Trump is hemorrhaging older voters

This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.
Ill be voting for Trump. Biden has yet to exit his basement or pick a VP. The only policy of his that you like is that he is not Trump. You’re a troll.
As is your right. You calling me a troll is like the pot calling the kettle black. I will consider it as another example of the over exuberance of youth, kid.
Your only reason to vote for Biden is that he is not Trump. What should I call that? Do tell.
Voting in my own best interests and as I see the best interests of the country, without as much drama, less antagonism, better foreign policy and hopefully a better relationship between the different branches of government and departments is what I call it. I have learned everything seems to work out if you keep you $hit together, continue to work toward your personal goals and keep your enemies list very short. Worked for me.
Biden is an awful candidate. Democrat party is idiotic for pushing that loser.
I like him, so I'm voting Democrat this time. I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recomending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
I like Tom Hanks movies. If he runs I ll vote For him...same logic.
Actually I had no idea that Tom was: an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017 and represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in the 2020 election. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and in 2008.
Or that Tom: studied at the University of Delaware before receiving his law degree from Syracuse University.[2] He became a lawyer in 1969 and was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970. He was elected to the U.S. Senate from Delaware in 1972 when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Was reelected six times and was the fourth-most senior senator when he resigned to assume the vice presidency in 2009.[3]
As a senator, was a longtime member and eventually chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. He opposed the Gulf War in 1991 but advocated for U.S. and NATO intervention in the Bosnian War in 1994 and 1995, expanding NATO in the 1990s, and the 1999 bombing of Serbia during the Kosovo War. He argued and voted for the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002 but opposed the surge of U.S. troops in 2007. He has also served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties, as well as the contentious U.S. Supreme Court nominations of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Biden led the efforts to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act.

I had no idea that Tom Hanks the actor (pretty smart guy and really really good actor) had these kinds of qualifications and thank you for the opportunity to bring it to the forefront. But, since Tom Hanks isn't running against trump this time I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recommending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
In other words, Joe has never had a real job, has failed in every government job he was given, and has not accomplished a single thing which qualifies him as being President except taking a huge suction on Obama's nether orifice.
Reads like a pretty darn good record, and from memory from years ago (the say those are best, but can't remember what you had for breakfast) remember his name coming up often and not in a bad way. I like hist history of working with Republicans to get things done, not like the jerks up there on both sides of the aisle today. So you say government service to the people of his state and country has been a long term dedication? Hey, I only I only had two main careers over the 40 something years working and both used crossover skills gained in the other one. I like people who can settle on something they are pretty good at and be a long term benefit, continuing to gain knowledge and experience along the way and showing reasonably steady progression, don't you. Kind of like the military, don't you think? "Obama's nether ofifice"? Aren't you a little old for an anal fixation. We've talked. You're a more literate man than that.

I was speaking about Biden. His record is quite a bit different because wiki leaves out all of his failures, like claiming to be first in his law school class when he almost finished last, plagiarizing speeches, getting his ass beaten soundly in every Democrat primary he entered, and a few I may have forgotten.
Actually it does mention those things, accept for the part about being beaten in every Democrat primary he enter, but I suppose you are making an acception for his winning the Democratic primary for the United States Senate consitently from before the his election in 1972 until he left the office in 2009 to become Vice President.
It did also mention some distinctions:
Biden has received honorary degrees from the University of Scranton (1976),[444] Saint Joseph's University (LL.D 1981),[445] Widener University School of Law (2000),[153] Emerson College (2003),[446] his alma mater the University of Delaware (2004),[447] Suffolk University Law School (2005),[448] his other alma mater Syracuse University (LL.D 2009),[449] the University of Pennsylvania (LL.D 2013),[450] Miami Dade College (2014),[451] Trinity College, Dublin (LL.D 2016),[452] Colby College (LL.D 2017),[453] Morgan State University (DPS 2017),[454] and the University of South Carolina (DPA 2017).[455]

President Obama presents Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, January 12, 2017

Biden also received the Chancellor Medal (1980) and the George Arents Pioneer Medal (2005) from Syracuse University.[456][456][457]

In 2008, Biden received Working Mother magazine's Best of Congress Award for "improving the American quality of life through family-friendly work policies".[458] Also in 2008, he shared with fellow senator Richard Lugar the Government of Pakistan's Hilal-i-Pakistan award "in recognition of their consistent support for Pakistan".[459] In 2009, Kosovo gave Biden the Golden Medal of Freedom, the region's highest award, for his vocal support for its independence in the late 1990s.[460]

Biden is an inductee of the Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association Hall of Fame.[461] He was named to the Little League Hall of Excellence in 2009.[462]

On June 25, 2016, Biden received the Freedom of the City of County Louth in the Republic of Ireland.[463]

On January 12, 2017, Obama surprised Biden by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction during a farewell press conference at the White House honoring Biden and his wife. Obama said he was awarding Biden the Medal of Freedom for "faith in your fellow Americans, for your love of country and a lifetime of service that will endure through the generations".[464][465] It was the first and only time Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom with the additional honor of distinction, an honor his three predecessors had reserved for only President Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell and Pope John Paul II, respectively.[466]

On December 11, 2018, the University of Delaware renamed its School of Public Policy and Administration the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. The Biden Institute is housed there.[467]
Don’t cut and paste. In your own words tell me one positive and or influential accomplishment of his during his 40+ years in politics. Surely you must know one off the top of your head?
Just off the top of my head, I like the often scorned crime bill, that even he talks against now. But, hey, some people are softer on crime than I am. Look at the outrage over all of trumps cronies going to jail.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.
Ill be voting for Trump. Biden has yet to exit his basement or pick a VP. The only policy of his that you like is that he is not Trump. You’re a troll.
As is your right. You calling me a troll is like the pot calling the kettle black. I will consider it as another example of the over exuberance of youth, kid.
Your only reason to vote for Biden is that he is not Trump. What should I call that? Do tell.
Voting in my own best interests and as I see the best interests of the country, without as much drama, less antagonism, better foreign policy and hopefully a better relationship between the different branches of government and departments is what I call it. I have learned everything seems to work out if you keep you $hit together, continue to work toward your personal goals and keep your enemies list very short. Worked for me.
Biden is an awful candidate. Democrat party is idiotic for pushing that loser.
I like him, so I'm voting Democrat this time. I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recomending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
I like Tom Hanks movies. If he runs I ll vote For him...same logic.
Actually I had no idea that Tom was: an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017 and represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in the 2020 election. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and in 2008.
Or that Tom: studied at the University of Delaware before receiving his law degree from Syracuse University.[2] He became a lawyer in 1969 and was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970. He was elected to the U.S. Senate from Delaware in 1972 when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Was reelected six times and was the fourth-most senior senator when he resigned to assume the vice presidency in 2009.[3]
As a senator, was a longtime member and eventually chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. He opposed the Gulf War in 1991 but advocated for U.S. and NATO intervention in the Bosnian War in 1994 and 1995, expanding NATO in the 1990s, and the 1999 bombing of Serbia during the Kosovo War. He argued and voted for the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002 but opposed the surge of U.S. troops in 2007. He has also served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties, as well as the contentious U.S. Supreme Court nominations of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Biden led the efforts to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act.

I had no idea that Tom Hanks the actor (pretty smart guy and really really good actor) had these kinds of qualifications and thank you for the opportunity to bring it to the forefront. But, since Tom Hanks isn't running against trump this time I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recommending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
In other words, Joe has never had a real job, has failed in every government job he was given, and has not accomplished a single thing which qualifies him as being President except taking a huge suction on Obama's nether orifice.
Reads like a pretty darn good record, and from memory from years ago (the say those are best, but can't remember what you had for breakfast) remember his name coming up often and not in a bad way. I like hist history of working with Republicans to get things done, not like the jerks up there on both sides of the aisle today. So you say government service to the people of his state and country has been a long term dedication? Hey, I only I only had two main careers over the 40 something years working and both used crossover skills gained in the other one. I like people who can settle on something they are pretty good at and be a long term benefit, continuing to gain knowledge and experience along the way and showing reasonably steady progression, don't you. Kind of like the military, don't you think? "Obama's nether ofifice"? Aren't you a little old for an anal fixation. We've talked. You're a more literate man than that.

I was speaking about Biden. His record is quite a bit different because wiki leaves out all of his failures, like claiming to be first in his law school class when he almost finished last, plagiarizing speeches, getting his ass beaten soundly in every Democrat primary he entered, and a few I may have forgotten.
Actually it does mention those things, accept for the part about being beaten in every Democrat primary he enter, but I suppose you are making an acception for his winning the Democratic primary for the United States Senate consitently from before the his election in 1972 until he left the office in 2009 to become Vice President.
It did also mention some distinctions:
Biden has received honorary degrees from the University of Scranton (1976),[444] Saint Joseph's University (LL.D 1981),[445] Widener University School of Law (2000),[153] Emerson College (2003),[446] his alma mater the University of Delaware (2004),[447] Suffolk University Law School (2005),[448] his other alma mater Syracuse University (LL.D 2009),[449] the University of Pennsylvania (LL.D 2013),[450] Miami Dade College (2014),[451] Trinity College, Dublin (LL.D 2016),[452] Colby College (LL.D 2017),[453] Morgan State University (DPS 2017),[454] and the University of South Carolina (DPA 2017).[455]

President Obama presents Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, January 12, 2017

Biden also received the Chancellor Medal (1980) and the George Arents Pioneer Medal (2005) from Syracuse University.[456][456][457]

In 2008, Biden received Working Mother magazine's Best of Congress Award for "improving the American quality of life through family-friendly work policies".[458] Also in 2008, he shared with fellow senator Richard Lugar the Government of Pakistan's Hilal-i-Pakistan award "in recognition of their consistent support for Pakistan".[459] In 2009, Kosovo gave Biden the Golden Medal of Freedom, the region's highest award, for his vocal support for its independence in the late 1990s.[460]

Biden is an inductee of the Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association Hall of Fame.[461] He was named to the Little League Hall of Excellence in 2009.[462]

On June 25, 2016, Biden received the Freedom of the City of County Louth in the Republic of Ireland.[463]

On January 12, 2017, Obama surprised Biden by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction during a farewell press conference at the White House honoring Biden and his wife. Obama said he was awarding Biden the Medal of Freedom for "faith in your fellow Americans, for your love of country and a lifetime of service that will endure through the generations".[464][465] It was the first and only time Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom with the additional honor of distinction, an honor his three predecessors had reserved for only President Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell and Pope John Paul II, respectively.[466]

On December 11, 2018, the University of Delaware renamed its School of Public Policy and Administration the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. The Biden Institute is housed there.[467]
Don’t cut and paste. In your own words tell me one positive and or influential accomplishment of his during his 40+ years in politics. Surely you must know one off the top of your head?
Just off the top of my head, I like the often scorned crime bill, that even he talks against now. But, hey, some people are softer on crime than I am. Look at the outrage over all of trumps cronies going to jail.
“Cronies”? Outrage is over how and why they went. You’re not honest. You are voting for Biden because you hate Trump. That’s all. 65 and still lying. Sad.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.
Ill be voting for Trump. Biden has yet to exit his basement or pick a VP. The only policy of his that you like is that he is not Trump. You’re a troll.
As is your right. You calling me a troll is like the pot calling the kettle black. I will consider it as another example of the over exuberance of youth, kid.
Your only reason to vote for Biden is that he is not Trump. What should I call that? Do tell.
Voting in my own best interests and as I see the best interests of the country, without as much drama, less antagonism, better foreign policy and hopefully a better relationship between the different branches of government and departments is what I call it. I have learned everything seems to work out if you keep you $hit together, continue to work toward your personal goals and keep your enemies list very short. Worked for me.
Biden is an awful candidate. Democrat party is idiotic for pushing that loser.
I like him, so I'm voting Democrat this time. I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recomending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
I like Tom Hanks movies. If he runs I ll vote For him...same logic.
Actually I had no idea that Tom was: an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017 and represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in the 2020 election. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and in 2008.
Or that Tom: studied at the University of Delaware before receiving his law degree from Syracuse University.[2] He became a lawyer in 1969 and was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970. He was elected to the U.S. Senate from Delaware in 1972 when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Was reelected six times and was the fourth-most senior senator when he resigned to assume the vice presidency in 2009.[3]
As a senator, was a longtime member and eventually chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. He opposed the Gulf War in 1991 but advocated for U.S. and NATO intervention in the Bosnian War in 1994 and 1995, expanding NATO in the 1990s, and the 1999 bombing of Serbia during the Kosovo War. He argued and voted for the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002 but opposed the surge of U.S. troops in 2007. He has also served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties, as well as the contentious U.S. Supreme Court nominations of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Biden led the efforts to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act.

I had no idea that Tom Hanks the actor (pretty smart guy and really really good actor) had these kinds of qualifications and thank you for the opportunity to bring it to the forefront. But, since Tom Hanks isn't running against trump this time I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recommending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
In other words, Joe has never had a real job, has failed in every government job he was given, and has not accomplished a single thing which qualifies him as being President except taking a huge suction on Obama's nether orifice.
Reads like a pretty darn good record, and from memory from years ago (the say those are best, but can't remember what you had for breakfast) remember his name coming up often and not in a bad way. I like hist history of working with Republicans to get things done, not like the jerks up there on both sides of the aisle today. So you say government service to the people of his state and country has been a long term dedication? Hey, I only I only had two main careers over the 40 something years working and both used crossover skills gained in the other one. I like people who can settle on something they are pretty good at and be a long term benefit, continuing to gain knowledge and experience along the way and showing reasonably steady progression, don't you. Kind of like the military, don't you think? "Obama's nether ofifice"? Aren't you a little old for an anal fixation. We've talked. You're a more literate man than that.

I was speaking about Biden. His record is quite a bit different because wiki leaves out all of his failures, like claiming to be first in his law school class when he almost finished last, plagiarizing speeches, getting his ass beaten soundly in every Democrat primary he entered, and a few I may have forgotten.
Actually it does mention those things, accept for the part about being beaten in every Democrat primary he enter, but I suppose you are making an acception for his winning the Democratic primary for the United States Senate consitently from before the his election in 1972 until he left the office in 2009 to become Vice President.
It did also mention some distinctions:
Biden has received honorary degrees from the University of Scranton (1976),[444] Saint Joseph's University (LL.D 1981),[445] Widener University School of Law (2000),[153] Emerson College (2003),[446] his alma mater the University of Delaware (2004),[447] Suffolk University Law School (2005),[448] his other alma mater Syracuse University (LL.D 2009),[449] the University of Pennsylvania (LL.D 2013),[450] Miami Dade College (2014),[451] Trinity College, Dublin (LL.D 2016),[452] Colby College (LL.D 2017),[453] Morgan State University (DPS 2017),[454] and the University of South Carolina (DPA 2017).[455]

President Obama presents Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, January 12, 2017

Biden also received the Chancellor Medal (1980) and the George Arents Pioneer Medal (2005) from Syracuse University.[456][456][457]

In 2008, Biden received Working Mother magazine's Best of Congress Award for "improving the American quality of life through family-friendly work policies".[458] Also in 2008, he shared with fellow senator Richard Lugar the Government of Pakistan's Hilal-i-Pakistan award "in recognition of their consistent support for Pakistan".[459] In 2009, Kosovo gave Biden the Golden Medal of Freedom, the region's highest award, for his vocal support for its independence in the late 1990s.[460]

Biden is an inductee of the Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association Hall of Fame.[461] He was named to the Little League Hall of Excellence in 2009.[462]

On June 25, 2016, Biden received the Freedom of the City of County Louth in the Republic of Ireland.[463]

On January 12, 2017, Obama surprised Biden by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction during a farewell press conference at the White House honoring Biden and his wife. Obama said he was awarding Biden the Medal of Freedom for "faith in your fellow Americans, for your love of country and a lifetime of service that will endure through the generations".[464][465] It was the first and only time Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom with the additional honor of distinction, an honor his three predecessors had reserved for only President Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell and Pope John Paul II, respectively.[466]

On December 11, 2018, the University of Delaware renamed its School of Public Policy and Administration the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. The Biden Institute is housed there.[467]
Don’t cut and paste. In your own words tell me one positive and or influential accomplishment of his during his 40+ years in politics. Surely you must know one off the top of your head?
Just off the top of my head, I like the often scorned crime bill, that even he talks against now. But, hey, some people are softer on crime than I am. Look at the outrage over all of trumps cronies going to jail.
“Cronies”? Outrage is over how and why they went. You’re not honest. You are voting for Biden because you hate Trump. That’s all. 65 and still lying. Sad.
Wrong. Your 39 having not progressed beyond 25 and still clinging to very poor judgement.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.
Ill be voting for Trump. Biden has yet to exit his basement or pick a VP. The only policy of his that you like is that he is not Trump. You’re a troll.
As is your right. You calling me a troll is like the pot calling the kettle black. I will consider it as another example of the over exuberance of youth, kid.
Your only reason to vote for Biden is that he is not Trump. What should I call that? Do tell.
Voting in my own best interests and as I see the best interests of the country, without as much drama, less antagonism, better foreign policy and hopefully a better relationship between the different branches of government and departments is what I call it. I have learned everything seems to work out if you keep you $hit together, continue to work toward your personal goals and keep your enemies list very short. Worked for me.
Biden is an awful candidate. Democrat party is idiotic for pushing that loser.
I like him, so I'm voting Democrat this time. I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recomending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
I like Tom Hanks movies. If he runs I ll vote For him...same logic.
Actually I had no idea that Tom was: an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017 and represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in the 2020 election. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and in 2008.
Or that Tom: studied at the University of Delaware before receiving his law degree from Syracuse University.[2] He became a lawyer in 1969 and was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970. He was elected to the U.S. Senate from Delaware in 1972 when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Was reelected six times and was the fourth-most senior senator when he resigned to assume the vice presidency in 2009.[3]
As a senator, was a longtime member and eventually chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. He opposed the Gulf War in 1991 but advocated for U.S. and NATO intervention in the Bosnian War in 1994 and 1995, expanding NATO in the 1990s, and the 1999 bombing of Serbia during the Kosovo War. He argued and voted for the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002 but opposed the surge of U.S. troops in 2007. He has also served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties, as well as the contentious U.S. Supreme Court nominations of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Biden led the efforts to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act.

I had no idea that Tom Hanks the actor (pretty smart guy and really really good actor) had these kinds of qualifications and thank you for the opportunity to bring it to the forefront. But, since Tom Hanks isn't running against trump this time I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recommending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
In other words, Joe has never had a real job, has failed in every government job he was given, and has not accomplished a single thing which qualifies him as being President except taking a huge suction on Obama's nether orifice.
Reads like a pretty darn good record, and from memory from years ago (the say those are best, but can't remember what you had for breakfast) remember his name coming up often and not in a bad way. I like hist history of working with Republicans to get things done, not like the jerks up there on both sides of the aisle today. So you say government service to the people of his state and country has been a long term dedication? Hey, I only I only had two main careers over the 40 something years working and both used crossover skills gained in the other one. I like people who can settle on something they are pretty good at and be a long term benefit, continuing to gain knowledge and experience along the way and showing reasonably steady progression, don't you. Kind of like the military, don't you think? "Obama's nether ofifice"? Aren't you a little old for an anal fixation. We've talked. You're a more literate man than that.

I was speaking about Biden. His record is quite a bit different because wiki leaves out all of his failures, like claiming to be first in his law school class when he almost finished last, plagiarizing speeches, getting his ass beaten soundly in every Democrat primary he entered, and a few I may have forgotten.
Actually it does mention those things, accept for the part about being beaten in every Democrat primary he enter, but I suppose you are making an acception for his winning the Democratic primary for the United States Senate consitently from before the his election in 1972 until he left the office in 2009 to become Vice President.
It did also mention some distinctions:
Biden has received honorary degrees from the University of Scranton (1976),[444] Saint Joseph's University (LL.D 1981),[445] Widener University School of Law (2000),[153] Emerson College (2003),[446] his alma mater the University of Delaware (2004),[447] Suffolk University Law School (2005),[448] his other alma mater Syracuse University (LL.D 2009),[449] the University of Pennsylvania (LL.D 2013),[450] Miami Dade College (2014),[451] Trinity College, Dublin (LL.D 2016),[452] Colby College (LL.D 2017),[453] Morgan State University (DPS 2017),[454] and the University of South Carolina (DPA 2017).[455]

President Obama presents Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, January 12, 2017

Biden also received the Chancellor Medal (1980) and the George Arents Pioneer Medal (2005) from Syracuse University.[456][456][457]

In 2008, Biden received Working Mother magazine's Best of Congress Award for "improving the American quality of life through family-friendly work policies".[458] Also in 2008, he shared with fellow senator Richard Lugar the Government of Pakistan's Hilal-i-Pakistan award "in recognition of their consistent support for Pakistan".[459] In 2009, Kosovo gave Biden the Golden Medal of Freedom, the region's highest award, for his vocal support for its independence in the late 1990s.[460]

Biden is an inductee of the Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association Hall of Fame.[461] He was named to the Little League Hall of Excellence in 2009.[462]

On June 25, 2016, Biden received the Freedom of the City of County Louth in the Republic of Ireland.[463]

On January 12, 2017, Obama surprised Biden by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction during a farewell press conference at the White House honoring Biden and his wife. Obama said he was awarding Biden the Medal of Freedom for "faith in your fellow Americans, for your love of country and a lifetime of service that will endure through the generations".[464][465] It was the first and only time Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom with the additional honor of distinction, an honor his three predecessors had reserved for only President Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell and Pope John Paul II, respectively.[466]

On December 11, 2018, the University of Delaware renamed its School of Public Policy and Administration the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. The Biden Institute is housed there.[467]
Don’t cut and paste. In your own words tell me one positive and or influential accomplishment of his during his 40+ years in politics. Surely you must know one off the top of your head?
Just off the top of my head, I like the often scorned crime bill, that even he talks against now. But, hey, some people are softer on crime than I am. Look at the outrage over all of trumps cronies going to jail.
“Cronies”? Outrage is over how and why they went. You’re not honest. You are voting for Biden because you hate Trump. That’s all. 65 and still lying. Sad.
Wrong. Your 39 having not progressed beyond 25 and still clinging to very poor judgement.
That’s subjective but your hatred of Trump is the only reason you’re supporting Sleepy Joe. Stop lying to yourself.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.
Ill be voting for Trump. Biden has yet to exit his basement or pick a VP. The only policy of his that you like is that he is not Trump. You’re a troll.
As is your right. You calling me a troll is like the pot calling the kettle black. I will consider it as another example of the over exuberance of youth, kid.
Your only reason to vote for Biden is that he is not Trump. What should I call that? Do tell.
Voting in my own best interests and as I see the best interests of the country, without as much drama, less antagonism, better foreign policy and hopefully a better relationship between the different branches of government and departments is what I call it. I have learned everything seems to work out if you keep you $hit together, continue to work toward your personal goals and keep your enemies list very short. Worked for me.
Biden is an awful candidate. Democrat party is idiotic for pushing that loser.
I like him, so I'm voting Democrat this time. I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recomending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
I like Tom Hanks movies. If he runs I ll vote For him...same logic.
Actually I had no idea that Tom was: an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017 and represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in the 2020 election. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and in 2008.
Or that Tom: studied at the University of Delaware before receiving his law degree from Syracuse University.[2] He became a lawyer in 1969 and was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970. He was elected to the U.S. Senate from Delaware in 1972 when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Was reelected six times and was the fourth-most senior senator when he resigned to assume the vice presidency in 2009.[3]
As a senator, was a longtime member and eventually chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. He opposed the Gulf War in 1991 but advocated for U.S. and NATO intervention in the Bosnian War in 1994 and 1995, expanding NATO in the 1990s, and the 1999 bombing of Serbia during the Kosovo War. He argued and voted for the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002 but opposed the surge of U.S. troops in 2007. He has also served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties, as well as the contentious U.S. Supreme Court nominations of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Biden led the efforts to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act.

I had no idea that Tom Hanks the actor (pretty smart guy and really really good actor) had these kinds of qualifications and thank you for the opportunity to bring it to the forefront. But, since Tom Hanks isn't running against trump this time I'll Go With Joe in 2020! This was a non-paid political message recommending Joe Biden for President in 2020. I personally approve this message.
In other words, Joe has never had a real job, has failed in every government job he was given, and has not accomplished a single thing which qualifies him as being President except taking a huge suction on Obama's nether orifice.
Reads like a pretty darn good record, and from memory from years ago (the say those are best, but can't remember what you had for breakfast) remember his name coming up often and not in a bad way. I like hist history of working with Republicans to get things done, not like the jerks up there on both sides of the aisle today. So you say government service to the people of his state and country has been a long term dedication? Hey, I only I only had two main careers over the 40 something years working and both used crossover skills gained in the other one. I like people who can settle on something they are pretty good at and be a long term benefit, continuing to gain knowledge and experience along the way and showing reasonably steady progression, don't you. Kind of like the military, don't you think? "Obama's nether ofifice"? Aren't you a little old for an anal fixation. We've talked. You're a more literate man than that.

I was speaking about Biden. His record is quite a bit different because wiki leaves out all of his failures, like claiming to be first in his law school class when he almost finished last, plagiarizing speeches, getting his ass beaten soundly in every Democrat primary he entered, and a few I may have forgotten.
Actually it does mention those things, accept for the part about being beaten in every Democrat primary he enter, but I suppose you are making an acception for his winning the Democratic primary for the United States Senate consitently from before the his election in 1972 until he left the office in 2009 to become Vice President.
It did also mention some distinctions:
Biden has received honorary degrees from the University of Scranton (1976),[444] Saint Joseph's University (LL.D 1981),[445] Widener University School of Law (2000),[153] Emerson College (2003),[446] his alma mater the University of Delaware (2004),[447] Suffolk University Law School (2005),[448] his other alma mater Syracuse University (LL.D 2009),[449] the University of Pennsylvania (LL.D 2013),[450] Miami Dade College (2014),[451] Trinity College, Dublin (LL.D 2016),[452] Colby College (LL.D 2017),[453] Morgan State University (DPS 2017),[454] and the University of South Carolina (DPA 2017).[455]

President Obama presents Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, January 12, 2017

Biden also received the Chancellor Medal (1980) and the George Arents Pioneer Medal (2005) from Syracuse University.[456][456][457]

In 2008, Biden received Working Mother magazine's Best of Congress Award for "improving the American quality of life through family-friendly work policies".[458] Also in 2008, he shared with fellow senator Richard Lugar the Government of Pakistan's Hilal-i-Pakistan award "in recognition of their consistent support for Pakistan".[459] In 2009, Kosovo gave Biden the Golden Medal of Freedom, the region's highest award, for his vocal support for its independence in the late 1990s.[460]

Biden is an inductee of the Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association Hall of Fame.[461] He was named to the Little League Hall of Excellence in 2009.[462]

On June 25, 2016, Biden received the Freedom of the City of County Louth in the Republic of Ireland.[463]

On January 12, 2017, Obama surprised Biden by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction during a farewell press conference at the White House honoring Biden and his wife. Obama said he was awarding Biden the Medal of Freedom for "faith in your fellow Americans, for your love of country and a lifetime of service that will endure through the generations".[464][465] It was the first and only time Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom with the additional honor of distinction, an honor his three predecessors had reserved for only President Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell and Pope John Paul II, respectively.[466]

On December 11, 2018, the University of Delaware renamed its School of Public Policy and Administration the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. The Biden Institute is housed there.[467]
Which means those awards are meaningless when they are given to a pedophile
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.

I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
It's not surprising. You seem befuddled by a great number of things. Like not understanding the simple concept of how isolating and avoiding contact with others can prevent the spread of infection thereby preventing deaths. It's fascinating really, how a grown person could be so incompetent.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper
Of course I never said that, liar. It's your diminished capacity, or maybe under developed capacity that forces you to lie.

View attachment 338281

Of course you did say that, and of course you think you're going to get out of it by pretending it never happened and attacking others for daring to hear and remember your words. Of course that's the case, because you're a leftist, and you simply can't help it.
Of course you did say that, and of course you think you're going to get out of it by pretending it never happened and attacking others for daring to hear and remember your words. Of course that's the case, because you're a leftist, and you simply can't help it.
Quote me, liar.
This is what happens when you dopes hit the wall. You make up some bullshit allegation to deflect from your own incompetence. True Trumptards.

Okay, liar. Here you go.

Cecilie1200 said:
I tell you what. You prove to me that your lockdowns definitively have saved lives.
Are you serious? Obviously it has. Things are opening why?
Because the number of new cases has plateaued due to people being at home of course.
Once that ends. The trend reverses almost immediately. Wait a few weeks and check back in"

And before you start trying to parse your words and twist yourself into a pretzel where you get to say it and then totally deny that you did, don't bother.

Your whole proof is "Because I see it that way".
putting this country back together

“Putting this country back together” Mexicrat style =
Begging wetbacks to fuck Americans over
Denigrating Whitey
Denouncing patriotism / American pride
Condemnation of American virtues, history, traditions and culture
Championing chicks with dicks, degenerates, lowlifes and weirdos
Raising taxes on America’s best citizens
Legalizing drugs
Reducing the value of law and order
It's not surprising. You seem befuddled by a great number of things. Like not understanding the simple concept of how isolating and avoiding contact with others can prevent the spread of infection thereby preventing deaths. It's fascinating really, how a grown person could be so incompetent.
Avoiding contact with others is a great way to kill the economy.
Avoiding contact with others is a great way to kill the economy.
Conversely, encouraging contact is a great way to kill people.

Thank you for making my point very clear.
You support the "let them die policy".
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.

Goddamn you are one dumb fucker comparing car accidents with sailor's being re infected. WTF by the way those alcoholics tend to die faster with covid.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one retested positive. NYT is fake news. They were always positive and had some elements of the virus. Don't be such a snowflake.
No one retested positive. NYT is fake news. They were always positive and had some elements of the virus. Don't be such a snowflake.
It's the Navy times, dope.
Still fake news. If there are no antibodies to cure this then a vaccine is impossible to create. Basic biology.
Still fake news. If there are no antibodies to cure this then a vaccine is impossible to create. Basic biology.
No. The news is quite real and it does not mean that at all. A vaccine can be engineered to produce long lasting antibodies. The goal of any vaccine.
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.

I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
It's not surprising. You seem befuddled by a great number of things. Like not understanding the simple concept of how isolating and avoiding contact with others can prevent the spread of infection thereby preventing deaths. It's fascinating really, how a grown person could be so incompetent.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper
Of course I never said that, liar. It's your diminished capacity, or maybe under developed capacity that forces you to lie.

View attachment 338281

Of course you did say that, and of course you think you're going to get out of it by pretending it never happened and attacking others for daring to hear and remember your words. Of course that's the case, because you're a leftist, and you simply can't help it.
Of course you did say that, and of course you think you're going to get out of it by pretending it never happened and attacking others for daring to hear and remember your words. Of course that's the case, because you're a leftist, and you simply can't help it.
Quote me, liar.
This is what happens when you dopes hit the wall. You make up some bullshit allegation to deflect from your own incompetence. True Trumptards.

Okay, liar. Here you go.

Cecilie1200 said:
I tell you what. You prove to me that your lockdowns definitively have saved lives.
Are you serious? Obviously it has. Things are opening why?
Because the number of new cases has plateaued due to people being at home of course.
Once that ends. The trend reverses almost immediately. Wait a few weeks and check back in"

And before you start trying to parse your words and twist yourself into a pretzel where you get to say it and then totally deny that you did, don't bother.

Your whole proof is "Because I see it that way".
Uff...your incompetence is astounding.
This was your claim, dope. That I advocated for a "second great depression".

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper.
putting this country back together

“Putting this country back together” Mexicrat style =
Begging wetbacks to fuck Americans over
Denigrating Whitey
Denouncing patriotism / American pride
Condemnation of American virtues, history, traditions and culture
Championing chicks with dicks, degenerates, lowlifes and weirdos
Raising taxes on America’s best citizens
Legalizing drugs
Reducing the value of law and order

Or it simply means putting the American people and the economy back together.
putting this country back together

“Putting this country back together” Mexicrat style =
Begging wetbacks to fuck Americans over
Denigrating Whitey
Denouncing patriotism / American pride
Condemnation of American virtues, history, traditions and culture
Championing chicks with dicks, degenerates, lowlifes and weirdos
Raising taxes on America’s best citizens
Legalizing drugs
Reducing the value of law and order

Or it simply means putting the American people and the economy back together.

Nobody is buying that bullshit you’re selling.
putting this country back together

“Putting this country back together” Mexicrat style =
Begging wetbacks to fuck Americans over
Denigrating Whitey
Denouncing patriotism / American pride
Condemnation of American virtues, history, traditions and culture
Championing chicks with dicks, degenerates, lowlifes and weirdos
Raising taxes on America’s best citizens
Legalizing drugs
Reducing the value of law and order

Or it simply means putting the American people and the economy back together.

Nobody is buying that bullshit you’re selling.
Nobody is buying that bullshit you’re selling.
Great, don't buy it. I could care less about your paranoid delusions.
I was simply clarifying my thinking.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.

Goddamn you are one dumb fucker comparing car accidents with sailor's being re infected. WTF by the way those alcoholics tend to die faster with covid.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one retested positive. NYT is fake news. They were always positive and had some elements of the virus. Don't be such a snowflake.
No one retested positive. NYT is fake news. They were always positive and had some elements of the virus. Don't be such a snowflake.
It's the Navy times, dope.
Still fake news. If there are no antibodies to cure this then a vaccine is impossible to create. Basic biology.
Still fake news. If there are no antibodies to cure this then a vaccine is impossible to create. Basic biology.
No. The news is quite real and it does not mean that at all. A vaccine can be engineered to produce long lasting antibodies. The goal of any vaccine.
Yep, they inject you with a tiny virus. Or you can get the actual virus. Same result. That is how vaccines work. Durr....
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.

I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
I'm not sure which is more breathtaking: your ego, or how utterly and completely it is undeserved.
It's not surprising. You seem befuddled by a great number of things. Like not understanding the simple concept of how isolating and avoiding contact with others can prevent the spread of infection thereby preventing deaths. It's fascinating really, how a grown person could be so incompetent.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think you still had standing to keep talking? That's so precious.

Hey, tell us the story again about how you demanded we send the whole world into a second Great Depression because "it just seemed obvious" to you. That was a real kneeslapper
Of course I never said that, liar. It's your diminished capacity, or maybe under developed capacity that forces you to lie.

View attachment 338281

Of course you did say that, and of course you think you're going to get out of it by pretending it never happened and attacking others for daring to hear and remember your words. Of course that's the case, because you're a leftist, and you simply can't help it.
Of course you did say that, and of course you think you're going to get out of it by pretending it never happened and attacking others for daring to hear and remember your words. Of course that's the case, because you're a leftist, and you simply can't help it.
Quote me, liar.
This is what happens when you dopes hit the wall. You make up some bullshit allegation to deflect from your own incompetence. True Trumptards.

Okay, liar. Here you go.

Cecilie1200 said:
I tell you what. You prove to me that your lockdowns definitively have saved lives.
Are you serious? Obviously it has. Things are opening why?
Because the number of new cases has plateaued due to people being at home of course.
Once that ends. The trend reverses almost immediately. Wait a few weeks and check back in"

And before you start trying to parse your words and twist yourself into a pretzel where you get to say it and then totally deny that you did, don't bother.

Your whole proof is "Because I see it that way".
I don't see any rational support for doubting staying at home and social distancing saved lives. Even your own post seems to say the infections plateaued because of people obeying orders, and just plain requests, to isolate themselves. (Although not every state/city has plateaued) And I agree with you that logically it would seem that cases will go up as the economies and geographical areas open up, but I and I think most others are unsure exactly how that will play out, and whether we'll see our individual lives affected.

For example many of us at the gym I belong to are leaving our memberships on non-billed hiatus for a month or two or three.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.

Goddamn you are one dumb fucker comparing car accidents with sailor's being re infected. WTF by the way those alcoholics tend to die faster with covid.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one retested positive. NYT is fake news. They were always positive and had some elements of the virus. Don't be such a snowflake.
No one retested positive. NYT is fake news. They were always positive and had some elements of the virus. Don't be such a snowflake.
It's the Navy times, dope.
Still fake news. If there are no antibodies to cure this then a vaccine is impossible to create. Basic biology.
Still fake news. If there are no antibodies to cure this then a vaccine is impossible to create. Basic biology.
No. The news is quite real and it does not mean that at all. A vaccine can be engineered to produce long lasting antibodies. The goal of any vaccine.
Yep, they inject you with a tiny virus. Or you can get the actual virus. Same result. That is how vaccines work. Durr....
Nope. You really need to learn to know when it's time to just stop.

And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.

You made the claim that 82 was wrong.
A reasonable person would not do that unless they knew the right answer
Spit it out.
I said I did not believe AzogTheImpotent. I THINK the number is lower. I am questioning the accuracy of the 82 number. I don't need to prove anything, I didn't make a claim and present it as fact.

you did.
Almost all of the deaths from this are elderly and medically compromised people. THOSE are the people who need to be sheltering in place.

Like in nursing homes?

How did that work out?
Instead of emptying out the hospitals, they should have ramped up the isolation in nursing homes. Hindsight, I guess.
Well we now know lockdowns don’t stop it so let’s go to plan B and distance carefully from the frail while building herd immunity

Tell all the sailor's on the USS Roosevelt about her immunity, I think they'd laugh in your face about now.
People die everyday from tragedies. We have a car accident every 30 minutes. We don’t stop driving. You’re an irrational leftist.

Goddamn you are one dumb fucker comparing car accidents with sailor's being re infected. WTF by the way those alcoholics tend to die faster with covid.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one was re-infected. One died out of how many? We don't stop the economy over it to impact 300mil+. You stupid leftist fat troll. You probably don't even know what an inside of a gym looks like.
No one retested positive. NYT is fake news. They were always positive and had some elements of the virus. Don't be such a snowflake.
No one retested positive. NYT is fake news. They were always positive and had some elements of the virus. Don't be such a snowflake.
It's the Navy times, dope.
Still fake news. If there are no antibodies to cure this then a vaccine is impossible to create. Basic biology.
Still fake news. If there are no antibodies to cure this then a vaccine is impossible to create. Basic biology.
No. The news is quite real and it does not mean that at all. A vaccine can be engineered to produce long lasting antibodies. The goal of any vaccine.
Yep, they inject you with a tiny virus. Or you can get the actual virus. Same result. That is how vaccines work. Durr....
Nope. You really need to learn to know when it's time to just stop.

Vaccines work by putting a tiny virus in you.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar

Awww....poor baby has boo boo head. Is that a cramp in your widdle lifestyle?
How many should die so you can go to Cracker Barrel when the mood strikes?

Grow up, loser.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
Dickhead, 50% of all deaths are in nursing homes. Take that away and this is a typical flu type death %. Other states opened. No one is forcing cowards (you) to go out but because you're a chicken doesn't mean I have to follow the same rules you do.
100k dead in 10 weeks is not the typical flu, dope.
Creating more cases creates more death.

All so you can get a burger and a beer on a whim and feel good about your life. Good on you, loser.
50% was in nursing homes so it is closer to 45k and average age of death is 82. Spare me. You're a Leftist coward. Hide under your bed. No one is forcing you to go out.
Provide a link to your claim that the average age of death from Covid-19 is 82. I don't believe you.

What age are you thinking that it is?
Lower than 82.

I don't know. But we can probably find out when AzogTheImpotent can finally back up his claim.

What do you think the number is? Maybe we can get a pool going.

You made the claim that 82 was wrong.
A reasonable person would not do that unless they knew the right answer
Spit it out.
I said I did not believe AzogTheImpotent. I THINK the number is lower. I am questioning the accuracy of the 82 number. I don't need to prove anything, I didn't make a claim and present it as fact.

you did.
Agreed and I proved it was 82

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