Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

What in heavens name is President Trump, so afraid of... they have to keep it confidential, it does not get released to the full congress or the public?
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously

Well... given how the Russia/Trump investigation was the biggest nothing burger in the world, and it made all of you look like that pathetic partisan hacks that you are......

I would likely keep my taxes under wraps too. Let you guys fight it out endlessly, and then when you finally get them, you'll find nothing and look pathetic and partisan again.

I would do exactly what Trump is doing. The more you freak out, the better chance he has of re-election. That whole Russia investigation rallied massive support around Trump, when it turned out you had nothing. My bet is, the Tax deal will have a similar positive effect for the elections.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously

Well... given how the Russia/Trump investigation was the biggest nothing burger in the world, and it made all of you look like that pathetic partisan hacks that you are......

I would likely keep my taxes under wraps too. Let you guys fight it out endlessly, and then when you finally get them, you'll find nothing and look pathetic and partisan again.

I would do exactly what Trump is doing. The more you freak out, the better chance he has of re-election. That whole Russia investigation rallied massive support around Trump, when it turned out you had nothing. My bet is, the Tax deal will have a similar positive effect for the elections.
Exactly, this is the reason Trump shouldn't release his returns. Democrats have a track record of making something out of nothing, then they spoon feed it to
the msm and they run with it. It becomes a confusing clusterfuck, just as planned. No one knows what to believe for years, until it's proven once again
that it was a big nothing burger. I am so tired of the left always banging....."what's he got to hide?" Only the mindless sheep say crap like that.
A lie travels half way around the world before the truth gets its boots on.
The democrats are not asking Trump for his tax return but rather the IRS. They are citing a 1920s law that authorizes the Ways and Means Committee to get from the Treasury Department the tax return information of any taxpayer. According to law, congress has the right of oversight on the executive branch and specifically they can audit any part of the executive branch including the IRS.

I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.
I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

6103 f,

gave Congress the power to be a check on it, BECAUSE the administration, the executive branch, covered up the corruption of their co workers and VP I believe, in the executive branch...

tea pot dome scandal

Funny how congress has never bothered until now. And funny how congress isn't bringing in IRS reps to explain procedures of presidential tax reviews. Basically it boils down to how funny it is you commies are so fucking desperate to complete the coup de'ta. Good luck in the courts, LMFAO.

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I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...
Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Of course he's telling the truth, but not, perhaps, all of the truth: a large privately owned company like his is always under audit. The IRS is probably still auditing his taxes from a few years ago and this year's taxes will continue to be audited for at least the next two years.
High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

if he is stopping the irs director from following 6103 f,
the president is breaking the law.

if the treasury secretary is telling the irs director not to follow 6103 f, then he is breaking the law and can be imprisoned for 5 years over it....
Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

if he is stopping the irs director from following 6103 f,
the president is breaking the law.

if the treasury secretary is telling the irs director not to follow 6103 f, then he is breaking the law and can be imprisoned for 5 years over it....
Yeah, hold your breath. Any request from Congress for documents must be pursuant to either its legislative function or its oversight of government function to be valid and the request for the President's tax returns is clearly neither.
Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

if he is stopping the irs director from following 6103 f,
the president is breaking the law.

if the treasury secretary is telling the irs director not to follow 6103 f, then he is breaking the law and can be imprisoned for 5 years over it....

How long can the congresscritters get for abuse of office and political fishing expeditions? Other Ways and Means committee members are saying that's exactly what they're doing and I'm sure they will testify to that in court.

Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Of course he's telling the truth, but not, perhaps, all of the truth: a large privately owned company like his is always under audit. The IRS is probably still auditing his taxes from a few years ago and this year's taxes will continue to be audited for at least the next two years.

Nixon's were under audit, but he still let 6103 f, take place.... he did not break the law, to stop it...

plus, being under audit has no affect on him being able to show the public, you do know that, don't you? There is no law preventing him from showing us, because he is under audit, and all tax lawyers and CPA's state it would not matter 1 itty bitty bit, for him to show us his tax return if under audit....

but let's just say it would make him uncomfortable to do so and go public...


but that does not give him the right to break the law with 6103f... where only the tax committees in congress gets to see them, and they do not go public
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Why would you want to see Trump's tax returns?
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
I think he just wants to hide the fact that he paid $27.63 in taxes in 2015.
His supporters will say "What a smart businessman!" To everyone else? Not good press.
Would you get jealous?
Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

if he is stopping the irs director from following 6103 f,
the president is breaking the law.

if the treasury secretary is telling the irs director not to follow 6103 f, then he is breaking the law and can be imprisoned for 5 years over it....

How long can the congresscritters get for abuse of office and political fishing expeditions? Other Ways and Means committee members are saying that's exactly what they're doing and I'm sure they will testify to that in court.

do you think Pres Trump is breaking the law with his taxes?

be honest

what is this 'fight' all about?

was it partisan for getting Nixon's thru 6103f?

Was it partisan to get Ford's taxes through 6103 f? He never went public with his tax returns, thus 6103f was done on him.... Clinton also had 6103 done to him, when they were investigating whitewater from years back, before his presidency....

the irs has NEVER turned down a 6103f request... because it would be breaking the law.

what makes this president think he can break the law and have no consequences?

this lawless president, needs to stop this!

he is NOT above the law.

he took an oath to follow and execute the laws of the land?

what in the Lord's name, is going on here?
Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

if he is stopping the irs director from following 6103 f,
the president is breaking the law.

if the treasury secretary is telling the irs director not to follow 6103 f, then he is breaking the law and can be imprisoned for 5 years over it....
Yeah, hold your breath. Any request from Congress for documents must be pursuant to either its legislative function or its oversight of government function to be valid and the request for the President's tax returns is clearly neither.
what part of their oversight is it that you've missed?

does he have foreign entanglements that could affect his decisions? He never divested like all others, nor did he ever put his businesses in a blind trust.

is he breaking the emolument's clause?

is the IRS auditing him, as per the IRS protocol to do so for all presidents and vice presidents?

They have lots of 'oversight' reasons to view them...

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