Trump is hemorrhaging older voters

The people dying are old people who already have one foot in the grave.
Can't be any clearer than that.
"Let them die".
You could never be a military man. You don't understand there are times when not everyone survives.
You mean military men don't hide under their beds because of a bad cold virus?
Yes they do. The USS Teddy Roosevelt crawled into Guam with infected sailors on March 27, and they are still hiding out there.

No, they are not. They are back at sea and 5 sailors have tested positive for COVID-19 for a second time. They had to be removed, again.
Wrong, again. It's 14 sailors, and not they are not back at sea yet.

The US Navy aircraft carrier sidelined by the coronavirus is expected to return to sea in the next few days

USS Theodore Roosevelt skipper expects to set sail with crew of 3,000
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.

I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.
Do the math. I heard this on the radio. If I find a link I will post it.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.

"Overall, 31% of cases, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years," the report said.

A study from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that coronavirus patients older than 80 had a death rate of 15%, compared with 0.2% for those under 50. In South Korea, which has seen some of the lowest death rates, 7.2% of people over 80 have died, while only 0.1% of those under 50 — and no people under 30 — have been killed by the disease.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I am going to say 82 is the right number but say its 79. Still open the country up for the rest of us under 70!
Yep. Once Trump embraced the "let them die" policy, quite a few Americans realized their interests were no longer represented.
Another liberal who doesn't understand the importance of a good economy.

Trump was trying to keep the markets from crashing. He knew that mentioning the possible coming pandemic too many times could cause investors to get the jitters.

Why don't you libs ever give Trump credit?
Sure. At the cost of lives. There is a way to do it while preserving both the economy and lives. Trump just isn't doing that.

I tell you what. You prove to me that your lockdowns definitively have saved lives. Then you prove to me that reopening will not cost any lives in and of itself. And THEN we will talk about "at the cost of lives".

Anyone who allows you to just assert that the debate parameter is "My wishes are life-saving, and yours aren't" is almost as big a moron as you are. Prove that your view of things is correct before demanding that we talk as though it were.
I tell you what. You prove to me that your lockdowns definitively have saved lives.
Are you serious? Obviously it has. Things are opening why?
Because the number of new cases has plateaued due to people being at home of course.
Once that ends. The trend reverses almost immediately. Wait a few weeks and check back in.

WTF? Are you serious? "Obviously it has, because . . . well, I see it that way, so that must mean it's obvious." So you're basically admitting that all this time, you've been screaming about how eeeeevil other people are and how morally superior you were, it was based on nothing but your ASSumptions.

Things are opening up because the lockdown did what it was actually designed to do, which was NOT "save lives", but merely to delay the spread of infections. No one has ever disputed that. But delaying when someone gets infected and dies is not the same as preventing them from EVER getting infected and dying.

If you want to huddle in your house being utterly useless and irrelevant to the world, knock yourself out. I doubt anyone is going to come knock down your door and drag you out, because I doubt you ever contributed anything that would make anyone notice your existence. But DO NOT have the unutterable gall to lecture us about how "morally superior" you are for "saving lives when you want to kill Grandma" on the basis of nothing more than "It just sounded so logical to me".
Things are opening up because the lockdown did what it was actually designed to do, which was NOT "save lives", but merely to delay the spread of infections. are such a moron. You just agreed with me and don't even realize it.
Fewer infected means fewer deaths, dope.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.

"Overall, 31% of cases, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years," the report said.

A study from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that coronavirus patients older than 80 had a death rate of 15%, compared with 0.2% for those under 50. In South Korea, which has seen some of the lowest death rates, 7.2% of people over 80 have died, while only 0.1% of those under 50 — and no people under 30 — have been killed by the disease.
I'm still waiting for the link to prove your claim that the average age of death is 82.

Don't waste your time with this other nonsense. I am asking for you to back up your very specific claim about the average age of death. I don't think you can.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.
Do the math. I heard this on the radio. If I find a link I will post it.
You do the math. You made the claim.

El Fatboy Rushbo does not always tell the truth, just so you know.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.
Every time I get behind the wheel of my truck I put my life in the hands of complete strangers.

Goddamn we are a country of morons.

In the store all Gramps has is a mask. In a truck you have 8 tons of steel and seat belts.
Risk is risk.

We evaluate risk vs reward EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES.

The type of danger posed is irrelevant if the risk outweighs the desired result.

Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

True on the deaths but the median age that are spreading to those people here in Florida is 53. If this chart doesn't come up click on county at the bottom then you'll see the majority contracting the virus are not old people. Experience
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.

"Overall, 31% of cases, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years," the report said.

A study from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that coronavirus patients older than 80 had a death rate of 15%, compared with 0.2% for those under 50. In South Korea, which has seen some of the lowest death rates, 7.2% of people over 80 have died, while only 0.1% of those under 50 — and no people under 30 — have been killed by the disease.
I'm still waiting for the link to prove your claim that the average age of death is 82.

Don't waste your time with this other nonsense. I am asking for you to back up your very specific claim about the average age of death. I don't think you can.
I am being honest. I heard it on the radio. I cannot find the link. I'll ask Jeff Kuhner for it.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.
Do the math. I heard this on the radio. If I find a link I will post it.
You do the math. You made the claim.

El Fatboy Rushbo does not always tell the truth, just so you know.
I don't listen to Rush. LOL
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.

And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
Not the whole thing, just the opening lines saying retail, manufacturing are reopening immediately.

If it's not so, why don't you just calmly state the true state of affairs instead of spitting and foaming at the mouth? I definitely don't care enough about another state's reopening details to read 28 pages.

This shit about gyms re opening is just that or rather stupid shit as one of my clients that is a personal trainer in a gym. We were talking mid last week and she says most of her clients work out at home anyway or walk or ran gyms are a cesspool and she would just as soon they not open for a while and 2 later the governor announced they would re open actually yesterday.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Not my fault democrats tried to kill the elderly by sending sick people to their locations.

In New York, where Cuomo discharged enderly patents to nursing homes, 15% of their coroavirus deaths came from nursing homes.

In 14 states that didn't do what Cuomo did, 50% of more of their coronavirus deaths came from nursing homes.

Show how mathematically how what Cuomo did caused a problem in nursing homes.
5,600 deaths are from nursing homes in New York.
42% of ALL DEATHS nationally are from nursing homes.

Where's the proof?
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.
I found it you evil witch.

Most of the deaths reported so far in Massachusetts are in patients 80 years old or older. The average age of those who have died from the coronavirus is 82.

And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
Not the whole thing, just the opening lines saying retail, manufacturing are reopening immediately.

If it's not so, why don't you just calmly state the true state of affairs instead of spitting and foaming at the mouth? I definitely don't care enough about another state's reopening details to read 28 pages.

This shit about gyms re opening is just that or rather stupid shit as one of my clients that is a personal trainer in a gym. We were talking mid last week and she says most of her clients work out at home anyway or walk or ran gyms are a cesspool and she would just as soon they not open for a while and 2 later the governor announced they would re open actually yesterday.
To each their own. Let us make the choice. We are grownups. Working out at home is not the same thing.

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