
View attachment 331967

Cases in Mexico:
View attachment 331966

Amounf a population of 126million people.

Seriously how can a person lead when they are getting information this bad?
Only the truly ignorant believe that number of confirmed cases of Covid 19 represents the actual number, Ted! Mexico has tested 65 people per million citizens! The US has tested 2,250 people per million! Now who do you think is apt to have more "confirmed" cases? Since Mexico HASN'T locked down it's economy like the US did then kindly explain why the virus hasn't spread like it did in the US?

Got links to back up those claims? Everywhere I've seen they have been saying that the US is far behind a lot of countries in testing.
I'm quoting the article from the link that Ted posted, Sailor! Didn't you read it?
It's a good thing that us stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid TrumpBots have the Electoral Vote locked in.
Too bad Dimms spent the last 3 years trying to oust Trump in an illegal internal coup.
Otherwise, the So. Border wall would have been near complete!
And beyond this, both parties would not have taken their eye off the ball of the #1 reason Gov't is established: namely, NATIONAL SECURITY!

Do all of you muppets feel secure now?
I didn't think so.......
Trump had two years with a republican house and republican senate, but couldnt get them to fund his wall.
Democrats had no power during that time.


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