Trump is hemorrhaging older voters

The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

and many voters and independents believe democrat leaders have overstepped their legal authority with prolonged extreme lock downs .... in all seriousness the country is so evenly divided that the election is anybodies guess on who will win ...

better ask dershowitz about that and the jacobensen vs Massachusetts SCOTUS ruling of 1905.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.
I think it is 82. What do you think it is?
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.

I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
It's not surprising. You seem befuddled by a great number of things. Like not understanding the simple concept of how isolating and avoiding contact with others can prevent the spread of infection thereby preventing deaths. It's fascinating really, how a grown person could be so incompetent.
Who is being protested against to open up states
Who gives a shit? In Michigan, 100 armed hillbillies in their little princess soldier cosplay gear marched on the a State of 10 million people. 72% of Michiganders approve of Whitmer's handling of the crisis. Yet you goobers get fooled by the dummies on FOX into thinking this is some major movement.

72% of Michiganders according to whom? You? I think we've pretty much established that nothing you assert should ever be accepted as reality.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about herd immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.

"Overall, 31% of cases, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years," the report said.

A study from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that coronavirus patients older than 80 had a death rate of 15%, compared with 0.2% for those under 50. In South Korea, which has seen some of the lowest death rates, 7.2% of people over 80 have died, while only 0.1% of those under 50 — and no people under 30 — have been killed by the disease.
I'm still waiting for the link to prove your claim that the average age of death is 82.

Don't waste your time with this other nonsense. I am asking for you to back up your very specific claim about the average age of death. I don't think you can.
I am being honest. I heard it on the radio. I cannot find the link. I'll ask Jeff Kuhner for it.
Please do. Because I don't believe 82 is accurate.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.
I think it is 82. What do you think it is?
I think I would like to see some real nationwide data and then I could make an educated guess. I thought you had that data.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.
Ill be voting for Trump. Biden has yet to exit his basement or pick a VP. The only policy of his that you like is that he is not Trump. You’re a troll.
As is your right. You calling me a troll is like the pot calling the kettle black. I will consider it as another example of the over exuberance of youth, kid.
Your only reason to vote for Biden is that he is not Trump. What should I call that? Do tell.
Voting in my own best interests and as I see the best interests of the country, without as much drama, less antagonism, better foreign policy and hopefully a better relationship between the different branches of government and departments is what I call it. I have learned everything seems to work out if you keep you $hit together, continue to work toward your personal goals and keep your enemies list very short. Worked for me.
Biden is an awful candidate. Democrat party is idiotic for pushing that loser.
I like him, so I'm voting Democrat this time. I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recomending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.

I don't like him and would rather have had someone else but I will vote for him.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.
Number of DeathsShare of deathsWith underlying conditionsWithout underlying conditionsUnknown if with underlying cond.Share of deaths
of unknown + w/o cond.
0 - 17 years old
18 - 44 years old
45 - 64 years old
65 - 74 years old
75+ years old
11,370 (75%)​
99 (0.7%)​
1,551 (24.7%)​

You don't believe anything as you are a leftist.
Your chart is not a link. And it does not show an average age of 82.

And Florida is not the United States.

Try again with real information.

"Overall, 31% of cases, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years," the report said.

A study from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that coronavirus patients older than 80 had a death rate of 15%, compared with 0.2% for those under 50. In South Korea, which has seen some of the lowest death rates, 7.2% of people over 80 have died, while only 0.1% of those under 50 — and no people under 30 — have been killed by the disease.
I'm still waiting for the link to prove your claim that the average age of death is 82.

Don't waste your time with this other nonsense. I am asking for you to back up your very specific claim about the average age of death. I don't think you can.
I am being honest. I heard it on the radio. I cannot find the link. I'll ask Jeff Kuhner for it.
Please do. Because I don't believe 82 is accurate.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.
I think it is 82. What do you think it is?
I think I would like to see some real nationwide data and then I could make an educated guess. I thought you had that data.
MA is a major hotspot and is statistically significant along with the other data I posted, 82 +/- 1 yr is the right number. You cannot deny this now no matter how hard you try.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.
I found it you evil witch.

Most of the deaths reported so far in Massachusetts are in patients 80 years old or older. The average age of those who have died from the coronavirus is 82.

That article is a month old.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.

Goddamn you are one dumb fucker comparing car accidents with sailor's being re infected. WTF by the way those alcoholics tend to die faster with covid.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.

Goddamn you are one dumb fucker comparing car accidents with sailor's being re infected. WTF by the way those alcoholics tend to die faster with covid.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.

You made the claim that 82 was wrong.
A reasonable person would not do that unless they knew the right answer
Spit it out.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.

You made the claim that 82 was wrong.
A reasonable person would not do that unless they knew the right answer
Spit it out.
I just proved I was right. She is back pedaling.
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.

I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
It's not surprising. You seem befuddled by a great number of things. Like not understanding the simple concept of how isolating and avoiding contact with others can prevent the spread of infection thereby preventing deaths. It's fascinating really, how a grown person could be so incompetent.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.

Goddamn you are one dumb fucker comparing car accidents with sailor's being re infected. WTF by the way those alcoholics tend to die faster with covid.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
meaner gene, this sign is for you:
Yes, yes. The entire world is trying to fool you.

Yes, yes the whole world is still closed down!! Not.
April 20
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.
all leftist are irrational.
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.

I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
It's not surprising. You seem befuddled by a great number of things. Like not understanding the simple concept of how isolating and avoiding contact with others can prevent the spread of infection thereby preventing deaths. It's fascinating really, how a grown person could be so incompetent.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper
Of course I never said that, liar. It's your diminished capacity, or maybe under developed capacity that forces you to lie.

Biden certainly isn't courting that voting block.
But he is not alienating them, either. Unlike the mentally ill president, who is basically sending the message that their lives are expendable compared to the DJIA index.

Oh, I know you didn't just try to tell us about the wonders of the Biden candidacy on the basis of TRUMP being "mentally ill". You are literally running the poster child for senile dementia.

Oh, AND you're still trying to peddle the lie about "We're trying to save lives, and you want to kill people" which you yourself revealed to be so much horseshit by dodging questions about your proof. So yeah, I just know we're all going to get busy on feeling defensive and immoral because a lying, hypocritical imbecile like you is tossing talking points at us.

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