Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?

What could you ask without knowing procedures?

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?

What could you ask without knowing procedures?
What procedures are you referring to
Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?

What could you ask without knowing procedures?
What procedures are you referring to

Read the damn request letter, then you wouldn't have to ask.

the dem/libs failed on russia russia russia, so now they are trying taxes taxes taxes, and will fail there too. Rich people like trump get audited every year and have a staff of tax lawyers and accountants to ensure that their returns are in full compliance with the tax code. If he was cheating the obama IRS crooks would have screamed it during the campaign, sorry libs, nothing here either.
Trump is such a despicable person in the minds of most Americans, allowing him to keep his returns hidden may well be the best tactic. Most voters will assume that if he hasn't got anything to hide why doesn't he release them.
The latest Gallup poll shows only 4% of democrats approve of Trump's job in office, and only 13% of independents while 90% of republicans approve. Whether Trump's returns are made public or not is not going to make much difference in the election.

most of your post is bullshit. his latest approval ratings are over 50%. the vast majority of americans dont give a shit about seeing his tax returns. demanding them is nothing but a dem political stunt to cover their own failures and the fact that their corruption in the last election is coming to full public view.

you are correct that his taxes wont make much difference in the election, he will beat whichever clown the dems run by a huge margin.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously

You Butt Hurt Tards make me so Happy Happy Happy.........….

Trump just keeps SPANKING your asses silly......

Do some more Butt Hurt, we love it.........:fu:
Sure it can, see how far a non-crime gets. Congress has no right to determine that, it's the job of the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
the dem/libs failed on russia russia russia, so now they are trying taxes taxes taxes, and will fail there too. Rich people like trump get audited every year and have a staff of tax lawyers and accountants to ensure that their returns are in full compliance with the tax code. If he was cheating the obama IRS crooks would have screamed it during the campaign, sorry libs, nothing here either.
Trump is such a despicable person in the minds of most Americans, allowing him to keep his returns hidden may well be the best tactic. Most voters will assume that if he hasn't got anything to hide why doesn't he release them.
The latest Gallup poll shows only 4% of democrats approve of Trump's job in office, and only 13% of independents while 90% of republicans approve. Whether Trump's returns are made public or not is not going to make much difference in the election.

most of your post is bullshit. his latest approval ratings are over 50%. the vast majority of americans dont give a shit about seeing his tax returns. demanding them is nothing but a dem political stunt to cover their own failures and the fact that their corruption in the last election is coming to full public view.

you are correct that his taxes wont make much difference in the election, he will beat whichever clown the dems run by a huge margin.

Wrong on all counts.

RCP Average, 43.2 (3/23-4/11)
Rasmussen, 49
Economist, 43
Reuters, 39
Politico, 40
Gallup , 45
GU Politics, 43
The Hill, 46
PPP (D), 42
NPR/PBS/Marist, 44

Donald Trump's highest average job approval rating was 46% the week of his inauguration. Rasmussen is the only major poll that reported a rating higher than 50% and that has happen only about 4 times since he took office.

A majority, or 51%, of registered voters support Democrats’ efforts to obtain the president’s tax returns, versus 36% who oppose the push, according to a Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday. Among independent voters, 46% back the Democratic lawmakers’ effort, while 34% do not. The Morning Consult/Politico poll of 1,992 registered voters has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Trump says 'people don't care' about his tax returns, but polls show otherwise
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Congress has right of oversight of the executive branch which means they certainly have the right to monitor how the IRS is handling the presidents tax forms.

Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government without a court order as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.
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Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.

So when the Democrats in Congress and leak the tax returns to the public will you be for prosecuting those that leak the information and then be all for Trump suing for violating his right to privacy?
Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.
Not true. Oversight is not an enumerated power of Congress but an implied power of Congress, implied by the need to see how govenment agencies are functioning in order to carry out Congress's legislative function, and access to the President's taxes is in no way going to aid Congress in its legislative function. This will go to the courts after the Democrats do their little dance over it and in 3 or 4 years the Supreme Courts will issue its decision and you will see I am right.
Then why aren't calling the IRS to give testimony on the procedures? You commies have endless excuses, I have yet to see a legitimate reason to get Trumps taxes other than total and complete butt hurt for losing an election. Banana republic here we come.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.

Wrong again hero, only 3 committees can request tax data, and they need a clear legislative purpose to do so. Requests that identify a tax payer by name are even more restricted.

That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.

So when the Democrats in Congress and leak the tax returns to the public will you be for prosecuting those that leak the information and then be all for Trump suing for violating his right to privacy?
If it violates the law, yes. It is highly unlikely that the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee is going to disclose any information protected by law. However, remember there is no constitutional right to privacy. It is alluded to in the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure which means the right to privacy is guaranteed by laws that specify what is protected and under what circumstances.

If there is evidence of criminal activity, the information in tax return can used in an investigation.
It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.

So when the Democrats in Congress and leak the tax returns to the public will you be for prosecuting those that leak the information and then be all for Trump suing for violating his right to privacy?
If it violates the law, yes. It is highly unlikely that the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee is going to disclose any information protected by law. However, remember there is no constitutional right to privacy. It is alluded to in the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure which means the right to privacy is guaranteed by laws that specify what is protected and under what circumstances.

If there is evidence of criminal activity, the information in tax return can used in an investigation.
Congress' oversight power does not extend to seeking out criminal activity unless it is in the course of performing its legislative function, and in this case, it does not.
It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.

So when the Democrats in Congress and leak the tax returns to the public will you be for prosecuting those that leak the information and then be all for Trump suing for violating his right to privacy?
If it violates the law, yes. It is highly unlikely that the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee is going to disclose any information protected by law. However, remember there is no constitutional right to privacy. It is alluded to in the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure which means the right to privacy is guaranteed by laws that specify what is protected and under what circumstances.

If there is evidence of criminal activity, the information in tax return can used in an investigation.

Chairmen is not the only one that will see it, are you honestly making that claim? And yes there is a responsibility by Congress not to disclose private information. Congress is not above the law. Thanks for letting me know where you really stand.
That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.
Not true. Oversight is not an enumerated power of Congress but an implied power of Congress, implied by the need to see how govenment agencies are functioning in order to carry out Congress's legislative function, and access to the President's taxes is in no way going to aid Congress in its legislative function. This will go to the courts after the Democrats do their little dance over it and in 3 or 4 years the Supreme Courts will issue its decision and you will see I am right.

The fact that they're insisting on only seeing Trump's returns makes it a partisan hunt. They didn't even pretend to go after multiple presidents' returns.
That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.

Wrong again hero, only 3 committees can request tax data, and they need a clear legislative purpose to do so. Requests that identify a tax payer by name are even more restricted.

Yet the law allows congress; that is the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee access to tax payer data. Since Congress makes the law, it can pass legislation to grant access to any information held by government as long as it does not violate the constitution.
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That may come next bout first comes the tax form and then the questions.

It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.

So when the Democrats in Congress and leak the tax returns to the public will you be for prosecuting those that leak the information and then be all for Trump suing for violating his right to privacy?

Sure, Nixon could have sued "deep throat", so f'n what.

However, when the D's obtain the records they can very well include the results in the articles of impeachment. The question than is, did the President commit a crime?
It would make more sense to ask the questions of the IRS, then have them bring out presidential returns for the last 20 years or so to illustrate their processes. Nothing ever revealed to the public, of course. No need to.

But it's obvious oversight had nothing to do with their ultimate goal.
What could you ask them about his returns without seeing them?
Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.

So when the Democrats in Congress and leak the tax returns to the public will you be for prosecuting those that leak the information and then be all for Trump suing for violating his right to privacy?

Sure, Nixon could have sued "deep throat", so f'n what.

However, when the D's obtain the records they can very well include the results in the articles of impeachment. The question than is, did the President commit a crime?

Totally different situation, however when a Democrat is President elected we can ask for all sorts of personal information to see if they may or may not be committing a crime. What is good for one is good for the other right?
The Dems are just proving to the world that they are batcrapcrazy by continuing to pursue Trump’s tax records. Intelligent Voters see it as just 110% partisan harassment and totally unnecessary. The Dems are alienating even more Voters.

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