Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

6103 f,

gave Congress the power to be a check on it, BECAUSE the administration, the executive branch, covered up the corruption of their co workers and VP I believe, in the executive branch...

tea pot dome scandal

Funny how congress has never bothered until now. And funny how congress isn't bringing in IRS reps to explain procedures of presidential tax reviews. Basically it boils down to how funny it is you commies are so fucking desperate to complete the coup de'ta. Good luck in the courts, LMFAO.


I don't find it funny that Nazis like you support the trump and his team of fascists in their quest to destroy democracy in America, and their efferts to create a plutocratic amerika.
What in heavens name is President Trump, so afraid of... they have to keep it confidential, it does not get released to the full congress or the public?

You'd have to ask him, as he is the only one who knows. A guess, however, would be a natural reluctance to let the jackals have any access to them at all, after seeing how successfully Reid lied about Romney's. There would be no gain in it for him at all because no one with an above room temperature IQ thinks that the haters would play nice, fair, or by the rules should they gain any access at all.
What in heavens name is President Trump, so afraid of... they have to keep it confidential, it does not get released to the full congress or the public?

You'd have to ask him, as he is the only one who knows. A guess, however, would be a natural reluctance to let the jackals have any access to them at all, after seeing how successfully Reid lied about Romney's. There would be no gain in it for him at all because no one with an above room temperature IQ thinks that the haters would play nice, fair, or by the rules should they gain any access at all.

You're wrong. Trump is not the only one who knows what he is hiding.
Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

if he is stopping the irs director from following 6103 f,
the president is breaking the law.

if the treasury secretary is telling the irs director not to follow 6103 f, then he is breaking the law and can be imprisoned for 5 years over it....

How long can the congresscritters get for abuse of office and political fishing expeditions? Other Ways and Means committee members are saying that's exactly what they're doing and I'm sure they will testify to that in court.

It is Trump and his lock step cronies, that are ABUSING his POWER....

He is breaking the law by not complying with 6103f....

He's a law breaker by doing it, and the Secretary of treasury is a law breaker as well by keeping the IRS director from following the law.

why is it that EVERYTHING has to be different with this president, THAN ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS, when it comes to protocols, and ethics standards and laws of the land?

And WHY do you all go along with him on all of it?

What makes his lawless shit not stink, in your head?
I posted this in another thread and it seems to appropriate here:

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

The commies can't legally go on fishing expeditions, I doubt the courts will side with the sham purpose stated in the request letter. How can you examine how presidents returns are being handled if they only examine one presidents returns. They are also requesting years that don't fall within his presidency and fall outside the scope of their letter.
Since Trump claims his tax returns are still being audited after 3 years, then it certainly might be time for Congress to see what their doing.

Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Is there credible reason to believe the IRS is mishandling presidential tax forms? Let's see if this is an honest rationale or just a partisan fishing attempt.

Let's say Congress passes legislation that requires the IRS to release the tax information for every president and every Congress critter starting in 2024. Would that fulfill your oversight requirements, or is it really more about digging into Trump's financial affairs, desperately hoping to find something that can be spun into a scandal? IOW, there are a lot of returns that would be of interest to those who wonder how Senators and Representatives routinely enter office moderately well off and leave insanely wealthy on good but not crazy high salaries.
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?

That had no bearing on the legality of this fishing expedition.
Wow, a new excuse for abuse of power, hadn't heard that one before. It still doesn't justify asking for 6 years of returns. 5 non-presidential years.


High crimes and misdemeanors are not necessarily criminal activities, the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption can be alleged in a petition of impeachment.

Whether such activities might be ferreted out in the tax records of the president cannot be ascertained unless the taxes are available for inspection.

Given Trump's promise to release his records, and his failure to do so, common sense suggests he's hiding something.

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

6103 f,

gave Congress the power to be a check on it, BECAUSE the administration, the executive branch, covered up the corruption of their co workers and VP I believe, in the executive branch...

tea pot dome scandal

Funny how congress has never bothered until now. And funny how congress isn't bringing in IRS reps to explain procedures of presidential tax reviews. Basically it boils down to how funny it is you commies are so fucking desperate to complete the coup de'ta. Good luck in the courts, LMFAO.


I don't find it funny that Nazis like you support the trump and his team of fascists in their quest to destroy democracy in America, and their efferts to create a plutocratic amerika.

Projection, much?
Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

if he is stopping the irs director from following 6103 f,
the president is breaking the law.

if the treasury secretary is telling the irs director not to follow 6103 f, then he is breaking the law and can be imprisoned for 5 years over it....

How long can the congresscritters get for abuse of office and political fishing expeditions? Other Ways and Means committee members are saying that's exactly what they're doing and I'm sure they will testify to that in court.

It is Trump and his lock step cronies, that are ABUSING his POWER....

He is breaking the law by not complying with 6103f....

He's a law breaker by doing it, and the Secretary of treasury is a law breaker as well by keeping the IRS director from following the law.

why is it that EVERYTHING has to be different with this president, THAN ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS, when it comes to protocols, and ethics standards and laws of the land?

And WHY do you all go along with him on all of it?

What makes his lawless shit not stink, in your head?

your selective outrage speaks for itself,,,
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Of course he's telling the truth, but not, perhaps, all of the truth: a large privately owned company like his is always under audit. The IRS is probably still auditing his taxes from a few years ago and this year's taxes will continue to be audited for at least the next two years.

Nixon's were under audit, but he still let 6103 f, take place.... he did not break the law, to stop it...

plus, being under audit has no affect on him being able to show the public, you do know that, don't you? There is no law preventing him from showing us, because he is under audit, and all tax lawyers and CPA's state it would not matter 1 itty bitty bit, for him to show us his tax return if under audit....

but let's just say it would make him uncomfortable to do so and go public...


but that does not give him the right to break the law with 6103f... where only the tax committees in congress gets to see them, and they do not go public

If you actually believe democrats in Congress would keep that information secret if they thought it could be used against Trump in any way, I have a rainbow farting unicorn for sale, cheap.
give us a legitimate reason why he should not give them, and break the law...

There's no requirement to give them and what law did he break?

if he is stopping the irs director from following 6103 f,
the president is breaking the law.

if the treasury secretary is telling the irs director not to follow 6103 f, then he is breaking the law and can be imprisoned for 5 years over it....

How long can the congresscritters get for abuse of office and political fishing expeditions? Other Ways and Means committee members are saying that's exactly what they're doing and I'm sure they will testify to that in court.

It is Trump and his lock step cronies, that are ABUSING his POWER....

He is breaking the law by not complying with 6103f....

He's a law breaker by doing it, and the Secretary of treasury is a law breaker as well by keeping the IRS director from following the law.

why is it that EVERYTHING has to be different with this president, THAN ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS, when it comes to protocols, and ethics standards and laws of the land?

And WHY do you all go along with him on all of it?

What makes his lawless shit not stink, in your head?

your selective outrage speaks for itself,,,
How so?
2006 - WikiLeaks is founded by Assange.
2007 - WikiLeaks posts the procedures manual for Camp Delta, the US detention center in Guantánamo Bay.
September 2008 - WikiLeaks posts emails from vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's Yahoo account.
April 5, 2010 - WikiLeaks posts a video showing a US military helicopter firing on and killing two journalists and several Iraqi civilians in 2007. The military claims that the helicopter crew believed the targets were armed insurgents, not civilians.
July 25, 2010 - WikiLeaks posts more than 90,000 classified documents related to the Afghanistan war.
August 20, 2010 - Swedish prosecutors issue an arrest warrant for Assange based on allegations of sexual assault from two female WikiLeaks volunteers.
August 21, 2010 - The Swedish prosecutor's office announces it is rescinding the arrest warrant.
August 31, 2010 - Assange is questioned by Stockholm police and told of the charges against him.
October 22, 2010 - WikiLeaks publishes classified military documents from the Iraq war.
November 20, 2010 - The Stockholm Criminal Court issues an international arrest warrant for Assange.
November 28, 2010 - WikiLeaks begins publishing diplomatic cables from US embassies.
December 7, 2010 - Turns himself in to London authorities. Assange is remanded in custody.
December 16, 2010 - Is released on bail and put on house arrest.
February 24, 2011 - A judge rules in support of Assange's extradition to Sweden. Assange's lawyers file an appeal.
April 24, 2011 - WikiLeaks begins releasing classified military documents providing details on the behavior and treatment of detainees being held at the US Navy's detention facility at Guantánamo Bay.
September 2, 2011 - WikiLeaks releases its archive of more than a quarter million US diplomatic cables.
November 2, 2011 - Appeals court judges in London rule in favor of Assange being extradited to Sweden.
November 15, 2011 - The UK Judicial Office announces Assange has applied to take his appeal against extradition to Sweden to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.
May 30, 2012 - The British Supreme Court denies Assange's appeal against extradition to Sweden but grants him two weeks to file an appeal. This is unusual, because rulings are supposed to be final.
June 19, 2012 - Assange enters the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, requesting political asylum.
August 16, 2012 - Ecuador announces it has granted asylum to Assange.
August 19, 2012 - Makes a public address from the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, demanding that the United States drop its "witch-hunt" against WikiLeaks.
September 26, 2012 - Delivers a speech via satellite to a full conference room at the United Nations, asking the US government to end its actions against him and his website. The event is held by the Mission of Ecuador on UN grounds but is not officially sponsored by the world body.
November 2012 - Assange's book, "Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet," is published.
February 10, 2015 - Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe tells LBC Radio the operation guarding Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London is "sucking our resources in" as costs spiral to more than 10 million pounds ($15.3 million).
May 11, 2015 - The Swedish Supreme Court denies Assange's appeal to dismiss an arrest warrant for allegations of sexual assault.
July 3, 2015 - France rejects Assange's request for "protection" after he publishes an open letter in national newspaper Le Monde.
August 13, 2015 - Swedish prosecutors announce they are dropping allegations involving sexual molestation and coercion as statutes of limitations in the investigation run out this month. However, the allegation of suspicion of rape still stands, and he may be investigated until 2020, Swedish prosecutors have said.
February 5, 2016 - A UN rights working group says its investigation found that Assange is being arbitrarily detained by the governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom.
May 25, 2016 - A Swedish court upholds the arrest warrant for Assange, with a Swedish prosecutor saying there's still probable cause to prosecute him on a rape allegation and that "the risk of him evading justice is still large."
July 22, 2016 - WikiLeaks publishes nearly 20,000 emails from Democratic National Committee staffers. The hacked emails appear to show the committee favoring presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the US presidential primary. On July 29, Assange tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that the email release was timed to coincide with the start of the Democratic National Convention.
September 15, 2016 - WikiLeaks announces via Twitter that "If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to US prison in exchange, despite its clear unlawfulness," referring to Chelsea Manning, the imprisoned former Army intelligence analyst convicted of violating the Espionage Act.
September 16, 2016 - A Swedish appeals court states again that the arrest warrant for Assange on allegations of rape still stands. This is the eighth time the European arrest warrant has been tested in a Swedish court. All eight judgments have gone against Assange.
October 7, 2016 - WikiLeaks begins publishing hacked emails from Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.
November 14, 2016 - WikiLeaks tweets that Assange is giving a statement in the presence of a Swedish prosecutor regarding allegations he sexually assaulted two women in the country six years ago.
January 3, 2017 - During an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News, Assange says that the Russian government was not the source of the hacked DNC emails. He also denies talking to Russian President Vladimir Putin and says he did not have contact with the campaign for US President-elect Donald Trump.
April 20, 2017 - US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announces that the Department of Justice is preparing charges for Assange, and that his arrest is a "priority."
May 19, 2017 - Swedish prosecutors drop their investigation of rape allegations against Assange, ending a nearly seven-year legal impasse.
December 12, 2017 - Becomes a naturalized citizen of Ecuador.
March 27, 2018 - Assange's internet communications outside of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London are suspended for at least the second time since October 2016. The government accuses him of failing to commit to an agreement not to release messages interfering with other nations' affairs.
October 19, 2018 - Assange directs his legal team to launch proceedings against the government of Ecuador for "violating his fundamental rights."
October 29, 2018 - Assange's lawsuit against Ecuador is rejected by an Ecuadorean court. During a video-linked hearing, Judge Karla Martinez alerts Assange he will have to abide by the new rules imposed by Ecuador's embassy in London.
November 2018 - An inadvertent court filing in a case unrelated to Assange reveals that the WikiLeaks founder has been charged under seal in a US federal court. "Another procedure short of sealing will not adequately protect the needs of law enforcement at this time because, due to the sophistication of the defendant and the publicity surrounding the case, no other procedure is likely to keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged," prosecutors wrote in the August 22 filing that was unsealed on November 8. The US Justice Department investigation of Assange and WikiLeaks dates to at least 2010.
November 27, 2018 - The Guardian reports that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort secretly met with Assange several times inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, including around the time Manafort was made a top figure in the Trump campaign. The Guardian, citing sources, reports Manafort met with Assange in 2013, 2015 and in the spring of 2016. Manafort denies ever meeting Assange.
April 11, 2019 - Assange is arrested by the Metropolitan Police in London on an extradition warrant from the US Justice Department. He is charged with conspiracy to attempt to hack a computer in connection with the 2010 release of classified military info obtained via Manning. Assange's attorney says the indictment is troubling because of its implications for freedom of the press.

Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Why would you want to see Trump's tax returns?

That's just it, they don't. What they want is for someone claiming to be a tax attorney to go through some of the forms, find a couple of entries, then go on a hate merchant's TV talk show and tell them what to screech about. They would have no clue how to read a return like Trump's. Put it in front of the average hater, and they would wonder why there are no pictures.
What in heavens name is President Trump, so afraid of... they have to keep it confidential, it does not get released to the full congress or the public?

You'd have to ask him, as he is the only one who knows. A guess, however, would be a natural reluctance to let the jackals have any access to them at all, after seeing how successfully Reid lied about Romney's. There would be no gain in it for him at all because no one with an above room temperature IQ thinks that the haters would play nice, fair, or by the rules should they gain any access at all.

You're wrong. Trump is not the only one who knows what he is hiding.

He's the only one who knows why he's choosing to not release them. It's his decision.
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Of course he's telling the truth, but not, perhaps, all of the truth: a large privately owned company like his is always under audit. The IRS is probably still auditing his taxes from a few years ago and this year's taxes will continue to be audited for at least the next two years.

Nixon's were under audit, but he still let 6103 f, take place.... he did not break the law, to stop it...

plus, being under audit has no affect on him being able to show the public, you do know that, don't you? There is no law preventing him from showing us, because he is under audit, and all tax lawyers and CPA's state it would not matter 1 itty bitty bit, for him to show us his tax return if under audit....

but let's just say it would make him uncomfortable to do so and go public...


but that does not give him the right to break the law with 6103f... where only the tax committees in congress gets to see them, and they do not go public

If you actually believe democrats in Congress would keep that information secret if they thought it could be used against Trump in any way, I have a rainbow farting unicorn for sale, cheap.
It's the law, my dear....

What are you afraid of and what is Trump afraid of with this oversight?

Why are you supporting him on this, why not just let the law be followed?

YOU MUST THINK he is breaking the law and YOU do not want anyone to find out that he is breaking the law?

WHY ELSE would you all not want the law to be followed, that has been followed for every single instance of congress requesting 6103f?

What is wrong with you guys? Just mind blowing that you all are even arguing over this, and being in favor of him breaking the law...?
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Of course he's telling the truth, but not, perhaps, all of the truth: a large privately owned company like his is always under audit. The IRS is probably still auditing his taxes from a few years ago and this year's taxes will continue to be audited for at least the next two years.

Nixon's were under audit, but he still let 6103 f, take place.... he did not break the law, to stop it...

plus, being under audit has no affect on him being able to show the public, you do know that, don't you? There is no law preventing him from showing us, because he is under audit, and all tax lawyers and CPA's state it would not matter 1 itty bitty bit, for him to show us his tax return if under audit....

but let's just say it would make him uncomfortable to do so and go public...


but that does not give him the right to break the law with 6103f... where only the tax committees in congress gets to see them, and they do not go public

If you actually believe democrats in Congress would keep that information secret if they thought it could be used against Trump in any way, I have a rainbow farting unicorn for sale, cheap.
It's the law, my dear....

What are you afraid of and what is Trump afraid of with this oversight?

Why are you supporting him on this, why not just let the law be followed?

YOU MUST THINK he is breaking the law and YOU do not want anyone to find out that he is breaking the law?

WHY ELSE would you all not want the law to be followed, that has been followed for every single instance of congress requesting 6103f?

What is wrong with you guys? Just mind blowing that you all are even arguing over this...?

WHY ELSE would you all not want the law to be followed, that has been followed for every single instance of congress requesting 6103f?

You have a list of "every single instance"?
oh woooops i thought the thread title was "trump is hiding in texas" :laugh:

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