trump is preparing to call a National Emergency

How many caravans has it been so far?

Just Millions!

JimH52, how many caravans will there be after the wall is completed?

Take a guess.

I will help you because I like helping the mentally challenged.


The answer is zero.

The people will take refuge in any of the places where they were offered refuge but bypassed (and lost their refugee status). They will not form caravans to come here hoping to illegally enter the USA.

They will know their efforts will be futile.

Do you have ANY idea of how many billions of dollars it costs per year to house, clothe, feed, educate, medicate, prosecute and incarcerate the 20 million (+) illegal aliens in the United States right now?

Here is a fun five minute (+/-) video that will help us get on the same page.

It is fun and eye opening. The audience stood and cheered. Because I respect your time I found the shortest version of this presentation and have not listened to it, but I trust it has at least half as much impact as the older and longer versions which have been on YouTube almost ten years iinm.

It is a classic because it is so well presented.

Not propaganda at all.

Immigration Gumballs (Short Version)

Mystic Maya

Published on Mar 8, 2014

Immigration Gumballs with Roy Beck from NumbersUSA

How many caravans has it been so far?

Just Millions!

Why are they mostly angry men?

They long for Gringas.

Easy Gringas.

Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.


Born on third base. Scored on a walk.

If it is so easy how come he's the first to do it?

Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.
I hope he does. It will get funds for the wall, open the government back up, and he can deport all those dreamers and say the Dems had their chance to save them.

He might try it and the courts will slap his fat orange ass down....again...

About five minutes from now you are going to want to do something nice for me.

Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

You nuts back on this again? So what if he does declare an emergency, you going to continue your three butt hurt? It matters not what he does you nuts will cry, bitch and moan, so you will get what you deserve. Trump would get his wall and you would get nothing, maybe one day people will figure how politics works instead of just playing victim.
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.
Obama declared the same thing 13 times ... Once over / because of BURUNDI!

So STFU hypocrite!
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
He is not self made, and many Presidents win on their 1st try. Arguably, it was actually his second.

Actually, he is a self made billionaire. History is jam packed with stories of rich kids who squandered their inheritance and used their familial influence to get out of criminal jams and indiscretions. Maybe it is a disease of the privileged we can't understand because it is unfashionable to really try to understand them.

Well, despite any of those gossipy distractions, I stay focused on why we hired him and I look at the very real accomplishments Donald Trump has made in his life and the positive impact he has had on millions of people's lives now as POTUS and going back decades.

By the way, who'da thunk that Obama the Great would be proven wrong by Donald the GOAT?

@ 1:23

Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
He is not self made, and many Presidents win on their 1st try. Arguably, it was actually his second.

Actually, he is a self made billionaire. History is jam packed with stories of rich kids who squandered their inheritance and used their familial influence to get out of criminal jams and indiscretions. Maybe it is a disease of the privileged we can't understand because it is unfashionable to really try to understand them.

Well, despite any of those gossipy distractions, I stay focused on why we hired him and I look at the very real accomplishments Donald Trump has made on millions of people's lives now as POTUS and going back decades.

Who'da thunk that Obama the Great would be proven wrong by Donald the GOAT?

@ 1:23

Trump inherited hundreds of millions from daddy, daddy bailed him out of going broke multiple times (fun fact, so did George Soros and the Saudi's), and Trump inherited daddy's business and daddy's advisers. Trump is holding hundreds of thousands of people's lives hostage and loving it. He is a textbook villain.
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
He is not self made, and many Presidents win on their 1st try. Arguably, it was actually his second.

Actually, he is a self made billionaire. History is jam packed with stories of rich kids who squandered their inheritance and used their familial influence to get out of criminal jams and indiscretions. Maybe it is a disease of the privileged we can't understand because it is unfashionable to really try to understand them.

Well, despite any of those gossipy distractions, I stay focused on why we hired him and I look at the very real accomplishments Donald Trump has made on millions of people's lives now as POTUS and going back decades.

Who'da thunk that Obama the Great would be proven wrong by Donald the GOAT?

@ 1:23

Trump inherited hundreds of millions from daddy, daddy bailed him out of going broke multiple times (fun fact, so did George Soros and the Saudi's), and Trump inherited daddy's business and daddy's advisers. Trump is holding hundreds of thousands of people's lives hostage and loving it. He is a textbook villain.

Why don't you ask the 35,000 people who earn a living as employees of Trump's Organization or companies, how much a villain he is?

How do you think he became the rough edged guy he is?


He took his lumps and paid his dues.

He took a little and made it into a lot.

He is doing that to the USA.

Only those who hate the USA or think more of their own selfish interests or in living out their fantasies than doing what's best for the country as a whole...only they oppose him.
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

You nuts back on this again? So what if he does declare an emergency, you going to continue your three butt hurt? It matters not what he does you nuts will cry, bitch and moan, so you will get what you deserve. Trump would get his wall and you would get nothing, maybe one day people will figure how politics works instead of just playing victim.

trump is not a politician...he is a 71 year old baby...
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
He is not self made, and many Presidents win on their 1st try. Arguably, it was actually his second.

Actually, he is a self made billionaire. History is jam packed with stories of rich kids who squandered their inheritance and used their familial influence to get out of criminal jams and indiscretions. Maybe it is a disease of the privileged we can't understand because it is unfashionable to really try to understand them.

Well, despite any of those gossipy distractions, I stay focused on why we hired him and I look at the very real accomplishments Donald Trump has made on millions of people's lives now as POTUS and going back decades.

Who'da thunk that Obama the Great would be proven wrong by Donald the GOAT?

@ 1:23

Trump inherited hundreds of millions from daddy, daddy bailed him out of going broke multiple times (fun fact, so did George Soros and the Saudi's), and Trump inherited daddy's business and daddy's advisers. Trump is holding hundreds of thousands of people's lives hostage and loving it. He is a textbook villain.

Why don't you ask the 35,000 people who earn a living as employees of Trump's Organization or companies, how much a villain he is?

How do you think he became the rough edged guy he is?


He took his lumps and paid his dues.

He took a little and made it into a lot.

He is doing that to the USA.

Only those who hate the USA or think more of their own selfish interests or in living out their fantasies than doing what's best for the country as a whole...only they oppose him.

Trump is a wannabe mob boss. Al Capone employed a lot of people. That's no excuse for evil.
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.
Obama declared the same thing 13 times ... Once over / because of BURUNDI!

So STFU hypocrite!

The only National Emergency is the one trump created when he reneged on his word and refused to sign the Senate approved continuing resolution....the idiot.
So is he going to decrease OPS Tempo?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines training?

Cancel some procurement programs?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines pay?

Thank you for at least admitting that Trump is holding government workers and some members of the military servcie hostage because he's more worried about his 2020 reelection bid.

I agree.

The lowest energy president ever No golf he said?? Once more fos and repubs still buying it

You are confusing DJT with HRC.

Hillary is low energy and cant stand up without her legs giving out.

DJT gives SMACKDOWNS to bad guys.

He is as Fake as Professional Wresting...

Your problem is you treat reality like it's a fantasy and you treat the fantasy world as if it was reality.

You are very confused.

Lee did you hear him say no more golf and bashed Obama for his playing ?? The POS has doubled obamas golf playing ,,Did you hear he said no dealings with russia ?? Another lie you republicans bought

Did you hear DumBama say Bush's debt is irresponsible and unpatriotic?

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
He is not self made, and many Presidents win on their 1st try. Arguably, it was actually his second.

Actually, he is a self made billionaire. History is jam packed with stories of rich kids who squandered their inheritance and used their familial influence to get out of criminal jams and indiscretions. Maybe it is a disease of the privileged we can't understand because it is unfashionable to really try to understand them.

Well, despite any of those gossipy distractions, I stay focused on why we hired him and I look at the very real accomplishments Donald Trump has made on millions of people's lives now as POTUS and going back decades.

Who'da thunk that Obama the Great would be proven wrong by Donald the GOAT?

@ 1:23

Trump inherited hundreds of millions from daddy, daddy bailed him out of going broke multiple times (fun fact, so did George Soros and the Saudi's), and Trump inherited daddy's business and daddy's advisers. Trump is holding hundreds of thousands of people's lives hostage and loving it. He is a textbook villain.

Why don't you ask the 35,000 people who earn a living as employees of Trump's Organization or companies, how much a villain he is?

How do you think he became the rough edged guy he is?


He took his lumps and paid his dues.

He took a little and made it into a lot.

He is doing that to the USA.

Only those who hate the USA or think more of their own selfish interests or in living out their fantasies than doing what's best for the country as a whole...only they oppose him.

Trump is a wannabe mob boss. Al Capone employed a lot of people. That's no excuse for evil.

Wannabe? He IS a Mob Boss. Busy taking the US down....
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
He is not self made, and many Presidents win on their 1st try. Arguably, it was actually his second.

Actually, he is a self made billionaire. History is jam packed with stories of rich kids who squandered their inheritance and used their familial influence to get out of criminal jams and indiscretions. Maybe it is a disease of the privileged we can't understand because it is unfashionable to really try to understand them.

Well, despite any of those gossipy distractions, I stay focused on why we hired him and I look at the very real accomplishments Donald Trump has made on millions of people's lives now as POTUS and going back decades.

Who'da thunk that Obama the Great would be proven wrong by Donald the GOAT?

@ 1:23

Trump inherited hundreds of millions from daddy, daddy bailed him out of going broke multiple times (fun fact, so did George Soros and the Saudi's), and Trump inherited daddy's business and daddy's advisers. Trump is holding hundreds of thousands of people's lives hostage and loving it. He is a textbook villain.

He has no conscious and very little soul.
Your problem is you treat reality like it's a fantasy and you treat the fantasy world as if it was reality.

You are very confused.

Putin's President
Coulter is VICE president

Ann Coulter would be a better Veep than Biden.

And head and shoulders safer for America that Tim Kaine, who was every Islamist's best friend.

Kaine ranks among the most left-wing political figures in the United States today. He is the only person with a 0% Lifetime Rating from the American Conservative Union (ACU), which has graded Members of Congress based on their votes on issues important to conservatives each year since 1971. Similarly, gives Kaine a 0% rating.

Discover the Networks | Tim Kaine

She is a Lunatic that is sitting back smiling after she pushed the mindless fake president into the CAUSING LONGEST GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN IN IS HISTORY!

What is your skin in our American political game being played out?

You are a foreigner.

What do you get out of it?
Prud ta be merican ,at least I knows I'm free
Trump would get the money out of the defense fund which would be appropriate.

So is he going to decrease OPS Tempo?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines training?

Cancel some procurement programs?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines pay?

Trump knows that giving up on the wall would be the end of his presidency. He'd have no chance at reelection if he did. I think McConnell realizes that as well.

Thank you for at least admitting that Trump is holding government workers and some members of the military servcie hostage because he's more worried about his 2020 reelection bid.

I agree.

The lowest energy president ever No golf he said?? Once more fos and repubs still buying it

You are confusing DJT with HRC.

Hillary is low energy and cant stand up without her legs giving out.

DJT gives SMACKDOWNS to bad guys.

He is as Fake as Professional Wresting...

And you're as phony as a black woman with a blonde wig.

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