Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

It's almost funny how these morons latched onto the spying bullshit like it was the life preserver from a sinking ship, but are conveniently deaf when Barr walked it back once confronted with the fact it was legal surveillance.
It's almost funny how these morons latched onto the spying bullshit like it was the life preserver from a sinking ship, but are conveniently deaf when Barr walked it back once confronted with the fact it was legal surveillance.
walked what back? post the video
It's almost funny how these morons latched onto the spying bullshit like it was the life preserver from a sinking ship, but are conveniently deaf when Barr walked it back once confronted with the fact it was legal surveillance.
walked what back? post the video
He walked back the spying term he used and IT WAS LEGAL so the trump Ass kisser was wrong as is trump and people like you
The multitude he is trying to hide??? :D Shedding LIGHT on it, is good. Hidden in the DARK is bad. Surely you know this....?

And there does not have to be a crime for the committee chair to request his tax returns from the IRS.

Would you honestly support an Obama doing this or a Hillary if she were president?

You guys have just lost your minds and any drop of moral standards you ever claimed to have.... it is mind blowing! :eek:

I truly do not understand it, at all....

No president or presidential candidate are constitutionally required to publish their personal taxes. The law requires financial disclosure forms from all elected officials, congress is free to review them.

The democrats are not asking Trump for his tax return but rather the IRS. They are citing a 1920s law that authorizes the Ways and Means Committee to get from the Treasury Department the tax return information of any taxpayer. According to law, congress has the right of oversight on the executive branch and specifically they can audit any part of the executive branch including the IRS.

I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.
The multitude he is trying to hide??? :D Shedding LIGHT on it, is good. Hidden in the DARK is bad. Surely you know this....?

And there does not have to be a crime for the committee chair to request his tax returns from the IRS.

Would you honestly support an Obama doing this or a Hillary if she were president?

You guys have just lost your minds and any drop of moral standards you ever claimed to have.... it is mind blowing! :eek:

I truly do not understand it, at all....

No president or presidential candidate are constitutionally required to publish their personal taxes. The law requires financial disclosure forms from all elected officials, congress is free to review them.

The democrats are not asking Trump for his tax return but rather the IRS. They are citing a 1920s law that authorizes the Ways and Means Committee to get from the Treasury Department the tax return information of any taxpayer. According to law, congress has the right of oversight on the executive branch and specifically they can audit any part of the executive branch including the IRS.

I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

I would suspect that someone with all of Trump's businesses and corporations, plus his individual taxes is always being audited someplace. Large corporations are under constant audit.

If Trump or any of his companies was cheating, the obama IRS would have been screaming it during the campaign.

these constant witch hunts are destroying the dem party and they are too stupid and hate filled to realize it.
Today, Trump's job approval among democrats stands at 4%. It was 8% a year ago and 13% when he took office. Among independents it's 33% today, 34% a year ago, and 43% when he took office. Whatever the democrats are doing, they should keep it up.
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
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Libbie loons want an investigation into anything and everything that does not go their way. Turning this country over to a bunch of probing imbeciles is something we will not do and have already thwarted.
Libbie loons want an investigation into anything and everything that does not go their way. Turning this country over to a bunch of probing imbeciles is something we will not do and have already thwarted.
Weather we already are in the hands of imbeciles How many are gone from this trumps morons WH?? and please don;t give me more of your BS I've had too many years of it
Libbie loons want an investigation into anything and everything that does not go their way. Turning this country over to a bunch of probing imbeciles is something we will not do and have already thwarted.
Weather we already are in the hands of imbeciles How many are gone from this trumps morons WH?? and please don;t give me more of your BS I've had too many years of it
Try that in English and let me see if I can respond.
Libbie loons want an investigation into anything and everything that does not go their way. Turning this country over to a bunch of probing imbeciles is something we will not do and have already thwarted.
Weather we already are in the hands of imbeciles How many are gone from this trumps morons WH?? and please don;t give me more of your BS I've had too many years of it
Try that in English and let me see if I can respond.
You never did understand English or the truth
Libbie loons want an investigation into anything and everything that does not go their way. Turning this country over to a bunch of probing imbeciles is something we will not do and have already thwarted.
Weather we already are in the hands of imbeciles How many are gone from this trumps morons WH?? and please don;t give me more of your BS I've had too many years of it
Try that in English and let me see if I can respond.
You never did understand English or the truth
Very good. It shows us in rare moments of composure that you are literate.
Libbie loons want an investigation into anything and everything that does not go their way. Turning this country over to a bunch of probing imbeciles is something we will not do and have already thwarted.

So far, all the criminality is on the republican side, reagan being the grandfather of felonies and indictments. Right now, trump's up to his eyeballs in questionable shit. Obama? Clean as a whistle. Not bad considering how many low lifes like hannity, limbaugh and gingrich tried to make him out to be a bad guy.

"Congressional oversight is oversight by the United States Congress over the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies.

"Congressional oversight includes the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.[1]

"Congress exercises this power largely through its congressional committee system.

"Oversight also occurs in a wide variety of congressional activities and contexts.

"These include authorization, appropriations, investigative, and legislative hearings by standing committees; specialized investigations by select committees; and reviews and studies by congressional support agencies and staff."

Congressional oversight - Wikipedia
Doesn't seem a clear mandate for Congress to demand this specific information. To what end? I come back to "Who gives a shit", other than political hacks who cannot stand the fact that their cankled c**t failed to win. I'd like to see Congress get on with more important business, it's not like there isn't a lack of things that need their attention. But they continue to insist on conducting their stupid witch hunt.
Doesn't seem a clear mandate for Congress to demand this specific information. To what end

He brags about not paying federal income taxes.

He is currently subject to 17 different investigations.

Congress has every right to see his tax returns as part of their oversight obligations.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found."
And if any honest, bipartisan investigation were actually pursued, how many would include the beast on the right? How many different charges could be brought against the Hildebeest?
And if any honest, bipartisan investigation were actually pursued, how many would include the beast on the right? How many different charges could be brought against the Hildebeest?

Hillary is no longer a threat to 90% of US residents.
The same can't be said for the Red Don.

Why Trump Wants the Mueller Report and His Taxes Kept Secret |

"Trump and Sater’s last project together was the largest: the 46-story Trump SoHo hotel and office tower in Manhattan.

Trump signed a letter authorizing a recapitalization of the troubled project in which bankers and buyers lost money.

"Millions of apparently untaxed dollars of profits for Trump, Sater and others vanished into an Icelandic bank under the thumb of a Russian oligarch—prompting extensive litigation, efforts by Trump and others to seal court files and eventually removal of the Trump named from the building."

not one of those claims has been proven. posting lying allegations from left wing sources only makes you look like a fool.

Trump has said several times that he wants the entire Mueller report made public. do you libs ever stop lying?
not one of those claims has been proven. posting lying allegations from left wing sources only makes you look like a fool.
Those claims will not be proven one way or the other until Trump releases him tax returns as he has promised on many previous occasions. Since he lies dozens of times every day, why would you believe anything he says today or tomorrow?

"Congressional oversight is oversight by the United States Congress over the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies.

"Congressional oversight includes the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.[1]

"Congress exercises this power largely through its congressional committee system.

"Oversight also occurs in a wide variety of congressional activities and contexts.

"These include authorization, appropriations, investigative, and legislative hearings by standing committees; specialized investigations by select committees; and reviews and studies by congressional support agencies and staff."

Congressional oversight - Wikipedia
Doesn't seem a clear mandate for Congress to demand this specific information. To what end? I come back to "Who gives a shit", other than political hacks who cannot stand the fact that their cankled c**t failed to win. I'd like to see Congress get on with more important business, it's not like there isn't a lack of things that need their attention. But they continue to insist on conducting their stupid witch hunt.
Doesn't seem a clear mandate for Congress to demand this specific information. To what end

He brags about not paying federal income taxes.

He is currently subject to 17 different investigations.

Congress has every right to see his tax returns as part of their oversight obligations.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found."
And if any honest, bipartisan investigation were actually pursued, how many would include the beast on the right? How many different charges could be brought against the Hildebeest?
And if any honest, bipartisan investigation were actually pursued, how many would include the beast on the right? How many different charges could be brought against the Hildebeest?

Hillary is no longer a threat to 90% of US residents.
The same can't be said for the Red Don.

Why Trump Wants the Mueller Report and His Taxes Kept Secret |

"Trump and Sater’s last project together was the largest: the 46-story Trump SoHo hotel and office tower in Manhattan.

Trump signed a letter authorizing a recapitalization of the troubled project in which bankers and buyers lost money.

"Millions of apparently untaxed dollars of profits for Trump, Sater and others vanished into an Icelandic bank under the thumb of a Russian oligarch—prompting extensive litigation, efforts by Trump and others to seal court files and eventually removal of the Trump named from the building."
Trump’s been saying to release the mueller report openly. You just lied. So typical
Trump’s been saying to release the mueller report openly. You just lied. So typical
Maybe Trump lied?

Why Trumpists Don’t Mind — and Sometimes Believe — the Donald’s Torrent of Lies | Blue Virginia
Doesn't seem a clear mandate for Congress to demand this specific information. To what end? I come back to "Who gives a shit", other than political hacks who cannot stand the fact that their cankled c**t failed to win. I'd like to see Congress get on with more important business, it's not like there isn't a lack of things that need their attention. But they continue to insist on conducting their stupid witch hunt.
Doesn't seem a clear mandate for Congress to demand this specific information. To what end

He brags about not paying federal income taxes.

He is currently subject to 17 different investigations.

Congress has every right to see his tax returns as part of their oversight obligations.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found."
And if any honest, bipartisan investigation were actually pursued, how many would include the beast on the right? How many different charges could be brought against the Hildebeest?
And if any honest, bipartisan investigation were actually pursued, how many would include the beast on the right? How many different charges could be brought against the Hildebeest?

Hillary is no longer a threat to 90% of US residents.
The same can't be said for the Red Don.

Why Trump Wants the Mueller Report and His Taxes Kept Secret |

"Trump and Sater’s last project together was the largest: the 46-story Trump SoHo hotel and office tower in Manhattan.

Trump signed a letter authorizing a recapitalization of the troubled project in which bankers and buyers lost money.

"Millions of apparently untaxed dollars of profits for Trump, Sater and others vanished into an Icelandic bank under the thumb of a Russian oligarch—prompting extensive litigation, efforts by Trump and others to seal court files and eventually removal of the Trump named from the building."
Trump’s been saying to release the mueller report openly. You just lied. So typical
Trump’s been saying to release the mueller report openly. You just lied. So typical
Maybe Trump lied?

Why Trumpists Don’t Mind — and Sometimes Believe — the Donald’s Torrent of Lies | Blue Virginia
Huh :huh1::dunno:
Doesn't seem a clear mandate for Congress to demand this specific information. To what end? I come back to "Who gives a shit", other than political hacks who cannot stand the fact that their cankled c**t failed to win. I'd like to see Congress get on with more important business, it's not like there isn't a lack of things that need their attention. But they continue to insist on conducting their stupid witch hunt.
Doesn't seem a clear mandate for Congress to demand this specific information. To what end

He brags about not paying federal income taxes.

He is currently subject to 17 different investigations.

Congress has every right to see his tax returns as part of their oversight obligations.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found."
And if any honest, bipartisan investigation were actually pursued, how many would include the beast on the right? How many different charges could be brought against the Hildebeest?
And if any honest, bipartisan investigation were actually pursued, how many would include the beast on the right? How many different charges could be brought against the Hildebeest?

Hillary is no longer a threat to 90% of US residents.
The same can't be said for the Red Don.

Why Trump Wants the Mueller Report and His Taxes Kept Secret |

"Trump and Sater’s last project together was the largest: the 46-story Trump SoHo hotel and office tower in Manhattan.

Trump signed a letter authorizing a recapitalization of the troubled project in which bankers and buyers lost money.

"Millions of apparently untaxed dollars of profits for Trump, Sater and others vanished into an Icelandic bank under the thumb of a Russian oligarch—prompting extensive litigation, efforts by Trump and others to seal court files and eventually removal of the Trump named from the building."

not one of those claims has been proven. posting lying allegations from left wing sources only makes you look like a fool.

Trump has said several times that he wants the entire Mueller report made public. do you libs ever stop lying?
not one of those claims has been proven. posting lying allegations from left wing sources only makes you look like a fool.
Those claims will not be proven one way or the other until Trump releases him tax returns as he has promised on many previous occasions. Since he lies dozens of times every day, why would you believe anything he says today or tomorrow?
Oh ok Francis . Hahaha. :auiqs.jpg:
Trumps sister a judge, stepping down to avoid a fraud income tax charge against her She helped skump cook the books too
No president or presidential candidate are constitutionally required to publish their personal taxes. The law requires financial disclosure forms from all elected officials, congress is free to review them.

The democrats are not asking Trump for his tax return but rather the IRS. They are citing a 1920s law that authorizes the Ways and Means Committee to get from the Treasury Department the tax return information of any taxpayer. According to law, congress has the right of oversight on the executive branch and specifically they can audit any part of the executive branch including the IRS.

I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Why did Manafort give secret and confidential Trump polling data to Kilimnik? Did Kilimnik pass it on to the GRU so they could advertise and troll in the areas the polling data showed where the Trump campaign needed it most?

What actually occurred between Roger Stone and wikileaks, was he made aware of the stolen email dumps to come, did he direct them on a timely basis for the benefit of Trump? Did he communicate what was going to be in the stolen email dumps to the Trump campaign? Why did Trump mention wikileaks 160 times in his rallies, in the month of October alone, when he was briefed by our intelligence that Russia had stolen them and was trying to interfere with our election?

What did Cambridge Analytica actually do to help the Trump campaign, besides illegally obtaining Facebook confidential data on unsuspecting users? Why did they shut down? Who paid them?

Who were the Russians that illegally donated funds to the NRA for their advertising that supported the Trump campaign besides Alexander Torshin? Why did Don Junior meet with Torshin and have dinner with him at an NRA event? What was Maria Butina's roll and her boyfriend's in electing Trump, if any?

Who were the Russians who illegally donated to the Trump Inaugural fund? What did they get in return from the Trump campaign for doing such? Was there a pay for play situation set up with the Trump Inaugural Fund?

What exactly did trump Campaign Sam Clovis illegally do? Why and for what, is he still cooperating with the Special Counsel?

Why is the Special Counsel's Grand Jury still alive and well? What are they needed for if the Special Counsel investigation is over?

Why did Kushner want to set up a back channel of communications with the Russians? And why in the heck would he try to do such in the Russian embassy?

What really happened at the Trump tower Meeting with Kushner, Manafort, Junior and the 6 govt Russian operatives....

Why did Don Junior accept a meeting with these Russian operatives when they had already been briefed that Russia was trying to illegally interfere in our election?

Why did President Trump make up a LIE about the Trump tower meeting for Don Junior?

Why did no one from the Trump campaign notify the FBI when the Russians were going overboard in their contacts with them?

Why did everyone including Trump LIE about all of their Russian contacts during the campaign?

Why did candidate Trump LIE about his Trump tower Moscow deal he was working on until the day he got elected?

Why did President Trump send Erik Prince to meet with the Russian operative in the Seychelles?

What was the second Trump tower meeting about, that Erik Prince just slipped up and told us took place?

All of these questions are just a few of the questions I, and anyone following the investigation, want to know the answers to....
You forgot the most important question.
When are they gonna lock her up ?
The democrats are not asking Trump for his tax return but rather the IRS. They are citing a 1920s law that authorizes the Ways and Means Committee to get from the Treasury Department the tax return information of any taxpayer. According to law, congress has the right of oversight on the executive branch and specifically they can audit any part of the executive branch including the IRS.

I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

6103 f,

gave Congress the power to be a check on it, BECAUSE the administration, the executive branch, covered up the corruption of their co workers and VP I believe, in the executive branch...

tea pot dome scandal
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I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

6103 f,

gave Congress the power to be a check on it, BECAUSE the administration, the executive branch, covered up the corruption of their co workers in the executive branch...

tea pot dome scandal
And this is why, the IRS must comply with the tax years requested when asked by one of these specific 3 committees in Congress, a 5 year prison sentence, if they do not.

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