Trump is "is going down-and here are the reasons why!

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Don Jr. called a blocked number? Horrors!

It will be horrors if Mueller knows who that number belongs to.

Based on what? Even if he did call Trump, that's not a crime, moron.

And you are just that dumb to think this is just about a regular phone call.
Prove it isn't, douchebag.

Look, Trump claimed he know nothing about that meeting. Jr said he never told Trump.

Proof of a phone call is important. Especially a call that was purposefully hidden.

To a Trump asssucker like you, Trump lying is nothing. Right?

So how does a phone call prove Trump knew when we don't know who the phone call went to?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Well if the North Korean situation is resolved peacefully then The Donald might still get the Nobel Peace Prize.

I don't think so.

Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.

For a black man to garner enough confidence and support to be elected president of the most powerful first world country on earth, a country that is 77% white, is a major accomplishment, and that is why he was given that recognition. It was a monumental historical event.

Of course, racists don't see it that way, but the mean spiritedness, the ugliness, the real horror of the racist soul is something I don't get.

Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.
Many people were voting for Clinton solely because she was a woman.
Some voted against Clinton because she was a woman. Just like being black got Obama some votes but the racists, bigots, & white supremacists voted against him.
No one gave a damn about her gender except Hillary and all her moron supporters.
Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.
Many people were voting for Clinton solely because she was a woman.
Some voted against Clinton because she was a woman. Just like being black got Obama some votes but the racists, bigots, & white supremacists voted against him.
Millions of Democrat Voters are racist bigots and that is why the Dems have hate groups like the Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, and Muslim Brotherhood, and it's why the Left practices the lowest form of politics, Identity Politics.
I don't think so.

Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
President Obama was give a peace.prize for bringing a historically racist nation together enough o elect a black.president.

That is hardly nothing.

That's a fair point. But in the end, it showed just how racist America still really is.
How did it do that, moron?

You tell me. For I am quite sure your words will provide the perfect example of what I mean.
Why am I not surprised that you can't explain it?
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.
Many people were voting for Clinton solely because she was a woman.
Some voted against Clinton because she was a woman. Just like being black got Obama some votes but the racists, bigots, & white supremacists voted against him.
Millions of Democrat Voters are racist bigots and that is why the Dems have hate groups like the Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, and Muslim Brotherhood, and it's why the Left practices the lowest form of politics, Identity Politics.
You left out Black Lives Matter.
You guys keep saying that and yet no substantive scandals. I mean you guys spent last week attacking him for calling ms-13 animals. Not something you would have to do if you had real corruption to fight

Considering no one spent the entire last week doing that because he made the comments on Wednesday ......... And the fact each day more and more information was reported in the Russia scandal, Donald Jrs meeting whereby he made a call to a blocked number, and coincidently Daddy Trumps number is blocked. The fake release created on the plane by Trump lying abut that meeting. Or Trumps financial details turned into the Department of justice... The 500 MILLION dollar business deal from the Chinese and suddenly wants to save 95,000 Chinese jobs. Apparently they don't talk about those things at RST NEWS, OOPS, I meant Republican state news, oops, fox news. You are misinformed. .

Don Jr. called a blocked number? Horrors!

It will be horrors if Mueller knows who that number belongs to.

Based on what? Even if he did call Trump, that's not a crime, moron.

And you are just that dumb to think this is just about a regular phone call.
Prove it's not a "regular phone call."
They welcomed little clock boy who makes bombs from clocks. Yep


So you support corruption by the Trumps.

Making millons by duping morons like you.

You guys keep saying that and yet no substantive scandals. I mean you guys spent last week attacking him for calling ms-13 animals. Not something you would have to do if you had real corruption to fight

Considering no one spent the entire last week doing that because he made the comments on Wednesday ......... And the fact each day more and more information was reported in the Russia scandal, Donald Jrs meeting whereby he made a call to a blocked number, and coincidently Daddy Trumps number is blocked. The fake release created on the plane by Trump lying abut that meeting. Or Trumps financial details turned into the Department of justice... The 500 MILLION dollar business deal from the Chinese and suddenly wants to save 95,000 Chinese jobs. Apparently they don't talk about those things at RST NEWS, OOPS, I meant Republican state news, oops, fox news. You are misinformed. .

No. Of course I have no idea what I'm talking about I just spent the week arguing with you idiots about it. Clearly that didn't happen.

And who the heck cares what FOX says? You guys really need to stop blaming Fox news for your political failures. With the internet your monopoly on news is over. You can't control the narrative with your lies anymore. The truth will always get out

Our political failures? Ha! You guys have run your mouths off repeating Trump. Muller has not said a word. And because he doesn't you idiots actually think there is no evidence and that's only because Trump, who doesn't know what evidence Mueller has, is saying so. The quiet man is the most dangerous man. You may very well learn that lesson in regards to this situation.
Herr Mewlers investigation leaks like a sieve, so we know pretty much everything he has, which is nothing.
Granted the article is very biased but there is certainly truth in the article.

Trump started out denying that he even knew Stormy Daniels, then he denied having a sexual relationship with her, then he said he didn’t know about any payoffs to her. Next, he filed his required federal financial disclosure form in which he effectively admitted making the $130,000 payment to shut her up just before the election in 2016.

He did an about-face on trade restrictions on China, announcing that he would seek to help the Chinese communications giant ZTE, which paid a $1.2 billion fine last year for violating sanctions against trade with North Korea and Iran. Three days previously, China had issued a half-billion dollar loan to a development project in Singapore that includes Trump-branded hotels, golf courses and condos.

There is just so much evidence of his lying, cover ups, and incompetence, you just can't ignore it. Throughout his life he has literally surrounds himself with crooks, shyster lawyers, porn stars, escorts, and mobsters. He's admitted he bribed city officials back in the 70's. Claimed he out smarted the judge in his bankruptcy. He bragged about how he took the New York banks to cleaners. Laughs about how he cheated New York out of building a promised museum and sports arena. He has been a defendant in 1900 lawsuits for breach of contract, sexual harassment, defamation, fraud, physical assault, verbal abuse, intimidation,...... He has been the target of over 100 investigations by the IRS. The amount he has spent on settlements in litigation is unknown but it has be in the hundreds of millions.

The statements below are factual comments made by Hitler and Trump!

View attachment 194430
That's a great big fucking lie, douchebag.

Afraid not.
That isn't what he said, and everyone already knows it. The exchange was on video tape, moron.

We all know what he said and he's still wrong to say it.
Nope. He was perfectly correct in saying it. Only douchebags have a problem with it.
Afraid not.
That isn't what he said, and everyone already knows it. The exchange was on video tape, moron.
They don't care. They watch the FAKE NEWS DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA and just regurgitate it.

And who tells you this is fake news? Trump. And you believe it.

My brain tells me its fake news. The modus operandi is well established.

Well you might want to get a frontal then because this ain't fake.
Of course it is. You claimed he said something that everyone with eyes and ears knows he didn't say. How much faker can you get?

The question is how many years in state prison he is going to get after he no longer has the protection of the white house, or federal laws that can be used to pardon or help him.

He won't last long in an up state New York facility.
View attachment 194350
Why wouldn’t the Clintons like a picture of some redneck Trump voters at a party?
I don't think so.

Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.

For a black man to garner enough confidence and support to be elected president of the most powerful first world country on earth, a country that is 77% white, is a major accomplishment, and that is why he was given that recognition. It was a monumental historical event.

Of course, racists don't see it that way, but the mean spiritedness, the ugliness, the real horror of the racist soul is something I don't get.

Both of my nephews are half black. By the standards of the USA and the entire world, they are identified as black. If you had mixed raced relatives, people who are half black, in your family, you would know that. The world identifies half black people as black.

That's not my choice. It's not their choice. But it is how the world does it.

Markle doesn't look black. Obama looks black and that is how he is identified by the whole world. You are not being intellectually honest, I suspect. And definitely not dealing with reality. If you are half black in our society, you deal with as much racism as any black person. If you read about Ms. Markle's background, you will not only see she has dealt with much racism in her life, but it has been leveled at her by some people in the UK. Trying to pretend Obama is not seen as a black man is ludicrous in the extreme.
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Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
President Obama was give a peace.prize for bringing a historically racist nation together enough o elect a black.president.

That is hardly nothing.

That's a fair point. But in the end, it showed just how racist America still really is.
How did it do that, moron?
Just open your eyes and look around.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
No, I'm just to polite to say how dumb your question is.
Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.

For a black man to garner enough confidence and support to be elected president of the most powerful first world country on earth, a country that is 77% white, is a major accomplishment, and that is why he was given that recognition. It was a monumental historical event.

Of course, racists don't see it that way, but the mean spiritedness, the ugliness, the real horror of the racist soul is something I don't get.

Both of my nephews are half black. By the standards of the USA and the entire world, they are identified as black. If you had mixed raced relatives, people who are half black, in your family, you would know that. The world identifies half black people as black.

That's not my choice. It's not their choice. But it is how the world does it.

nope, that's simply not true. Do you think the royal family of England considers Megan as a black woman? Many mixed race people claim blackness because they think it entitles them to some forms of special treatment and free stuff from the government.

But why do you on the left continually focus on race. Aren't we all members of the human race?
President Obama was give a peace.prize for bringing a historically racist nation together enough o elect a black.president.

That is hardly nothing.

That's a fair point. But in the end, it showed just how racist America still really is.
How did it do that, moron?
Just open your eyes and look around.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
No, I'm just to polite to say how dumb your question is.

his basic premise is valid. Obama was given the peace prize for being elected as a half black man, he did nothing to earn it.
That's a fair point. But in the end, it showed just how racist America still really is.
How did it do that, moron?
Just open your eyes and look around.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
No, I'm just to polite to say how dumb your question is.

his basic premise is valid. Obama was given the peace prize for being elected as a half black man, he did nothing to earn it.
You know that's not even what's being discussed at this point right?

Try to keep up.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.

For a black man to garner enough confidence and support to be elected president of the most powerful first world country on earth, a country that is 77% white, is a major accomplishment, and that is why he was given that recognition. It was a monumental historical event.

Of course, racists don't see it that way, but the mean spiritedness, the ugliness, the real horror of the racist soul is something I don't get.

Both of my nephews are half black. By the standards of the USA and the entire world, they are identified as black. If you had mixed raced relatives, people who are half black, in your family, you would know that. The world identifies half black people as black.

That's not my choice. It's not their choice. But it is how the world does it.

nope, that's simply not true. Do you think the royal family of England considers Megan as a black woman? Many mixed race people claim blackness because they think it entitles them to some forms of special treatment and free stuff from the government.

But why do you on the left continually focus on race. Aren't we all members of the human race?
Yes, the royal family considers her a black woman. There is no doubt of that. You're a racist, it's easy to see.
How did it do that, moron?
Just open your eyes and look around.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
No, I'm just to polite to say how dumb your question is.

his basic premise is valid. Obama was given the peace prize for being elected as a half black man, he did nothing to earn it.
You know that's not even what's being discussed at this point right?

Try to keep up.

actually it was, I didn't bring it up, only responded to previous posts about Obama and the prize.
Just open your eyes and look around.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
No, I'm just to polite to say how dumb your question is.

his basic premise is valid. Obama was given the peace prize for being elected as a half black man, he did nothing to earn it.
You know that's not even what's being discussed at this point right?

Try to keep up.

actually it was, I didn't bring it up, only responded to previous posts about Obama and the prize.
Conversation had progressed well past that.
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