Trump is "is going down-and here are the reasons why!

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Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.

For a black man to garner enough confidence and support to be elected president of the most powerful first world country on earth, a country that is 77% white, is a major accomplishment, and that is why he was given that recognition. It was a monumental historical event.

Of course, racists don't see it that way, but the mean spiritedness, the ugliness, the real horror of the racist soul is something I don't get.

Both of my nephews are half black. By the standards of the USA and the entire world, they are identified as black. If you had mixed raced relatives, people who are half black, in your family, you would know that. The world identifies half black people as black.

That's not my choice. It's not their choice. But it is how the world does it.

nope, that's simply not true. Do you think the royal family of England considers Megan as a black woman? Many mixed race people claim blackness because they think it entitles them to some forms of special treatment and free stuff from the government.

But why do you on the left continually focus on race. Aren't we all members of the human race?
Yes, the royal family considers her a black woman. There is no doubt of that. You're a racist, it's easy to see.

BS, you know nothing about the royal family. I am not a racist, I support the human race and all of its variations. You, however use race as a political tool because its all your side has, everything else has failed.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
No, I'm just to polite to say how dumb your question is.

his basic premise is valid. Obama was given the peace prize for being elected as a half black man, he did nothing to earn it.
You know that's not even what's being discussed at this point right?

Try to keep up.

actually it was, I didn't bring it up, only responded to previous posts about Obama and the prize.
Conversation had progressed well past that.

holy shit, did I violate a rule? Damn.
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.

For a black man to garner enough confidence and support to be elected president of the most powerful first world country on earth, a country that is 77% white, is a major accomplishment, and that is why he was given that recognition. It was a monumental historical event.

Of course, racists don't see it that way, but the mean spiritedness, the ugliness, the real horror of the racist soul is something I don't get.

Both of my nephews are half black. By the standards of the USA and the entire world, they are identified as black. If you had mixed raced relatives, people who are half black, in your family, you would know that. The world identifies half black people as black.

That's not my choice. It's not their choice. But it is how the world does it.

nope, that's simply not true. Do you think the royal family of England considers Megan as a black woman? Many mixed race people claim blackness because they think it entitles them to some forms of special treatment and free stuff from the government.

But why do you on the left continually focus on race. Aren't we all members of the human race?
Yes, the royal family considers her a black woman. There is no doubt of that. You're a racist, it's easy to see.

BS, you know nothing about the royal family. I am not a racist, I support the human race and all of its variations. You, however use race as a political tool because its all your side has, everything else has failed.

I have spent a lot of time with British people and in the UK. I have worked with British people for many years in my international job. I had a long term relationship with a British man, so I do, in fact, know a lot about British people. I live in an area of Spain now that has many, many British expats. My cable TV system is directly from the UK, and I watched the wedding and commentary live on the BBC. Several other British stations I have also ran it live.

I know a lot about the British royal family and I am very confident they do not consider Ms. Markle as a 'white' woman and essentially see her as black.

And you are indeed a racist. It's obvious. It's transparent.
Considering no one spent the entire last week doing that because he made the comments on Wednesday ......... And the fact each day more and more information was reported in the Russia scandal, Donald Jrs meeting whereby he made a call to a blocked number, and coincidently Daddy Trumps number is blocked. The fake release created on the plane by Trump lying abut that meeting. Or Trumps financial details turned into the Department of justice... The 500 MILLION dollar business deal from the Chinese and suddenly wants to save 95,000 Chinese jobs. Apparently they don't talk about those things at RST NEWS, OOPS, I meant Republican state news, oops, fox news. You are misinformed. .

Don Jr. called a blocked number? Horrors!

It will be horrors if Mueller knows who that number belongs to.

Based on what? Even if he did call Trump, that's not a crime, moron.

And you are just that dumb to think this is just about a regular phone call.
Prove it's not a "regular phone call."

Well prove it was Jr ordering pizza or something.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.
Many people were voting for Clinton solely because she was a woman.
Some voted against Clinton because she was a woman. Just like being black got Obama some votes but the racists, bigots, & white supremacists voted against him.
Millions of Democrat Voters are racist bigots and that is why the Dems have hate groups like the Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, and Muslim Brotherhood, and it's why the Left practices the lowest form of politics, Identity Politics.
Yet another dumbass Trumpette try to play " I know you are but what am I".

We all know that if you are a racist/bigot, that you are most likely a Republican.
Both of my nephews are half black. By the standards of the USA and the entire world, they are identified as black. If you had mixed raced relatives, people who are half black, in your family, you would know that. The world identifies half black people as black.

That's not my choice. It's not their choice. But it is how the world does it.

nope, that's simply not true. Do you think the royal family of England considers Megan as a black woman? Many mixed race people claim blackness because they think it entitles them to some forms of special treatment and free stuff from the government.

But why do you on the left continually focus on race. Aren't we all members of the human race?
Yes, the royal family considers her a black woman. There is no doubt of that. You're a racist, it's easy to see.

BS, you know nothing about the royal family. I am not a racist, I support the human race and all of its variations. You, however use race as a political tool because its all your side has, everything else has failed.

I have spent a lot of time with British people and in the UK. I have worked with British people for many years in my international job. I had a long term relationship with a British man, so I do, in fact, know a lot about British people. I live in an area of Spain now that has many, many British expats. My cable TV system is directly from the UK, and I watched the wedding and commentary live on the BBC. Several other British stations I have also ran it live.

I know a lot about the British royal family and I am very confident they do not consider Ms. Markle as a 'white' woman and essentially see her as black.

And you are indeed a racist. It's obvious. It's transparent.

LOL, don't be foolish. they know she is mixed race, but there is no way in hell that the royals would ever consider her black.

as to me, you know nothing about me or my beliefs, I am not a racist in any way, I treat people based on how they act, not how they look. The dem party today has one issue that they think works for them, divide the nation based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, etc. They are dividers because that's the only way they have any chance of winning anything ever again. They run on hate and lies.
Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black
Not just for being black but for being black and breaking the glass ceiling and for what that meant to the world. If a woman is elected president, will you say she only won because she is a woman? I can't imagine what it is like to be a racist, bigot and misogynist. It must be horrible, so much ugliness of soul.
Many people were voting for Clinton solely because she was a woman.
Some voted against Clinton because she was a woman. Just like being black got Obama some votes but the racists, bigots, & white supremacists voted against him.
Millions of Democrat Voters are racist bigots and that is why the Dems have hate groups like the Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, and Muslim Brotherhood, and it's why the Left practices the lowest form of politics, Identity Politics.
Yet another dumbass Trumpette try to play " I know you are but what am I".

We all know that if you are a racist/bigot, that you are most likely a Republican.

yeah sure, Robert KKK Byrd, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Bull Conner, all dems and all blatant racists.
Both of my nephews are half black. By the standards of the USA and the entire world, they are identified as black. If you had mixed raced relatives, people who are half black, in your family, you would know that. The world identifies half black people as black.

That's not my choice. It's not their choice. But it is how the world does it.

nope, that's simply not true. Do you think the royal family of England considers Megan as a black woman? Many mixed race people claim blackness because they think it entitles them to some forms of special treatment and free stuff from the government.

But why do you on the left continually focus on race. Aren't we all members of the human race?
Yes, the royal family considers her a black woman. There is no doubt of that. You're a racist, it's easy to see.

BS, you know nothing about the royal family. I am not a racist, I support the human race and all of its variations. You, however use race as a political tool because its all your side has, everything else has failed.

I have spent a lot of time with British people and in the UK. I have worked with British people for many years in my international job. I had a long term relationship with a British man, so I do, in fact, know a lot about British people. I live in an area of Spain now that has many, many British expats. My cable TV system is directly from the UK, and I watched the wedding and commentary live on the BBC. Several other British stations I have also ran it live.

I know a lot about the British royal family and I am very confident they do not consider Ms. Markle as a 'white' woman and essentially see her as black.

And you are indeed a racist. It's obvious. It's transparent.

LOL, don't be foolish. they know she is mixed race, but there is no way in hell that the royals would ever consider her black.

as to me, you know nothing about me or my beliefs, I am not a racist in any way, I treat people based on how they act, not how they look. The dem party today has one issue that they think works for them, divide the nation based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, etc. They are dividers because that's the only way they have any chance of winning anything ever again. They run on hate and lies.
That's joke. It is the Republicans who make everything a racial issue. It is the Republicans who are always on the attack regarding race. I really can't believe someone like you tries to deny it.
nope, that's simply not true. Do you think the royal family of England considers Megan as a black woman? Many mixed race people claim blackness because they think it entitles them to some forms of special treatment and free stuff from the government.

But why do you on the left continually focus on race. Aren't we all members of the human race?
Yes, the royal family considers her a black woman. There is no doubt of that. You're a racist, it's easy to see.

BS, you know nothing about the royal family. I am not a racist, I support the human race and all of its variations. You, however use race as a political tool because its all your side has, everything else has failed.

I have spent a lot of time with British people and in the UK. I have worked with British people for many years in my international job. I had a long term relationship with a British man, so I do, in fact, know a lot about British people. I live in an area of Spain now that has many, many British expats. My cable TV system is directly from the UK, and I watched the wedding and commentary live on the BBC. Several other British stations I have also ran it live.

I know a lot about the British royal family and I am very confident they do not consider Ms. Markle as a 'white' woman and essentially see her as black.

And you are indeed a racist. It's obvious. It's transparent.

LOL, don't be foolish. they know she is mixed race, but there is no way in hell that the royals would ever consider her black.

as to me, you know nothing about me or my beliefs, I am not a racist in any way, I treat people based on how they act, not how they look. The dem party today has one issue that they think works for them, divide the nation based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, etc. They are dividers because that's the only way they have any chance of winning anything ever again. They run on hate and lies.
That's joke. It is the Republicans who make everything a racial issue. It is the Republicans who are always on the attack regarding race. I really can't believe someone like you tries to deny it.

Yes, the royal family considers her a black woman. There is no doubt of that. You're a racist, it's easy to see.

BS, you know nothing about the royal family. I am not a racist, I support the human race and all of its variations. You, however use race as a political tool because its all your side has, everything else has failed.

I have spent a lot of time with British people and in the UK. I have worked with British people for many years in my international job. I had a long term relationship with a British man, so I do, in fact, know a lot about British people. I live in an area of Spain now that has many, many British expats. My cable TV system is directly from the UK, and I watched the wedding and commentary live on the BBC. Several other British stations I have also ran it live.

I know a lot about the British royal family and I am very confident they do not consider Ms. Markle as a 'white' woman and essentially see her as black.

And you are indeed a racist. It's obvious. It's transparent.

LOL, don't be foolish. they know she is mixed race, but there is no way in hell that the royals would ever consider her black.

as to me, you know nothing about me or my beliefs, I am not a racist in any way, I treat people based on how they act, not how they look. The dem party today has one issue that they think works for them, divide the nation based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, etc. They are dividers because that's the only way they have any chance of winning anything ever again. They run on hate and lies.
That's joke. It is the Republicans who make everything a racial issue. It is the Republicans who are always on the attack regarding race. I really can't believe someone like you tries to deny it.

Too hilarious. Really hilarious. Read every thread on this board. Never in my entire long life, where I have lived in many different countries and worked with the public most of my long professional career, have I ever experienced or witnessed so much racism, so much castigating of people who are not white. God, it's a virtual avalance of race on this board. Evidence indeed: you people bring it up with every breath. I don't know how you live with yourselves, your souls are so corrupt.
nope, that's simply not true. Do you think the royal family of England considers Megan as a black woman? Many mixed race people claim blackness because they think it entitles them to some forms of special treatment and free stuff from the government.

But why do you on the left continually focus on race. Aren't we all members of the human race?
Yes, the royal family considers her a black woman. There is no doubt of that. You're a racist, it's easy to see.

BS, you know nothing about the royal family. I am not a racist, I support the human race and all of its variations. You, however use race as a political tool because its all your side has, everything else has failed.

I have spent a lot of time with British people and in the UK. I have worked with British people for many years in my international job. I had a long term relationship with a British man, so I do, in fact, know a lot about British people. I live in an area of Spain now that has many, many British expats. My cable TV system is directly from the UK, and I watched the wedding and commentary live on the BBC. Several other British stations I have also ran it live.

I know a lot about the British royal family and I am very confident they do not consider Ms. Markle as a 'white' woman and essentially see her as black.

And you are indeed a racist. It's obvious. It's transparent.

LOL, don't be foolish. they know she is mixed race, but there is no way in hell that the royals would ever consider her black.

as to me, you know nothing about me or my beliefs, I am not a racist in any way, I treat people based on how they act, not how they look. The dem party today has one issue that they think works for them, divide the nation based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, etc. They are dividers because that's the only way they have any chance of winning anything ever again. They run on hate and lies.
That's joke. It is the Republicans who make everything a racial issue. It is the Republicans who are always on the attack regarding race. I really can't believe someone like you tries to deny it.

are the following republican groups: KKK, BLM, Muslim brotherhood, LaRaza, the black caucus, BET, NAACP,? Are the following racists republicans: Sharpton, Jackson, Maxine waters, spike Lee, Sheila Jackson-lee?

don't be such a fool. spiking racism is, and has always been, a democrat tactic.
BS, you know nothing about the royal family. I am not a racist, I support the human race and all of its variations. You, however use race as a political tool because its all your side has, everything else has failed.

I have spent a lot of time with British people and in the UK. I have worked with British people for many years in my international job. I had a long term relationship with a British man, so I do, in fact, know a lot about British people. I live in an area of Spain now that has many, many British expats. My cable TV system is directly from the UK, and I watched the wedding and commentary live on the BBC. Several other British stations I have also ran it live.

I know a lot about the British royal family and I am very confident they do not consider Ms. Markle as a 'white' woman and essentially see her as black.

And you are indeed a racist. It's obvious. It's transparent.

LOL, don't be foolish. they know she is mixed race, but there is no way in hell that the royals would ever consider her black.

as to me, you know nothing about me or my beliefs, I am not a racist in any way, I treat people based on how they act, not how they look. The dem party today has one issue that they think works for them, divide the nation based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, etc. They are dividers because that's the only way they have any chance of winning anything ever again. They run on hate and lies.
That's joke. It is the Republicans who make everything a racial issue. It is the Republicans who are always on the attack regarding race. I really can't believe someone like you tries to deny it.

Too hilarious. Really hilarious. Read every thread on this board. Never in my entire long life, where I have lived in many different countries and worked with the public most of my long professional career, have I ever experienced or witnessed so much racism, so much castigating of people who are not white. God, it's a virtual avalance of race on this board. Evidence indeed: you people bring it up with every breath. I don't know how you live with yourselves, your souls are so corrupt.

that's really funny coming from the person who said that electing Obama was to end racism. Racism is the number one, and sometimes the only, democrat tactic. the Obama's were the most racist couple ever to occupy the white house.
The statements below are factual comments made by Hitler and Trump!

View attachment 194430

To be FAIR, at the meeting with the sheriff, Trump didn't actually say "undocumented immigrants are animals"...THIS TIME.
It is rightly assumed that he was speaking about MS-13 gang members.

But it doesn't even matter because the Trump toilet tank on the abuse of the term "animals" overflowed months ago, even years ago.
It is rightly assumed that when Trump speaks at all about undocumented immigrants, or immigrants of any status, he sees them as animals unless their skin is white.

Exhibit A:

The press ought to do a better job in tracking this, and therefore they can be rightly castigated about jumping to conclusions and slanting this particular story, however methinks the ladies doth protest too much when one takes a look at Exhibit A; the people just don't even care anymore.
Trump's rhetoric about "brown people" has promulgated an epidemic of racial and ethnic abuse not seen in this country since the wave of Jim Crow and WASP based anti-immigrant rhetoric of the early 20th century.

BBQ Becky, the Entitled New York Lawyer, the Paranoid Bitch at Yale, the Georgia Klansmen who waved guns and threatened lynching at a child's birthday party, the thousands of angry suburban moms littering cellphone uploads in which they scream at ethnic minorities for having the gall to be in front of them at the checkout's not a one-off.
It's a tsunami engulfing the entire country.
It's a tiki torch parade of hatred.


And to pretend that it's some "deep state conspiracy" is utter folly. Millions of people all across the country aren't involved in a conspiracy. They're uploading this stuff because they're fed up with Trump and Trumpsters and their intolerance.

that's really funny coming from the person who said that electing Obama was to end racism. Racism is the number one, and sometimes the only, democrat tactic. the Obama's were the most racist couple ever to occupy the white house.

Seeing as that trope originated with Sean Hannity, I guess it's safe to assume that you sent him a check?
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are the following republican groups: KKK, BLM, Muslim brotherhood, LaRaza, the black caucus, BET, NAACP,? Are the following racists republicans: Sharpton, Jackson, Maxine waters, spike Lee, Sheila Jackson-lee?

don't be such a fool. spiking racism is, and has always been, a democrat tactic.

Your weak attempt at historical revisionism re KKK is duly noted.
Ditto NAACP. Ditto the Black Caucus.
BET??? What the fuck did they do?

Sharpton, Jackson, Maxine waters, spike Lee, Sheila Jackson-lee? They're racists?
  • Thanks
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President Obama was give a peace.prize for bringing a historically racist nation together enough o elect a black.president.

That is hardly nothing.

That's a fair point. But in the end, it showed just how racist America still really is.
How did it do that, moron?
Just open your eyes and look around.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
No, I'm just to polite to say how dumb your question is.

That's "too dumb," not "to dumb."
You guys are the same types who bragged about Trump winning the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Korean war. Trump is in trouble. That is a fact.

Well if the North Korean situation is resolved peacefully then The Donald might still get the Nobel Peace Prize.

I don't think so.

Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The award was for being the first black man to achieve the highest political office in the world, to become US president, the most powerful position in the world. For breaking the glass ceiling. It meant something worldwide. Of course, it meant nothing but heartache to racists.

Thanks for confirming that Obama was given the Nobel Prize for being black

The announcement of the Nobel committee did not even mention race and was not awarded because he was the first black man to become president, or breaking the glass ceiling and was certainly not awarded for doing nothing.

The Norwegian Noble Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."

Oslo, October 9, 2009
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release
The statements below are factual comments made by Hitler and Trump!

View attachment 194430

To be FAIR, at the meeting with the sheriff, Trump didn't actually say "undocumented immigrants are animals"...THIS TIME.
It is rightly assumed that he was speaking about MS-13 gang members.

But it doesn't even matter because the Trump toilet tank on the abuse of the term "animals" overflowed months ago, even years ago.
It is rightly assumed that when Trump speaks at all about undocumented immigrants, or immigrants of any status, he sees them as animals unless their skin is white.

Exhibit A:

The press ought to do a better job in tracking this, and therefore they can be rightly castigated about jumping to conclusions and slanting this particular story, however methinks the ladies doth protest too much when one takes a look at Exhibit A; the people just don't even care anymore.
Trump's rhetoric about "brown people" has promulgated an epidemic of racial and ethnic abuse not seen in this country since the wave of Jim Crow and WASP based anti-immigrant rhetoric of the early 20th century.

BBQ Becky, the Entitled New York Lawyer, the Paranoid Bitch at Yale, the Georgia Klansmen who waved guns and threatened lynching at a child's birthday party, the thousands of angry suburban moms littering cellphone uploads in which they scream at ethnic minorities for having the gall to be in front of them at the checkout's not a one-off.
It's a tsunami engulfing the entire country.
It's a tiki torch parade of hatred.


And to pretend that it's some "deep state conspiracy" is utter folly. Millions of people all across the country aren't involved in a conspiracy. They're uploading this stuff because they're fed up with Trump and Trumpsters and their intolerance.

Donald Trump either doesn't say what he means or he is the most inarticulate president every. When Obama spoke, there was no doubt as to his meaning. When Trump speaks, he leaves the media wondering exactly what he means. No wonder we get so many interpretations. Look at this speech about the Iran nuclear deal from a 2015 South Carolina campaign rally.

"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, okay, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, okay, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."

I can't even imagine what this speech would look like when translated to another language which is probably why most of the world sees Trump as an incomprehensible madman.

His inability to answer questions clearly, accurately, and fully is the main reason his lawyers don't want him interviewed by Mueller. They are afraid he will perjure himself.
That's a fair point. But in the end, it showed just how racist America still really is.
How did it do that, moron?
Just open your eyes and look around.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
No, I'm just to polite to say how dumb your question is.

That's "too dumb," not "to dumb."
Nobody said anyone was "too dumb"
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